How to set layout from controller -

Is there a way to set the layout from the controller?
have tried:
ViewData["Layout"] = "..."
return View("view", Model);
I know it will sound odd with some people....

View method has overload to set its master layout something like this
return View ("NameOfView",masterName:"viewName");

In action method you can use MasterName property in ViewResult class to change layout page.
public ActionResult Index()
var myView = View();
myView.MasterName = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout2.cshtml";
return myView;

Using your code, you could put this in your View:
# {
Layout = ViewData["Layout"];

Daren Dimitrov has a very nice answer on this one with Attributes:
How do I specify different Layouts in the ASP.NET MVC 3 razor ViewStart file?

In the controller you can set a masterpage like this. I'm using MVC 5.2
return View("ViewName", "MasterPageName", model)

If you have a _ViewStart.cshtml file in your Views directory, you can automatically set the layout for all views within the same folder (and sub-folders):
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/Layout.cshtml";


How to display a fully formed HTML page as an MVC view?

MVC/ASP.NET/C#/html/javascript newbie question:
I'm trying to move some legacy software into an MVC solution. I have an MVC controller ViewResult method that makes an API call to the legacy system and returns a string which is a fully formed HTML page (including the HTML start and end tags). Some time in the future, I'll rewrite the logic as an MVC view, but for right now I need to just display that page (preferably in a new tab).
I've tried this in the controller:
return View((object)calendar);
(where "calendar" is the string containing the HTML document)
In my view I have
#model string
#{ Layout = null; }
But that didn't work.
Any ideas?
Model binding is binding the object of your model class.
For example, ([Solution].[Models].[Model class]),
#model PassDatainMVC.Models.Record
To pass the data from controller to view,
Approach 1: ViewBag
string data = "testing";
ViewBag.see = data;
return View();
#using PassDatainMVC.Models
Approach 2: Model binding
Controller (Class):
public string recordProperty;
#model PassDatainMVC.Models.Record
While you have to set the property under the model class in the data field for the second approach.
If you want to just one data you can use a ViewBag. This is simple.
Also you want to send with model. You should use this code.
public class Calendar
public string CalendarName { get; set; }
Calendar newModel = new Calendar();
newModel.CalendarName = "test name...";
return View(newModel);
#model ModelNamespace.Calendar
<h1> #Model.CalendarName </h1>
Thanks Reha! But unfortunately neither of your suggestions did the trick.
For your first suggestion I used ViewBag. In the controller I replaced
return View((object)calendar);
ViewBag.calendar = calendar;
return View();
And replaced the view with just
#{ Layout = null; }
The result was that the user is left looking at the actual HTML code instead of what the HTML code is supposed to render.
For your 2nd suggestion, I did exactly as you suggested (except I changed
Model.CalendarName = "test name...";
Model.CalendarName = calendar;
The result is the same, the user is left looking at the HTML code.

Constructing HTML in Controller - how to refactor?

I'm currently generating breadcrumbs on an object's Details page by calling a GetBreadcrumbs() method in the object's controller - in this method, the object's parent/grandparent are used to generate an unordered list. What's the best way to pull the HTML out of the controller to follow the Separation of Concerns paradigm? Should a partial view be used here?
Typical example of partial view is Breadcrum itself. For example, in your controller you can have
//GET: News/Article/x
public ActionResult Article(int id)
//get parentid of article = id;
return View();
So, your partial view will be as below:
ViewBag.Title = "Article";
<h2>Viewing Article #ViewBag.parentid >></h2>
You could use partial views or display templates. Your controller should only build the model that will be passed to the view and then inside the view you could use a display template that will build the desired output based on the model.

MVC Contrib Grid populate without model

I am looking at an example of how to use MVC Contrib Grid :
I am already using a #model on the page for something else, and I want to be able to create up to 6 grids on my page. Is it possible to pass a method that returns the grid contents to the Grid object?
You can pass any number of collections from the controller action to the view through ViewData or ViewBag.
public ActionResult Index()
ViewData["foos"] = GetFoos();
ViewData["bars"] = GetBars();
ViewData["bazz"] = GetBazz();
return View(/*model*/);
And in the view

Dynamic Layout for Error View in ASP.Net MVC

I have two action called "a" and "b". also I have two view for them. the layout of these views is difference.
for a:
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_X.cshtml";
for b:
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Y.cshtml";
also the Error view is shared.
How can I use a dynamic layout for Error view. for example when an error occurred while processing action "a" the error show in layout of action "a" and if an error occurred while processing action "b" the error show in layout of action "b"?
You could write a helper method:
public static string GetLayout(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper)
var action = htmlHelper.ViewContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action");
if (string.Equals("a", action, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return "~/Views/Shared/_X.cshtml";
else if (string.Equals("b", action, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
return "~/Views/Shared/_Y.cshtml";
return "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
and then:
Layout = Html.GetLayout();
How about this overload?
Controller.View Method (String, String) (System.Web.Mvc)
in a action
return View(viewName,"_X");
in b action
return View(viewName,"_Y";
hope this help u....various way of rendering layouts in Asp.Net MVC.
Method 1 : Control Layouts rendering by using _ViewStart file in the root directory of the Views folder
We can change the default rendering of layouts with in _ViewStart file by using the below code:
var controller = HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["Controller"].ToString();
string layout = "";
if (controller == "Admin")
layout = "~/Views/Shared/_AdminLayout.cshtml";
layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
Layout = layout;
Method 2 : Return Layout from ActionResult
We can also override the default layout rendering by returning the layout from the ActionResult by using the below code:
public ActionResult Index()
RegisterModel model = new RegisterModel();
//TO DO:
return View("Index", "_AdminLayout", model);
Method 3 : Define Layout with in each view on the top
We can also override the default layout rendering by defining the layout on the view by using the below code:
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_AdminLayout.cshtml";
You could try and pass the layout from the controller action: set the current layout in the session and then retrieve it in your error controller and pass it to the view through the ViewBag property:
public ActionResult A()
// Do things
// Set the layout
Session["currentLayout"] = "~/Views/Shared/_X.cshtml";
return View();
public ActionResult NotFound() // 404
// Set the layout
ViewBag.ErrorLayout = Session["currentLayout"];
return View();
then in your error view:
Layout = ViewBag.ErrorLayout;
I'll grant you this will not win a beauty prize; there might be other ways.
For example, take a look at this answer for how to set the layout in an ActionFilter: How to set a Razor layout in MVC via an attribute filter?
You could write your own Error Filter inheriting from HandleError and set the layout in there.

Modifying MVC 3 ViewBag in a partial view does not persist to the _Layout.cshtml

I am using MVC 3 with the Razor view engine. I want to set some values in the ViewBag inside a Partial View and want retrieve those values in my _Layout.cshtml. For example, when you setup a default ASP.NET MVC 3 project you get a _Layout.cshtml file in the "/Views/Shared" folder. In that _Layout.cshtml the Page Title is set like this:
Then in "/Views/Home/About.cshtml" view the contents of the ViewBag are modified:
ViewBag.Title = "About Us";
This works fine. When the About view is rendered the page title is "About Us". So, now I want to render a Partial view inside my About view and I want to modify the ViewBag.Title inside my Partial view. ("/Views/Shared/SomePartial.cshtml")
In this Partial view I have this code:
ViewBag.Title = "About Us From The Partial View";
When I debug this code I see the ViewBag.Title get set to "About Us" and then in the Partial view I see it get reset to "About Us From The Partial View", but when the code hits the _Layout.cshtml it goes back to "About Us".
Does this mean that if the contents of the ViewBag are modified in a Partial view, those changes will not appear(be accessible) in the main view (About.cshtml) or the _Layout.cshtml?
Thanks in advance!
If you pass the ViewBag into the partial's viewdatadictionary, then pull it out (and cast), you can do whatever you want and the reference is kept. The cool part is that since it's dynamic, you can even add properties and then they'll show up on the parent page's Viewbag.
//set the viewbag into the partial's view data
#{Html.RenderPartial("Elaborate", Model, new ViewDataDictionary { {"vb", ViewBag}});}
var vb = ((dynamic)ViewData["vb"]);
vb.TheTitle = "New values";
#ViewBag.TheTitle = "New value"
I also had this problem, and couldn't find any neat and obvious solution.
The solution I came up with was to implement an Html extension method that returns a 'PageData' class that you define, containing whatever data you need:
private static ControllerBase pageDataController;
private static PageData pageData;
public static PageData GetPageData(this HtmlHelper html) {
ControllerBase controller = html.ViewContext.Controller;
while (controller.ControllerContext.IsChildAction) {
controller = controller.ControllerContext.ParentActionViewContext.Controller;
if (pageDataController == controller) {
return pageData;
} else {
pageDataController = controller;
pageData = new PageData();
return pageData;
It finds the top-level controller for the current request, and returns the same PageData object every time the method is called within the same HTTP request. It creates a new PageData object the first time it is called in a new HTTP request.
The partial view gets its own ViewBag.
You can get the page's ViewBag from ((WebViewPage) WebPageContext.Current.Page).ViewBag
You can do this trick in your partial view to override the title in your _Layout.cshtml:
ViewBag.Title = "About Us From The Partial View";
<script type="text/javascript">
document.title = "#ViewBag.Title";
As others have pointed out Layout, Views and Partials get their own ViewBag. However, I was able to get it to work with the following:
In the View or Partial.
#{ Html.ViewContext.ViewBag.Title = "Reusable Global Variable"; }
Then in _Layout
By explicitly using the ViewContext, the views 're-use' the same ViewBag.
If anyone is still looking for a solution to this it appears that you can do it with TempData:
TempData["x"] = x;
TempData is persisted until it is read so you can just read it in your _Layout. You just have to be careful that you read everything so that it is cleared for the next request.
I've tried the following and it works:
In the (parent) view...
#Html.Partial("SomePartial", ViewData, null)
Note: ViewData is passed as the model argument, but you have to specify null for the viewData argument to use the correct overload. You can't use ViewBag because Html.Partial doesn't like dynamics.
Then , in the partial view...
#model ViewDataDictionary
Model["Title"] = "About us from the partial view";
Of course, if you need to use the model argument for a real model, you'll have to be more creative.
try #SLaks code with
(((WebViewPage) WebPageContext.Current.Page).ViewBag).PropertyName
I encountered the same problem when I use mvc3, and I found that
works in your custom control.
I this is what page data is designed for. Pop this into your view.
#Page.somePropertyName = "Whatever you want";
And then access it in your layout view. Be sure to check that its not null first.
if(Page.somePropertyName != null)
//Do stuff
