Count date strings between a range of dates - hadoop

I have a hive table (table_1). In that table, one of the columns is called 'date'. Values in that column are 'string' type and in the format 'yyyyMMdd', (ex: 20210102). I am trying to get the count(*) of records of a range of dates in that column.
Ex: select count(*) from table_1 where date BETWEEN 20210101 AND 20210301. This will not work now since that column is 'string' type. Need some help querying the DATE version of that column.


How to retrieve workflow attribute values from workflow table?

I have a situation where in I need to take the values from table column which has data based on one of the column in same table.
There are two column values like that which is required to compare with another table.
Column 1 query:
SELECT text_value
WHERE name LIKE 'ORDER_ID' --AND number_value IS NOT NULL
AND Item_type LIKE 'ABC'
this query returns 14 unique records
Column 2 query:
SELECT number_value
WHERE name LIKE 'Source_ID' --AND number_value IS NOT NULL
AND Item_type LIKE 'ABC'
this also returns 14 records
and order_id of column 1 query is associated with source_id of column 2 query using this two column values i want to compare 14 records combined order_id, source_id with another table column i.e. Sales_tbl
columns sal_order_id, sal_source_id
Note: same data in the sales_tbl table but order_id is sal_order_id and sal_source_id
204994 205000 205348 198517 198176 196856 204225 205348 203510 206528 196886 198971 194076 197940
92262138 92261783 92262005 92262615 92374992 92375051 92374948 92375000 92375011 92336793 92374960 92691360 92695445 92695880
Desired O/p based on comparison:
Please help me in writing the query

Trying to convert the string to array<string> type in hive using collect_set

I have two columns in my table (date,users) which are strings.
date users
2019-01-01 '"U10000","U20000"'
I am trying to convert the users column to array<string>, and getting \ in values. I didn't find any spaces in string values, so why am I getting '\' in new array column?
this is my query and the result it produces:
Select date,collect_set(users) as user_arr from mytable group by date
date user_arr
2019-01-01 ["\"U10000\",\"U20000\""]

Is expression based partitioning supported in hive?

I have a table with a column, can i create a partition based on an expression using that column
I read that IBM's Big SQL technology has this feature.
I also know we can partition in hive by a column but what about an expression?
In this case i am doing a could be any expression
trans_id int,
product varchar(50),
trans_ts timestamp
cast(trans_ts as date) AS date_part
I expect the records to be partitioned by the date value. So I expect that when a user writes a query like
select * from INVENTORY_A where trans_ts BETWEEN timestamp '2016-06-23 14:00:00.000' AND timestamp '2016-06-23 14:59:59.000'
the query will be smart enough to break the timestamp down by the date and do a filter only on the date
You can use Dynamic partitioning and cast your variables in select query.

How to group by one column with single aggregate function but select multiple columns on oracle?

I want to group by one column with aggregate function on single column while selecting multiple other column.This is easily achieved in MySQL by query below.
SELECT sum(count),store,date,product FROM sales_log_bak where date > "2017-03-01" and date < "2017-04-05" group by date
However,above query doesn't work on oracle Database.What will be equivalent query in oracle to achieve result as given by MySQL on above query?
You can use Analytic Functions:
SELECT sum(sales_count) OVER (PARTITION BY sales_date),
store, sales_date, product
FROM sales_log_bak
where sales_date > DATE '2017-03-01' and sales_date < DATE '2017-04-05';
Note, date and count are reserved words in Oracle, you should not use them for column names.

How can I convert a date to another format at run time in Oracle?

I have a date string coming from user input in the format of DD/MM/YYYY and I need to match it against a date column in our database in the format of DD-MON-YY.
Example input is 01/01/2015 and example date column in our database:
SELECT MAX(creation_date) FROM orders;
I need to query in the format:
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE creation_date = 01/01/2015
and somehow have that converted to 01-JAN-15.
Is it possible with some built-in Oracle function?
Use to_date, if the column in the table is in date format
to_char allows you to specify different formats in a SQL statement.
Example: to_char(sysdate,'DD-MON-YYYY') will display 06-AUG-2015 for today's date.
Use to_date to compare your date column to a date string, but be careful in doing so since your date column may include a time component that isn't showing when selecting from your table.
If there is no index on your date column, you can truncate it during the comparison:
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE TRUNC(creation_date) = TO_DATE('01/01/2015','mm/dd/yyyy');
If there is an index on your date column and you still want to use it then use a ranged comparison:
SELECT * FROM orders
WHERE creation_date >= TO_DATE('01/01/2015','mm/dd/yyyy')
and creation_date < TO_DATE('01/01/2015','mm/dd/yyyy')+1;
