unable to find htdoc folder in windows vista for apache7.0.25 - windows

I tried looking for htdoc folder in C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\ directory.
Checked each and every subfolder but unable to find it plz help.
Any help will be appreciated

A htdocs folder is a special folder where the Apache HTTP server stores its documents.
Apache Tomcat (a servlet engine) has no such thing.
Looks like your question has some mismatches.

Have a look at your apache configuration and search for DirectoryRoot. It should be configured there.
You can also download XAMPP from http://www.apachefriends.org/. It works great for web development on windows and has everything you need.


VScode: how to setup for local edit and ftp-deplyment

I used to use Dreamweaver. I've a huge Classic ASP website. I edit the files on my local system, and when done, I can upload the file(s) via ftp to the remote webserver. Now, I try to switch to VSCode. I've installed ftp-simple, ftp-sync and deploy. But can't find the set-up to get a Dreamweaver like behaviour. Eg, I have to locate for each file I want to upload/deploy, the exact location in the remote file tree.
I really feel like deploy deserves more attention. I spent the past 4 days or so to find an extension that does just that. Auto-upload to an ftp-folder from a local folder. I wanted to make git work for my website, but couldn't get that to work on the server with ftp-simple or ftp-sync because those extensions only download the opened files or open in a different temporary folder each time. I set up deploy now and got exactly what I wanted thanks to your tiny comment, thank you!
(I'm sorry if this post is too old to comment on, but I browsed Stack overflow for days to find this, so I thought it might help others in the future to point this out.)
it sounds like your just missing your mapping configuration. Most text editor FTP packages include a configuration file where you specify the server, your credentials, and the root folder of your ftp server. Have you specified this?

Put Executable jar in SJAS

I have one executable jar which I want to put in my project's website running on SJAS. I have no clue how to do it. Can anyone help me?
This jar is a J2ME application which I will access (kind of link) from mobile to download the application then it will connect to my server application through web services.
I just want a link which when I open should download .jar file just like we download any software. We used to have one network location to do so but it has been crashed so I am thinking this solution as a workaround.
I have just added html link in "Index.html" page of website and it is working fine. IDK if this preferred way to handle or not.

Websphere manageprofile files don't exist in my current installation

I have just downloaded and extracted Websphere locally in my computer and I can't find the manageprofiles command files (both .ssh and .bat). The version of Websphere is Reading its documentation, it assumes that both files should be placed under the bin directory, but they are missing. I have also searched the web trying to download them manually, finding no answer.
Does anybody have any idea of what is happenning, and how may I proceed?
If you "extracted" it and didn't "install" it, it's probably what's termed the "WebSphere Liberty Profile" and not the traditional application server profile.
"manageprofiles" is not used in Liberty. If your instructions include it, you may need the traditional application server which is also available as a trial.
As covener wrote manageprofiles is in traditional WAS. In Liberty just go to the bin folder and issue:
server create yourServerName
then start it using:
server start yourServerName
and you are good to go ;-)

Runnig Yesod Compiled Project on FpComplete using Amazon EC2

Hi sorry about this issue, i'm run out of ideas of how to access my deployed project on our main domain server.
By following the Guidelines provided in the GitHub I installed properly the keter, put the .keter file in the /opt/keter/incoming path but once i access it on the browser it always see the nginx page.
Also I use fpcomplete IDE for my project and I just download the file executable file there.
Thank in advance
I've solve this by following the instruction given to me on Github

How can I automatically upload files to my live Server?

I am using WAMP for my Local Server in Windows 7. I want to upload my files from a particular folder to my Live Server automatically. Is there any freeware software or anything that will serve my purpose.
Thanks in advance for helping me.
You can use WatchDirectory to scan your defined folder and upload only if the file is edited or new file is added to the folder. You can use this for 30 Days trial period.
