ffmpeg avcodec_encode_video2 hangs when using Quick Sync h264_qsv encoder - ffmpeg

When I use the mpeg4 or h264 encoders, I am able to successfully encode images to make a valid AVI file using the API for ffmpeg 3.1.0. However, when I use the Quick Sync encoder (h264_qsv), avcodec_encode_video2 will hang some of the time. I found that when using images that are 1920x1080, it was rare that avcodec_encode_video2 would hang. When using 256x256 images, it was very likely that the function would hang.
I have created the test code below that demonstrates the hang of avcodec_encode_video2. The code will create a 1000 frame, 256x256 AVI with a bit rate of 400000. The frames are simply allocated, so the output video should just be green frames.
The problem was observed using Windows 7 and Windows 10, using the 32-bit or 64-bit test application.
If anyone has any idea on how I can avoid the avcodec_encode_video2 hang I would be very grateful! Thanks in advance for any assistance.
extern "C"
#include "avcodec.h"
#include "avformat.h"
#include "swscale.h"
#include "avutil.h"
#include "imgutils.h"
#include "opt.h"
#include <rational.h>
#include <iostream>
// Globals
AVCodec* m_pCodec = NULL;
AVStream *m_pStream = NULL;
AVOutputFormat* m_pFormat = NULL;
AVFormatContext* m_pFormatContext = NULL;
AVCodecContext* m_pCodecContext = NULL;
AVFrame* m_pFrame = NULL;
int m_frameIndex;
// Output format
AVPixelFormat m_pixType = AV_PIX_FMT_NV12;
// Use for mpeg4
//AVPixelFormat m_pixType = AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P;
// Output frame rate
int m_frameRate = 30;
// Output image dimensions
int m_imageWidth = 256;
int m_imageHeight = 256;
// Number of frames to export
int m_frameCount = 1000;
// Output file name
const char* m_fileName = "c:/test/test.avi";
// Output file type
const char* m_fileType = "AVI";
// Codec name used to encode
const char* m_encoderName = "h264_qsv";
// use for mpeg4
//const char* m_encoderName = "mpeg4";
// Target bit rate
int m_targetBitRate = 400000;
void addVideoStream()
m_pStream = avformat_new_stream( m_pFormatContext, m_pCodec );
m_pStream->id = m_pFormatContext->nb_streams - 1;
m_pStream->time_base = m_pCodecContext->time_base;
m_pStream->codec->pix_fmt = m_pixType;
m_pStream->codec->flags = m_pCodecContext->flags;
m_pStream->codec->width = m_pCodecContext->width;
m_pStream->codec->height = m_pCodecContext->height;
m_pStream->codec->time_base = m_pCodecContext->time_base;
m_pStream->codec->bit_rate = m_pCodecContext->bit_rate;
AVFrame* allocatePicture( enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int width, int height )
AVFrame *frame;
frame = av_frame_alloc();
if ( !frame )
return NULL;
frame->format = pix_fmt;
frame->width = width;
frame->height = height;
int checkImage = av_image_alloc( frame->data, frame->linesize, width, height, pix_fmt, 32 );
if ( checkImage < 0 )
return NULL;
return frame;
bool initialize()
AVRational frameRate;
frameRate.den = m_frameRate;
frameRate.num = 1;
m_pCodec = avcodec_find_encoder_by_name(m_encoderName);
if( !m_pCodec )
return false;
m_pCodecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3( m_pCodec );
m_pCodecContext->width = m_imageWidth;
m_pCodecContext->height = m_imageHeight;
m_pCodecContext->time_base = frameRate;
m_pCodecContext->gop_size = 0;
m_pCodecContext->pix_fmt = m_pixType;
m_pCodecContext->codec_id = m_pCodec->id;
m_pCodecContext->bit_rate = m_targetBitRate;
av_opt_set( m_pCodecContext->priv_data, "+CBR", "", 0 );
return true;
bool startExport()
m_frameIndex = 0;
char fakeFileName[512];
int checkAllocContext = avformat_alloc_output_context2( &m_pFormatContext, NULL, m_fileType, fakeFileName );
if ( checkAllocContext < 0 )
return false;
if ( !m_pFormatContext )
return false;
m_pFormat = m_pFormatContext->oformat;
if ( m_pFormat->video_codec != AV_CODEC_ID_NONE )
int checkOpen = avcodec_open2( m_pCodecContext, m_pCodec, NULL );
if ( checkOpen < 0 )
return false;
m_pFrame = allocatePicture( m_pCodecContext->pix_fmt, m_pCodecContext->width, m_pCodecContext->height );
if( !m_pFrame )
return false;
m_pFrame->pts = 0;
int checkOpen = avio_open( &m_pFormatContext->pb, m_fileName, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE );
if ( checkOpen < 0 )
return false;
av_dict_set( &(m_pFormatContext->metadata), "title", "QS Test", 0 );
int checkHeader = avformat_write_header( m_pFormatContext, NULL );
if ( checkHeader < 0 )
return false;
return true;
int processFrame( AVPacket& avPacket )
avPacket.stream_index = 0;
avPacket.pts = av_rescale_q( m_pFrame->pts, m_pStream->codec->time_base, m_pStream->time_base );
avPacket.dts = av_rescale_q( m_pFrame->pts, m_pStream->codec->time_base, m_pStream->time_base );
int retVal = av_interleaved_write_frame( m_pFormatContext, &avPacket );
return retVal;
bool exportFrame()
int success = 1;
int result = 0;
AVPacket avPacket;
av_init_packet( &avPacket );
avPacket.data = NULL;
avPacket.size = 0;
std::cout << "Before avcodec_encode_video2 for frame: " << m_frameIndex << std::endl;
success = avcodec_encode_video2( m_pCodecContext, &avPacket, m_pFrame, &result );
std::cout << "After avcodec_encode_video2 for frame: " << m_frameIndex << std::endl;
if( result )
success = processFrame( avPacket );
av_packet_unref( &avPacket );
return ( success == 0 );
void endExport()
int result = 0;
int success = 0;
if (m_pFrame)
while ( success == 0 )
AVPacket avPacket;
av_init_packet( &avPacket );
avPacket.data = NULL;
avPacket.size = 0;
success = avcodec_encode_video2( m_pCodecContext, &avPacket, NULL, &result );
if( result )
success = processFrame( avPacket );
av_packet_unref( &avPacket );
if (!result)
if (m_pFormatContext)
av_write_trailer( m_pFormatContext );
if( m_pFrame )
av_frame_free( &m_pFrame );
avio_closep( &m_pFormatContext->pb );
avformat_free_context( m_pFormatContext );
m_pFormatContext = NULL;
void cleanup()
if( m_pFrame || m_pCodecContext )
if( m_pFrame )
av_frame_free( &m_pFrame );
if( m_pCodecContext )
avcodec_close( m_pCodecContext );
av_free( m_pCodecContext );
int main()
bool success = true;
if (initialize())
if (startExport())
for (int loop = 0; loop < m_frameCount; loop++)
if (!exportFrame())
std::cout << "Failed to export frame\n";
success = false;
std::cout << "Failed to start export\n";
success = false;
std::cout << "Failed to initialize export\n";
success = false;
if (success)
std::cout << "Successfully exported file\n";
return 1;

The problem no longer occurs now that I have updated to the latest Intel® Graphics Driver (version


ffmpeg api : av_interleaved_write_frame return error broken pipe under linux

I just came into contact with the ffmpeg function, and I encountered a problem, av_interleaved_write_frame function fails and returns broken pipe. I don't know what the problem is? Someone on the Internet said there was a disconnect in the client or server,but what causes the disconnection? Please help me, thank you
#include "/usr/local/include/libavcodec/avcodec.h"
#include "/usr/local/include/libavformat/avformat.h"
#include "/usr/local/include/libavfilter/avfilter.h"
#include "/usr/local/include/libavutil/mathematics.h"
#include "/usr/local/include/libavutil/time.h"
extern VideoDataStruct *VideoDataListHeader;
extern PushVideoStruct PushVideoInfo;
extern enum IsPushingVideo IsPushingVideoFlag;
extern UCHAR ChangeAnotherVideo;
typedef long long int64;
#define READ_BUF_LEN 1024*12
extern enum IsStopPushVideo StopPushVideoFlag;
static int read_packet(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size)
int64 dataLen = 0;
while (dataLen < buf_size)
if ((VideoDataListHeader != NULL) && (VideoDataListHeader->flag == 1))
memcpy(&buf[dataLen], VideoDataListHeader->buf, sizeof(VideoDataListHeader->buf));
dataLen += sizeof(VideoDataListHeader->buf);
VideoDataListHeader->flag = 0;
VideoDataListHeader = VideoDataListHeader->next;
return buf_size;
void *PushVideoFunction(void *arg)
AVFormatContext *m_pFmtCtx = NULL;
AVPacket pkt;
AVIOContext *m_pIOCtx = NULL;
AVInputFormat *in_fmt = NULL;
int ret = 0;
unsigned int i = 0;
int vid_idx =-1;
unsigned char *m_pIOBuf = NULL;
int m_pIOBuf_size = READ_BUF_LEN;
int64 start_time = 0;
int frame_index = 0;
//const char *rtmp_url = "rtmp://";
char rtmp_url[140] = {0};
memset(rtmp_url, 0, sizeof(rtmp_url));
strcpy(rtmp_url, PushVideoInfo.VideoServer);
CHAR fileName[64] = {0};
if (strcmp(PushVideoInfo.VideoType, REAL_VIDEO) == 0)
m_pIOBuf = (unsigned char*)av_malloc(m_pIOBuf_size);
if(m_pIOBuf == NULL)
printf("av malloc failed!\n");
goto end;
m_pIOCtx = avio_alloc_context(m_pIOBuf, m_pIOBuf_size, 0, NULL, read_packet, NULL, NULL);
if (!m_pIOCtx)
printf("avio alloc context failed!\n");
goto end;
m_pFmtCtx = avformat_alloc_context();
if (!m_pFmtCtx)
printf("avformat alloc context failed!\n");
goto end;
//m_pFmtCtx->probesize = BYTES_PER_FRAME * 8;
m_pFmtCtx->pb = m_pIOCtx;
ret = avformat_open_input(&m_pFmtCtx, "", in_fmt, NULL);
else if (strcmp(PushVideoInfo.VideoType, HISTORY_VIDEO) == 0)
sprintf(fileName, "%s", VIDEO_FILE_FOLDER);
sprintf(fileName+strlen(fileName), "%s", PushVideoInfo.VideoFile);
ret = avformat_open_input(&m_pFmtCtx, fileName, NULL, NULL);
if (ret < 0)
printf("avformat open failed!\n");
goto end;
ret = avformat_find_stream_info(m_pFmtCtx, 0);
if (ret < 0)
printf("could not find stream info!\n");
goto end;
for(i = 0; i < m_pFmtCtx->nb_streams; i++)
if((m_pFmtCtx->streams[i]->codecpar->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) && (vid_idx < 0))
vid_idx = i;
AVFormatContext *octx = NULL;
ret = avformat_alloc_output_context2(&octx, 0, "flv", rtmp_url);
if (ret < 0)
printf("avformat alloc output context2 failed!\n");
goto end;
for (i = 0;i < m_pFmtCtx->nb_streams; i++)
AVCodec *codec = avcodec_find_decoder(m_pFmtCtx->streams[i]->codecpar->codec_id);
AVStream *out = avformat_new_stream(octx, codec);
ret = avcodec_parameters_copy(out->codecpar, m_pFmtCtx->streams[i]->codecpar);
out->codecpar->codec_tag = 0;
ret = avio_open(&octx->pb, rtmp_url, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE);
if (!octx->pb)
printf("avio open failed!\n");
goto end;
ret = avformat_write_header(octx, 0);
if (ret < 0)
printf("avformat write header failed!\n");
goto end;
start_time = av_gettime();
AVStream *in_stream, *out_stream;
AVRational time_base1;
AVRational time_base;
AVRational time_base_q;
int64 calc_duration;
int64 pts_time;
int64 now_time;
ChangeAnotherVideo = 0;
while((!StopPushVideoFlag) && (ChangeAnotherVideo == 0))
ret = av_read_frame(m_pFmtCtx, &pkt);
if (ret < 0)
if (pkt.pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE)
time_base1 = m_pFmtCtx->streams[vid_idx]->time_base;
calc_duration = (double)AV_TIME_BASE/av_q2d(m_pFmtCtx->streams[vid_idx]->r_frame_rate);
pkt.pts = (double)(frame_index*calc_duration)/(double)(av_q2d(time_base1)*AV_TIME_BASE);
pkt.dts = pkt.pts;
pkt.duration = (double)calc_duration/(double)(av_q2d(time_base1)*AV_TIME_BASE);
if (pkt.stream_index == vid_idx)
time_base = m_pFmtCtx->streams[vid_idx]->time_base;
time_base_q = (AVRational){1, AV_TIME_BASE};
pts_time = av_rescale_q(pkt.dts, time_base, time_base_q);
now_time = av_gettime() - start_time;
if (pts_time > now_time)
av_usleep(pts_time - now_time);
in_stream = m_pFmtCtx->streams[pkt.stream_index];
out_stream = octx->streams[pkt.stream_index];
pkt.pts = av_rescale_q_rnd(pkt.pts, in_stream->time_base, out_stream->time_base, (enum AVRounding)(AV_ROUND_NEAR_INF|AV_ROUND_PASS_MINMAX));
pkt.dts = av_rescale_q_rnd(pkt.dts, in_stream->time_base, out_stream->time_base, (enum AVRounding)(AV_ROUND_NEAR_INF|AV_ROUND_PASS_MINMAX));
pkt.duration = av_rescale_q(pkt.duration, in_stream->time_base, out_stream->time_base);
pkt.pos = -1;
if(pkt.stream_index == vid_idx)
printf("Send %8d video frames to output URL\n",frame_index);
ret = av_interleaved_write_frame(octx, &pkt);
if (ret < 0)
goto end;
printf("---------------------------------stop push video -------------------------------------------\n");
StopPushVideoFlag = NO_STOP_PUSH;
IsPushingVideoFlag = NO_PUSHING;
ChangeAnotherVideo = 0;
if (octx)
/* note: the internal buffer could have changed, and be != avio_ctx_buffer */
if (m_pIOCtx)
if (ret < 0)
printf("Error occured : %s\n", av_err2str(ret));
//return 1;
pthread_exit((void*)"push video end!");
void PushVideo(void)
int ret = 0;
pthread_t pushVideoThread;
ret = pthread_create(&pushVideoThread, NULL, PushVideoFunction, NULL);
if(ret != 0)
printf("error : push video thread create failed!\n");
printf("(debug) push video thread create success!\n");
This problem has been solved, because the server does not receive NALU of type 0x0a, so the server sends FIN package to disconnect.

ESP32-cam with servo control won't work. Arduino IDE

I've an ESP32-cam and want to controll a servo. My code compiled without error but doesn't work.
There are two files involved, a .ino and a .cpp. The .ino seems to work right because the servo contributes to his start position 90° at startup but When i want to turn it right or left, nothing happens. This part is controlled in the .cpp and i've spend a lot of time to figure out what went wrong here without success. Any help is highly appreciated.
#include "esp_camera.h"
#include <WiFiMulti.h>
#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo;
WiFiMulti wifiMulti;
int ledPin = 4;
#define PWDN_GPIO_NUM 32
#define RESET_GPIO_NUM -1
#define XCLK_GPIO_NUM 0
#define SIOD_GPIO_NUM 26
#define SIOC_GPIO_NUM 27
#define Y9_GPIO_NUM 35
#define Y8_GPIO_NUM 34
#define Y7_GPIO_NUM 39
#define Y6_GPIO_NUM 36
#define Y5_GPIO_NUM 21
#define Y4_GPIO_NUM 19
#define Y3_GPIO_NUM 18
#define Y2_GPIO_NUM 5
#define VSYNC_GPIO_NUM 25
#define HREF_GPIO_NUM 23
#define PCLK_GPIO_NUM 22
// GPIO Setting
int servoPin = 2;
int posDegrees = 90; //servo initial position 90°
int posDegreesStep = 30;
extern String WiFiAddr ="";
void startCameraServer();
void setup() {
myservo.attach(servoPin, 2, 0, 180); //(pin, channel, min, max) degrees
pinMode(servoPin , OUTPUT );
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
camera_config_t config;
config.ledc_channel = LEDC_CHANNEL_0;
config.ledc_timer = LEDC_TIMER_0;
config.pin_d0 = Y2_GPIO_NUM;
config.pin_d1 = Y3_GPIO_NUM;
config.pin_d2 = Y4_GPIO_NUM;
config.pin_d3 = Y5_GPIO_NUM;
config.pin_d4 = Y6_GPIO_NUM;
config.pin_d5 = Y7_GPIO_NUM;
config.pin_d6 = Y8_GPIO_NUM;
config.pin_d7 = Y9_GPIO_NUM;
config.pin_xclk = XCLK_GPIO_NUM;
config.pin_pclk = PCLK_GPIO_NUM;
config.pin_vsync = VSYNC_GPIO_NUM;
config.pin_href = HREF_GPIO_NUM;
config.pin_sscb_sda = SIOD_GPIO_NUM;
config.pin_sscb_scl = SIOC_GPIO_NUM;
config.pin_pwdn = PWDN_GPIO_NUM;
config.pin_reset = RESET_GPIO_NUM;
config.xclk_freq_hz = 20000000;
config.pixel_format = PIXFORMAT_JPEG;
//init with high specs to pre-allocate larger buffers
config.frame_size = FRAMESIZE_SXGA;
config.jpeg_quality = 10;
config.fb_count = 2;
} else {
config.frame_size = FRAMESIZE_SVGA;
config.jpeg_quality = 12;
config.fb_count = 1;
// camera init
esp_err_t err = esp_camera_init(&config);
if (err != ESP_OK) {
Serial.printf("Camera init failed with error 0x%x", err);
//drop down frame size for higher initial frame rate
sensor_t * s = esp_camera_sensor_get();
s->set_framesize(s, FRAMESIZE_CIF);
wifiMulti.addAP("ssid_from_AP_1", "your_password_for_AP_1");
wifiMulti.addAP("ssid_from_AP_3", "your_password_for_AP_2");
//wifiMulti.addAP("ssid_from_AP_3", "your_password_for_AP_3");
Serial.println("Connecting Wifi...");
if (wifiMulti.run() == WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi connected");
Serial.print("IP address: ");
Serial.print("SSID: ");
Serial.print("Camera Ready!");
WiFiAddr = WiFi.localIP().toString();
Serial.println("' to connect");
void wifireconnect() {
if (wifiMulti.run() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi not connected!");
void loop() {
#include "esp_http_server.h"
#include "esp_timer.h"
#include "esp_camera.h"
#include "img_converters.h"
#include "camera_index.h"
#include "Arduino.h"
#include "Servo.h"
extern int servoPin;
extern int posDegrees;
extern int posDegreesStep;
extern String WiFiAddr;
typedef struct {
size_t size;
size_t index;
size_t count;
int sum;
int * values;
} ra_filter_t;
typedef struct {
httpd_req_t *req;
size_t len;
} jpg_chunking_t;
#define PART_BOUNDARY "123456789000000000000987654321"
static const char* _STREAM_CONTENT_TYPE = "multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=" PART_BOUNDARY;
static const char* _STREAM_BOUNDARY = "\r\n--" PART_BOUNDARY "\r\n";
static const char* _STREAM_PART = "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\nContent-Length: %u\r\n\r\n";
static ra_filter_t ra_filter;
httpd_handle_t stream_httpd = NULL;
httpd_handle_t camera_httpd = NULL;
static ra_filter_t * ra_filter_init(ra_filter_t * filter, size_t sample_size) {
memset(filter, 0, sizeof(ra_filter_t));
filter->values = (int *)malloc(sample_size * sizeof(int));
if (!filter->values) {
return NULL;
memset(filter->values, 0, sample_size * sizeof(int));
filter->size = sample_size;
return filter;
static int ra_filter_run(ra_filter_t * filter, int value) {
if (!filter->values) {
return value;
filter->sum -= filter->values[filter->index];
filter->values[filter->index] = value;
filter->sum += filter->values[filter->index];
filter->index = filter->index % filter->size;
if (filter->count < filter->size) {
return filter->sum / filter->count;
static size_t jpg_encode_stream(void * arg, size_t index, const void* data, size_t len) {
jpg_chunking_t *j = (jpg_chunking_t *)arg;
if (!index) {
j->len = 0;
if (httpd_resp_send_chunk(j->req, (const char *)data, len) != ESP_OK) {
return 0;
j->len += len;
return len;
static esp_err_t capture_handler(httpd_req_t *req) {
camera_fb_t * fb = NULL;
esp_err_t res = ESP_OK;
int64_t fr_start = esp_timer_get_time();
fb = esp_camera_fb_get();
if (!fb) {
Serial.printf("Camera capture failed");
return ESP_FAIL;
httpd_resp_set_type(req, "image/jpeg");
httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=capture.jpg");
size_t fb_len = 0;
if (fb->format == PIXFORMAT_JPEG) {
fb_len = fb->len;
res = httpd_resp_send(req, (const char *)fb->buf, fb->len);
} else {
jpg_chunking_t jchunk = {req, 0};
res = frame2jpg_cb(fb, 80, jpg_encode_stream, &jchunk) ? ESP_OK : ESP_FAIL;
httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, NULL, 0);
fb_len = jchunk.len;
int64_t fr_end = esp_timer_get_time();
Serial.printf("JPG: %uB %ums", (uint32_t)(fb_len), (uint32_t)((fr_end - fr_start) / 1000));
return res;
static esp_err_t stream_handler(httpd_req_t *req) {
camera_fb_t * fb = NULL;
esp_err_t res = ESP_OK;
size_t _jpg_buf_len = 0;
uint8_t * _jpg_buf = NULL;
char * part_buf[64];
static int64_t last_frame = 0;
if (!last_frame) {
last_frame = esp_timer_get_time();
res = httpd_resp_set_type(req, _STREAM_CONTENT_TYPE);
if (res != ESP_OK) {
return res;
while (true) {
fb = esp_camera_fb_get();
if (!fb) {
Serial.printf("Camera capture failed");
res = ESP_FAIL;
} else {
if (fb->format != PIXFORMAT_JPEG) {
bool jpeg_converted = frame2jpg(fb, 80, &_jpg_buf, &_jpg_buf_len);
fb = NULL;
if (!jpeg_converted) {
Serial.printf("JPEG compression failed");
res = ESP_FAIL;
} else {
_jpg_buf_len = fb->len;
_jpg_buf = fb->buf;
if (res == ESP_OK) {
size_t hlen = snprintf((char *)part_buf, 64, _STREAM_PART, _jpg_buf_len);
res = httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, (const char *)part_buf, hlen);
if (res == ESP_OK) {
res = httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, (const char *)_jpg_buf, _jpg_buf_len);
if (res == ESP_OK) {
res = httpd_resp_send_chunk(req, _STREAM_BOUNDARY, strlen(_STREAM_BOUNDARY));
if (fb) {
fb = NULL;
_jpg_buf = NULL;
} else if (_jpg_buf) {
_jpg_buf = NULL;
if (res != ESP_OK) {
int64_t fr_end = esp_timer_get_time();
int64_t frame_time = fr_end - last_frame;
last_frame = fr_end;
frame_time /= 1000;
uint32_t avg_frame_time = ra_filter_run(&ra_filter, frame_time);
//Serial.printf("MJPG: %uB %ums (%.1ffps), AVG: %ums (%.1ffps)"
// ,(uint32_t)(_jpg_buf_len),
// (uint32_t)frame_time, 1000.0 / (uint32_t)frame_time,
// avg_frame_time, 1000.0 / avg_frame_time
last_frame = 0;
return res;
static esp_err_t cmd_handler(httpd_req_t *req) {
char* buf;
size_t buf_len;
char variable[32] = {0,};
char value[32] = {0,};
buf_len = httpd_req_get_url_query_len(req) + 1;
if (buf_len > 1) {
buf = (char*)malloc(buf_len);
if (!buf) {
return ESP_FAIL;
if (httpd_req_get_url_query_str(req, buf, buf_len) == ESP_OK) {
if (httpd_query_key_value(buf, "var", variable, sizeof(variable)) == ESP_OK &&
httpd_query_key_value(buf, "val", value, sizeof(value)) == ESP_OK) {
} else {
return ESP_FAIL;
} else {
return ESP_FAIL;
} else {
return ESP_FAIL;
int val = atoi(value);
sensor_t * s = esp_camera_sensor_get();
int res = 0;
if (!strcmp(variable, "framesize")) {
if (s->pixformat == PIXFORMAT_JPEG) res = s->set_framesize(s, (framesize_t)val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "quality")) res = s->set_quality(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "contrast")) res = s->set_contrast(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "brightness")) res = s->set_brightness(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "saturation")) res = s->set_saturation(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "gainceiling")) res = s->set_gainceiling(s, (gainceiling_t)val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "colorbar")) res = s->set_colorbar(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "awb")) res = s->set_whitebal(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "agc")) res = s->set_gain_ctrl(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "aec")) res = s->set_exposure_ctrl(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "hmirror")) res = s->set_hmirror(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "vflip")) res = s->set_vflip(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "awb_gain")) res = s->set_awb_gain(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "agc_gain")) res = s->set_agc_gain(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "aec_value")) res = s->set_aec_value(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "aec2")) res = s->set_aec2(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "dcw")) res = s->set_dcw(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "bpc")) res = s->set_bpc(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "wpc")) res = s->set_wpc(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "raw_gma")) res = s->set_raw_gma(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "lenc")) res = s->set_lenc(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "special_effect")) res = s->set_special_effect(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "wb_mode")) res = s->set_wb_mode(s, val);
else if (!strcmp(variable, "ae_level")) res = s->set_ae_level(s, val);
else {
res = -1;
if (res) {
return httpd_resp_send_500(req);
httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
return httpd_resp_send(req, NULL, 0);
static esp_err_t status_handler(httpd_req_t *req) {
static char json_response[1024];
sensor_t * s = esp_camera_sensor_get();
char * p = json_response;
*p++ = '{';
p += sprintf(p, "\"framesize\":%u,", s->status.framesize);
p += sprintf(p, "\"quality\":%u,", s->status.quality);
p += sprintf(p, "\"brightness\":%d,", s->status.brightness);
p += sprintf(p, "\"contrast\":%d,", s->status.contrast);
p += sprintf(p, "\"saturation\":%d,", s->status.saturation);
p += sprintf(p, "\"special_effect\":%u,", s->status.special_effect);
p += sprintf(p, "\"wb_mode\":%u,", s->status.wb_mode);
p += sprintf(p, "\"awb\":%u,", s->status.awb);
p += sprintf(p, "\"awb_gain\":%u,", s->status.awb_gain);
p += sprintf(p, "\"aec\":%u,", s->status.aec);
p += sprintf(p, "\"aec2\":%u,", s->status.aec2);
p += sprintf(p, "\"ae_level\":%d,", s->status.ae_level);
p += sprintf(p, "\"aec_value\":%u,", s->status.aec_value);
p += sprintf(p, "\"agc\":%u,", s->status.agc);
p += sprintf(p, "\"agc_gain\":%u,", s->status.agc_gain);
p += sprintf(p, "\"gainceiling\":%u,", s->status.gainceiling);
p += sprintf(p, "\"bpc\":%u,", s->status.bpc);
p += sprintf(p, "\"wpc\":%u,", s->status.wpc);
p += sprintf(p, "\"raw_gma\":%u,", s->status.raw_gma);
p += sprintf(p, "\"lenc\":%u,", s->status.lenc);
p += sprintf(p, "\"hmirror\":%u,", s->status.hmirror);
p += sprintf(p, "\"dcw\":%u,", s->status.dcw);
p += sprintf(p, "\"colorbar\":%u", s->status.colorbar);
*p++ = '}';
*p++ = 0;
httpd_resp_set_type(req, "application/json");
httpd_resp_set_hdr(req, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
return httpd_resp_send(req, json_response, strlen(json_response));
static esp_err_t index_handler(httpd_req_t *req) {
httpd_resp_set_type(req, "text/html");
String page = "";
page += "<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width\">\n";
page += "<p><h2></h2></p><br/><br/><br/>";
page += "<script>var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();</script>";
page += "<script>function getsend(arg) { xhttp.open('GET', arg +'?' + new Date().getTime(), true); xhttp.send() } </script>";
//page += "<p align=center><IMG SRC='http://" + WiFiAddr + ":81/stream' style='width:280px;'></p><br/><br/>";
page += "<p align=center><IMG SRC='http://" + WiFiAddr + ":81/stream' style='width:600px; transform:rotate(0deg);'></p><br/>";
//page += "<p align=center> <button style=width:90px;height:80px onmousedown=getsend('go') onmouseup=getsend('stop') ontouchstart=getsend('go') ontouchend=getsend('stop') ></button> </p>";
//page += "<p align=center>";
//page += "<button style=width:90px;height:80px onmousedown=getsend('left') onmouseup=getsend('stop') ontouchstart=getsend('left') ontouchend=getsend('stop')></button> ";
//page += "<button style=width:90px;height:80px onmousedown=getsend('stop') onmouseup=getsend('stop')></button> ";
//page += "<button style=width:90px;height:80px onmousedown=getsend('right') onmouseup=getsend('stop') ontouchstart=getsend('right') ontouchend=getsend('stop')></button>";
//page += "</p>";
//page += "<p align=center><button style=width:90px;height:80px onmousedown=getsend('back') onmouseup=getsend('stop') ontouchstart=getsend('back') ontouchend=getsend('stop') ></button></p>";
page += "<p align=center><br/><br/>";
page += "<button style=width:120px;height:40px;background:#768d87 onmousedown=getsend('links')>links</button> ";
page += "<button style=width:150px;height:40px;background:#91b8b3 onmousedown=getsend('reboot')>ESP Restart</button> ";
page += "<button style=width:120px;height:40px;background:#768d87 onmousedown=getsend('rechts')>rechts</button>";
page += "</p>";
return httpd_resp_send(req, &page[0], strlen(&page[0]));
static esp_err_t reboot_handler(httpd_req_t *req) {
httpd_resp_set_type(req, "text/html");
return httpd_resp_send(req, "OK", 2);
static esp_err_t links_handler(httpd_req_t *req) {
Servo myservo;
if (posDegrees >= 0 && posDegrees <= 180) {
posDegrees = posDegrees + posDegreesStep;
if (posDegrees > 180) {
posDegrees = 180;
else {
myservo.write(posDegrees); // move the servo to calculated angle
Serial.print("Moved to: ");
Serial.print(posDegrees); // print the angle
Serial.println(" degree");
httpd_resp_set_type(req, "text/html");
return httpd_resp_send(req, "OK", 2);
static esp_err_t rechts_handler(httpd_req_t *req) {
Servo myservo;
if (posDegrees > 0 && posDegrees <= 180) {
posDegrees = posDegrees - posDegreesStep;
if (posDegrees < 0) {
posDegrees = 0;
} else {
myservo.write(posDegrees); // move the servo to calculated angle
Serial.print("Moved to: ");
Serial.print(posDegrees); // print the angle
Serial.println(" degree");
httpd_resp_set_type(req, "text/html");
return httpd_resp_send(req, "OK", 2);
void startCameraServer() {
httpd_config_t config = HTTPD_DEFAULT_CONFIG();
httpd_uri_t reboot_uri = {
.uri = "/reboot",
.method = HTTP_GET,
.handler = reboot_handler,
.user_ctx = NULL
httpd_uri_t links_uri = {
.uri = "/links",
.method = HTTP_GET,
.handler = links_handler,
.user_ctx = NULL
httpd_uri_t rechts_uri = {
.uri = "/rechts",
.method = HTTP_GET,
.handler = rechts_handler,
.user_ctx = NULL
httpd_uri_t index_uri = {
.uri = "/",
.method = HTTP_GET,
.handler = index_handler,
.user_ctx = NULL
httpd_uri_t status_uri = {
.uri = "/status",
.method = HTTP_GET,
.handler = status_handler,
.user_ctx = NULL
httpd_uri_t cmd_uri = {
.uri = "/control",
.method = HTTP_GET,
.handler = cmd_handler,
.user_ctx = NULL
httpd_uri_t capture_uri = {
.uri = "/capture",
.method = HTTP_GET,
.handler = capture_handler,
.user_ctx = NULL
httpd_uri_t stream_uri = {
.uri = "/stream",
.method = HTTP_GET,
.handler = stream_handler,
.user_ctx = NULL
ra_filter_init(&ra_filter, 20);
Serial.printf("Starting web server on port: '%d'", config.server_port);
if (httpd_start(&camera_httpd, &config) == ESP_OK) {
httpd_register_uri_handler(camera_httpd, &index_uri);
httpd_register_uri_handler(camera_httpd, &reboot_uri);
httpd_register_uri_handler(camera_httpd, &links_uri);
httpd_register_uri_handler(camera_httpd, &rechts_uri);
} else {
Serial.printf("Starting web server failed");
config.server_port += 1;
config.ctrl_port += 1;
Serial.printf("Starting stream server on port: '%d'", config.server_port);
if (httpd_start(&stream_httpd, &config) == ESP_OK) {
httpd_register_uri_handler(stream_httpd, &stream_uri);
I had the exact same issue. It's probably because the timers for the camera are interfering with the servo timers. You have to use this library, ServoESP32, and attach your servo like this:
Servo remote;
remote.attach(16, 2);
All this does is attach your servo to channel 2 given that channels 0 and 1 are being used by the CAM. I tried this and it fixed the problem instantly.

FFMPEG: avcodec_send_packet(); error while using multithread

I wrote 2 threads to decode RTSP stream from IP camera as below:
RTSP_read_paket function used to read Packets from RTSP link, packets stored in a queue named Packet_buf.
std::queue<AVPacket> Packet_buf;
bool pkt_pending_k = false;
int RTSP_read_packet (string url)
int ret;
AVPacket packet;
ret = av_read_frame(pFormatCtx,&packet);
if (packet.stream_index == video_stream_index)
if((ready1 == false))
ready1 = true;
cout<<"number of RTSP packet: "<<Packet_buf.size()<<endl;
return 0;
ffmpeg_decode read packets from Packet_buf to decode frames
AVFrame ffmpeg_decode( void )
AVPacket avpkt;
int ret;
conv1.wait(lk1,[]{return ready1;});
ret = avcodec_receive_frame(pCodecCtx,pFrame);
return pFrame;
if(pkt_pending_k == false)
avpkt = Packet_buf.front();
pkt_pending_k = false;
ret = avcodec_send_packet(pCodecCtx, &avpkt); //program halting here
cout<<"-------------> ret = "<<ret<<endl;
pkt_pending_k = true;
cout<<"avcodec_send_packet: "<<ret<<endl;
int main () {
thread Camera2_readPackets(RTSP_read_packet,url);
thread Camera2_decode(ffmpeg_decode,url);
return 0;
My program halt at line:
ret = avcodec_send_packet(pCodecCtx, &avpkt);
Anyone can help me find the problem, thanks !
rtsp_init function:
int rtsp_init (string url)
const char *filenameSrc = url.c_str();
pFormatCtx = avformat_alloc_context();
if ( pFormatCtx == NULL )
return -8;
AVDictionary *options = NULL;
int avret = avformat_open_input( &pFormatCtx, filenameSrc, NULL, &options );
if ( avret != 0 ) {
std::cout << "Open File Error 12" << std::endl;
return -12;
avret = avformat_find_stream_info( pFormatCtx, NULL );
if ( avret < 0 ) {
std::cout << "Get Stream Information Error 13" << std::endl;
avformat_close_input( &pFormatCtx );
pFormatCtx = NULL;
return -13;
av_dump_format( pFormatCtx, 0, filenameSrc, 0 );
video_stream_index = av_find_best_stream(pFormatCtx,AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,-1,-1,NULL,0);
if ( video_stream_index < 0 ) {
std::cout << "Video stream was not found Error 14" << std::endl;
avformat_close_input( &pFormatCtx );
pFormatCtx = NULL;
return -14;
pCodecCtx = avcodec_alloc_context3(NULL);
avret = avcodec_parameters_to_context(pCodecCtx,pFormatCtx->streams[video_stream_index]->codecpar);
std::cout << "codec not found Error 15" << std::endl;
return -15;
pCodec = avcodec_find_decoder( pCodecCtx->codec_id );
avret = avcodec_open2( pCodecCtx, pCodec, NULL );
if ( avret < 0) {
std::cout << "Open Codec Error 16" << std::endl;
return -16;
pFrame = av_frame_alloc();
pFrameRGB = av_frame_alloc();
pFrame->width = pCodecCtx->width;
pFrame->height = pCodecCtx->height;
pFrame->format = pCodecCtx->pix_fmt;
avret = av_frame_get_buffer(pFrame,0);
if (avret < 0)
return -17;
pFrameRGB->width = pCodecCtx->width;
pFrameRGB->height = pCodecCtx->height;
pFrameRGB->format = AV_PIX_FMT_BGR24;
avret = av_frame_get_buffer(pFrameRGB, 0);
if (avret < 0)
return -18;
return ( EXIT_SUCCESS );

how to convert an MPEGTS file into an FLV file by programming with libavcodec

I wanna convert an MPEGTS file into an FLV file with libavcodec APIs(just transformat, video/audio codecs are not changed). Following is the code I found on web. After some hack, it can generate an FLV file, which could not be played. Any clue to fix this?
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <libavformat/avformat.h>
#include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
#include <libavutil/avutil.h>
#include <libavutil/rational.h>
#include <libavdevice/avdevice.h>
#include <libavutil/mathematics.h>
#include <libswscale/swscale.h>
static AVStream* add_output_stream(AVFormatContext* output_format_context, AVStream* input_stream) {
AVCodecContext* input_codec_context = NULL;
AVCodecContext* output_codec_context = NULL;
AVStream* output_stream = NULL;
output_stream = avformat_new_stream(output_format_context, 0);
if (!output_stream) {
printf("Call av_new_stream function failed\n");
return NULL;
input_codec_context = input_stream->codec;
output_codec_context = output_stream->codec;
output_codec_context->codec_id = input_codec_context->codec_id;
output_codec_context->codec_type = input_codec_context->codec_type;
// output_codec_context->codec_tag = input_codec_context->codec_tag;
output_codec_context->codec_tag = av_codec_get_tag(output_format_context->oformat->codec_tag, input_codec_context->codec_id);
output_codec_context->bit_rate = input_codec_context->bit_rate;
output_codec_context->extradata = input_codec_context->extradata;
output_codec_context->extradata_size = input_codec_context->extradata_size;
if (av_q2d(input_codec_context->time_base) * input_codec_context->ticks_per_frame > av_q2d(input_stream->time_base) && av_q2d(input_stream->time_base) < 1.0 / 1000) {
output_codec_context->time_base = input_codec_context->time_base;
output_codec_context->time_base.num *= input_codec_context->ticks_per_frame;
} else {
output_codec_context->time_base = input_stream->time_base;
switch (input_codec_context->codec_type) {
output_codec_context->channel_layout = input_codec_context->channel_layout;
output_codec_context->sample_rate = input_codec_context->sample_rate;
output_codec_context->channels = input_codec_context->channels;
output_codec_context->frame_size = input_codec_context->frame_size;
if ((input_codec_context->block_align == 1 && input_codec_context->codec_id == CODEC_ID_MP3) || input_codec_context->codec_id == CODEC_ID_AC3) {
output_codec_context->block_align = 0;
} else {
output_codec_context->block_align = input_codec_context->block_align;
output_codec_context->pix_fmt = input_codec_context->pix_fmt;
output_codec_context->width = input_codec_context->width;
output_codec_context->height = input_codec_context->height;
output_codec_context->has_b_frames = input_codec_context->has_b_frames;
if (output_format_context->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER) {
output_codec_context->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;
// output_codec_context->strict_std_compliance = FF_COMPLIANCE_EXPERIMENTAL;
return output_stream;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
const char* input = argv[1];
const char* output_prefix = NULL;
char* segment_duration_check = 0;
const char* index = NULL;
char* tmp_index = NULL;
const char* http_prefix = NULL;
long max_tsfiles = 0;
double prev_segment_time = 0;
double segment_duration = 0;
AVInputFormat* ifmt = NULL;
AVOutputFormat* ofmt = NULL;
AVFormatContext* ic = NULL;
AVFormatContext* oc = NULL;
AVStream* video_st = NULL;
AVStream* audio_st = NULL;
AVCodec* codec = NULL;
AVDictionary* pAVDictionary = NULL;
char szError[256] = {0};
int nRet = avformat_open_input(&ic, input, ifmt, &pAVDictionary);
if (nRet != 0) {
av_strerror(nRet, szError, 256);
printf("Call avformat_open_input function failed!\n");
return 0;
if (avformat_find_stream_info(ic, NULL) < 0) {
printf("Call av_find_stream_info function failed!\n");
return 0;
ofmt = av_guess_format(NULL, argv[2], NULL);
if (!ofmt) {
printf("Call av_guess_format function failed!\n");
return 0;
oc = avformat_alloc_context();
if (!oc) {
printf("Call av_guess_format function failed!\n");
return 0;
oc->oformat = ofmt;
int video_index = -1, audio_index = -1;
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < ic->nb_streams && (video_index < 0 || audio_index < 0); i++) {
switch (ic->streams[i]->codec->codec_type) {
video_index = i;
ic->streams[i]->discard = AVDISCARD_NONE;
video_st = add_output_stream(oc, ic->streams[i]);
if (video_st->codec->codec_id == CODEC_ID_H264) {
video_st->codec->opaque = av_bitstream_filter_init("h264_mp4toannexb");
audio_index = i;
ic->streams[i]->discard = AVDISCARD_NONE;
audio_st = add_output_stream(oc, ic->streams[i]);
if (audio_st->codec->codec_id == CODEC_ID_AAC && !audio_st->codec->extradata_size) {
audio_st->codec->opaque = av_bitstream_filter_init("aac_adtstoasc");
ic->streams[i]->discard = AVDISCARD_ALL;
codec = avcodec_find_decoder(video_st->codec->codec_id);
if (codec == NULL) {
printf("Call avcodec_find_decoder function failed!\n");
return 0;
if (avcodec_open2(video_st->codec, codec, NULL) < 0) {
printf("Call avcodec_open function failed !\n");
return 0;
if (avio_open(&oc->pb, argv[2], AVIO_FLAG_WRITE) < 0) {
return 0;
if (avformat_write_header(oc, &pAVDictionary)) {
printf("Call avformat_write_header function failed.\n");
return 0;
int decode_done = 0;
do {
AVPacket packet;
decode_done = av_read_frame(ic, &packet);
if (decode_done < 0) {
if (packet.stream_index == video_index && (packet.flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY) && video_st->codec->opaque != NULL) {
AVPacket pkt = packet;
int a = av_bitstream_filter_filter(video_st->codec->opaque, video_st->codec, NULL, &pkt.data, &pkt.size,
packet.data, packet.size, packet.flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY);
if (a == 0) {
memmove(packet.data, pkt.data, pkt.size);
packet.size = pkt.size;
} else if (a > 0) {
packet = pkt;
else if (packet.stream_index == audio_index && audio_st->codec->opaque != NULL) {
AVPacket pkt = packet;
int a = av_bitstream_filter_filter(audio_st->codec->opaque, audio_st->codec, NULL, &pkt.data, &pkt.size,
packet.data, packet.size, packet.flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY);
if (a == 0) {
memmove(packet.data, pkt.data, pkt.size);
packet.size = pkt.size;
} else if (a > 0) {
packet = pkt;
nRet = av_interleaved_write_frame(oc, &packet);
if (nRet < 0) {
printf("Call av_interleaved_write_frame function failed\n");
} else if (nRet > 0) {
printf("End of stream requested\n");
} while(!decode_done);
unsigned int k;
for(k = 0; k < oc->nb_streams; k++) {
return 0;

Audio encoding using avcodec_fill_audio_frame() and memory leaks

As a part of encoding decoded audio packets, I'm using avcodec_fill_audio_frame(). I'm passing allocated AVFrame pointer to along with buffer containing the decoded samples and other parameters number of channels, sample format, buffer size. Though the encoding is working fine I'm not able to completely eliminate the memory leaks. I've taken care of most of things but still I'm not able detect the leakage.
Below is the function which I'm using for encoding. Please suggest something.
AudioSample contains decoded data and it is completely managed in different class(free in class destructor). I'm freeing the AVFrame in FFmpegEncoder destructor and AVPacket is freed every time using av_free_packet() with av_packet_destruct enabled. What more do I need to free?
void FfmpegEncoder::WriteAudioSample(AudioSample *audS)
int num_audio_frame = 0;
AVCodecContext *c = NULL;
// AVFrame *frame;
AVPacket pkt;
pkt.destruct = av_destruct_packet;
pkt.data = NULL;
pkt.size = 0;
int ret = 0, got_packet = 0;
c = m_out_aud_strm->codec;
static int64_t aud_pts_in = -1;
if((audS != NULL) && (audS->GetSampleLength() > 0) )
int byte_per_sample = av_get_bytes_per_sample(c->sample_fmt);
PRINT_VAL("Byte Per Sample ", byte_per_sample)
m_frame->nb_samples = (audS->GetSampleLength())/(c->channels*av_get_bytes_per_sample(c->sample_fmt));
if(m_frame->nb_samples == c->frame_size)
#if 1
if(m_need_resample && (c->channels >= 2))
uint8_t * t_buff1 = new uint8_t[audS->GetSampleLength()];
if(t_buff1 != NULL)
for(int64_t i = 0; i< m_frame->nb_samples; i++)
memcpy(t_buff1 + i*byte_per_sample, (uint8_t*)((uint8_t*)audS->GetAudioSampleData() + i*byte_per_sample*c->channels), byte_per_sample);
memcpy(t_buff1 + (audS->GetSampleLength())/2 + i*byte_per_sample, (uint8_t*)((uint8_t*)audS->GetAudioSampleData() + i*byte_per_sample*c->channels+ byte_per_sample), byte_per_sample);
audS->FillAudioSample(t_buff1, audS->GetSampleLength());
delete[] t_buff1;
ret = avcodec_fill_audio_frame(m_frame, c->channels, c->sample_fmt, (uint8_t*)audS->GetAudioSampleData(),m_frame->nb_samples*byte_per_sample*c->channels, 0);
//ret = avcodec_fill_audio_frame(&frame, c->channels, c->sample_fmt, t_buff,frame.nb_samples*byte_per_sample*c->channels, 0);
if(ret != 0)
PRINT_MSG("Avcodec Fill Audio Failed ")
got_packet = 0;
ret = avcodec_encode_audio2(c, &pkt, m_frame, &got_packet);
if(ret < 0 || got_packet == 0)
PRINT_MSG("failed to encode audio ")
PRINT_MSG("Audio Packet Encoded ");
pkt.pts = aud_pts_in;
pkt.dts = pkt.pts;
pkt.stream_index = m_out_aud_strm->index;
ret = av_interleaved_write_frame(oc, &pkt);
if(ret != 0)
PRINT_MSG("Error Write Audio PKT ")
PRINT_MSG("Audio PKT Writen ")
// avcodec_free_frame(&frame);
//================== SEND AUDIO OUTPUT =======================
void AVOutputStream::sendAudioOutput (AVFrame* inputFrame)
AVCodecContext *codecCtx = pOutputAudioStream->codec;
// set source data variables
sourceNumberOfChannels = inputFrame->channels;
sourceChannelLayout = inputFrame->channel_layout;
sourceSampleRate = inputFrame->sample_rate;
_sourceSampleFormat = (AVSampleFormat)inputFrame->format;
sourceNumberOfSamples = inputFrame->nb_samples;
// set destination data variables
destinationNumberOfChannels = codecCtx->channels;
destinationChannelLayout = codecCtx->channel_layout;
destinationSampleRate = codecCtx->sample_rate;
destinationSampleFormat = codecCtx->sample_fmt;//AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP;//EncodecCtx->sample_fmt;
destinationLineSize = 0;
destinationData = NULL;
int returnVal = 0;
if (startDecode == false)
startDecode = true;
resamplerCtx = swr_alloc_set_opts(NULL,
if (resamplerCtx == NULL)
std::cout << "Unable to create the resampler context for the audio frame";
isConnected = false;
// initialize the resampling context
returnVal = swr_init(resamplerCtx);
if (returnVal < 0)
std::cout << "Unable to init the resampler context, error:";
isConnected = false;
} //if (startDecode == false)
if (sourceSampleRate != 0)
destinationNumberOfSamples = destinationSampleRate/sourceSampleRate * sourceNumberOfSamples;
// allocate the destination samples buffer
returnVal = av_samples_alloc_array_and_samples(&destinationData,
if (returnVal < 0)
std::cout << "Unable to allocate destination samples, error";
isConnected = false;
// convert to destination format
returnVal = swr_convert(resamplerCtx,
(const uint8_t **)inputFrame->data, //sourceData,
if (returnVal < 0)
std::cout << "Resampling failed, error \n";
isConnected = false;
int bufferSize = av_samples_get_buffer_size(&destinationLineSize,
//whithout fifo
pOutputAudioFrame = av_frame_alloc();
pOutputAudioFrame->nb_samples = codecCtx->frame_size;//frameNumberOfSamples;
pOutputAudioFrame->format = codecCtx->sample_fmt;
pOutputAudioFrame->channel_layout = codecCtx->channel_layout;
pOutputAudioFrame->channels = codecCtx->channels;
pOutputAudioFrame->sample_rate = codecCtx->sample_rate;
returnVal = avcodec_fill_audio_frame(pOutputAudioFrame,
(const uint8_t *)destinationData[0],
pOutputAudioFrame->pts = inputFrame->pts;
if (returnVal < 0)
std::cout << "Unable to fill the audio frame wsampleIndexith captured audio data,error";
isConnected = false;
// encode the audio frame, fill a packet for streaming
outAudioPacket.data = NULL;
outAudioPacket.size = 0;
outAudioPacket.dts = outAudioPacket.pts = 0;
int gotPacket;
// encoding
returnVal = avcodec_encode_audio2(codecCtx, &outAudioPacket, pOutputAudioFrame, &gotPacket);
// free buffers
if (gotPacket)
outAudioPacket.stream_index = pOutputAudioStream->index;
outAudioPacket.flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY;
returnVal = av_interleaved_write_frame(pOutputFormatCtx, &outAudioPacket);
//returnVal = av_write_frame(pOutputFormatCtx, &outAudioPacket);
if (returnVal != 0)
std::cout << "Cannot write audio packet \n";
isConnected = false;
} // if (gotPacket)
You can see after resample i free used buffers.
// free buffers
