Cache dropbox items in MVC razor. How to do that? -

How can i cache my items and values for dropdown list in MVC?
Is there a way to do so?
I am doing that in controller.
Sample code is.......
public ActionResult Index()
RegionTasks regionTasks = new RegionTasks();
ViewBag.Region = GetRegions();}
My controller has function as below.
[OutputCache(Duration = 10, Location = System.Web.UI.OutputCacheLocation.Server)]
private IEnumerable<SelectListItem> GetRegions()
RegionTasks regionTasks = new RegionTasks();
return regionTasks.GetRegions();
I have tested and it not caches the item for region.
How can i do that?

The OutputCache attribute is used on controller actions to cache the resulting output. It has strictly no effect on other methods.
If you want to cache custom objects you could use the HttpContext.Cache:
private IEnumerable<SelectListItem> GetRegions()
var regionTasks = HttpContext.Cache["regions"] as IEnumerable<SelectListItem>;
if (regionTasks == null)
// nothing in the cache => we perform some expensive query to
// fetch the result
regionTasks = new RegionTasks().GetRegions();
// and we cache it so that the next time we don't need to perform
// the query
HttpContext.Cache["regions"] = regionTasks;
return regionTasks;
The regionTasks are now cached under the regions key and accessible from anywhere in your ASP.NET application which has access to the HttpContext.Cache.

Darin is also right, how ever i have done following code to store on server for X minutes.
private IEnumerable<SelectListItem> GetGlobalUrlRegion(string profileName)
string cacheKey = "cacheUrlRegion";
RegionTasks regionTasks = RegionTasks.CreateRegionTasks();
IEnumerable<SelectListItem> regionUrlList = HttpContext.Cache[cacheKey] as IEnumerable<SelectListItem>;
if (regionUrlList == null)
var regionObject = regionTasks.GetRegions(profileName);
var cTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(int.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["GlobalCacheDurationInMin"].ToString()));
var cExp = System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration;
var cPri = System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.Normal;
regionUrlList = regionObject;
HttpContext.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, regionObject, null, cTime, cExp, cPri, null);
return regionUrlList;


Calling Dynamics Web API with Entity metadata early binding

I would like to consume my organizations dynamics oData endpoint but with early bound classes. However, there are a lot of early bound tools out there and I wanted to know which one provides the best developer experience/least resistance?
For example, there is this one:
and so on. Is there a developer preference/method out there?
Early bound classes are for use with the Organization Service which is a SOAP service. The normal way to generate those classes is using CrmSvcUtil.
OData can be used in Organization Data Service or Web API, but those don't have Early Bound classes.
Further reading: Introducing the Microsoft Dynamics 365 web services
It's not impossible to use with standard SOAP Early bound class. We just have to be creative. If we work just with basic attributes (fields, not relationships, ecc) it seems possible. For example. for create and update, OData will not accept the entire early bounded class, just pass the attibutes:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string token = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() => GetToken()).Result;
CRMWebAPI dynamicsWebAPI = new CRMWebAPI("https:/",
CRMGetListOptions listOptions = new CRMGetListOptions
Select = new string[] { "EntitySetName" },
Filter = "LogicalName eq 'contact'"
dynamic entityDefinitions = dynamicsWebAPI.GetList<ExpandoObject>("EntityDefinitions", listOptions).Result;
Contact contact = new Contact
FirstName = "Felipe",
LastName = "Test",
MobilePhone = "38421254"
dynamic ret = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(async () => await dynamicsWebAPI.Create(entityDefinitions.List[0].EntitySetName, KeyPairValueToObject(contact.Attributes))).Result;
public static async Task<string> GetToken()
string api = "";
ClientCredential credential = new ClientCredential("CLIENT_ID", "CLIENT_SECRET");
AuthenticationContext authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext("");
return authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(api, credential).Result.AccessToken;
public static object KeyPairValueToObject(AttributeCollection keyValuePairs)
dynamic expando = new ExpandoObject();
var obj = expando as IDictionary<string, object>;
foreach (var keyValuePair in keyValuePairs)
obj.Add(keyValuePair.Key, keyValuePair.Value);
return obj;
It's a simple approach and I didn't went further.
Maybe we have to serealize other objects as OptionSets, DateTime (pass just the string) and EntityReferences but this simple test worked fine to me. I'm using Xrm.Tools.WebAPI and Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory. Maybe it's a way.
And so I decided to go and created a not well tested method to cast the attributes. Problems: We have to follow OData statments to use the API. To update/create an entity reference we can use this to reference
//To EntityReference
entityToUpdateOrCreate["FIELD_SCHEMA_NAME#odata.bind"] = "/ENTITY_SET_NAME(GUID)";
So, it's the Schema name, not field name. If you use CamelCase when set you fields name you'll have a problem where. We can resolve that with a (to that cute) code
public static object EntityToObject<T>(T entity) where T : Entity
dynamic expando = new ExpandoObject();
var obj = expando as IDictionary<string, object>;
foreach (var keyValuePair in entity.Attributes)
obj.Add(GetFieldName(entity, keyValuePair), CastEntityAttibutesValueOnDynamicObject(keyValuePair.Value));
return obj;
public static object CastEntityAttibutesValueOnDynamicObject(object attributeValue)
if (attributeValue.GetType().Name == "EntityReference")
CRMGetListOptions listOptions = new CRMGetListOptions
Select = new string[] { "EntitySetName" },
Filter = $"LogicalName eq '{((EntityReference)attributeValue).LogicalName}'"
dynamic entitySetName = dynamicsWebAPI.GetList<ExpandoObject>("EntityDefinitions", listOptions).Result.List[0];
return $"/{entitySetName.EntitySetName}({((EntityReference)attributeValue).Id})";
else if (attributeValue.GetType().Name == "OptionSetValue")
return ((OptionSetValue)attributeValue).Value;
else if (attributeValue.GetType().Name == "DateTime")
return ((DateTime)attributeValue).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
else if (attributeValue.GetType().Name == "Money")
return ((Money)attributeValue).Value;
else if (attributeValue.GetType().Name == "AliasedValue")
return CastEntityAttibutesValueOnDynamicObject(((AliasedValue)attributeValue).Value);
return attributeValue;
public static string GetFieldName<T>(T entity, KeyValuePair<string, object> keyValuePair) where T : Entity
switch (keyValuePair.Value.GetType().Name)
case "EntityReference":
var entityNameList = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(async () => await dynamicsWebAPI.GetEntityDisplayNameList()).Result;
var firstEntity = entityNameList.Where(x => x.LogicalName == entity.LogicalName).FirstOrDefault();
var attrNameList = System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(async () => await dynamicsWebAPI.GetAttributeDisplayNameList(firstEntity.MetadataId)).Result;
return attrNameList.Where(x => x.LogicalName == keyValuePair.Key).Single().SchemaName + "#odata.bind";
case "ActivityParty":
throw new NotImplementedException(); //TODO
return keyValuePair.Key;
Please, note that this approach do not seems fast or good in anyway. It's better if you have all this values as static so we can save some fetches
[Edit 2]
I just found on XRMToolBox a plugin called "Early bound generator for Web API" and it seems to be the best option. Maybe you should give it a try if you're still curious about that. I guess its the best approach.
The final code is this:
static void Main(string[] args)
string token = Task.Run(() => GetToken()).Result;
dynamicsWebAPI = new CRMWebAPI("",
Contact contact = new Contact
FirstName = "Felipe",
LastName = "Test",
MobilePhone = "38421254",
new_Salutation = new EntityReference(new_salutation.EntitySetName, new Guid("{BFA27540-7BB9-E611-80EE-FC15B4281C8C}")),
BirthDate = new DateTime(1993, 04, 14),
dynamic ret = Task.Run(async () => await dynamicsWebAPI.Create(Contact.EntitySetName, contact.ToExpandoObject())).Result;
Contact createdContact = dynamicsWebAPI.Get<Contact>(Contact.EntitySetName, ret, new CRMGetListOptions
Select = new string[] { "*" }
and you have to change the ToExpandoObject on Entity.cs class (generated by the plugin)
public ExpandoObject ToExpandoObject()
dynamic expando = new ExpandoObject();
var expandoObject = expando as IDictionary<string, object>;
foreach (var attributes in Attributes)
if (attributes.Key == GetIdAttribute())
var value = attributes.Value;
var key = attributes.Key;
if (value is EntityReference entityReference)
value = $"/{entityReference.EntitySetName}({entityReference.EntityId})";
key = key.ToLower();
if (value is DateTime dateTimeValue)
var propertyForAttribute = GetPublicInstanceProperties().FirstOrDefault(x =>
x.Name.Equals(key, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
if (propertyForAttribute != null)
var onlyDateAttr = propertyForAttribute.GetCustomAttribute<OnlyDateAttribute>();
if (onlyDateAttr != null)
value = dateTimeValue.ToString(OnlyDateAttribute.Format);
expandoObject.Add(key, value);
return (ExpandoObject)expandoObject;
We currently use XrmToolkit which has it's own version of early binding called ProxyClasses but will allow you to generate early binding using the CRM Service Utility (CrmSvcUtil). It does a lot more than just early binding which is why we use it on all of our projects but the early binding features alone would have me sold on it. in order to regenerate an entity definition all you do is right click the cs file in visual studio and select regenerate and it is done in a few seconds.
For my first 3 years of CRM development I used the XrmToolbox "Early Bound Generator" plugin which is really helpful as well.

querystring in URL is allowed or not?

my view have two dropdown and one submit buttom if no value is selected and if form get sumbited with GET method then my URL will be http://localhost:53372/question/index?Index=List&type=&stage=&mid=1&mod=5.
but i m applying an ActionFilter with OnActionExcuting() overriden method. so after submitting form URL is like http://localhost:53372/question/index?index=List&mid=1&mod=5.
where other two QueryString is gone?
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
if (filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString["mid"] == null || filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString["mod"] == null)
mid = Convert.ToString(HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.Query)["mid"]);
mod = Convert.ToString(HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.Query)["mod"]);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mid) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(mod))
RouteValueDictionary redirecttargetDictionary = new RouteValueDictionary();
NameValueCollection Qstr = null;
if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.RequestType == "GET")
Qstr = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.Query);
foreach (string item in Qstr)
redirecttargetDictionary.Add(item, Qstr[item]);
if (Qstr["mid"] == null)
redirecttargetDictionary.Add("mid", mid);
if (Qstr["mod"] == null)
redirecttargetDictionary.Add("mod", mod);
filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(redirecttargetDictionary);
but if i select Dropdown value then all queryString is in URL.
QueryString with no values stage=&type= are not allowed?
By default MVC passes data as a query string unless you are submitting a form in which case the query string is bundled as part of the HttpRequest object. You can access the query string directly using the FormCollection object or as part of the HttpRequest object. The most direct way to access the query string is through the FormCollection object as follows
public ActionResult SubmitData(FormCollection form)
foreach(var key in form.AllKeys)
case "stage":
// do some work
case "type":
// do some more work
return RedirectToAction("SomeAction");
I have seen empty query string values cause issues with some browsers (I think IE) under certain circumstances. I suggest populating your DropDownList with a token instead of no value such as "Select..." and -1 for the value.
var dropDownList = new List<SelectListItem>();
dropDownList.Add(new SelectListItem{ Text = "Select", Value = "-1"} );
and then
#Html.DropDownList("stage", Model.Stages)
or something like that.
I hope this helps :)

Reusing ActionResult code within Controller

If I have the following code (EDIT: Sorry if I wasn't clear, I want to encapsulate the following (forget about the view its calling), so that I could do other stuff within the ActionResult):
public ActionResult ModelBased(string[] items, PostedItems postedItems) {
var model = new ItemsViewModel();
var selectedItems = new List<Item>();
var postedItemIDs = new string[0];
if (postedItems == null) postedItems = new PostedItems();
if (items!= null && items.Any()) {
postedCityIDs = items;
postedItems.ItemIDs = items;
if (postedItems.ItemIDs != null && postedItems.ItemIDs.Any()) {
postedItemIDs = postedIems.ItemIDs;
model.WasPosted = true;
if (postedItemIDs.Any())
selectedItems = ItemRepository.GetAll()
.Where(x => postedItemIDs.Any(s => x.Id.ToString().Equals(s))).ToList();
model.AvailableItems = ItemRepository.GetAll();
model.SelectedItems = selectedItems;
model.PostedItems = postedItems;
return View(model);
How might I reuse it in different Actions in my controller without having to copy/paste. I tried doing a private method with the code. But I am stuck on:
Either calling it wrong within an action method : private void Item (Item item) {//copied code from above} then calling Item(item); in the action; or
It has something to do with the (string[] items, PostedItems postedItems) that I am doing wrong; or
Something entirely different that I am not doing right.
Any examples would be much appreciated.
EDIT: The code above works with a CheckBoxList. It's one particular CheckBoxList. But I want to be able to use it in other views without having to copy/paste the code to other ActionResults. Just calling the ActionResult won't work, because I plan on doing other things. In particular, I have code for wizards in each ActionResult, such as:
if ((nextButton != null) && ModelState.IsValid)
return RedirectToAction("EMailConfirm");
return View("EMail/BasicDetails", myData);
which are returning specific views, so call to just the ActionResult won't work, unless I am missing something.
return View(model); tries to find a view for the original action.
Specify return View("ModelBased", model); to always render the view named "ModelBased"
public void SomeAction(string[] items, PostedItems postedItems)
// Modify the data as your like
return ModelBased(string[] items, PostedItems postedItems);
public void SomeOtherAction(string[] items, PostedItems postedItems)
// Modify the data as your like
return ModelBased(string[] items, PostedItems postedItems);
private ActionResult ModelBased(string[] items, PostedItems postedItems) {
var model = new ItemsViewModel();
var selectedItems = new List<Item>();
var postedItemIDs = new string[0];
if (postedItems == null) postedItems = new PostedItems();
if (items!= null && items.Any()) {
postedCityIDs = items;
postedItems.ItemIDs = items;
if (postedItems.ItemIDs != null && postedItems.ItemIDs.Any()) {
postedItemIDs = postedIems.ItemIDs;
model.WasPosted = true;
if (postedItemIDs.Any())
selectedItems = ItemRepository.GetAll()
.Where(x => postedItemIDs.Any(s => x.Id.ToString().Equals(s))).ToList();
model.AvailableItems = ItemRepository.GetAll();
model.SelectedItems = selectedItems;
model.PostedItems = postedItems;
return View(model);
Your example is unclear, however, I would normally move common functionality into a seperate method and mark it with [NonAction] attribute. E.g.
protected UserInfo GetUserInfo(string username)
// Return relevant data
I would then call GetUserInfo in your action method.
You need to look into partial views. You can think of a partial view as a control that you can re-use on multiple pages. For example, I can put a login control in a partial view and renged it on multiple pages. This will promote code re-usability.
I can't give you the example as I haven't done this for a while, but you'd have to do the following:
Instead of return View(); you'll have to return PartialView("_NameOfYourPartialView", viewModel);
Modify your view, so it's no longer a view, but a partial view.
You'll need to do a bit of reading and try it out for yourself.
Good luck
You can call this action from another action that returns ActionResult.
public ActionResult OtherAction()
return ModelBased(items, postedItems);
Also, why private void? Which part do you actually want to reuse? If it takes an Item and returns ItemsViewModel, it should be private ItemsViewModel - depends on the part you want to reuse. void doesn't return anything.

How to use Razor Section multiple times in a View & PartialView (merge) without overriding it?

In the _Layout.cshtml file, I have a section at the bottom of the body called "ScriptsContent" declared like this:
#RenderSection("ScriptsContent", required: false)
In my view, I can then use this section to add scripts to be executed. But what if I also have a PartialView that also need to use this section to add additional scripts?
#section ScriptsContent
<script type="text/javascript">
#section ScriptsContent
<script type="text/javascript">
Only the first script is rendered. The second script doesn't exist in source code of the webpage.
Razor seems to only output the first #section ScriptsContent that it sees. What I would like to know is if there's a way to merge each call to the section.
If we cannot do this, what do you propose?
Here's a solution for that problem. It's from this blog:
public static class ViewPageExtensions
private const string SCRIPTBLOCK_BUILDER = "ScriptBlockBuilder";
public static MvcHtmlString ScriptBlock(this WebViewPage webPage, Func<dynamic, HelperResult> template)
if (!webPage.IsAjax)
var scriptBuilder = webPage.Context.Items[SCRIPTBLOCK_BUILDER] as StringBuilder ?? new StringBuilder();
webPage.Context.Items[SCRIPTBLOCK_BUILDER] = scriptBuilder;
return new MvcHtmlString(string.Empty);
return new MvcHtmlString(template(null).ToHtmlString());
public static MvcHtmlString WriteScriptBlocks(this WebViewPage webPage)
var scriptBuilder = webPage.Context.Items[SCRIPTBLOCK_BUILDER] as StringBuilder ?? new StringBuilder();
return new MvcHtmlString(scriptBuilder.ToString());
so anywwhere in your View or PartialView you can use this:
#<script type='text/javascript'>
and in your _Layout or MasterView, use this:
There is no way to share sections between a view and partial views.
Absent a ScriptManager-like solution, you could have a collection of script files (initialized in your view and stored either in HttpContext.Items or in ViewData) to which the partial view would append the script file names it requires. Then towards the end of your view you would declare a section that fetches that collection and emits the right script tags.
The problem with the accepted answer is that it breaks Output Caching. The trick to solving this is to overwrite the OutputCache attribute with your own implementation. Unfortunately we can't extend the original attribute since it has lots of internal methods which we need to access.
I actually use Donut Output Caching which overwrites the OutputCache attribute itself. There are alternative libraries which also use their own OutputCache attribute so I will explain the steps I made to get it to work so that you can apply it to whichever one you're using.
First you need to copy the existing OutputCache attribute and place it within your application. You can get the existing attribute by looking at the source code.
Now add the following property to the class. This is where we store the script blocks so we can render the correct ones when retrieving from the cache.
public static ConcurrentDictionary<string, StringBuilder> ScriptBlocks = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, StringBuilder>();
Now inside the OnActionExecuting method you need to store the cache key (the unique identifier for the output cache) inside the current requests collection. For example:
filterContext.HttpContext.Items["OutputCacheKey"] = cacheKey;
Now modify the ViewPageExtensions class by adding the following (replacing CustomOutputCacheAttribute with the name of your attribute):
var outputCacheKey = webPage.Context.Items["OutputCacheKey"] as string;
if (outputCacheKey != null)
CustomOutputCacheAttribute.ScriptBlocks.AddOrUpdate(outputCacheKey, new StringBuilder(template(null).ToHtmlString()), (k, sb) => {
return sb;
return new MvcHtmlString(string.Empty);
Note: For a slight performance boost you'll also want to make sure you only call "template(null).ToHtmlString()" once.
Now return to your custom OutputCache attribute and add the following only when you are retrieving from the cache inside the OnActionExecuting method:
if (ScriptBlocks.ContainsKey(cacheKey)) {
var scriptBuilder = filterContext.HttpContext.Items["ScriptBlockBuilder"] as StringBuilder ?? new StringBuilder();
filterContext.HttpContext.Items["ScriptBlockBuilder"] = scriptBuilder;
Here's the final code of my attribute:
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.UI;
using DevTrends.MvcDonutCaching;
public class CustomOutputCacheAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute, IExceptionFilter {
private readonly IKeyGenerator _keyGenerator;
private readonly IDonutHoleFiller _donutHoleFiller;
private readonly IExtendedOutputCacheManager _outputCacheManager;
private readonly ICacheSettingsManager _cacheSettingsManager;
private readonly ICacheHeadersHelper _cacheHeadersHelper;
private bool? _noStore;
private CacheSettings _cacheSettings;
public int Duration { get; set; }
public string VaryByParam { get; set; }
public string VaryByCustom { get; set; }
public string CacheProfile { get; set; }
public OutputCacheLocation Location { get; set; }
public bool NoStore {
get { return _noStore ?? false; }
set { _noStore = value; }
public static ConcurrentDictionary<string, StringBuilder> ScriptBlocks = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, StringBuilder>();
public DonutOutputCacheAttribute() {
var keyBuilder = new KeyBuilder();
_keyGenerator = new KeyGenerator(keyBuilder);
_donutHoleFiller = new DonutHoleFiller(new EncryptingActionSettingsSerialiser(new ActionSettingsSerialiser(), new Encryptor()));
_outputCacheManager = new OutputCacheManager(OutputCache.Instance, keyBuilder);
_cacheSettingsManager = new CacheSettingsManager();
_cacheHeadersHelper = new CacheHeadersHelper();
Duration = -1;
Location = (OutputCacheLocation)(-1);
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) {
_cacheSettings = BuildCacheSettings();
var cacheKey = _keyGenerator.GenerateKey(filterContext, _cacheSettings);
if (_cacheSettings.IsServerCachingEnabled) {
var cachedItem = _outputCacheManager.GetItem(cacheKey);
if (cachedItem != null) {
filterContext.Result = new ContentResult {
Content = _donutHoleFiller.ReplaceDonutHoleContent(cachedItem.Content, filterContext),
ContentType = cachedItem.ContentType
if (ScriptBlocks.ContainsKey(cacheKey)) {
var scriptBuilder = filterContext.HttpContext.Items["ScriptBlockBuilder"] as StringBuilder ?? new StringBuilder();
filterContext.HttpContext.Items["ScriptBlockBuilder"] = scriptBuilder;
if (filterContext.Result == null) {
filterContext.HttpContext.Items["OutputCacheKey"] = cacheKey;
var cachingWriter = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var originalWriter = filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Output;
filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Output = cachingWriter;
filterContext.HttpContext.Items[cacheKey] = new Action<bool>(hasErrors => {
filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Output = originalWriter;
if (!hasErrors) {
var cacheItem = new CacheItem {
Content = cachingWriter.ToString(),
ContentType = filterContext.HttpContext.Response.ContentType
filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Write(_donutHoleFiller.RemoveDonutHoleWrappers(cacheItem.Content, filterContext));
if (_cacheSettings.IsServerCachingEnabled && filterContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode == 200)
_outputCacheManager.AddItem(cacheKey, cacheItem, DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(_cacheSettings.Duration));
public override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext) {
ExecuteCallback(filterContext, false);
if (!filterContext.IsChildAction)
_cacheHeadersHelper.SetCacheHeaders(filterContext.HttpContext.Response, _cacheSettings);
public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext) {
if (_cacheSettings != null)
ExecuteCallback(filterContext, true);
private void ExecuteCallback(ControllerContext context, bool hasErrors) {
var cacheKey = _keyGenerator.GenerateKey(context, _cacheSettings);
var callback = context.HttpContext.Items[cacheKey] as Action<bool>;
if (callback != null)
private CacheSettings BuildCacheSettings() {
CacheSettings cacheSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CacheProfile)) {
cacheSettings = new CacheSettings {
IsCachingEnabled = _cacheSettingsManager.IsCachingEnabledGlobally,
Duration = Duration,
VaryByCustom = VaryByCustom,
VaryByParam = VaryByParam,
Location = (int)Location == -1 ? OutputCacheLocation.Server : Location,
NoStore = NoStore
} else {
var cacheProfile = _cacheSettingsManager.RetrieveOutputCacheProfile(CacheProfile);
cacheSettings = new CacheSettings {
IsCachingEnabled = _cacheSettingsManager.IsCachingEnabledGlobally && cacheProfile.Enabled,
Duration = Duration == -1 ? cacheProfile.Duration : Duration,
VaryByCustom = VaryByCustom ?? cacheProfile.VaryByCustom,
VaryByParam = VaryByParam ?? cacheProfile.VaryByParam,
Location = (int)Location == -1 ? ((int)cacheProfile.Location == -1 ? OutputCacheLocation.Server : cacheProfile.Location) : Location,
NoStore = _noStore.HasValue ? _noStore.Value : cacheProfile.NoStore
if (cacheSettings.Duration == -1)
throw new HttpException("The directive or the configuration settings profile must specify the 'duration' attribute.");
if (cacheSettings.Duration < 0)
throw new HttpException("The 'duration' attribute must have a value that is greater than or equal to zero.");
return cacheSettings;
I also had to modify the Donut Output Cache library to make IExtendedOutputCacheManager and the OutputCacheManager constructor public.
Please note this has been extracted from my application and may require some minor tweaks. You should also place WriteScriptBlocks at the bottom of the page so it is not called until after all child actions are triggered.
Hope this helps.

Is there some way to clean up this controller code?

Most of the code I see online on MVC3 has very little code in the controller, but I can't seem to figure out how to make this code more streamlined.
Maybe if you take a look at it you can suggest improvements. If you need to see my UserModel class, let me know.
Here's the code for the Account controller.
namespace WebUI.Controllers
public class AccountController : Controller
public ActionResult Register()
UserModel model = new UserModel();
EFCityRepository cityRepo = new EFCityRepository();
model.Cities = new List<SelectListItem>();
foreach (var city in cityRepo.FindAllCities()) {
model.Cities.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = city.Name, Value = city.CityId.ToString(), Selected = true });
EFGenderRepository genderRepo = new EFGenderRepository();
model.Genders = new List<SelectListItem>();
foreach (var gender in genderRepo.FindAllGenders()) {
model.Genders.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = gender.Name, Value = gender.GenderId.ToString(), Selected = true });
return View(model);
public ActionResult Register(UserModel model)
EFCityRepository cityRepo = new EFCityRepository();
model.Cities = new List<SelectListItem>();
foreach (var city in cityRepo.FindAllCities())
model.Cities.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = city.Name, Value = city.CityId.ToString(), Selected = true });
EFGenderRepository genderRepo = new EFGenderRepository();
model.Genders = new List<SelectListItem>();
foreach (var gender in genderRepo.FindAllGenders())
model.Genders.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = gender.Name, Value = gender.GenderId.ToString(), Selected = true });
if (ModelState.IsValid)
Domain.User user = new Domain.User();
user.UserRoleId = 1;
user.Nickname = model.Nickname;
user.Name = model.Name;
user.Lastname = model.Lastname;
user.GenderId = model.GenderId;
user.Address = model.Address;
user.Email = model.Email;
user.Telephone = model.Telephone;
user.MobilePhone = model.MobilePhone;
user.Carnet = model.Carnet;
user.DateOfBirth = model.DateOfBirth;
user.DateOfRegistry = DateTime.Now;
user.LastDateLogin = DateTime.Now;
user.IsActive = false;
user.LanceCreditBalance = 5;
user.LancesSpent = 0;
user.Login = model.Login;
user.Password = model.Password;
user.EmailVerificationCode = "TempTokenString";
user.CityId = model.CityId;
EFUserRepository repo = new EFUserRepository();
var result = repo.CreateUser(user);
if (result == UserCreationResults.Ok)
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.Nickname, false /* createPersistentCookie */);
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
switch (result)
case UserCreationResults.UsernameExists:
ModelState.AddModelError("", "El nombre de usuario ya esta siendo utilizado.");
case UserCreationResults.EmailAlreadyExists:
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Ese correo ya esta en uso.");
case UserCreationResults.NicknameAlreadyExists:
ModelState.AddModelError("", "El nickname ya esta siendo utilizado.");
case UserCreationResults.UnknownError:
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Algo durante el registro. Por favor intente de nuevo.");
// If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
return View(model);
I'm using Entity Framework as my ORM, it generates a User class automatically for me. However, I made a User*Model* class so I could add data annotations for the views to use. Maybe this is the wrong idea?
I have many suggestions. For startes, read up about Dependancy Injection and Inversion of Control (DI and IoC). They will make all that boilerplate object instantiation a thing of the past.
Next, convert those for-each list builders into Linq expressions. Much more succinct and more likely faster as well.
Then, in your post handler, again do the same things there. In addition, get to know AutoMapper, which will automatically map your view to domain classes and make your life much easier.
If you did those things, your code would be reduced by 2x, maybe even 3.
An example linq query, because I really don't know the definition of your objects... would look something like this:
model.Cities = cityRepo.FindAllCities().Select(city => new SelectListItem() {
Text = city.Name, Value = city.CityId.ToString()}).ToList();
Notice how you don't have to new up a new List, since that's returned by the ToList() method. It is also using projection to select the items into a new SelectListItem.
Basically, you could write your method like this, using Dependancy Injection, Linq, and AutoMapper (it looks longer because i had to break lines multiple times to fit the small viewing are of SO):
namespace WebUI.Controllers
public class AccountController : Controller
private IGenderRepository _genderRepo;
private ICityrRepository _cityRepo;
private IUserRepository _userRepo;
public AccountController(IGenderRepository gr, ICityRepository cr,
IUserRepository ur)
_genderRepo = gr;
_cityRepo = cr;
_userRepo = ur;
public ActionResult Register()
UserModel model = new UserModel();
// Selected property is ignored by MVC on SelectListItems
model.Cities = _cityRepo.FindAllCities().Select(city =>
new SelectListItem() { Text = city.Name,
Value = city.CityId.ToString()}).ToList();
model.Genders = _genderRepo.FindAllGenders().Select(gender =>
new SelectListItem() { Text = gender.Name,
Value = gender.GenderId.ToString()}).ToList();
return View(model);
public ActionResult Register(UserModel model)
model.Cities = _cityRepo.FindAllCities().Select(city =>
new SelectListItem() { Text = city.Name,
Value = city.CityId.ToString()}).ToList();
model.Genders = _genderRepo.FindAllGenders().Select(gender =>
new SelectListItem() { Text = gender.Name,
Value = gender.GenderId.ToString()}).ToList();
if (ModelState.IsValid)
Domain.User user = Mapper.Map<Domain.User, Model>(model)
var result = _userRepo.CreateUser(user);
if (result == UserCreationResults.Ok) {
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.Nickname, false);
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
} else {
ModelState.AddModelError("", GetErrorString(result));
// If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
return View(model);
your Idea is good. Because it is not a good practice to have entity classes as the view models in MVC layer because it will create a tight coupling between your presentation and persistence logic.
To cleanup yuor code you can use AutoMapper ( ) to map your entity classes to view model easy without writing too many codes. here is a good article for you.
