Compiling VLC on Linux: Error couldnt find Lua - compilation

I am trying to compile VLC for Linux. When I run the configure script, I am getting the error message
configure: error: Could not find lua. Lua is needed for some
interfaces (rc, telnet, http) as well as many other custom scripts.
Use --disable-lua to ignore this error.
I have lua on my system. I ran lua -v and got
Lua 5.1.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2008, PUC-Rio
whereis lua gives
/usr/bin/lua /usr/lib/lua /usr/share/lua /usr/share/man/man1/lua.1.gz
Which looks to be a standard location. Any ideas on why configure isn't picking up lua?

On Debian based
$ apt-get install lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev
Worked for me

As mentioned by Not_a_Golfer, you need Lua header/library files

Fix for rpm based systems:
sudo dnf install lua-devel


How to run gprolog on macOS Sierra

I have just installed gnu-prolog using brew install gnu-prolog. When I try to run gprolog in the terminal I get gprolog: command not found. I tried doing the same to my other machine that is running ElCapitan and all worked perfectly.
Is there a way for me to get gprologto work for macOS Sierra?
Sounds like an issue with your Homebrew installation. But you can also install GNU Prolog using MacPorts or by downloading its Mac OS X installer from its website.
For the ones using MacPorts - you may download an installation package of gnu prolog directly from its site. It used to solve older installations issues and I have found it to solve the current one as well
use the link
On a Mac, the standard GNU Prolog installation package puts Prolog in the /opt/local/bin directory, which isn't normally in your path.
After installing the GNU Prolog package, open Terminal and type this command:
open -t ~/.bashrc
At the bottom of that file add this line:
export PATH="/opt/local/bin:$PATH"
then save & close the editor. Then type this command:
source ~/.bashrc
This reloads all the commands in the .bashrc file into your current Terminal session. The next time you open Terminal you won't have to do that.
Now you should be able to start GNU Prolog by typing this command:
The output should look like this:
GNU Prolog 1.5.0 (64 bits)
Compiled Jul 8 2021, 23:55:41 with /usr/bin/clang
Copyright (C) 1999-2021 Daniel Diaz
| ?- buildtool is unable to detect windows

I have build a website with Erlang and Cowboy with ErlyDTL on a Linux OS.
Now I want that my website can run on Windows and want to use the with Relx build tool.
When I give the make command it gives me the error:
Unable to detect platform. Please open a ticket with the output of
uname -a.
uname -a output:
MINGW32_NT-6.2 LENOVO-... 2012-11-21 22:34 i686 Msys
How can I fix this problem in a easy way with explanation because I don't know much of makefiles ;).
I have Windows 8.1 64 bit OS.
My is version 1.2.0-634-g2f69190.
I installed MinGW with msys so I can run make and make distclean.
I have the following extra packages installed during this intallation:
So the PATH to MinGW is c:\MinGW.
With CMD I started C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat
Then with the bash shell I ran de postinstall script This gave me no errors.
Then I have installed some extra packages for MinGW with success:
mingw-get install msys-rxvt
mingw-get install msys-unzip
mingw-get install msys-zip
mingw-get install msys-wget
I have red but I couldn't understand what I have to do because the lack of explanation.
So is there a solution? If yes what is it and please give some explanation with it so I can fix my problem and understand what I'm doing.
Thanks in advance

How can I install libtoolize in cygwin?

When I'm trying to build Apache Thrift source in cygwin, I'm getting error saying "Couldn't find libtoolize!". How can I install libtoolize in cygwin?
You will need GNU M4 1.4.6 or later to install LibTool (which includes libtoolize).
Good news is that you can easily do it if you run the Cygwin installer (no worries, it will keep your Cygwin installation and add new packages if you select them). So all you need to do is to click on the following buttons:
GNU M4 installation
LibTool installation
'libtoolize' is a part of libtool. You can dowload latest version of libtool from, extract it, then run ./configure and make install from cygwin terminal.
Use this:
python -mpip get-install libtoolize

How Do I Install Lua on MacOS?

I just downloaded Lua from the official website.
I want to install it on my Mac but I have no clue how. And I've never tried using Mac to install and use compilers other then (xcode , titanium , corona) so easy on me please :)
I tried this link but it does not work.
Also Is there a fully guided on how to install and start using Lua on mac? Because all I see is windows :S
note: Before I asked this question I searched on SOV but I could not find my answer.
This Wiki has few listing:
If you use Homebrew (, just type:
brew update
brew install lua
Compiling from source code is not that painful.
Lua 5.1.4 here:
Lua 5.2 alpha here:
Take Lua 5.2 as example:
Open your
tar xvzf lua-5.3.0-work3.tar.gz
cd lua-5.3.0-work3/src
make macosx(I believe you have Xcode installed)
After that, you can see 'lua' binary under current dir.
sudo cp lua /usr/bin/lua
Now you can enter lua to have a try. :)
If you have brew installed, just try:
brew install lua
You just follow this guide on
Fire up your terminal and type in:
curl -R -O
tar zxf lua-5.3.5.tar.gz
cd lua-5.3.5
make macosx test
make install
You can even combine the last two steps to
make macosx install
After that I could just type in
into my terminal and something like:
Lua 5.3.5 Copyright (C) 1994-2018, PUC-Rio
should appear. This means that lua is installed correctly.
With MacPorts:
sudo port install lua
If you have brew, use the following code:
brew update
brew install lua
That works for me.
Compile using source on mac
tar -zxvf lua-x.x.x.tar.gz
cd lua-x.x.x
make macosx
cd src
sudo cp lua /usr/bin/
Type lua and you should get the prompt.
I have just follow the Prajna's answer and go to to download the lua-5.3.6.tar.gz
And then use the terminal:
$cd lua-5.3.6/src
$make macosx
After that, you can see 'lua' binary under current dir.
After execute:
$sudo cp lua /usr/bin/lua
You can run the lua
You don't "install" it. It should just be a binary that runs from wherever you extract it to.
If you can't find a binary (there should be one linked somewhere on the Lua site) then just follow the instructions to build it from source.
Ah, here are the binaries:
You'll probably want the file labelled "MacOS X Intel Executables"
The download url show below.
2015-06-10, 276K

ctags doesn't understand -e option (no exuberant tags option)

When I type ctags -e it returns an error saying it doesn't know that command line option. I thought it should know about exuberant tags because etags works on cli.
Also, I recieve the following error: ctags: unrecognized option --langdef=arc and I have the following in my ~/.ctags file:
--regex-arc=/^\(def ([a-zA-Z1-9_*\/<>-]+)/\1/
--regex-arc=/^\(= ([a-zA-Z1-9_*\/<>-]+)/\1/
--regex-scheme=/^\(xdef ([a-zA-Z1-9_*\/<>-]+)/\1/
etags is short for "Emacs tags", not "exuberant ctags". It sounds like you have Emacs' etags command installed, not exuberant-ctags'.
It turns out that my system has basic ctags installed, but not exuberant-ctags. so even though some etags command existed, exuberant-ctags is still different in some way or another.
sudo apt-get install ctags fixed the problem
sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags
solved the problem for me.
I was running Debian Jessie on an ARM development board, cubietruck.
On windows, Emacs comes with etags and a similar executable file called ctags. In the emacs distribution, etags.exe = ctags.exe in the bin directory.
You should download Exuberant Ctags from
Only exuberant ctags recognize -e option.
I had the same issue, but my error occurred because I had installed emacs with flatpak which came bundled with its own version of ctags, distinct from the one I installed with my linux package manager.
In such case the solution is to either specify the ctags path in the emacs config or use the normal non flatpak version.
