specify proxy authentication with savonrb - ruby

I'm using savon to communicate with a soap web service.
It all works well, and I now need to get the ruby code into production where we have to go through a proxy server.
This proxy server requires authentication.
So my question is, how can I go ahead to specify proxy server authentication details with savon?
Some further info:
I've figured out that you can specify a proxy server as such:
client = Savon::Client.new do
http.proxy = "http://proxy.example.com"
Looking through the code for savon, I found that the http variable in the client block refers to the following:
def http
#http ||= HTTPI::Request.new
Unfortunately, going through the code for HTTPI::Request, I couldn't see a way to specify authentication for the proxy itself. Here's the code for the httpi request: https://github.com/rubiii/httpi/blob/master/lib/httpi/request.rb
Just to be clear: I'm not trying to do HTTP authentication, I'm attempting to perform proxy authentication.
When specifying the proxy server, I get the following error, because I can't find a way to specify the proxy authentication credentials:
407 "Proxy Authentication Required"
Thanks in advance for any help.

Try this:
http.proxy = "http://username:password#host:port"

Managed to resolve it with the following code:
#proxy_path = '<insert your proxy url here>'
#wsdl_path = '<insert your wsdl url here>'
#client = Savon.client do |variable|
variable.proxy #proxy_path
variable.wsdl #wsdl_path
#client.operations #to list operations


407 authenticationrequired in JMeter

I work in a company where we use a proxy to access any browser website.
We would like to start API testing with JMeter, but have a problem.
Whenever I try to add an API call to petstore.swagger.io/v2/pet/10, for example, and put in the proxy details in the "Advanced" section of the HTTP request + adding an HTTP authorization manager with Username + Password, it still gives me a "407 Authenticationrequired" error back.
Request headers:
Response headers:
In the information I have also it's that the proxy is "Ruleset Name: Authentication with Kerberos and NTLM Fallback".
This is quite a problem if I'd like to test internal APIs with any authorization on it.
HTTP Status code 407 means that proxy authentication required, it seems that you're using a corporate proxy to access the application under test and this proxy requires credentials.
You have 2 options of passing the proxy credentials to JMeter:
Command-line arguments like:
jmeter -H my.proxy.server -P 8000 -u username -a password
JMeter System properties (you can put these lines to system.properties file

JavaPNS via Apache Web Proxy

My push java app is behind a web proxy. I used below code to set proxy:
ProxyManager.setProxy("", "");
After executed, I got:
javapns.communication.exceptions.CommunicationException: Communication exception: java.io.IOException: Unable to tunnel through. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.1 403 Proxy Error"
Please guide me how to solve this issue.
If there is a username and password required for the proxy, then you also need to set the proxyAuthorization of the ProxyManager.
To encode the username and password, you can use the existing encodeProxyAuthorization method of the ProxyManager:
String encodeProxyAuthorization = ProxyManager.encodeProxyAuthorization(username, password);

Basic authentication in Github api with http request in Ruby?

I'm trying to use basic authentication in Github api. I wrote something like this:
require 'httpclient'
request = HTTPClient.new
request.set_basic_auth("http://api.github.com/authorizations", "my_username", "my_password")
request.get "http://api.github.com/user/repos"
and expect it returns the repos of a user. However, it keeps throwing an error:
Connection refused - connect(2) for "api.github.com" port 80 (Errno::ECONNREFUSED)
I know there are a whole bunch of gems like github, octokit that do the stuff for users. I want to try it myself. Does anyone know how do I authenticate with a simple http request in Ruby?
You need to make an HTTPS request instead of HTTP. Authentication always needs to use SSL.
You are also using the wrong URL's. As per their docs (https://developer.github.com/v3/auth/#basic-authentication) you need to set your basic authentication to the following path:
And make your repo request at:
So your request would look something like
request = HTTPClient.new
request.set_basic_auth("https://api.github.com/user", "my_username", "my_password")
request.get "https://api.github.com/users/<USERNAME>/repos"
I suggest taking a look at the documentation that I linked to above, and make your first attempt by using curl requests, as they offer more information to help you debug.

Example code for SSL client authentication in ruby 1.8.7

Can anyone provide a working example of how to do SSL client authentication in ruby 1.8.7? For the record, I am attempting to use a GoDaddy certification to perform an authenticated post request to the Windows Phone push notification service. In this case, my command-line client is using a certificate like an API key or bearer token.
I supply GoDaddy a mydomain.com.key file, and GoDaddy supplies me with a gd_bundle.crt file and a mydomain.com.crt file.
On my Net::HTTP object, I have set these parameters:
my_cert = File.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "mydomain.com.crt")) # from godaddy
my_key = File.read(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "mydomain.com.key")) # i made
http.use_ssl = true
http.cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(my_cert)
http.key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(my_key)
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
But the push notification service continues to report a 403 error saying "You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied".
Since someone out there is doing push successfully I assume the way I have configured my Net::HTTP object in ruby is incorrect. Does anyone have sample code for how I can use ruby to perform SSL client authentication?

Help getting Net::HTTP working with authentication in Ruby

I'm trying to get a Ruby script to download a file off a server, but I'm getting a 401.2 from IIS:
You do not have permission to view
this directory or page using the
credentials that you supplied because
your Web browser is sending a
WWW-Authenticate header field that the
Web server is not configured to
I've checked that basic auth is enabled. Is there something special about how Ruby handles basic auth? Is there a way for me to see what the server actually gets and what the headers say is acceptable?
This is my code:
Net::HTTP.start(url, port) {|http|
req = Net::HTTP::Get.new('/file.txt')
req.basic_auth 'username', 'password'
response = http.request(req)
puts response.body
Snippet from the Microsoft website
HTTP 401.2: Denied by server configuration
The client browser and IIS could not agree on an authentication protocol.
Common reasons
* No authentication protocol (including anonymous) is selected in IIS. At least one authentication type must be selected. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
253667 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/253667/ ) Error message: HTTP 401.2 - Unauthorized: Logon failed due to server configuration with no authentication
* Only Integrated authentication is enabled, and an older, non-Internet Explorer client browser tries to access the site. This happens because the client browser cannot perform Integrated authentication. To resolve this problem, use one of the following methods:
o Configure IIS to accept Basic authentication. This should only occur over SSL for security purposes.
o Use a client browser that can perform Integrated authentication. Internet Explorer and new versions of Netscape Navigator and Mozilla Firefox can perform Integrated authentication.
* Integrated authentication is through a proxy. This happens because the proxy doesn't maintain the NTLM-authenticated connection and thus sends an anonymous request from the client to the server. Options to resolve this problem are as follows:
o Configure IIS to accept Basic authentication. This should only occur over SSL for security purposes.
o Don't use a proxy.
You should also try to look at ruby-httpclient - Simple HTTPClient library for Ruby which can use NTLM auth.
