how to do in hibernate like order by to_date(ADD_DATE_CREATED,'DD-MM-YY') desc - oracle

i want to add criteria in hibernate for order by date.
Here date description in db as
vrhCreatedDate varchar2(20)
Here i have date with varchar datatype in database .
i m doing order by using
order by to_date(ADD_DATE_CREATED,'DD-MM-YY') desc
how to add criteria like below for order by date itself ?
criteria.addOrder(Order.desc("to_date({alias}.vrhCreatedDate, 'DD-MM-YY')")); //need to parse varchar column in date when pass order by column in hibernate.
Parse order by column with string to date field.

You can use the following statment to order by your date field
criteria.addOrder(Order.desc("your Field name"));


Count date strings between a range of dates

I have a hive table (table_1). In that table, one of the columns is called 'date'. Values in that column are 'string' type and in the format 'yyyyMMdd', (ex: 20210102). I am trying to get the count(*) of records of a range of dates in that column.
Ex: select count(*) from table_1 where date BETWEEN 20210101 AND 20210301. This will not work now since that column is 'string' type. Need some help querying the DATE version of that column.

How to query for valid date which is in VARCHAR field using JPQL or Spring data jpa?

I have to get the min date from varchar field type.
I am able to do it using native query like below:
select * from license where TO_DAYS(STR_TO_DATE(license_date, '%Y-%m-%d')) IS NOT NULL ORDER BY STR_TO_DATE(verified_license_issued, '%Y-%m-%d') ASC LIMIT 1;
But I need to do it using JPA.
How to do it ?

How to get the value of clob data which has date field and compare with timestamp in oracle

I have a table named masterregistry and it contains all the info and business logic in it and the data type of the colum is clob
desc master_registy:
id number not null,
name varchar2(100),
value clob
select value from master_registry where name='REG_DATE';
This date is common across all the business logic, I need to query my tables which has ,
desc get_employee
id number not null,
first_name varchar2(100),
last_name varchar2(100),
last_mod_dt timestamp
Now I need to get all the values from the get_employee whose last_mod_dt should be greater than the value of master_registry where name='REG_DATE'.The value in the latter table is clob data, how to fetch and compare the date of a clob data against the timestamp from another table. Please help.
Maybe you need something like this.
FROM get_employee e
FROM master_registy m
Note that i have used the column value directly in TO_CHAR. You may have to use TRIM,SUBSTR or whatever required to get ONLY the date component.

How can I convert a date to another format at run time in Oracle?

I have a date string coming from user input in the format of DD/MM/YYYY and I need to match it against a date column in our database in the format of DD-MON-YY.
Example input is 01/01/2015 and example date column in our database:
SELECT MAX(creation_date) FROM orders;
I need to query in the format:
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE creation_date = 01/01/2015
and somehow have that converted to 01-JAN-15.
Is it possible with some built-in Oracle function?
Use to_date, if the column in the table is in date format
to_char allows you to specify different formats in a SQL statement.
Example: to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY') will display 06-AUG-2015 for today's date.
Use to_date to compare your date column to a date string, but be careful in doing so since your date column may include a time component that isn't showing when selecting from your table.
If there is no index on your date column, you can truncate it during the comparison:
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE TRUNC(creation_date) = TO_DATE('01/01/2015','mm/dd/yyyy');
If there is an index on your date column and you still want to use it then use a ranged comparison:
SELECT * FROM orders
WHERE creation_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2015','mm/dd/yyyy')
and creation_date < TO_DATE('01/01/2015','mm/dd/yyyy')+1;

Column name is masked in oracle indexes

I have a table in oracle db which has a unique index composed of two columns (id and valid_from). The column valid_from is of type timestamps with time zone.
When I query the SYS.USER_IND_COLUMNS to see which columns my table is using as unique index, I can not see the name of the valid_from column but instead I see smth like SYS_NC00027$.
Is there any possibility that I can display the name valid_from rather than SYS_NC00027$. ?
Apparently Oracle creates a function based index for timestamp with time zone columns.
The definition of them can be found in the view ALL_IND_EXPRESSIONS
Something like this should get you started:
select ic.index_name,
from all_ind_columns ic
left join all_ind_expressions ie
on ie.index_owner = ic.index_owner
and ie.index_name = ic.index_name
and ie.column_position = ic.column_position
where ic.table_name = 'FOO';
Unfortunately column_expression is a (deprecated) LONG column and cannot easily be used in a coalesce() or nvl() function.
Use the below to verify the col info.
select column_name,virtual_column,hidden_column,data_default from user_tab_cols where table_name='EMP';
