RestKit skipping mapping my object - restkit

This is solved, but I can't mark it as such for 2 days.
This seems pretty basic. I've got a date coming from my server, mapping it to an NSDate, it picks it up and goes to map it and it SKIPS it!
restkit.object_mapping:RKObjectMappingOperation.m:263 Mapping attribute value keyPath 'createdOn' to 'createdOn'
restkit.object_mapping:RKObjectMappingOperation.m:125 Found transformable value at keyPath 'createdOn'. Transforming from type '__NSCFString' to 'NSDate'
restkit.object_mapping:RKObjectMappingOperation.m:109 Transforming string value '2012-03-20T13:20:19.910Z' to NSDate...
restkit.object_mapping:RKObjectMappingOperation.m:280 Skipped mapping of attribute value from keyPath 'createdOn to keyPath 'createdOn' -- value is unchanged ((null))
So later on, of course, my object has a nil for the NSDate.
I even tried putting in a default global formatter with this:
[RKObjectMapping addDefaultDateFormatterForString:#"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.sss'Z'" inTimeZone:nil];
One problem I can see is that my date is formatted like this: 2012-03-20T13:20:19.910Z -- notice the decimal seconds. I had hoped the above format would fix that.
How can I get RestKit to map my object?

The solution is:
[RKObjectMapping addDefaultDateFormatterForString:#"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'" inTimeZone:nil];
notice the decimal seconds are SSS not sss.


Problem detecting and using a nullable value in Freemarker

I have a POJO object that I have serialized from JSON (in Java). I am using an object wrapper constructed via:
DefaultObjectWrapperBuilder builder = new DefaultObjectWrapperBuilder(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_27);
objectWrapper =;
I use the setExposeFields(true) because the object I am wrapping is not a Java bean, but rather just a POJO that contains public fields.
I am doing the following in my template:
<#ConditionOccurrence co = c/>
<#macro ConditionOccurrence co>
<#list co?keys as key>
A condition occurrence of: ${codesetName(co.codesetId, "any condition")}
<#if co.first!false>- for the first time in the person's history</#if>
<#if (co["occurrenceStartDate"])??>co.OSD is null: </#if>
Note, the 'c' is an element in a sequence, and is not important to the exact problem I am having.
The output of the template shows this:
A condition occurrence of: Psoriasis
- for the first time in the person's history
co.OSD is null:
The first set of lines are all the keys in my POJO. This is correct.
the two lines of output:
This is showing that the field occurrenceStartDate is an object of type DateRange. note this could be null in some cases, so I am checking how to check for null...
The next part of the output:
- for the first time in the person's history
co.OSD is null:
This is showing that it is reading the 'first' attribute of the object correctly, and I have switched the raw JSON from 'true' to 'false' and the template responds properly to the change in this value. Note, in the object, the 'first' field is type Boolean.
The second line: co.OSD is null is what is confounding me. I confirmed earlier that outputting the 'occurrenceStartDate' field shows that it holds a DateRange object. But, this statement is evaluating to TRUE (ie: it is null):
#if (co["occurrenceStartDate"])??>co.OSD is null: </#if>
I have tried with both dot notation and bracket notation. For some reason, the ?? operator on that field is saying it is null. Note, the underlying object isn't a simple String or Number type, it is a simple POJO class DateRange with 3 String properties on it. Again, these are not JavaBeans, these are just POJOs.
Can anyone explain why the ?? operator says it is empty when it is clearly referencing an object? Btw: if I attempt to access co.occurrenceStartDate at all, it results in a template error that I'm referencing a null value, so the core problem here is why does the wrapper thing it is a null?
Thank you in advance for your help.
The ?? operator means "is present", not "is missing". So your line should be:
<#if !(co.occurrenceStartDate??)>co.OSD is null: </#if>

Why does Java 8 DateTimeFormatter allows an incorrect month value in ResolverStyle.STRICT mode?

Why does this test pass, while the month value is obviously invalid (13)?
public void test() {
String format = "uuuuMM";
String value = "201713";
When using a temporal query, the expected DateTimeParseException is thrown:
.parse(value, YearMonth::from);
What happens when no TemporalQuery is specified?
EDIT: the 13 value seems to be a special one, as I learned thanks to the answer of ΦXocę 웃 Пepeúpa ツ (see Undecimber).
But the exception is not thrown even with another value, like 50:
public void test() {
String format = "uuuuMM";
String value = "201750";
I've made some debugging here and found that part of the parsing process is to check the fields against the formatter's chronology.
When you create a DateTimeFormatter, by default it uses an IsoChronology, which is used to resolve the date fields. During this resolving phase, the method java.time.chrono.AbstractChronology::resolveDate is called.
If you look at the source, you'll see the following logic:
if (fieldValues.containsKey(YEAR)) {
if (fieldValues.containsKey(MONTH_OF_YEAR)) {
if (fieldValues.containsKey(DAY_OF_MONTH)) {
return resolveYMD(fieldValues, resolverStyle);
return null;
As the input has only the year and month fields, fieldValues.containsKey(DAY_OF_MONTH) returns false, the method returns null and no other check is made as you can see in the Parsed class.
So, when parsing 201750 or 201713 without a TemporalQuery, no additional check is made because of the logic above, and the parse method returns a java.time.format.Parsed object, as you can see by the following code:
DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("uuuuMM").withResolverStyle(ResolverStyle.STRICT);
TemporalAccessor parsed = fmt.parse("201750");
The output is:
class java.time.format.Parsed
{Year=2017, MonthOfYear=50},ISO
Note that the type of the returned object is java.time.format.Parsed and printing it shows the fields that were parsed (year and month).
When you call parse with a TemporalQuery, though, the Parsed object is passed to the query and its fields are validated (of course it depends on the query, but the API built-in ones always validate).
In the case of YearMonth::from, it checks if the year and month are valid using the respective ChronoField's (MONTH_OF_YEAR and YEAR) and the month field accepts only values from 1 to 12.
That's why just calling parse(value) doesn't throw an exception, but calling with a TemporalQuery does.
Just to check the logic above when all the date fields (year, month and day) are present:
DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("uuuuMMdd").withResolverStyle(ResolverStyle.STRICT);
This throws:
Exception in thread "main" java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '20175010' could not be parsed: Invalid value for MonthOfYear (valid values 1 - 12): 50
As all the date fields are present, fieldValues.containsKey(DAY_OF_MONTH) returns true and now it checks if it's a valid date (using the resolveYMD method).
The month 13 is called : Undecimber
The gregorian calendar that many of us use allows 12 months only but java includes support for calendars which permit thirteen months so it depends on what calendar system you are talking about
For example, the actual maximum value of the MONTH field is 12 in some years, and 13 in other years in the Hebrew calendar system. So the month 13 is valid
It is a little odd that an exception is not thrown when parse is called without a given TemporalQuery. Some of the documentation for the single argument parse method:
This parses the entire text producing a temporal object. It is typically more useful to use parse(CharSequence, TemporalQuery). The result of this method is TemporalAccessor which has been resolved, applying basic validation checks to help ensure a valid date-time.
Note that it says it is "typically more useful to use parse(CharSequence, TemporalQuery)". In your examples, parse is returning a java.time.format.Parsed object, which is not really used for anything other than creating a different TemporalAccessor.
Note that if you try to create a YearMonth from the returned value, an exception is thrown:
Exception in thread "main" java.time.DateTimeException: Unable to obtain YearMonth from TemporalAccessor: {Year=2017, MonthOfYear=50},ISO of type java.time.format.Parsed
at java.time.YearMonth.from(
at anl.nfolds.Test.main(
Caused by: java.time.DateTimeException: Invalid value for MonthOfYear (valid values 1 - 12): 50
at java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor.get(
at java.time.YearMonth.from(
... 1 more
Documentation for Parsed:
A store of parsed data.
This class is used during parsing to collect the data. Part of the parsing process involves handling optional blocks and multiple copies of the data get created to support the necessary backtracking.
Once parsing is completed, this class can be used as the resultant TemporalAccessor. In most cases, it is only exposed once the fields have been resolved.
#implSpecThis class is a mutable context intended for use from a single thread. Usage of the class is thread-safe within standard parsing as a new instance of this class is automatically created for each parse and parsing is single-threaded

iOS 8: NSURLQueryItem with empty value

for an http get request's query string ?text=&index=10, how one can generate NSURLQueryItem for first key 'text' with empty value? Or does above kind of query string generation not supported by NSURLComponents ?
Actually earlier what I am trying to accomplish is creating a category on NSDictionary that will return array of NSURLQueryItems after parsing through its key-value pairs. For some keys like 'text', I am passing [NSNull null] as value and so unable to generate the needed NSURLQueryItems array. But then specifying #"" as value in the key for NSDictionary and also suggested by #Alladinian in the comment above the problem has been solved.

Passing Field Symbol value to Return parameter of method

I have the below code which uses a method. When I try to assign the Field Symbol value [Type ANY] to the return parameter RO_TAB [Type Ref to Data], I am getting an error message OBJECTS_MOVE_NOT SUPPORTED [Conversion of type "l" to type "g" not supported.].
The issue is happening after a BW system upgrade along with which we also moved to ABAP objects. The code executes perfectly in the older version of ABAP.
The dump occurs in the below line:
RO_TAB = <lf_storage>.
I have no idea why.
<lf_storage> TYPE ANY.
lf_index TYPE SY-TABIX,
lf_sindex TYPE STRING,
lf_name TYPE STRING.
lf_sindex = lf_index.
INTO lf_name.
ASSIGN lf_name TO <lf_storage>.
RO_TAB = <lf_storage>.
You need to create a data object first, using the CREATE DATA statement. Then you can ASSIGN a field symbol to work with the dynamically created data object. There's an example in the online manual. A field symbol is not a reference, it simply places the variable assigned to it in its position. You're effectively trying to move a string (which is what lf_name is) to a reference variable, and that won't work.
You cannot assign a variable of type STRING to a variable of type REF TO DATA.
The following code snippet shows how it should be done.
DATA: lf_name TYPE string.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lf_name> TYPE string.
lf_name = 'test'.
GET REFERENCE OF lf_name INTO lo_tab.
*lf_name = lo_tab. "this is not allowed
ASSIGN lo_tab->* TO <lf_name>.
So in your case it would be sufficient to define a field symbol.
then assign the contents referenced by RO_TAB to this field symbol.
ASSIGN ro_tab->* TO <lf_name>.
and finally do the concatenation.
INTO <lf_name>.
That's all! No further assignments should be required.
How about just this?
lf_sindex = lf_index.

Core Data - can't set empty string as default value for attribute

I have an entity in my datamodel with a string attribute that is currently optional, and I'd like to convert this to a required attribute with a default value of the empty string.
As others have discovered, leaving the default value blank in the Xcode Core Data data modeler results in validation errors (since the designer interprets this as NULL), but trying '', "", or #"" as the default value results in those literal characters being interpreted as the default, rather than the empty zero-length string, as desired.
I did find this thread on Google, however, apart from the solution being really ugly (model definition split between the .xcdatamodel and objc source), it also doesn't work for lightweight migrations because those migrations are done solely based on the .xcdatamodel files and the objc logic from your entity implementations isn't loaded.
Is there any way to achieve this in the data model designer?
This is a very interesting question. After some testing I don't think this is possible because of the way the text field in the data model is configured.
In principle, you could use the unicode empty-set character of \u2205 to represent a default empty string but the text field does not seem to accept any escapes so it converts any attempt to escape a unicode character code to the literal string of the code characters themselves e.g. entering '\u2205' ends up as the literal text '\u2205'.
In theory you could write a utility app to read in the graphically generated managed object model file and then programmatically set the attribute default to equal an empty string and then save the file back to disk. I say "in theory" because there is no documented way to way to save a managed object model file from code. You can read one and modify it in memory but not persist the changes.
Bit of an oversight, I think.
I don't think you have any choice but to set the default empty string pragmatically when the model first loads. That is simple to do but it's ugly and you'll have to remember you did (especially if you migrate versions) but I think right now that is the only choice.
Whip out your favorite XML editor (I just used Emacs) and dive down to the contents file inside the .xcdatamodel bundle inside the .xcdatamodeld bundle. Then just add a defaultValueString="" XML attribute to the <attribute>...</attribute> element inside the <entity>...</entity> brackets.
Here's an example:
<attribute name="email" attributeType="String" defaultValueString="" syncable="YES"/>
I can't speak to whether this survives migration since I haven't had to do that yet.
I resolved this by overriding the getter for my field - if it contains null, I return an empty string instead:
-(NSString *)unit {
if ([self primitiveValueForKey:#"unit"] == NULL) {
return #"";
} else {
return [self primitiveValueForKey:#"unit"];
So far it seems to be doing the trick, and I would imagine it wouldn't impact migrations (although I don't know enough about them to say for sure). I don't really care whether there's a null or an empty string in the db, after all - so long as I get "" instead of null when I ask for the field.
My approach to resolving this issue was to create an NSManagedObject subclass and handle the substitution of empty strings for NULL values in awakeFromInsert. I then set all entities as children of this subclass rather than children of NSManagedObject. The assumption here is that I want every string attribute within a given entity to be set to an empty string by default (it wouldn't work, or would at least require extra logic, if you wanted some to remain NULL within the same entity).
There's probably a more efficient way of doing this, but since it's only called upon entity creation, I don't think it is too much of a performance hit.
- (void)awakeFromInsert {
[super awakeFromInsert];
NSDictionary *allAttributes = [[self entity] attributesByName];
NSAttributeDescription *oneAttribute;
for (NSString *oneAttributeKey in allAttributes) {
oneAttribute = [allAttributes objectForKey:oneAttributeKey];
if ([oneAttribute attributeType] == NSStringAttributeType) {
if (![self valueForKey:[oneAttribute name]]) {
[self setValue:#"" forKey:[oneAttribute name]];
You can do it manually.
In your model class, override awakeFromInsert and set your strings to empty string
override func awakeFromInsert()
self.stringProperty = ""
- (void) awakeFromInsert
[super awakeFromInsert];
self.stringProperty = #"";
A simpler solution based on Scott Marks answer to avoid syntax errors:
First, temporarily set the default value to be easy to find, something like here you are. Open with any text editor the contents file inside the .xcdatamodel bundle inside the .xcdatamodeld bundle. Then just do a search with replacing the string "here you are" with the "" in this file.
The migration took place without problems.
Here is the Swift solution based on David Ravetti's answer and edelaney05's comment. In addition, I added optionality check.
This solution works fine in my projects.
class ExampleEntity: NSManagedObject {
override func awakeFromInsert() {
for (key, attr) in self.entity.attributesByName {
if attr.attributeType == .stringAttributeType && !attr.isOptional {
if self.value(forKey: key) == nil {
self.setPrimitiveValue("", forKey: key)
Maybe I'm late with this answer, but I was Googling and found this forum.
The solution is very simple:
When you click on the xcdatamodelId (On the left screen)
Change the Entity View to Graph
Double Click on any Attribute you want and the menu will appear on the right.
All changes are easy.
Part 2
Part 3
This appears to have been fixed at some point. Using Xcode 13:
Null String, unchecked Default Value:
<attribute name="myAttributeName" optional="YES" attributeType="String"/>
Empty String, now shown in Xcode interface:
<attribute name="myAttributeName" defaultValueString="" optional="YES" attributeType="String"/>
Entering "" into the field seems wrong and produces """" in the XML:
<attribute name="myAttributeName" defaultValueString="""" optional="YES" attributeType="String"/>
