Runnig Yesod Compiled Project on FpComplete using Amazon EC2 - amazon-ec2

Hi sorry about this issue, i'm run out of ideas of how to access my deployed project on our main domain server.
By following the Guidelines provided in the GitHub I installed properly the keter, put the .keter file in the /opt/keter/incoming path but once i access it on the browser it always see the nginx page.
Also I use fpcomplete IDE for my project and I just download the file executable file there.
Thank in advance

I've solve this by following the instruction given to me on Github


Put Executable jar in SJAS

I have one executable jar which I want to put in my project's website running on SJAS. I have no clue how to do it. Can anyone help me?
This jar is a J2ME application which I will access (kind of link) from mobile to download the application then it will connect to my server application through web services.
I just want a link which when I open should download .jar file just like we download any software. We used to have one network location to do so but it has been crashed so I am thinking this solution as a workaround.
I have just added html link in "Index.html" page of website and it is working fine. IDK if this preferred way to handle or not.

where can I find tcadsdll.dll?

I am running an example application using TwinCAT ADS communication system, got from a colleague.
When I give the command to connect to ADS, error ' fail to load tcadsdll.dll file ' appears; I have looked for it on the web but din't find
I you have TwinCat 3.1 installed you find the dll in the following folder:
This is the FTP page where you can download the packages for ADS development from beckhoff.
Just downlaod the file and extract. You will find everything you need included.
You need to install TwinCAT to get the tcadsdll.dll file. You can request a download file on Beckhoff's website for free.

ODE WAR examples wont run UBUNTU 14.04

I am trying to install and understand ODE.
I set up Tomcat7 no problem
I set up ODE WAR distribution
I copied the examples folder as per instructions.
Then I ran it, and it failed.
Then I RTM some more and saw
The sendsoap executable can be found in the distribution bin directory. The urls should be updated according to the address defined in the WSDL file for the process service.
The executable script using the command line given fires an exception.
could not find or load main class
latest version.
If there is some update to URLs required there are no directions to do that anywhere in the install instructions. Given that new users do installs this has to be one of the most brain dead careless instruction sets I have read in years regardless of the fix. But can someone enlighten me?
Just to be clear, the startup screen on port 8080 comes up just fine.
The command line tools seem to have some class path issues. I'd suggest to use SoapUI instead, it provides a better UX as well.
Update: Quickstart to verify the installation:
For a simple test, just copy the helloworld2 example from the dist package to tomcat/webapps/ode/processes. The process should then appear in the web console. Copy the Axis2 WSDL URL of the helloworld process http://localhost:8080/ode/deployment/services/, which is most likely
http://localhost:8080/ode/processes/helloWorld?wsdl. Open SoapUI, start a new SOAP project, paste the WSDL URL into the "Initial WSDL" form and create the project. SoapUI will create sample request "Request 1" for the hello operation. Double click, play with the content and invoke the method using the green "play" button.
Due to a build problem the JAR files in the lib directory of the 1.3.6 WAR/JBI distributions don't work (Bug Report). Use the 1.3.5 distribution instead until this is fixed.

how to install python for using d3 charts at windows

I have to use d3 graph at my web page. I never worked with d3. That's why, I'm facing some problem using it. Basically, I've to work at dropbox folder. So, my clients can see the worked file locally at their browser. Consider, I put a d3 chart at file.html file and my folder structure is like this
D:\Projects\Dropbox (Company)\MyName\FolderName\file.html
But, I saw that to run and see/show d3 examples I need run web server or run a python server. So, I've downloaded Python 3.4.1 and installed by double click. It's installed at this directory: C:\Python34
After that, I tried to follow d3's documentation for installing python server. So, I opened my cmd and type:
python -m http.server 8888 &
But, it gives me this error:
So, my question is:
How can I install python web server?
After installing that web server, is it possible see the d3 chart via this link: file:///D:/Projects/Dropbox (Company)/MyName/FolderName/file.html or I've put my files inside htdocs and run via http://localhost/folderName/file.html (I don't want to put files inside htdocs. It'll be tough for my clients see the output of the files directly from their pc)?
If it can't be seen without putting inside htdocs folder, I may find solution for running d3.js locally without installing any additional software/server(though I've found this type of solution for some d3.js chart but not for all). Thanks in advance and please don't mind if it's a lame question. Basically, it's my first day working with d3.js and I'm only ameture level skilled with javascript and jQuery.
OK, browsers are designed with security in mind, by default they don't let scripts go and grab a file from anywhere for very good reasons. They allow you to grab a file from the server or through requests. So to share your work with your client you will either need to use a hosting service - I would recommend bl.ocks, design your visualisation so it doesn't require any external data or provide instructions on how to disable browser security. You can read more about this here, here and here.
On python, in many cases python is already installed on people machines, so running a server from python shouldn't be an issue. All you have to do (on a windows machine) is launch your command prompt navigate to your directory and start your python server. Then open a browser and navigate to the localhost. Please note that python needs to be set as an environmental variable (i.e. your system path), the python documentation might help you here.

Accessing Codeigniter in BitNami Wamp stack

I've just downloaded and installed Bitnami's Wamp Stack which includes Codeigniter on a machine running Windows 7 Enterprise. The installation was successful and both Apache and MySQL servers are running, as per the green ball and the "running" status in the BitNanmi console.
I checked BitNami's wiki at and tried following the steps to enable the sample application, but it doesn't work because:
a) the line "Include "installdir/frameworks/codeigniter/conf/codeigniter.conf"" doesn't exist in the http config file
b) when I add the line "Include "installdir/frameworks/codeigniter/conf/codeigniter.conf"", changing the installdir to my installation directory, the file codeigniter.conf is missing on the folder indicated on the path. In fact, I can't find the file codeigniter.conf anywhere
As a result, I can't access codeigniter from my localhost/codeigniter as suggested in the wiki.
Do you guys know how to run Codeigniter on BitNami's Wamp stack? And if yes, can you let me know how to do it?
Many thanks in advance, Dinis
Ok guys,
this is a misconfiguration in BitNami and the guys at their forum were awesomely quick replying back. Here are the steps to make it work:
Go to your installation directory and start manager-windows.exe
Click "Configure" button
Click "Open Conf File" button and this opened the httpd.conf file
Add the line Include "C:/BitNami/wamp/frameworks/codeigniter/conf/httpd-prefix.conf" and save the changes
Restart Apache in the application manager
Original thread:
Another thing mentioned today is to fix this by going to
and uncommenting the line:
Include "/Applications/mampstack-5.4.16-0/frameworks/codeigniter/conf/httpd-prefix.conf"
Hope they get the docs updated soon.
