show GPS location with WP7 on a panel? - windows-phone-7

I know that you can show current GPS moving location on map with WP7 but i have an application that works offline, i must show user's location according to some other already saved locations in application, how can i show user location?

If you have the coordinates and want to display on bing maps im afraid its not possible.. bing map doesn't work offline. You need some way to cache the map tiles but not on bing maps.. the terms of bing maps doesn't allow you to save their map images. you can look at the following links see if they do any help.
Map Tile Caching for Offline Viewing
Windows Phone 7 Map Control with custom layer in offline mode
if not you can try caching the location as an image tagged to the location..


Open Map directions with WP7

I want to be able to get directions to an address I have hard coded into a button. I want to be able to touch the button that reads "Directions Here" and have it switch to the bing maps application on the phone and give me driving directions...
Q: how can I open another application from within my application? or how can I get the directions to my address from a user's current location to appear?
You can use Bing Maps directions task. helping link
or you can use bing map Rest services. helping link:

how to make a container like wp's tiles desk

My App has a page contain some tiles layout in a canvas.
Now there is some new needs:
I would like to make these tiles can move and zoom just like wp7 OS desk.
Can you please share with me that if there is any existing control(Library) to achieve the above functionality or otherwise give me a Road Map how to achieve this functionality?
Telerik has got a Control Library for Windows Phone that contains a control called HubTile. Have a look here to see if the control satisfies your needs.

WP7 - Bing Maps - Convert map to png

I have the following questions:
There is an API for Bing Maps in WP7.
The question is there anything generating images from a data map. Something like a MapTiler. Too bad the MapTiler is for web. But I believe that is the same concept.
Given a map, returning the same in image format.
So, what do you say? Do you know any library that does this in WP7?
You're best bet is probably to load the map on screen and take a screen shot of it
RenderTargetBitmap in Windows Phone 7 SDK

wp7 In-App View Directions in Map

I wanted to ask is it possible to Show Directions in Map View (Bing) in Windows Phone 7. I want to show the route (lines) from present location to a specific location in my Map Component.
I had gone down the path of in-app routing, as per the link Avijeet Singh provided, however I'd recommend against it. It took a significant amount of effort to handle real world scenarios and in the end the result was not as smooth or polished as the native Bing Maps experience. Having been there, unless there is a very compelling reason to display the routing information in app, I'd advise that you look at using BingMapsDirectionTask. If you've implemented Fast Application Switching then the switch back / forth to the native maps won't be too jarring for user. Even having implemented routing in-app I ended up removing it and using the BingMapsDirectionTask
Go through his link
its for silverlight and will work on wp7 with some modifications.
here is another one if you just want to show a polyline on map control

MultiScaleImage (DeepZoom) control on Windows Phone 7 and image collections

I am developing a WP7 application that displays and arranges images using a MultiScaleImage control.
Currently, I don't think my 'output' xml/dzc is properly formated to point to all of the sub images in the right places.
How do I export my Deep Zoom Composer project as a collection of images and access single subimages in my application? (and yes, the data is online instead of local to the device)
Any and all suggestions are welcome.
This project might help you - - it includes a WP7 control
