Ruby - nokogiri - parse only specific html table - ruby

I have a HTML doc to parse and read a bunch of stuff from there. The problem is the html has multiple tables in it, and I am only interested in one table. Plus I want to read only the lines that having some useful content. Here is sample html page, there are two tables with no ID, and I want only the second table and only the lines that are useful to humans.
<TD> I don't want this table </TD></TR>
<TD> No No No <br></TD>
<TD>04/13/2012 22:51 I want this table </TD></TR>
<TD> First - something there <br></TD>
<TD>04/13/2012 23:23 Update from xyz</TD></TR>
<TD>Second - something here <br></TD>
I am trying this code, which is obviously not working. The o/p is not the text I want. It includes both tables, I only want the second table. help!
require 'curb'
require 'nokogiri'
c = Curl::Easy.perform("http://server/cgi-bin/page.cgi?id=123456")
html_doc = Nokogiri::HTML(c.body_str.to_s)
puts html_doc.xpath("//table/tr/td")

Have you tried the xpath of //table[2]/tr/td to get the second table. If you can change the source of the HTML the best solution would be to provide id attributes for your tables.


How to select all the rows from a table with specific text in its header with xpath

I'm new to Xpath and I'm trying to get all the rows from a specific table on a wikipedia article that has many tables, luckily the table I want has the text "Posición" in one of the th elements inside it's header, how can I achieve this?
I am using C# to achieve this, any help and tips will be greatly appreciated :)
... more trs

How to turn a table into a single block of text with scrapy

I am trying to scrape a table which looks like the below.
<table class="table">
<th scope="row">Title</th>
<th scope="row">Title 2</th>
<td>Detail 2</td>
How would you set up scrapy so my output file generates an output similar to the below?!
Title: Detail
Title2: Detail2
Currently I can get all the text using two css selectors (one for the td's and one for the th's) but I would love to be able to combine these!
Unfortunately the number of rows differs from page to page..
Using xpath:
for i in response.xpath("//table[#class='table']//tr")
tabledata[i.xpath("th/text()").extract_first()] = i.xpath("td/text()").extract_first()
{"Title":"Detail", "Title 2":"Detail 2"}

PDF Layout with MigraDoc

I am trying to achieve following matrix kind of layout:
TABLE3 --> occupies whole row
CHART4 --> ocupies whole row
................. List goes on...
These components may span over multiple pages. What is the best way to have them side by side and still be able to view them in MigraDoc.
CHART5,1 could be a combination of 4 charts in one cell.
In HTML view I can use following analogy:
<TD>TABLE1,1</TD> <TD>TABLE1,2 </TD>
<TD>CHART2,1</TD> <TD>TABLE2,2 </TD>
<TD>TABLE3</TD colspan =2>
<TD>CHART4</TD colspan =2>
<TD>CHART5,1</TD> <TD>CHART5,2 </TD>
The MigraDoc equivalent for colspan=2 is MergeRight=1. This is a property of the Cell class.

Scraping page with correct xpath using Mechanize and nokogiri

I am trying to access data contained in a table that is itself contained in a table with class ='L1'.
So basically my html structure is like this:
<table class="L1">
I need to catch the data contained in a all <a> </a> that are in the second contained in <tr> </tr> but only starting with the second <tr> of the table.
So far I came up with that:
html_body = Nokogiri::HTML(body)
links = html_body.css('.L1').xpath("//table/tbody/tr/td[2]/a[1]")
But seems to me that this doesn't express the fact that I want to start only after the second <tr> (second <tr> included?
What would be the right code to do this ?
You can use position() to select the later elements that you want.
html_body = Nokogiri::HTML(body)
links = html_body.css('.L1').xpath("//table/tbody/tr[position()>1]/td[2]/a[1]")
As the comments on that SO answer say, remember XPath counts from 1, so >1 skips the first tr.

Import data from HTML page using feeds importer in drupal

I'm trying to import some data from a HTML page with feeds importer. The context is this:
<table class="tabela">
<tr valign="TOP">
<td class="formulario-legenda">Nome:</td>
<td nowrap="nowrap">
<b>Raul Fernando de Almeida Moreira Vidal</b>
<tr valign="TOP">
<td class="formulario-legenda">Sigla:</td>
<tr valign="TOP">
<td class="formulario-legenda">Código:</td>
<tr valign="TOP">
<td class="formulario-legenda">Estado:</td>
<td class="topo">
<td class="formulario-legenda">Categoria:</td>
<td>Professor Associado</td>
<td class="formulario-legenda">Carreira:</td>
<td>Pessoal Docente de Universidades</td>
<td class="formulario-legenda">Grupo profissional:</td>
<tr valign="TOP">
<td class="formulario-legenda">Departamento:</td>
<a href="uni_geral.unidade_view?pv_unidade=151"
title="Departamento de Engenharia Informática">Departamento de Engenharia Informática</a>
I tried with this:
but nothing appears. Can someone help me with the right syntax to obtain "Grupo Profissional"?
Quick answer that might work
Considering just the HTML sample you provided (which only has two tables) you can select the text you want using this expression, based on the table's position:
This will work in the HTML you pasted above. But it might not work in your actual scenario, since you might have other tables, the table you want to select has no ID and you didn't suggest some invariant text in your code which could be used to anchor the context for the expression. Assuming the initial part of your XPath expression (the div sequence) is correct, you might be able to use:
But it's wuite a fragile expression and vulnerable to any changes in the document.
A (possibly) better solution
A better alternative is to look for some identifier you could use. I can only guess, since I don't know your code. In your sample code, I would guess that Codigo and the number following it 206415 might be some identifier. If it is, you could use it to anchor your context. First you select it:
The expression above will select the table which contains a td with the exact text Código: followed by a td containing the exact text 206415. This will create a unique context (considering that the number is an unique identifier). From that context, you can now select the text you want, which is inside the next table (following-sibling::table[1]). This is the context of the second table:
And this should select the text you want (Grupo profissional:) which is in the third row tr[3] and first cell/column td[1] of that table:
