Find out if UNC path is pointing to local machine - windows

Is there any simple way to tell if UNC path points to a local machine.
I found the following question SO
Is there any WIN32 API that will do the same?

#include <windows.h>
#include <WinSock.h>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#pragma comment(lib, "wsock32.lib")
using namespace std;
std::wstring ExtractHostName( const std::wstring &share )
if (share.size() < 3 )
return L"";
size_t pos = share.find( L"\\", 2 );
wstring server = ( pos != string::npos ) ? share.substr( 2, pos - 2 ) : share.substr( 2 );
transform( server.begin(),server.end(), server.begin(), tolower);
return server;
bool IsIP( const std::wstring &server )
size_t invalid = server.find_first_not_of( L"0123456789." );
bool fIsIP = ( invalid == string::npos );
return fIsIP;
bool IsLocalIP( const std::wstring &ipToCheck )
if ( ipToCheck == L"" )
return true;
WORD wVersionRequested;
WSADATA wsaData;
wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 1, 1 );
if ( WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData ) != 0 )
return false;
bool fIsLocal = false;
char hostName[255];
if( gethostname ( hostName, sizeof(hostName)) == 0 )
PHOSTENT hostinfo;
if(( hostinfo = gethostbyname(hostName)) != NULL )
for (int i = 0; hostinfo->h_addr_list[i]; i++)
char *ip = inet_ntoa(*( struct in_addr *)hostinfo->h_addr_list[i]);
wchar_t wcIP[100]={0};
::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, ip, -1, wcIP, _countof(wcIP));
if (ipToCheck == wcIP)
fIsLocal = true;
return fIsLocal;
bool IsLocalHost( const std::wstring &server )
if (server == L"localhost")
return true;
bool fIsLocalHost = false;
wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH]={0};
DWORD dwSize = _countof(buffer);
BOOL fRet = GetComputerName( buffer, &dwSize );
transform( buffer, buffer + dwSize, buffer, tolower);
fIsLocalHost = ( server == buffer );
return fIsLocalHost;
bool ShareIsLocal( const std::wstring &share )
wstring server = ExtractHostName( share );
bool fIsIp = IsIP( server );
if ( fIsIp )
return IsLocalIP( server );
return IsLocalHost( server );


Why does ReadProcessMemory fail so often with ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY?

The following program tries to scan read/write pages of a foreign application with ReadProcessMemory():
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <charconv>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <sstream>
#include <cctype>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
vector<vector<MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION>> pageTree( HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwMask );
using XHANDLE = unique_ptr<void, decltype([]( HANDLE h ) { h && h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && CloseHandle( h ); })>;
int main( int argc, char **argv )
if( argc < 2 )
DWORD dwProcessId = [&]() -> DWORD
DWORD dwRet;
if( from_chars_result fcr = from_chars( argv[1], argv[1] + strlen( argv[1] ), dwRet ); != errc() || *fcr.ptr )
throw invalid_argument( "process-id unparseable" );
return dwRet;
XHANDLE hProcess( [&]() -> HANDLE
if( !hRet )
throw system_error( (int)GetLastError(), system_category(), "can't open process" );
return hRet;
}() );
vector<vector<MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION>> vvmbi = pageTree( hProcess.get(), PAGE_READWRITE );
vector<char> processRegion;
succs = 0, partialErrs = 0, errs = 0,
total = 0, read = 0, skipped = 0;
for( vector<MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION> const &vmbi : vvmbi )
for( MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION const &vmbi : vmbi )
processRegion.resize( vmbi.RegionSize );
size_t actuallyRead;
bool succ = ReadProcessMemory( hProcess.get(), vmbi.BaseAddress, to_address( processRegion.begin() ), vmbi.RegionSize, &actuallyRead );
succs += succ;
partialErrs += !succ && GetLastError() == ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY;
errs += !succ;
bool bytesCopied = succ || GetLastError() == ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY;
actuallyRead = bytesCopied ? actuallyRead : 0;
total += processRegion.size(),
read += actuallyRead;
skipped += bytesCopied ? processRegion.size() - actuallyRead : processRegion.size();
cout << "successes: " << succs << endl;
cout << "partial errs: " << partialErrs << endl;
cout << "errs: " << errs << endl;
cout << "read: " << read << endl;
cout << "skipped: " << skipped;
auto pct = []( double a, double b ) -> double { return trunc( a / b * 1000.0 + 0.5 ) / 10.0; };
cout << " (" << pct( (double)(ptrdiff_t)skipped, (double)(ptrdiff_t)total ) << "%)" << endl;
catch( exception const &exc )
cout << exc.what() << endl;
template<typename Fn>
requires requires( Fn fn, MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION &mbi ) { { fn( mbi ) } -> std::convertible_to<bool>; }
void enumProcessMemory( HANDLE hProcess, Fn fn );
vector<vector<MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION>> pageTree( HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwMask )
vector<vector<MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION>> vvmbis;
enumProcessMemory( hProcess, [&]( MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION &mbi ) -> bool
if( !(mbi.AllocationProtect & dwMask) )
return true;
if( !vvmbis.size() || vvmbis.back().back().BaseAddress != mbi.BaseAddress )
vvmbis.emplace_back( vector<MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION>() );
vvmbis.back().emplace_back( mbi );
return true;
} );
return vvmbis;
template<typename Fn>
requires requires( Fn fn, MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION &mbi ) { { fn( mbi ) } -> std::convertible_to<bool>; }
void enumProcessMemory( HANDLE hProcess, Fn fn )
for( char *last = nullptr; ; last = (char *)mbi.BaseAddress + mbi.RegionSize )
size_t nBytes = VirtualQueryEx( hProcess, last, &mbi, sizeof mbi );
if( nBytes != sizeof mbi )
if( DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); dwErr == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER )
throw system_error( (int)dwErr, system_category(), "can't query process pages" );
if( !fn( mbi ) )
This is the result from scanning explorer.exe:
successes: 316
partial errs: 282
errs: 282
read: 139862016
skipped: 4452511744 (97%)
I.e. 316 copies from the foreign address space are successful, 282 are errors with partial reads, the same number are errors at all (i.e. all errors are partial reads), and the given number of bytes are read and skipped. The total memory that has skipped is 97%.
Why does ReadProcessMemory() fail so often, or what am I doing wrong here?
Remy was mostly right. Here's the corrected code with a filter-callback on pageTree instead of a protection mask.
#include <Windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <charconv>
#include <cstring>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <sstream>
#include <cctype>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
template<typename FilterFn>
requires requires( FilterFn fn, MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION &mbi ) { { fn( mbi ) } -> std::convertible_to<bool>; }
vector<vector<MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION>> pageTree( HANDLE hProcess, FilterFn filterFn );
using XHANDLE = unique_ptr<void, decltype([]( HANDLE h ) { h && h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && CloseHandle( h ); })>;
int main( int argc, char **argv )
if( argc < 2 )
DWORD dwProcessId = [&]() -> DWORD
DWORD dwRet;
if( from_chars_result fcr = from_chars( argv[1], argv[1] + strlen( argv[1] ), dwRet ); != errc() || *fcr.ptr )
throw invalid_argument( "process-id unparseable" );
return dwRet;
XHANDLE hProcess( [&]() -> HANDLE
if( !hRet )
throw system_error( (int)GetLastError(), system_category(), "can't open process" );
return hRet;
}() );
vector<vector<MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION>> vvmbi = pageTree( hProcess.get(),
return mbi.State == MEM_COMMIT;
} );
vector<char> processRegion;
succs = 0, partialErrs = 0, errs = 0,
total = 0, read = 0, skipped = 0;
for( vector<MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION> const &vmbi : vvmbi )
for( MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION const &vmbi : vmbi )
processRegion.resize( vmbi.RegionSize );
size_t actuallyRead;
bool succ = ReadProcessMemory( hProcess.get(), vmbi.BaseAddress, to_address( processRegion.begin() ), vmbi.RegionSize, &actuallyRead );
succs += succ;
partialErrs += !succ && GetLastError() == ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY;
errs += !succ;
bool bytesCopied = succ || GetLastError() == ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY;
actuallyRead = bytesCopied ? actuallyRead : 0;
total += processRegion.size(),
read += actuallyRead;
skipped += bytesCopied ? processRegion.size() - actuallyRead : processRegion.size();
cout << "successes: " << succs << endl;
cout << "partial errs: " << partialErrs << endl;
cout << "errs: " << errs << endl;
cout << "read: " << read << endl;
cout << "skipped: " << skipped;
auto pct = []( double a, double b ) -> double { return trunc( a / b * 1000.0 + 0.5 ) / 10.0; };
cout << " (" << pct( (double)(ptrdiff_t)skipped, (double)(ptrdiff_t)total ) << "%)" << endl;
catch( exception const &exc )
cout << exc.what() << endl;
template<typename Fn>
requires requires( Fn fn, MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION &mbi ) { { fn( mbi ) } -> std::convertible_to<bool>; }
void enumProcessMemory( HANDLE hProcess, Fn fn );
template<typename FilterFn>
requires requires( FilterFn fn, MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION &mbi ) { { fn( mbi ) } -> std::convertible_to<bool>; }
vector<vector<MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION>> pageTree( HANDLE hProcess, FilterFn filterFn )
vector<vector<MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION>> vvmbis;
enumProcessMemory( hProcess, [&]( MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION &mbi ) -> bool
if( !filterFn( mbi ) )
return true;
if( !vvmbis.size() || vvmbis.back().back().BaseAddress != mbi.BaseAddress )
vvmbis.emplace_back( vector<MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION>() );
vvmbis.back().emplace_back( mbi );
return true;
} );
return vvmbis;
template<typename Fn>
requires requires( Fn fn, MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION &mbi ) { { fn( mbi ) } -> std::convertible_to<bool>; }
void enumProcessMemory( HANDLE hProcess, Fn fn )
for( char *last = nullptr; ; last = (char *)mbi.BaseAddress + mbi.RegionSize )
size_t nBytes = VirtualQueryEx( hProcess, last, &mbi, sizeof mbi );
if( nBytes != sizeof mbi )
if( DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); dwErr == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER )
throw system_error( (int)dwErr, system_category(), "can't query process pages" );
if( !fn( mbi ) )
Unfortunately I still get about 6% skipped memory:
successes: 2159
partial errs: 225
errs: 225
read: 706748416
skipped: 42897408 (5.7%)
Why is that ?

Getting process description with given process-id

I've got a program that enumerates all processes with the Toolhelp API. With my Sysinternals Process Explorer I also can see a description of all processes. Is this description coming from the executable ? How do I get its name ?
That's my current code to enumerate the processes:
#include <Windows.h>
#include <TlHelp32.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <system_error>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
vector<PROCESSENTRY32W> getAllProcesses();
int main()
for( PROCESSENTRY32W &pe : getAllProcesses() )
wcout << pe.szExeFile << endl;
using XHANDLE = unique_ptr<void, decltype([]( HANDLE h ) { h && h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && CloseHandle( h ); })>;
vector<PROCESSENTRY32W> getAllProcesses()
auto throwSysErr = []() { throw system_error( (int)GetLastError(), system_category(), "error enumerating processes" ); };
vector<PROCESSENTRY32W> processes;
XHANDLE xhSnapshot( CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 ) );
if( xhSnapshot.get() == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
pe.dwSize = sizeof pe;
if( !Process32FirstW( xhSnapshot.get(), &pe ) )
for( ; ; )
processes.emplace_back( pe );
pe.dwSize = sizeof pe;
if( !Process32NextW( xhSnapshot.get(), &pe ) )
if( GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES )
return processes;
#RemyLebeau 's way with code implement which is adapted from VerQueryValueA document sample. And as OpenProcess states,
If the specified process is the System Idle Process (0x00000000), the
function fails and the last error code is ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER. If
the specified process is the System process or one of the Client
Server Run-Time Subsystem (CSRSS) processes, this function fails and
the last error code is ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED because their access
restrictions prevent user-level code from opening them.
int main()
TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH] = {};
for (PROCESSENTRY32W& pe : getAllProcesses())
wcout << pe.szExeFile << endl;
FALSE, pe.th32ProcessID);
if (hProcess == NULL)
memset(szFile, 0, MAX_PATH);
dwSize = MAX_PATH;
QueryFullProcessImageName(hProcess,0, szFile,&dwSize);
DWORD s = GetFileVersionInfoSize(szFile,NULL);
if (s != 0)
LPVOID lpData = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, s);
GetFileVersionInfo(szFile,0,s, lpData);
UINT cbTranslate;
WORD wLanguage;
WORD wCodePage;
} *lpTranslate;
// Read the list of languages and code pages.
// Read the file description for each language and code page.
LPVOID lpBuffer;
UINT dwBytes;
for (int i = 0; i < (cbTranslate / sizeof(struct LANGANDCODEPAGE)); i++)
TCHAR SubBlock[255] = {};
hr = StringCchPrintf(SubBlock, 50,
if (FAILED(hr))
// TODO: write error handler.
// Retrieve file description for language and code page "i".
wcout << (TCHAR*)(lpBuffer) << endl;
HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpData);
//GetProcessImageFileName(hProcess, szFile, dwSize);

WaitForMultipleObjects starving out

When I call WaitForMultipleObjects on a set of objects and another thread is waiting for a single object of that set with WaitForSingleObject, this thread is preferred and the thread calling WaitForMultipleObjects never gets CPU-time.
Look at this source:
#include <windows.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <unordered_map>
bool volatile fReleased;
DWORD WINAPI LockAndReleaseThread( LPVOID lpvThreadParam );
int main()
int const NTHREADS = 10;
HANDLE ahWait[2];
ahWait[0] = ::hEvt = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, TRUE, NULL );
ahWait[1] = ::hSema = CreateSemaphore( NULL, 0, 1, NULL );
fReleased = false;
for( int i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++ )
CreateThread( NULL, 0, LockAndReleaseThread, NULL, 0, NULL );
for( ; ; )
WaitForMultipleObjects( 2, ahWait, TRUE, INFINITE ),
std::printf( "main thread is holding lock and received signal\n" ),
::fReleased = false,
SetEvent( ::hEvt );
return 0;
char GetID();
DWORD WINAPI LockAndReleaseThread( LPVOID lpvThreadParam )
for( ; ; )
WaitForSingleObject( ::hEvt, INFINITE );
std::printf( "spawned thread with id %c is holding lock\n", (char)GetID() );
if( !::fReleased )
ReleaseSemaphore( ::hSema, 1, NULL ),
::fReleased = true;
Sleep( 1000 );
SetEvent( ::hEvt );
return 0;
char GetID()
static std::unordered_map<DWORD, char> mapTIDsToIDs;
static char nextId = 'A';
DWORD dwThreadId;
if( mapTIDsToIDs.find( dwThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId() ) == mapTIDsToIDs.end() )
return mapTIDsToIDs[dwThreadId] = nextId++;
return mapTIDsToIDs[dwThreadId];
In this code, the main thread never gets CPU-time if NTHREADS is >= 2.
I don't expect WaitForSingleObject or WaitForMultipleObjects to be completely fair, but this looks to me like a conceptual flaw.
If I replace
WaitForMultipleObjects( 2, ahWait, TRUE, INFINITE ),
WaitForSingleObject( ::hSema, INFINITE ),
WaitForSingleObject( ::hEvt, INFINITE ),
the main-thread gets CPU-time.
The bug hasn't been fixed even with Windows 10.
And doing WaitForMultipleObjects instead of WaitForSingleObject doesn't change the situation.
And the spawned threads get CPU-time in a round-robin-fashion and it doesn't matter if there is a Sleep or not and if I'm doing WaitforSingleObject or WaitForMultipleObjects.
The tip with using a critical section here doesn't help me.
I've developed a condition-variable where this constellation can happen if multiple threads are locking the condvar and one is waiting for the condvar to be singalled:
#include <windows.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <exception>
#include <intrin.h>
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
#define ONDEBUG(expr) (expr)
#define ONDEBUG(expr) ((void)0)
DWORD FastGetCurrentThreadId()
#if defined(_M_IX86)
return __readfsdword( 0x24 );
#elif defined(_M_AMD64)
return *(DWORD *)(__readgsqword( 0x30 ) + 0x48);
class Exception : public std::exception
class ResourceException : public Exception
template <typename TYPE>
TYPE AutoThrowResourceException( TYPE t )
if( !t )
throw ResourceException();
return t;
void CloseHandle();
this->h = h;
BOOL fClosed;
if( h && h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
fClosed = ::CloseHandle( h ),
void XHANDLE::CloseHandle()
::CloseHandle( h );
h = NULL;
class CondVar
void Enter();
void Wait();
void Release();
void ReleaseAll();
void Leave();
LONGLONG volatile m_llOwnersAndWaiters;
DWORD volatile m_dwRecursionCount;
DWORD volatile m_dwOwningThreadId;
XHANDLE m_xhEvtEnter,
DWORD Owners( LONGLONG llOwnersAndWaiters )
return (DWORD)llOwnersAndWaiters;
DWORD Waiters( LONGLONG llOwnersAndWaiters )
return (DWORD)((DWORDLONG)llOwnersAndWaiters >> 32);
CondVar::CondVar() :
m_xhEvtEnter( AutoThrowResourceException( ::CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ) ) ),
m_xhSemRelease( AutoThrowResourceException( ::CreateSemaphore( NULL, 0, 0x7FFFFFFF, NULL ) ) )
m_llOwnersAndWaiters = 0;
m_dwRecursionCount = 0;
m_dwOwningThreadId = 0;
void CondVar::Enter()
if( m_dwOwningThreadId == FastGetCurrentThreadId() )
LONGLONG llOwnersAndWaiters = ::InterlockedIncrement64( &m_llOwnersAndWaiters );
assert(Owners( llOwnersAndWaiters ) > Waiters( llOwnersAndWaiters ));
if( (Owners( llOwnersAndWaiters ) - Waiters( llOwnersAndWaiters )) > 1 )
for( ; ::WaitForSingleObject( m_xhEvtEnter.h, INFINITE ) != WAIT_OBJECT_0; assert(false) );
ONDEBUG(llOwnersAndWaiters = m_llOwnersAndWaiters);
assert(Owners( llOwnersAndWaiters ) > Waiters( llOwnersAndWaiters ) && m_dwOwningThreadId == 0);
m_dwOwningThreadId = FastGetCurrentThreadId();
void CondVar::Wait()
LONGLONG llOwnersAndWaiters;
DWORD dwSavedRecusionCount;
ONDEBUG(llOwnersAndWaiters = m_llOwnersAndWaiters);
assert(Owners( llOwnersAndWaiters ) > Waiters( llOwnersAndWaiters ) && m_dwOwningThreadId == FastGetCurrentThreadId());
m_dwOwningThreadId = 0;
dwSavedRecusionCount = m_dwRecursionCount;
m_dwRecursionCount = 0;
llOwnersAndWaiters = ::InterlockedAdd64( &m_llOwnersAndWaiters, 0x100000000 );
if( Owners( llOwnersAndWaiters ) > Waiters( llOwnersAndWaiters ) )
for( ; !::SetEvent( m_xhEvtEnter.h ); assert(false) );
HANDLE ahWait[2] = { m_xhEvtEnter.h, m_xhSemRelease.h };
for( ; ::WaitForMultipleObjects( 2, ahWait, TRUE, INFINITE ) != WAIT_OBJECT_0; assert(false) );
ONDEBUG(llOwnersAndWaiters = m_llOwnersAndWaiters);
assert(Owners( llOwnersAndWaiters ) > Waiters( llOwnersAndWaiters ) && m_dwOwningThreadId == 0);
m_dwOwningThreadId = FastGetCurrentThreadId();
m_dwRecursionCount = dwSavedRecusionCount;
void CondVar::Release()
LONGLONG llOwnersAndWaiters,
for( llOwnersAndWaiters = m_llOwnersAndWaiters; Waiters( llOwnersAndWaiters ); llOwnersAndWaiters = llOwnersAndWaitersPrevOrChanged )
assert(Owners( llOwnersAndWaiters ) > Waiters( llOwnersAndWaiters ) && m_dwOwningThreadId == FastGetCurrentThreadId());
if( (llOwnersAndWaitersPrevOrChanged = ::InterlockedCompareExchange64( &m_llOwnersAndWaiters, llOwnersAndWaiters - 0x100000000, llOwnersAndWaiters )) == llOwnersAndWaiters )
for (; !::ReleaseSemaphore( m_xhSemRelease.h, 1, NULL ); assert( false ));
void CondVar::ReleaseAll()
LONGLONG llOwnersAndWaiters,
for( llOwnersAndWaiters = m_llOwnersAndWaiters; Waiters( llOwnersAndWaiters ); llOwnersAndWaiters = llOwnersAndWaitersPrevOrChanged )
assert(Owners( llOwnersAndWaiters ) > Waiters( llOwnersAndWaiters ) && m_dwOwningThreadId == FastGetCurrentThreadId());
if( (llOwnersAndWaitersPrevOrChanged = ::InterlockedCompareExchange64( &m_llOwnersAndWaiters, llOwnersAndWaiters & 0x0FFFFFFFF, llOwnersAndWaiters )) == llOwnersAndWaiters )
for (; !::ReleaseSemaphore( m_xhSemRelease.h, (LONG)Waiters( llOwnersAndWaiters ), NULL ); assert( false ));
void CondVar::Leave()
LONGLONG llOwnersAndWaiters;
LONG lRecursionCount;
ONDEBUG(llOwnersAndWaiters = m_llOwnersAndWaiters);
assert(Owners( llOwnersAndWaiters ) > Waiters( llOwnersAndWaiters ) && m_dwOwningThreadId == FastGetCurrentThreadId());
if( (lRecursionCount = m_dwRecursionCount) != 0 )
m_dwRecursionCount = lRecursionCount - 1;
m_dwOwningThreadId = 0;
llOwnersAndWaiters = ::InterlockedDecrement64( &m_llOwnersAndWaiters );
if( Owners( llOwnersAndWaiters ) > Waiters( llOwnersAndWaiters ) )
for( ; !::SetEvent( m_xhEvtEnter.h ); assert(false) );
/* ---------------------------- unit-test ---------------------------- */
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <deque>
#include <map>
DWORD WINAPI ThreadFunc( LPVOID lpvThreadParam );
using namespace std;
struct ThreadResult
DWORD dwThreadId;
DWORD dwCounter;
CondVar cv;
deque<ThreadResult> dqtr;
bool volatile fStop = false;
int main()
int const NTHREADS = 16;
int i;
std::map<DWORD, DWORD> mTRs;
for( i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++ )
ahThreads[i] = CreateThread( NULL, 0, ThreadFunc, NULL, 0, NULL );
for( i = 0; i < 10000; i++ )
ThreadResult tr;
if( ::dqtr.empty() )
tr = ::dqtr.front();
printf( "Thread: %08X - Number: %d\n", (unsigned)tr.dwThreadId, (unsigned)tr.dwCounter );
if( mTRs.find( tr.dwThreadId ) == mTRs.end() )
mTRs[tr.dwThreadId] = tr.dwCounter;
assert((mTRs[tr.dwThreadId] + 1) == tr.dwCounter),
mTRs[tr.dwThreadId] = tr.dwCounter;
for( ::fStop = true, i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++ )
WaitForSingleObject( ahThreads[i], INFINITE );
return 0;
DWORD WINAPI ThreadFunc( LPVOID lpvThreadParam )
ThreadResult tr;
tr.dwThreadId = FastGetCurrentThreadId();
tr.dwCounter = 0;
for( ; !::fStop; tr.dwCounter++ )
::dqtr.push_back( tr );
Sleep( 100 );
return 0;
I can reproduce your problem, and it is bizarre.
For what it's worth, I found that I could work around it by using WaitForMultipleObjects() exclusively, and including a per-thread dummy object, i.e.,
DWORD WINAPI LockAndReleaseThread( LPVOID lpvThreadParam )
HANDLE ahWait[2];
ahWait[0] = ::hEvt;
ahWait[1] = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL);
for( ; ; )
WaitForMultipleObjects(2, ahWait, TRUE, INFINITE );
std::printf( "spawned thread with id %c is holding lock\n", (char)GetID() );
if( !::fReleased )
ReleaseSemaphore( ::hSema, 1, NULL ),
::fReleased = true;
Sleep( 1000 );
SetEvent( ::hEvt );
return 0;
This does not seem to work if the child threads share a single dummy object, unless the parent thread is also waiting on that object. So while it seems to work in this case, it is likely to be a fragile approach.
Personally at this point I'd be looking for another solution, but in your scenario I wouldn't really know where to start. (Off the top of my head, I'm thinking a linked list of threads and perhaps some lock-free queues.) On the other hand, since you're reading the thread ID directly from the undocumented process environment block, reliability and forwards compatibility clearly isn't a major issue for you, so perhaps this workaround will be sufficient. :-)
You should also note that Windows does have its own implementation of condition variables. I'm not sure why you're rolling your own here.

ffmpeg avcodec_encode_video2 hangs when using Quick Sync h264_qsv encoder

When I use the mpeg4 or h264 encoders, I am able to successfully encode images to make a valid AVI file using the API for ffmpeg 3.1.0. However, when I use the Quick Sync encoder (h264_qsv), avcodec_encode_video2 will hang some of the time. I found that when using images that are 1920x1080, it was rare that avcodec_encode_video2 would hang. When using 256x256 images, it was very likely that the function would hang.
I have created the test code below that demonstrates the hang of avcodec_encode_video2. The code will create a 1000 frame, 256x256 AVI with a bit rate of 400000. The frames are simply allocated, so the output video should just be green frames.
The problem was observed using Windows 7 and Windows 10, using the 32-bit or 64-bit test application.
If anyone has any idea on how I can avoid the avcodec_encode_video2 hang I would be very grateful! Thanks in advance for any assistance.
extern "C"
#include "avcodec.h"
#include "avformat.h"
#include "swscale.h"
#include "avutil.h"
#include "imgutils.h"
#include "opt.h"
#include <rational.h>
#include <iostream>
// Globals
AVCodec* m_pCodec = NULL;
AVStream *m_pStream = NULL;
AVOutputFormat* m_pFormat = NULL;
AVFormatContext* m_pFormatContext = NULL;
AVCodecContext* m_pCodecContext = NULL;
AVFrame* m_pFrame = NULL;
int m_frameIndex;
// Output format
AVPixelFormat m_pixType = AV_PIX_FMT_NV12;
// Use for mpeg4
//AVPixelFormat m_pixType = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P;
// Output frame rate
int m_frameRate = 30;
// Output image dimensions
int m_imageWidth = 256;
int m_imageHeight = 256;
// Number of frames to export
int m_frameCount = 1000;
// Output file name
const char* m_fileName = "c:/test/test.avi";
// Output file type
const char* m_fileType = "AVI";
// Codec name used to encode
const char* m_encoderName = "h264_qsv";
// use for mpeg4
//const char* m_encoderName = "mpeg4";
// Target bit rate
int m_targetBitRate = 400000;
void addVideoStream()
m_pStream = avformat_new_stream( m_pFormatContext, m_pCodec );
m_pStream->id = m_pFormatContext->nb_streams - 1;
m_pStream->time_base = m_pCodecContext->time_base;
m_pStream->codec->pix_fmt = m_pixType;
m_pStream->codec->flags = m_pCodecContext->flags;
m_pStream->codec->width = m_pCodecContext->width;
m_pStream->codec->height = m_pCodecContext->height;
m_pStream->codec->time_base = m_pCodecContext->time_base;
m_pStream->codec->bit_rate = m_pCodecContext->bit_rate;
AVFrame* allocatePicture( enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int width, int height )
AVFrame *frame;
frame = av_frame_alloc();
if ( !frame )
return NULL;
frame->format = pix_fmt;
frame->width = width;
frame->height = height;
int checkImage = av_image_alloc( frame->data, frame->linesize, width, height, pix_fmt, 32 );
if ( checkImage < 0 )
return NULL;
return frame;
bool initialize()
AVRational frameRate;
frameRate.den = m_frameRate;
frameRate.num = 1;
m_pCodec = avcodec_find_encoder_by_name(m_encoderName);
if( !m_pCodec )
return false;
m_pCodecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3( m_pCodec );
m_pCodecContext->width = m_imageWidth;
m_pCodecContext->height = m_imageHeight;
m_pCodecContext->time_base = frameRate;
m_pCodecContext->gop_size = 0;
m_pCodecContext->pix_fmt = m_pixType;
m_pCodecContext->codec_id = m_pCodec->id;
m_pCodecContext->bit_rate = m_targetBitRate;
av_opt_set( m_pCodecContext->priv_data, "+CBR", "", 0 );
return true;
bool startExport()
m_frameIndex = 0;
char fakeFileName[512];
int checkAllocContext = avformat_alloc_output_context2( &m_pFormatContext, NULL, m_fileType, fakeFileName );
if ( checkAllocContext < 0 )
return false;
if ( !m_pFormatContext )
return false;
m_pFormat = m_pFormatContext->oformat;
if ( m_pFormat->video_codec != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE )
int checkOpen = avcodec_open2( m_pCodecContext, m_pCodec, NULL );
if ( checkOpen < 0 )
return false;
m_pFrame = allocatePicture( m_pCodecContext->pix_fmt, m_pCodecContext->width, m_pCodecContext->height );
if( !m_pFrame )
return false;
m_pFrame->pts = 0;
int checkOpen = avio_open( &m_pFormatContext->pb, m_fileName, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE );
if ( checkOpen < 0 )
return false;
av_dict_set( &(m_pFormatContext->metadata), "title", "QS Test", 0 );
int checkHeader = avformat_write_header( m_pFormatContext, NULL );
if ( checkHeader < 0 )
return false;
return true;
int processFrame( AVPacket& avPacket )
avPacket.stream_index = 0;
avPacket.pts = av_rescale_q( m_pFrame->pts, m_pStream->codec->time_base, m_pStream->time_base );
avPacket.dts = av_rescale_q( m_pFrame->pts, m_pStream->codec->time_base, m_pStream->time_base );
int retVal = av_interleaved_write_frame( m_pFormatContext, &avPacket );
return retVal;
bool exportFrame()
int success = 1;
int result = 0;
AVPacket avPacket;
av_init_packet( &avPacket ); = NULL;
avPacket.size = 0;
std::cout << "Before avcodec_encode_video2 for frame: " << m_frameIndex << std::endl;
success = avcodec_encode_video2( m_pCodecContext, &avPacket, m_pFrame, &result );
std::cout << "After avcodec_encode_video2 for frame: " << m_frameIndex << std::endl;
if( result )
success = processFrame( avPacket );
av_packet_unref( &avPacket );
return ( success == 0 );
void endExport()
int result = 0;
int success = 0;
if (m_pFrame)
while ( success == 0 )
AVPacket avPacket;
av_init_packet( &avPacket ); = NULL;
avPacket.size = 0;
success = avcodec_encode_video2( m_pCodecContext, &avPacket, NULL, &result );
if( result )
success = processFrame( avPacket );
av_packet_unref( &avPacket );
if (!result)
if (m_pFormatContext)
av_write_trailer( m_pFormatContext );
if( m_pFrame )
av_frame_free( &m_pFrame );
avio_closep( &m_pFormatContext->pb );
avformat_free_context( m_pFormatContext );
m_pFormatContext = NULL;
void cleanup()
if( m_pFrame || m_pCodecContext )
if( m_pFrame )
av_frame_free( &m_pFrame );
if( m_pCodecContext )
avcodec_close( m_pCodecContext );
av_free( m_pCodecContext );
int main()
bool success = true;
if (initialize())
if (startExport())
for (int loop = 0; loop < m_frameCount; loop++)
if (!exportFrame())
std::cout << "Failed to export frame\n";
success = false;
std::cout << "Failed to start export\n";
success = false;
std::cout << "Failed to initialize export\n";
success = false;
if (success)
std::cout << "Successfully exported file\n";
return 1;
The problem no longer occurs now that I have updated to the latest IntelĀ® Graphics Driver (version

Mac C++ Broadcast -> more then one network-interface

I have a broadcast program on my mac, everything is working fine, but if i have more then one network interface, he didn't recieve anything.
So what i now want to do is:
Check which network interfaces are activ on the mac
send to every activ interface a broadcast ( so i have to select which interface i want to use)
recieve the answer (if there is one :) )
the broadcast client is on my WLAN (with a router beetween the devices) and a normal internet connection is on my LAN. If i deactivate the LAN in the system configs, he also didn't find my other device, but if i pull the cable he found the other device... So maybe i didn't have to look which interface is activ and have a look to which interface is connected.
Do u have some tipps or good google keywords for me to do that?
Long time ago, but if someone find my post, here is my solution:
#include <stdint.h>
static uint32 Inet_AtoN(const char * buf)
// net_server inexplicably doesn't have this function; so I'll just fake it
uint32 ret = 0;
int shift = 24; // fill out the MSB first
bool startQuad = true;
while ((shift >= 0) && (*buf))
if (startQuad)
unsigned char quad = (unsigned char)atoi(buf);
ret |= (((uint32)quad) << shift);
shift -= 8;
startQuad = (*buf == '.');
return ret;
int Broadcast::BroadcastToAllInterfaces()
DEBUG_LOG(1,"Start Broadcast To All Interfaces", "DEv1");
moreThenOne = 0;
#if defined(USE_GETIFADDRS)
struct ifaddrs * ifap;
if (getifaddrs(&ifap) == 0)
struct ifaddrs * p = ifap;
while (p)
uint32 ifaAddr = SockAddrToUint32(p->ifa_addr);
uint32 maskAddr = SockAddrToUint32(p->ifa_netmask);
uint32 dstAddr = SockAddrToUint32(p->ifa_dstaddr);
if (ifaAddr > 0)
char ifaAddrStr[32]; Inet_NtoA(ifaAddr, ifaAddrStr);
char maskAddrStr[32]; Inet_NtoA(maskAddr, maskAddrStr);
char dstAddrStr[32]; Inet_NtoA(dstAddr, dstAddrStr);
std::stringstream addr, descss;
std::string addrs, descs;
addr << dstAddrStr;
descss << p->ifa_name;
descss >> descs;
addr >> addrs;
p = p->ifa_next;
#elif defined(WIN32)
// Windows XP style implementation
// Adapted from example code at
// Now get Windows' IPv4 addresses table. Once again, we gotta call GetIpAddrTable()
// multiple times in order to deal with potential race conditions properly.
ULONG bufLen = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<5; i++)
DWORD ipRet = GetIpAddrTable(ipTable, &bufLen, false);
free(ipTable); // in case we had previously allocated it STILL_RUN
ipTable = (MIB_IPADDRTABLE *)malloc(bufLen);
else if (ipRet == NO_ERROR) break;
ipTable = NULL;
if (ipTable)
IP_ADAPTER_INFO * pAdapterInfo = NULL;
ULONG bufLen = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<5; i++)
DWORD apRet = GetAdaptersInfo(pAdapterInfo, &bufLen);
free(pAdapterInfo); // in case we had previously allocated it
pAdapterInfo = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO *)malloc(bufLen);
else if (apRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) break;
pAdapterInfo = NULL;
for (DWORD i = 0; i<ipTable->dwNumEntries; i++)
const MIB_IPADDRROW & row = ipTable->table[i];
// Now lookup the appropriate adaptor-name in the pAdaptorInfos, if we can find it
const char * name = NULL;
const char * desc = NULL;
if (pAdapterInfo)
IP_ADAPTER_INFO * next = pAdapterInfo;
while ((next) && (name == NULL))
IP_ADDR_STRING * ipAddr = &next->IpAddressList;
while (ipAddr)
if (Inet_AtoN(ipAddr->IpAddress.String) == ntohl(row.dwAddr))
name = next->AdapterName;
desc = next->Description;
ipAddr = ipAddr->Next;
next = next->Next;
char buf[128];
int setUnnamed = 0;
if (name == NULL)
sprintf(buf, "unnamed");
name = buf;
setUnnamed = 1;
uint32 ipAddr = ntohl(row.dwAddr);
uint32 netmask = ntohl(row.dwMask);
uint32 baddr = ipAddr & netmask;
if (row.dwBCastAddr) baddr |= ~netmask;
char ifaAddrStr[32]; Inet_NtoA(ipAddr, ifaAddrStr);
char maskAddrStr[32]; Inet_NtoA(netmask, maskAddrStr);
char dstAddrStr[32]; Inet_NtoA(baddr, dstAddrStr);
std::stringstream addr, descss;
std::string addrs, descs;
if (setUnnamed == 0)
addr << dstAddrStr;
descss << desc;
descss >> descs;
addr >> addrs;
// Dunno what we're running on here!
# error "Don't know how to implement PrintNetworkInterfaceInfos() on this OS!"
return 1;
int Broadcast::DoABroadcast(uint32 broadAddr)
int askSinlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
int askBuflen = MAXBUF;
int message;
char buf[512];
int status;
char askBuffer[MAXBUF];
struct sockaddr_in sock_in, client_adress, client_adress2;
#ifdef __APPLE__
socklen_t clientLength;
int askYes = 1;
char askYes = 1;
int clientLength;
int result = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &w);
int recSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
if (recSocket <0)
#ifdef __APPLE__
inBroadcast = false;
return 10;
sock_in.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
sock_in.sin_port = htons(4028);
sock_in.sin_family = PF_INET;
client_adress.sin_family = PF_INET;
client_adress.sin_port = htons(4029);
client_adress.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(broadAddr);
askSinlen = sizeof(sock_in);
client_adress2.sin_family = AF_INET;
client_adress2.sin_port = htons(4028);
client_adress2.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(0xc0a8b2ff);
status = setsockopt(recSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &askYes, sizeof(askYes));
if (status < 0)
#ifdef __APPLE__
inBroadcast = false;
return 10;
status = bind(recSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&sock_in, askSinlen);
if (status < 0)
#ifdef __APPLE__
inBroadcast = false;
return 10;
askBuflen = sprintf(askBuffer, "Ciao Mac ist hier");
status = sendto(recSocket, askBuffer, askBuflen, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&client_adress, sizeof(client_adress));
fd_set fds;
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = 2;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
FD_SET(recSocket, &fds);
int ret;
if ((ret = select(recSocket +1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv)) > 0)
int e = 0;
while ((ret = select(recSocket + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv)) > 0)
clientLength = sizeof(client_adress2);
message = recvfrom(recSocket, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, (struct sockaddr*) &client_adress2, &clientLength);
if (message == -1)
#ifdef __APPLE__
inBroadcast = false;
return -5;
std::string hereisyourbroadcast(buf);
#ifdef __APPLE__
inBroadcast = false;
return -6;
#ifdef __APPLE__
inBroadcast = false;
return 1;
