How to export an extension from a developed Joomla website if we have access to Admin Panel of Joomla website and cPanel of hosting? - joomla

I have a Joomla Website developed by giving work to freelancers.
It has many modules, plugins and components which were developed.
Now I want to develop another website on Joomla. I want to use those extensions but don't have the installation zip files.
Is there a way to export them or to create them by exporting some files. Id yes - then specifically how?
The question is different from Is it possible to export already installed component in joomla 2.5? as there they are just asking about exporting a component whereas here the exporting has to extend to plugins and modules as well.

There's a tool for that: GreenCape/extension-export, called Extension Exporter. It was written for and tested on Joomla 3.8. Unlike other tools, it takes the extensions manifest file into account (especially for folder names).
(Disclaimer: I wrote it)

To nibra's answer:
This is very nice, thank you for sharing.
after installation, I couldn't enable your plugin, needed to set the $filterForm variable public in InstallerViewManage.php line 64
I could export my component, then removed, but when tried to install it back, it missed the router.php file, which I did not have on administrator side, so I needed to remove it from the exported installation XML file.
After that I could install my component successfully, but language file was missing, because my component is in Hungarian and no English language file was set for it.
Also it would be nice to dump the database tables with the component so I didnt need to export/import separately.
So this will be a great tool after a little manual finetune.
Thank you!


How to export a Joomla 3 component to another Joomla site?

I have lost the installation zip file of one of the component that I installed in one site. How do i export it and repackage it so i can install it in another site?
Given that the component's manifest file is current, you can use the Extension Exporter that I wrote recently:
If you have installed additional languages, you can add them to the manifest file manually; they will then be included in the export automatically.

How to reuse custom module with all in one installation in magento 1.9

I created a custom module that represents a custom payment method, the steps I follow are;
1) Create a module architecture in /app/local/NameSpace/MyModule
2) Create an xml file in /etc/modules to configure my module
3) Create templates /design/frontend/base/default/template/mymodule
The module works well, but i want to reuse the module in other projects with all in one installation. now, i want to know if i must develop a script to copy the xml file in /etc/modules and templates manually? or there is an existing solution in magento 1.9 to do this operation?
Thanks in advance,
You want to create a Magento Connect package. There's a UI for doing this under the System Magento menu (although the UI is sort of terrible) and some googling around should set you right. Once you have a connect package, you can install it into any system via the /downloader UI (also available via the System menu) or the ./mage CLI command.
Also -- if you choose "Magento Other" as the role for all your files, your resulting tgz archive can simply get uncompressed/unarchived into any Magento system's root folder. Also of interest -- my script for creating Connect Packages from raw tar archives.

How can I manually update Joomla core files without overwriting third-party extensions?

When you install Joomla extensions, they may put files into the Components, Modules, Plugins, Media, Images, and possibly other directories. Also, they may save configuration information in some or all of these directories.
In other words, Joomla does not have a clean separation of Core, Third Party, and Local files. This makes it impossible to manually overwrite a Joomla installation, because you don't want to stomp on any of these files. (Coming from Drupal, this is craaazy-not-best-practice!)
Is there a way to manually update JUST the Joomla core files?
Is there a way to manually update JUST the 3rd-Party extension files? (Yeah, they might be all over the place!)
I'm presently cleaning up a bunch of sites infected with a base64_decode hack. Mixing core files with 3rd-Party with configuration, makes it very difficult to clean things up.
There is nothing wrong with the process of installing extension in Joomla. Each type of extension is separated as it should be to make life easier, not harder. Core files are not to be touched in any way, shape or form, so it simply does not matter of core components are in the same directory as 3rd party component (same goes for modules and plugins).
As for you question regarding manually updating core Joomla files, you can simply :
download a copy of the same Joomla version you're using from the official site,
remove the configuration.php file and "installation" folder from the zip
Upload the zip to the root of your site and extract.
This will replace all core files.
To update 3rd party extensions, all you have to do is download the extension from the developer's site and install it again. You do not have to uninstall them first.
The hacked sites you are cleaning up were most likely hacked due to the owner or webmaster not keeping Joomla itself and it's extension update to date.
You see, not that hard :)
Hope everything works out.

How to add files to a PrestaShop theme without "hacking" the core

I am working on an web built in PrestaShop that needs some re-design. I have made a copy of their theme and I am working there. Now I need to add some javascript files and they need to be included in all my theme pages.
I have read similar questions here and looked for info and basically I have found two solutions proposed:
1) Add the file directly into your HEAD.tpl using something like {$base_dir}
(explained here: Prestashop root directory)
2) Add the files in the FrontController.php (overrides/classes) with a new setMedia() function
(explained here:
The second solution seems the most recommended one but when I open the FrontController.php I see the following warning:
* Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade PrestaShop to newer versions in the future.
So I'm a bit confused now. Is it safe to edit this file? How about future upgrades, will they overwrite any changes made there? Isn't it safer to add them to your themes header.tpl and not affect the core of the cms?
(This is my first question here, I tried to follow the guides but I would appreciate any comments on how can I improve it, thank-you!)
It is totally safe to use the override file, and that's why they exist. I have used them in every Prestashop I made and they've never had been replaced in an update. The text they put is for the license, they probably just copy/paste it everywhere.
I wouldn't recommend manually adding the files to the header.tpl. It will work, but the advantage of adding it with the Tools::addJs() method is that the script will be concatenated with all the other scripts.

License information for this component not found. you do not have appropriotate permisson to use this functionality in designer environment

I have an old Legacy Application Developed in VB 6.0. They used some 3rd Party controls using IGSplash40.OCX,PVCalendar9.OCX etc..The code works fine in one server.
They have installed Infragistics NetAdvantage 2004 Vol.1 tool to use those controls in VB Application. Now I have to move the application to another computer.
When I open the application especially forms..It says unable to load xxxform.refer logs for details and while running also It says 'License information for this component not foud. you do not have appropriotate permisson to use this functionality in designer environment'.
Also, I collected those ocx files from another server and tried to run my application.
How to resolve this?
The developer package for controls normally includes not only the OCXs and DLLs involved, and not only the documentation, but an installer that puts the libraries, docs, and any necessary design-time licenses in place and registers them.
If you find yourself copying such files in place and manually registering them you're likely to fail unless you have some freeware library.
Even freeware libraries should come with a proper set of docs, a DEP file, and dev machine install package to put everything in place. Merge modules are a nice thing to offer as well. Sadly most freeware authors are generous if they offer a readme file.
There is more to the ecosystem of an OCX than just the OCX file itself.
The only fix is to replace these controls with controls that you do have licenses for, buy alternatives, or try to contact the original vendor about supplying a replacement install package or acquiring a new license and new package.
In Windows 7 you will find the usual .ocx files in the folder Windows\SysWOW64. In that folder there are a number of .srg files that seem to be the corresponding licenses. My problem was with richtx32.ocx and I had to open the corresponding RICHTEXT.SRG file, and create in the registry the corresponding key and introduce the license string manually.
