How to use Razor Section multiple times in a View & PartialView (merge) without overriding it? -

In the _Layout.cshtml file, I have a section at the bottom of the body called "ScriptsContent" declared like this:
#RenderSection("ScriptsContent", required: false)
In my view, I can then use this section to add scripts to be executed. But what if I also have a PartialView that also need to use this section to add additional scripts?
#section ScriptsContent
<script type="text/javascript">
#section ScriptsContent
<script type="text/javascript">
Only the first script is rendered. The second script doesn't exist in source code of the webpage.
Razor seems to only output the first #section ScriptsContent that it sees. What I would like to know is if there's a way to merge each call to the section.
If we cannot do this, what do you propose?

Here's a solution for that problem. It's from this blog:
public static class ViewPageExtensions
private const string SCRIPTBLOCK_BUILDER = "ScriptBlockBuilder";
public static MvcHtmlString ScriptBlock(this WebViewPage webPage, Func<dynamic, HelperResult> template)
if (!webPage.IsAjax)
var scriptBuilder = webPage.Context.Items[SCRIPTBLOCK_BUILDER] as StringBuilder ?? new StringBuilder();
webPage.Context.Items[SCRIPTBLOCK_BUILDER] = scriptBuilder;
return new MvcHtmlString(string.Empty);
return new MvcHtmlString(template(null).ToHtmlString());
public static MvcHtmlString WriteScriptBlocks(this WebViewPage webPage)
var scriptBuilder = webPage.Context.Items[SCRIPTBLOCK_BUILDER] as StringBuilder ?? new StringBuilder();
return new MvcHtmlString(scriptBuilder.ToString());
so anywwhere in your View or PartialView you can use this:
#<script type='text/javascript'>
and in your _Layout or MasterView, use this:

There is no way to share sections between a view and partial views.
Absent a ScriptManager-like solution, you could have a collection of script files (initialized in your view and stored either in HttpContext.Items or in ViewData) to which the partial view would append the script file names it requires. Then towards the end of your view you would declare a section that fetches that collection and emits the right script tags.

The problem with the accepted answer is that it breaks Output Caching. The trick to solving this is to overwrite the OutputCache attribute with your own implementation. Unfortunately we can't extend the original attribute since it has lots of internal methods which we need to access.
I actually use Donut Output Caching which overwrites the OutputCache attribute itself. There are alternative libraries which also use their own OutputCache attribute so I will explain the steps I made to get it to work so that you can apply it to whichever one you're using.
First you need to copy the existing OutputCache attribute and place it within your application. You can get the existing attribute by looking at the source code.
Now add the following property to the class. This is where we store the script blocks so we can render the correct ones when retrieving from the cache.
public static ConcurrentDictionary<string, StringBuilder> ScriptBlocks = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, StringBuilder>();
Now inside the OnActionExecuting method you need to store the cache key (the unique identifier for the output cache) inside the current requests collection. For example:
filterContext.HttpContext.Items["OutputCacheKey"] = cacheKey;
Now modify the ViewPageExtensions class by adding the following (replacing CustomOutputCacheAttribute with the name of your attribute):
var outputCacheKey = webPage.Context.Items["OutputCacheKey"] as string;
if (outputCacheKey != null)
CustomOutputCacheAttribute.ScriptBlocks.AddOrUpdate(outputCacheKey, new StringBuilder(template(null).ToHtmlString()), (k, sb) => {
return sb;
return new MvcHtmlString(string.Empty);
Note: For a slight performance boost you'll also want to make sure you only call "template(null).ToHtmlString()" once.
Now return to your custom OutputCache attribute and add the following only when you are retrieving from the cache inside the OnActionExecuting method:
if (ScriptBlocks.ContainsKey(cacheKey)) {
var scriptBuilder = filterContext.HttpContext.Items["ScriptBlockBuilder"] as StringBuilder ?? new StringBuilder();
filterContext.HttpContext.Items["ScriptBlockBuilder"] = scriptBuilder;
Here's the final code of my attribute:
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.UI;
using DevTrends.MvcDonutCaching;
public class CustomOutputCacheAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute, IExceptionFilter {
private readonly IKeyGenerator _keyGenerator;
private readonly IDonutHoleFiller _donutHoleFiller;
private readonly IExtendedOutputCacheManager _outputCacheManager;
private readonly ICacheSettingsManager _cacheSettingsManager;
private readonly ICacheHeadersHelper _cacheHeadersHelper;
private bool? _noStore;
private CacheSettings _cacheSettings;
public int Duration { get; set; }
public string VaryByParam { get; set; }
public string VaryByCustom { get; set; }
public string CacheProfile { get; set; }
public OutputCacheLocation Location { get; set; }
public bool NoStore {
get { return _noStore ?? false; }
set { _noStore = value; }
public static ConcurrentDictionary<string, StringBuilder> ScriptBlocks = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, StringBuilder>();
public DonutOutputCacheAttribute() {
var keyBuilder = new KeyBuilder();
_keyGenerator = new KeyGenerator(keyBuilder);
_donutHoleFiller = new DonutHoleFiller(new EncryptingActionSettingsSerialiser(new ActionSettingsSerialiser(), new Encryptor()));
_outputCacheManager = new OutputCacheManager(OutputCache.Instance, keyBuilder);
_cacheSettingsManager = new CacheSettingsManager();
_cacheHeadersHelper = new CacheHeadersHelper();
Duration = -1;
Location = (OutputCacheLocation)(-1);
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) {
_cacheSettings = BuildCacheSettings();
var cacheKey = _keyGenerator.GenerateKey(filterContext, _cacheSettings);
if (_cacheSettings.IsServerCachingEnabled) {
var cachedItem = _outputCacheManager.GetItem(cacheKey);
if (cachedItem != null) {
filterContext.Result = new ContentResult {
Content = _donutHoleFiller.ReplaceDonutHoleContent(cachedItem.Content, filterContext),
ContentType = cachedItem.ContentType
if (ScriptBlocks.ContainsKey(cacheKey)) {
var scriptBuilder = filterContext.HttpContext.Items["ScriptBlockBuilder"] as StringBuilder ?? new StringBuilder();
filterContext.HttpContext.Items["ScriptBlockBuilder"] = scriptBuilder;
if (filterContext.Result == null) {
filterContext.HttpContext.Items["OutputCacheKey"] = cacheKey;
var cachingWriter = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var originalWriter = filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Output;
filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Output = cachingWriter;
filterContext.HttpContext.Items[cacheKey] = new Action<bool>(hasErrors => {
filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Output = originalWriter;
if (!hasErrors) {
var cacheItem = new CacheItem {
Content = cachingWriter.ToString(),
ContentType = filterContext.HttpContext.Response.ContentType
filterContext.HttpContext.Response.Write(_donutHoleFiller.RemoveDonutHoleWrappers(cacheItem.Content, filterContext));
if (_cacheSettings.IsServerCachingEnabled && filterContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode == 200)
_outputCacheManager.AddItem(cacheKey, cacheItem, DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(_cacheSettings.Duration));
public override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext) {
ExecuteCallback(filterContext, false);
if (!filterContext.IsChildAction)
_cacheHeadersHelper.SetCacheHeaders(filterContext.HttpContext.Response, _cacheSettings);
public void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext) {
if (_cacheSettings != null)
ExecuteCallback(filterContext, true);
private void ExecuteCallback(ControllerContext context, bool hasErrors) {
var cacheKey = _keyGenerator.GenerateKey(context, _cacheSettings);
var callback = context.HttpContext.Items[cacheKey] as Action<bool>;
if (callback != null)
private CacheSettings BuildCacheSettings() {
CacheSettings cacheSettings;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CacheProfile)) {
cacheSettings = new CacheSettings {
IsCachingEnabled = _cacheSettingsManager.IsCachingEnabledGlobally,
Duration = Duration,
VaryByCustom = VaryByCustom,
VaryByParam = VaryByParam,
Location = (int)Location == -1 ? OutputCacheLocation.Server : Location,
NoStore = NoStore
} else {
var cacheProfile = _cacheSettingsManager.RetrieveOutputCacheProfile(CacheProfile);
cacheSettings = new CacheSettings {
IsCachingEnabled = _cacheSettingsManager.IsCachingEnabledGlobally && cacheProfile.Enabled,
Duration = Duration == -1 ? cacheProfile.Duration : Duration,
VaryByCustom = VaryByCustom ?? cacheProfile.VaryByCustom,
VaryByParam = VaryByParam ?? cacheProfile.VaryByParam,
Location = (int)Location == -1 ? ((int)cacheProfile.Location == -1 ? OutputCacheLocation.Server : cacheProfile.Location) : Location,
NoStore = _noStore.HasValue ? _noStore.Value : cacheProfile.NoStore
if (cacheSettings.Duration == -1)
throw new HttpException("The directive or the configuration settings profile must specify the 'duration' attribute.");
if (cacheSettings.Duration < 0)
throw new HttpException("The 'duration' attribute must have a value that is greater than or equal to zero.");
return cacheSettings;
I also had to modify the Donut Output Cache library to make IExtendedOutputCacheManager and the OutputCacheManager constructor public.
Please note this has been extracted from my application and may require some minor tweaks. You should also place WriteScriptBlocks at the bottom of the page so it is not called until after all child actions are triggered.
Hope this helps.


Does the IClientValidator support input file?

I found that the problem is that View Components are unable to have an #section (see ViewComponent and #Section #2910 ) so adding custom client-side validation using the unobtrusive library seems imposible (or very complex). Moreover, the inability of including the required javascript into a View Component makes me regret of following this approach to modularize my app in the first place...
I am learning to make custom validation attributes with client-side support. I was able to implement a custom validator for a string property and it works pretty well, but when I tried to make one for input file it doesn't work (i.e. when I select a file in my computer, the application doesn't display the validation messages. The server-side validation works. Here is some code that shows my implementation.
The class of the model
public class UploadPanelModel
public int? ID { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; } //Raw HTML with the panel description
[FileType(type: "application/pdf")]
[FileSize(maxSize: 5000000)]
public IFormFile File { get; set; }
public byte[] FileBytes { get; set; }
public ModalModel Modal { get; set; } //Only used if the Upload panel uses a modal.
The validator
public class FileSizeAttribute : ValidationAttribute, IClientModelValidator
private long _MaxSize { get; set; }
public FileSizeAttribute (long maxSize)
_MaxSize = maxSize;
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
UploadPanelModel panel = (UploadPanelModel)validationContext.ObjectInstance;
return (panel.File==null || panel.File.Length <= _MaxSize) ? ValidationResult.Success : new ValidationResult(GetFileSizeErrorMessage(_MaxSize));
private string GetFileSizeErrorMessage(long maxSize)
double megabytes = maxSize / 1000000.0;
return $"El archivo debe pesar menos de {megabytes}MB";
public void AddValidation(ClientModelValidationContext context)
if(context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
MergeAttribute(context.Attributes, "data-val", "true");
MergeAttribute(context.Attributes, "data-val-filesize", GetFileSizeErrorMessage(_MaxSize));
var maxSize = _MaxSize.ToString();
MergeAttribute(context.Attributes, "data-val-filesize-maxsize", maxSize);
private bool MergeAttribute(IDictionary<string, string> attributes, string key, string value)
if (attributes.ContainsKey(key))
return false;
attributes.Add(key, value);
return true;
The javascript in the Razor View
#section Scripts{
#{await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_ValidationScriptsPartial");}
<script type="text/javascript">
function (value, element, params) {
var size = $((params[0]).val()).size(),
maxSize = params[1];
if (size < maxSize) {
return false;
else {
return false;
function (options) {
var element = $(options.form).find('input#File')[0];
options.rules['filesize'] = [element, options.params['maxSize']];
options.messages['filesize'] = options.message;
I always return false in the javascript method to force the application to show the validation error regardless the chosen file, but it still doesn't work.
Your addMethod() function will be throwing an error because params[0] is not a jQuery object and has no .val() (you also have the $ in the wrong place). You would need to use
var size = params[0].files[0].size;
However I suggest you write you scripts as
$.validator.unobtrusive.adapters.add('filesize', ['maxsize'], function (options) {
options.rules['filesize'] = { maxsize: options.params.maxsize };
if (options.message) {
options.messages['filesize'] = options.message;
$.validator.addMethod("filesize", function (value, element, param) {
if (value === "") {
return true;
var maxsize = parseInt(param.maxsize);
if (element.files != undefined && element.files[0] != undefined && element.files[0].size != undefined) {
var filesize = parseInt(element.files[0].size);
return filesize <= maxsize ;
return true; // in case browser does not support HTML5 file API

FreshMvvm PushNewNavigationServiceModal not working

I'm trying to change from FreshNavigationContainer to FreshMasterDetailNavigationContainer when the user is loggedin within the method SuccessfulLogin by using freshMvvm method PushNewNavigationServiceModal but nothing is happening.
public void SuccessfulLogin()
App.IsLoggedIn = true;
var masterDetailNav = new FreshMasterDetailNavigationContainer();
masterDetailNav.AddPage<ProfilePageModel>("Profile", null);
Edit :
I just noticed that after using this method navigation isn't working anymore.
You need to use CoreMethods.SwitchOutRootNavigation
First Setup your NavigationStacks
public class NavigationStacks
public static string LoginNavigationStack = "LoginNavigationStack";
public static string MainAppStack = "MainAppStack";
In you App.xaml.cs define the Navigations
FreshNavigationContainer loginMain;
FreshMasterDetailNavigationContainer masterDetailNav;
var loginPage = FreshPageModelResolver.ResolvePageModel<UserLoginPageModel>();
loginMain = new FreshNavigationContainer(loginPage, NavigationStacks.LoginNavigationStack);
var masterDetailNav = new FreshMasterDetailNavigationContainer(NavigationStacks.MainAppStack);
masterDetailNav.AddPage<ProfilePageModel>("Profile", null);
Then in your Login ViewModel
public void SuccessfulLogin()
App.IsLoggedIn = true;

Manually build View Model from Request Data

I have a page that currently submits via Ajax to a controller method. MVC automatically converts the request data into my View Model type, and that's great.
Now I'm trying to change it so instead of an Ajax post, it makes a SignalR call instead. I want to submit the same data via SignalR (via $('form').serialize()), and then parse the data into my view model type.
public ActionResult MyMethod(MyViewModel vm){
//vm is automatically created from form data
//SignalR Hub
public void MyMethodViaSignalR(string formData){
//how can I turn formData or Context.Request into a MyViewModel?
//Make the SignalR call
I found a generic solution. I put this code in my Base Controller (you could copy it to any one controller as well), and it will build whatever view model you need.
protected class SignalRRequestJSon
public string H { get; set; }
public string M { get; set; }
public List<string> A { get; set; }
public int I { get; set; }
public T GetModel<T>(HttpRequest req) where T : class, new()
var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SignalRRequestJSon>(req["data"]);
var stringWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter();
var httpResponse = new HttpResponse(stringWriter);
var url = req.UrlReferrer.ToString(); // this value doesn't matter, but needs to be a valid url.
var queryStringData = obj.A[0];
var httpRequest = new HttpRequest("", url, queryStringData);
var httpContext = new HttpContext(httpRequest, httpResponse);
var routeData = new RouteData();
routeData.Values.Add("controller", this.GetType().Name.ToLower().Replace("controller", ""));
routeData.Values.Add("action", "Arbitrary");
this.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext(new HttpContextWrapper(httpContext), routeData, this);
var valueProvider = new QueryStringValueProvider(this.ControllerContext);
this.ValueProvider = valueProvider;
var vm = new T();
UpdateModel(vm, valueProvider);
return vm;
public ActionResult Arbitrary<T>(T model)
return View();
Called like this from my SignalR hub:
var controller = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<MyController>();
var vm = controller.GetModel<MyViewModel>(HttpContext.Current.Request);

Why is the masterPath parameter in CreateView empty?

Writing a small proof of concept application and wondering why the masterPath parameter is empty:
in application_start:
ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new AlternateLocationViewEngine(
new string[] {
"~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml", //Is this correct? Can/should i do that
new string[] {
public class AlternateLocationViewEngine : RazorViewEngine
public AlternateLocationViewEngine(string[] masterLocations, string[] viewLocations)
: base()
MasterLocationFormats = masterLocations;
ViewLocationFormats = viewLocations;
PartialViewLocationFormats = ViewLocationFormats;
protected override IView CreateView(ControllerContext controllerContext, string viewPath, string masterPath)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(masterPath))
masterPath = MasterLocationFormats.ElementAt(0);
var nameSpace = controllerContext.Controller.GetType().Namespace;
return base.CreateView(controllerContext, viewPath.Replace("%1", nameSpace), masterPath.Replace("%1", nameSpace));
As you see i 'm forced to check if masterPath is empty in method CreateView(). Why is this? Am i missing something fundamental?
My dev environment: ASP.NET MVC3, Razor, .NET4
The masterPath will only have a value when creating a ViewResult with a masterName.
protected internal ViewResult View(string viewName, string masterName);
Internally, the RazorView handles null masterPaths in it's constructor.
// where layoutPath is the masterPath arg from the RazorViewEngine's CreateView
LayoutPath = layoutPath ?? String.Empty;
When rendering the view, the RazorView will set the OverridenLayoutPath to the masterPath (if supplied).
// An overriden master layout might have been specified when the ViewActionResult got returned.
// We need to hold on to it so that we can set it on the inner page once it has executed.
webViewPage.OverridenLayoutPath = LayoutPath;
You do not need to specify the _Layout as one of the MasterLocationFormats. Below is the default behavior for the RazorViewEngine.
MasterLocationFormats = new[] {
You can checkout the source code for more inspiration.

MVC3 Razor VS2010 ReportViewer example

Can anyone point me to a working example of showing a report in mvc3 ie the full code, I have looked at some examples and they look like they are going to do the job but then just blow up, I know that a ASPX page is needed and there seems to be a good example at How can I use a reportviewer control in an mvc 3 razor view?
when I created a clean app i get Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'Microsoft' is undefined I know it is probably something simple but its been a while since I used Rdlc files so somthing showing a simple report populated via an xml datasource would be great, Thanks in advance
This is a simple task. You can follow the following steps.
Create a folder in your solution and give a name Reports.
Add a ASP.Net web form and named it ReportView.aspx
Create a Class ReportData and add it to the Reports folder. Add the following code to the Class.
public class ReportData
public ReportData()
this.ReportParameters = new List<Parameter>();
this.DataParameters = new List<Parameter>();
public bool IsLocal { get; set; }
public string ReportName { get; set; }
public List<Parameter> ReportParameters { get; set; }
public List<Parameter> DataParameters { get; set; }
public class Parameter
public string ParameterName { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
Add another Class and named it ReportBasePage.cs. Add the following code in this Class.
public class ReportBasePage : System.Web.UI.Page
protected ReportData ReportDataObj { get; set; }
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
if (HttpContext.Current.Session["ReportData"] != null)
ReportDataObj = HttpContext.Current.Session["ReportData"] as ReportData;
ReportDataObj = new ReportData();
private void CaptureRouteData(HttpRequest request)
var mode = (request.QueryString["rptmode"] + "").Trim();
ReportDataObj.IsLocal = mode == "local" ? true : false;
ReportDataObj.ReportName = request.QueryString["reportname"] + "";
string dquerystr = request.QueryString["parameters"] + "";
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dquerystr.Trim()))
var param1 = dquerystr.Split(',');
foreach (string pm in param1)
var rp = new Parameter();
var kd = pm.Split('=');
if (kd[0].Substring(0, 2) == "rp")
rp.ParameterName = kd[0].Replace("rp", "");
if (kd.Length > 1) rp.Value = kd[1];
else if (kd[0].Substring(0, 2) == "dp")
rp.ParameterName = kd[0].Replace("dp", "");
if (kd.Length > 1) rp.Value = kd[1];
Add ScriptManager to the ReportView.aspx page. Now Take a Report Viewer to the page. In report viewer set the property AsyncRendering="false". The code is given below.
<rsweb:ReportViewer ID="ReportViewerRSFReports" runat="server" AsyncRendering="false"
Width="1271px" Height="1000px" >
Add two NameSpace in ReportView.aspx.cs
using Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms;
using System.IO;
Change the System.Web.UI.Page to ReportBasePage. Just replace your code using the following.
public partial class ReportView : ReportBasePage
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
private void RenderReportModels(ReportData reportData)
RASolarERPData dal = new RASolarERPData();
List<ClosingInventoryValuation> objClosingInventory = new List<ClosingInventoryValuation>();
// Reset report properties.
ReportViewerRSFReports.Height = Unit.Parse("100%");
ReportViewerRSFReports.Width = Unit.Parse("100%");
ReportViewerRSFReports.CssClass = "table";
// Clear out any previous datasources.
// Set report mode for local processing.
ReportViewerRSFReports.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local;
// Validate report source.
var rptPath = Server.MapPath(#"./Report/" + reportData.ReportName +".rdlc");
//#"E:\RSFERP_SourceCode\RASolarERP\RASolarERP\Reports\Report\" + reportData.ReportName + ".rdlc";
if (!File.Exists(rptPath))
// Set report path.
this.ReportViewerRSFReports.LocalReport.ReportPath = rptPath;
// Set report parameters.
var rpPms = ReportViewerRSFReports.LocalReport.GetParameters();
foreach (var rpm in rpPms)
var p = reportData.ReportParameters.SingleOrDefault(o => o.ParameterName.ToLower() == rpm.Name.ToLower());
if (p != null)
ReportParameter rp = new ReportParameter(rpm.Name, p.Value);
//Set data paramater for report SP execution
objClosingInventory = dal.ClosingInventoryReport(this.ReportDataObj.DataParameters[0].Value);
// Load the dataSource.
var dsmems = ReportViewerRSFReports.LocalReport.GetDataSourceNames();
ReportViewerRSFReports.LocalReport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource(dsmems[0], objClosingInventory));
// Refresh the ReportViewer.
Add a Folder to the Reports Folder and named it Report. Now add a RDLC report to the Reports/Report folder and named it ClosingInventory.rdlc.
Now add a Controller and Named it ReportController. In t
o the controller add the following action method.
public ActionResult ReportViewer()
ViewData["reportUrl"] = "../Reports/View/local/ClosingInventory/";
return View();
Add a view page click on the ReportViewer Controller. Named the view page ReportViewer.cshtml. Add the following code to the view page.
#using (Html.BeginForm("Login"))
#Html.DropDownList("ddlYearMonthFormat", new SelectList(ViewBag.YearMonthFormat, "YearMonthValue", "YearMonthName"), new { #class = "DropDown" })
Stock In Transit: #Html.TextBox("txtStockInTransit", "", new { #class = "LogInTextBox" })
<input type="submit" onclick="return ReportValidationCheck();" name="ShowReport"
value="Show Report" />
Add an Iframe. Set the property of the Iframe as follows
frameborder="0" width="1000"; height="1000"; style="overflow:hidden;" scrolling="no"
Add Following JavaScript to the viewer.
function ReportValidationCheck() {
var url = $('#hdUrl').val();
var yearmonth = $('#ddlYearMonthFormat').val();
var stockInTransit = $('#txtStockInTransit').val()
if (stockInTransit == "") {
stockInTransit = 0;
if (yearmonth == "0") {
alert("Please Select Month Correctly.");
else {
//url = url + "dpSpYearMonth=" + yearmonth + ",rpYearMonth=" + yearmonth + ",rpStockInTransit=" + stockInTransit;
url = "../Reports/ReportView.aspx?rptmode=local&reportname=ClosingInventory&parameters=dpSpYearMonth=" + yearmonth + ",rpYearMonth=" + yearmonth + ",rpStockInTransit=" + stockInTransit;
var myframe = document.getElementById("ifrmReportViewer");
if (myframe !== null) {
if (myframe.src) {
myframe.src = url;
else if (myframe.contentWindow !== null && myframe.contentWindow.location !== null) {
myframe.contentWindow.location = url;
else { myframe.setAttribute('src', url); }
return false;
Web.config file add the following key to the appSettings section
add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="true"
In system.web handlers Section add the following key
add verb="*" path="Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd" type = "Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.HttpHandler, Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
Change your data source as your own. This solution is very simple and I think every one enjoy it.
