Tool-set for a craigslist-like app [closed] - ruby

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Appreciate some guidance - I'm trying to learn how to build HTML5 web-apps with an example:a simple Craigslist-like app that allows people to post as well as view items for sale using Web as well as mobile. Here's the tool-set I have in mind.
GUI: Sencha Touch
Server-side code: Java (should I be using Ruby or Python?)
Database: MySQL
Hosting: AWS
Other: PhoneGap to use camera function for image/video upload
Do you have any comments or suggestions on the above tool-set?

Don't use AWS directly unless you are very familiar with it. Try heroku. You can deploy java, python, ruby or pretty much anything with a simple git push. You don't have to worry about setting up servers and a basic account is free. You will wanting to be using Postgresql rather than MySQL with heroku as that is their standard database.
Ruby Rails can be a bit heavy upfront. Maybe look at Sinatra which has a slightly less steep learning curve.


How to integrate a client library into Laravel? (Amazon MWS)

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Closed 10 hours ago.
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I'm still a weekend-programmer-wannabe trying to learn the basics of MVC so excuse my silly question.
I have some client libraries that I'm trying to integrate into Laravel (the Amazon MWS libraries to be exact As far as I can tell, this client library is already built for MVC (it has 'models' and clients lol so that's what I'm going by.
My suspicion is that I can just install these libraries via composer like through one of these packages
My questions:
If I'm integrating a client library, would you almost always do this via composer? Would it only be very rarely that you integrate these manually?
If installing a client library via composer, do I just search on packagist for someone who has created a repository for this library? My initial thought was that I would want the Developer to have this hosted on packagist, not somebody random (like it appears to be for the MWS package).
I know I'm asking a lot of really basic questions and I've probably made some silly assumptions so excuse my ignorance. MVC is still daunting for me.

Functional web chat [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to build a website with a chat. The chat should have a calling option,stickers,smiley faces.Which language would you suggest and why?
I`m thinking about ruby on rails or node.js
I am also thinking to find someone who maybe have experience in the
area, but i am not sure what kind of developer would suit me best.
Language choice depends on how many hours you want to spend on development and further support.
Node.js is a simple and fast option if you want to build a working prototype. If you want to build something with a future advance (in order to solve such issues as scalability) and you have more time you can look at Golang and similar languages.

What coding language do I need to learn to make a widget builder? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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stackoverflow community. I'm new here and I just started learning how to code in ruby with the goal of making a twitter widget maker. Do I need to learn any other languages to make it work?
Thanks a lot in advance,
Do you know any html, css, or javascript? These are essential in creating just about any custom web content.
Also, have you considered following along on some youtube tutorials?
Here are some that really helped me out in using different rails gems when I was starting out:
And finally, Michael Hartl's tutorial :
Hartl actually builds a twitter app. Incredible tutorial but it can take months. He uses very little external libraries. This is considered one of the best web application tutorials ever made.
Good luck!

ruby 1.8.7 and web service [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm new to Ruby and want to write a web service using Ruby. Some constraints are:
Ruby 1.8.7
Windows 2008 Server
I found that the Sinatra gem may help. I want to know if there are any other options beside Sinatra.
Sinatra is a very easy-to-use way to go, and what I'd recommend to get your feet wet.
There are other solutions:
Padrino is built on-top of Sinatra, and offers additional functionality, but for your purposes Sinatra is still a more easily accessible way to go as you'll spend less time configuring.
Rails is the heavy-weight solution for Ruby, but if you are just learning the language then I'd recommend Sinatra still. Rails is very powerful but a lot of things it does will seem like magic, though they are actually based on standard Ruby features. So, I think you are still better off learning Ruby and working with Sinatra to get the basics.

Which ways should I go Front-End firs or Back-end first in Project development? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want build an application by using the framework.
the application contains two parts: the Back-End and the Front-End.
Everybody who have experiences can suggest me which ways should I do?:
Develop the Front-End first Or Develop the Back-End first
Or give more tips on the start up project?
I usually start with the backend to get the major functionality implemented, but even so, it's pretty much inevitable that the frontend and backend will have to be developed at the same time at some point in the project.
People can say what they want about separating presentation and functionality, and that's a good principle, but the reality is that the presentation influences the functionality and vice versa.
You might get the backend mostly written, and then you make the frontend, but you will probably decide to change some things and end up working on both together.
