Let git bash launch at current repositories - windows

Is there a way to let Git Extension open Git Bash at the current repositories ?
I always need to cd from the home directory. I run Git Extension under Win7.

You can right-click the Git Bash shortcut, click Properties and change the "Start in" to the path to your repository

With Git version 2.5.2 you can now just CRTL + Right Click and select "Git Bash Here" from the sub menu.
This opens up the bash window in the current repository.

If you're using msysgit there should be an option to integrate with explorer. You can then right click on a folder and select open git bash here.

The toolbar of GitExtensions has a button that will launch a console MsysGit in the current repository. It is also accessible from the Git menu, or Ctrl-G shortcut.


Problems after installation of git Bash

After git bash installation I lost option to create new file from right click context menu folder in Windows 10.
When I right click on desktop instead of "new" there is only get Gui Here and Git Bash here, option to create new is invisible.
After I uninstalled Git Bash from pc I lost it all, there is no git and create new folder settings.
Uninstalling Git bash would uninstall Git for Windows itself.
As an alternative, it is best to install it without the Windows Explorer integration, and to use the regular "Open command window here." contextual menu option:
Then you can type "bash", and you are in a bash session.

Bad: Git Bash on windows 10

I installed git on my computer with windows 10. Once the installation is complete I create a folder on the desktop, then pressing the right button I click on Git Bash Here and then I write the command git init. The problem is that I don't create any .git folder or anything else can you tell me if it's right so I have if there is any error?

Git context menu in Windows Exporer has a "git bash" option but it doesn't work

The default git distribution for windows contains, besides the CLI tools, a shell integration, i.e. a context menu for Windows Explorer. This context menu has a "Git bash" option which I suppose should open a Git bash prompt cd'd to the current directory. But instead, the git bash window opens and immediately closes, giving me no chance to even see what it says inside it. Any fix?
Note: Opening Git Bash from the Windows Start Menu works fine, but if I open it that way, then I need to manually cd to the needed dir.
I don't know exactly what distribution/version of git I had before, but now I installed "Git for Windows, version 2.10.1, 32-bit" from https://git-scm.com/download/win and the problem is gone.

'git' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I created Android Project in Android Studio, now that I would like to push it into my repository.
When I enter the following command in Android Studio terminal:
git remote add origin https://..........
The following error is returned:
git is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.`
How can I fix this?
If "git" is not installed then you need to install git and while installation select option 'Use Git from the Windows Command Prompt'.
If "git" is installed but still you are getting "git is not recognized as an internal or external command" error then you need to set PATH variable to point to git executable. To do that follow the steps below:
Open My Computer, right click and select Properties
On this window, click on Advanced System Settings link which will open System Properties popup.
In that popup (under Advanced tab), click on Environment Variables which will open Environment Variables popup.
In that popup, select Path and click on Edit, which will open Edit Environment Variable popup
From that popup window, click on Browse and browse to the git installation directory. Mostly it would be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin", select the directory and click Ok on all opened popups.
You will need to close command prompt and open again. Git command should work now!
Most probably Git is not installed on your machine (or installed incorrectly). Open this link to download an installer. It should do the job for you.
There are also other ways to install Git on Windows.
When you install Git, you must select the option 'run Git from the Windows command prompt'?
Download the latest version of the Git from here : http://git-scm.com/download and try again!

Installing vim-fugitive on windows 7

I'm a vim newbie, trying to install vim-fugitive on windows 7. I followed the instructions on the script's github site without success.
If I run :Git I get the Not an editor command :Git error.
Any ideas ?
fugitive only defines it's functions when you are inside a git controlled folder, so you'll have to initialize git in that folder before loading one of the folder's files to vim.
Simply run git init in that folder, and than open any file in that folder with vim, and you should have all of fugitive's commands working.
I ran into this same issue, here is how I solved it.
Right click on "Computer" from the "Start Menu".
Click on "Advanced system settings".
Click on "Environment Variables".
Go down to the "Path" variable under "System variables".
Click on "Edit..." then add to the end of the "Variable value the location of your git bin directory, mine was "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin".
Close out all vim sessions, and command prompts. At this point you should be able to open a command prompt and type "git" and you should get a list of commands. If that works your Fugitive commands should work as well.
Hope this helps!
On Windows, if you install msysgit, and check the following box, fugitive should work out of the box just as on Mac or Linux.
