Joomla Template Editing - joomla

I'm using template at this url for my site. In page footer of my site, displays Joomla! is Free Software released under the GNU General Public License. phrase under the Copyright © 2012 MySite. All Rights Reserved. phrase . i need to remove Joomla! is Free Software released under the GNU General Public License. phrase. how can i do it ?

You need to edit your en-GB.mod_footer.ini file. Assuming you have Joomla installed in your site's root directory, the file is located at:
Among other things, you'll see some code that looks like this:
FOOTER_LINE1=Copyright © %date% %sitename%. All Rights Reserved.
FOOTER_LINE2=Joomla! is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL License.
THIS MODULE SHOWS THE JOOMLA! COPYRIGHT INFORMATION=This module shows the Joomla! copyright information.
Get rid of FOOTER_LINE2, then save the file and re-upload it to the /language/en-GB/ folder.
Good luck!

Starting with Joomla 1.5 and its move to Internationalization and full support of UTF-8, messages for footer.php and other Joomla pages has been moved to a language specific file.
If you want to change the text, go to the language directory, go to the folder of the language you want to change, find the mod_footer.ini file and change the relevant text. For British English, the specific file is language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_footer.ini. Remember that you may not remove copyright and license information from the source code.
If you want to remove the footer entirely, go to Extensions > Module Manager and unpublish the footer module.
Other places where can look for options to make changes are these. If you find code related to footers in these files, you can either "comment it out" or remove it:
/includes/footer.php file.
index.php file for your active template

You can also edit the following for the Admin page, <InstallationFolder>/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.ini line 332:
JGLOBAL_ISFREESOFTWARE="%s is free software released under the GNU General Public License."


How can I update the copyright information of files in Xcode?

I want to change all copyright information of my whole project. For this, I changed the template of the copyright, but this change does not affect my existing project files, only newly created files.
Do you know how can I update all copyright information in a whole project?
I changed the template of the copyright, but this change does not affect my existing project files, only newly created files.
Right. It's like when you bend your cookie cutter into a new shape: you don't expect the cookies you've cut out previously to assume the new shape. ;-)
The templates in Xcode don't retain any association with the files that are created from them: once a file is created, it's just a plain old text file, and the templated fields like your name and the copyright year are just plain text.
Do you know how can I update all copyright information in a whole project?
I assume that we're talking here specifically about the copyright notice in the header comment of each file, like:
// FirstViewController.swift
// TestThis
// Created by Marcel Gangwisch 11/19/17.
// Copyright © 2017 Marcel Gangwisch. All rights reserved.
And you want to update that copyright notice to say 2018, right? Find and replace should do the job here. If you use the Find Navigator in Xcode, you can easily search using patterns, and all the files that match the pattern will be listed in the navigator.
Just to be clear, remember that the copyright notice in your source code comments doesn't affect the final product at all. If you're updating the source code copyright, you'll likely also want to update any copyright notices in the product(s) you're building. That's a little less straightforward because where you display a copyright notice in your app is up to you. But you should still be able to find the relevant files by searching for the © symbol, and of course just looking at the UI in your app will probably help.
If your app is distributed through Apple's App Store, you may need to update the app description and other metadata there. Same goes for your own web site, and also Github or whatever code repository you use.
But I would also like to restore some copyright information - so with the date, when the file was created, which I dont have.. - so I thought xcode can do some magic here
The current Xcode template does include a separate line for creation date, and if your files have that, changing the copyright year shouldn't affect the creation date line. If you need to preserve the existing year, you can again use regular expressions, and this time insert the matched pattern. For example, if you want to add an "Original copyright xxxx" comment line, you could do this:
That adds a line break at the end of the first line, and then adds a second line that re-uses the captured year.

Can you disable file header templating for specific projects?

Normally, as part of our development process, want every file to have a standard file header comment section. Here's the default one Xcode creates for reference:
// SomeFile.swift
// MyProject
// Created by Joe Coder ( on 1/1/18.
// Copyright © 2018 JoeCoder, Inc. All rights reserved.
For my 'Day Job', we've set a custom version that includes our legal copyright information and other specific details. However, to my knowledge, this is set at the install-level, not at the project level, meaning even if I'm just spinning up a quick project to test with, or a utility that I'm going to use, all of those details get inserted even though technically they aren't relevant.
Is it possible to configure headers at a project-level to override the one at the installation-level?
Same question for the user info since it has my corporate email which again doesn't always apply.

How to read properties of a executable file?

I want to read the file properties like File Description , Product name , Copyright of a exe file. Is there any Windows API for it?
Yes. It may not be evident to find it because the Version Information chapter is hidden below Menus and other Resources. The rationale for that is that it is stored is the executable files (including DLL) as a VERSIONINFO resource that was originally intented to help install tools to know whether the version to install was more recent than an existing version.
You will find examples for using it in the linked page to the MSDN and also in SO in different places, for example here
Those values are stored in the file's version info resource. You can use GetFileVersionInfo() and VerQueryValue() to read them.

How to export an extension from a developed Joomla website if we have access to Admin Panel of Joomla website and cPanel of hosting?

I have a Joomla Website developed by giving work to freelancers.
It has many modules, plugins and components which were developed.
Now I want to develop another website on Joomla. I want to use those extensions but don't have the installation zip files.
Is there a way to export them or to create them by exporting some files. Id yes - then specifically how?
The question is different from Is it possible to export already installed component in joomla 2.5? as there they are just asking about exporting a component whereas here the exporting has to extend to plugins and modules as well.
There's a tool for that: GreenCape/extension-export, called Extension Exporter. It was written for and tested on Joomla 3.8. Unlike other tools, it takes the extensions manifest file into account (especially for folder names).
(Disclaimer: I wrote it)
To nibra's answer:
This is very nice, thank you for sharing.
after installation, I couldn't enable your plugin, needed to set the $filterForm variable public in InstallerViewManage.php line 64
I could export my component, then removed, but when tried to install it back, it missed the router.php file, which I did not have on administrator side, so I needed to remove it from the exported installation XML file.
After that I could install my component successfully, but language file was missing, because my component is in Hungarian and no English language file was set for it.
Also it would be nice to dump the database tables with the component so I didnt need to export/import separately.
So this will be a great tool after a little manual finetune.
Thank you!

Is there a way to force all cs files to include a header comments?

We are using visual studio 2012. Ideally all csharp file (xxx.cs) should include a copy right comment in the header of the file like
#region Copyright GOOGLE 2013
// All rights are reserved. Reproduction or transmission in whole or in part, in
// any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, is prohibited
// without the prior written consent of the copyright owner.
My question is, if there is a way to automatically include that comment when we create the file? Or alternatively can use code-analysis to prevent non-comments cs file being checked in.
You can customize the templates Visual Studio uses when you create new files
Your own custom templates could include the desired copyright notice.
Whether and how automated analysis at check-in can flag such files depends on the source code management system you are using. Many provide pre- and post-checkin hooks.
