Jasmine loadFixtures is not defined? - jasmine

I followed the tutorial on > http://railscasts.com/episodes/261-testing-javascript-with-jasmine <.
but i get the error message -> ReferenceError: loadFixtures is not defined in spec/credit_card_spec.js">http://localhost:8888/spec/credit_card_spec.js .
I donĀ“t now how i could solve these problem. could anyone help me.

In my case the test helper file helpers/jasmine-jquery-1.3.1.js doesn't contain some functions, so i downloaded it again and i works.
Don't forget, also you need a jQuery helper file.


Laravel 8 project is giving serialize error

When I use the php artisan serve command, the project gives the following error.
Laravel\SerializableClosure\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException Your
serialized closure might have been modified or it's unsafe to be
What is the reason for that? How can I solve this?
I also had similar type of issue like this as shown in attached image and I was able to resolve that by referring this article. check this article clearly

Error : Call to undefined method phpDocumentor\Reflection\Project::where()

Doing the Larcast tutorial for "Build a laravel App with TDD" and when i added the $response->assertRedirect(Project::where($attributes)->first()->path());
i started getting the following:
Error : Call to undefined method phpDocumentor\Reflection\Project::where()
How do i resolve this, struggling to find the resolution anywhere else, i have added it to the laracast tutorial itself but no answer.
Tried chasing the answer on the laracasts site.
My tests should pass. (the functionality actually works but i want the test in place to prove it does)
You are using the wrong import for the Project so on top of the test class put this:
use App\Project;

I get the same error on terminal for different file

I am running a feature file on Cucumber and every-time I get the same error message. No matter what feature file tags I run.
Missing Examples section for Scenario Outline at
Please help.
Error message speaks for itself: you have scenario outline without examples table. Either include examples table, either replace Scenario Outline: with just Scenario:.

Expected identifier/parse issue in xcode?

Im creating an ios app in xcode, and I keep getting this error. Here is my code:
If (myGlobal ==1) {
What is wrong? Im sorry i do not know how to properly do the code, i am a beginner and am just looking for help. Please dont mark my post down, I just started with this stuff
Make sure If is not capitalized. It should be all lowercase "if".
Make sure myGlobal has been declared.
If myGlobal is a property try using self.myGlobal instead.
Otherwise you will need to post the myGlobal declaration to us.

In Smarty display method not working

Display method not working only print "kamal" not print "maisuriya"
Please help me?
$tpl->display('default_layout'. $config['tplEx']);
If you're not seeing any error messages, you might want to activate them (temporarily) with ini_set("display_errors", true); error_reporting(E_ALL);
If you're using Smarty3 run a $tpl->testInstall(); after you've setup Smarty to see if everything is ok. Then check if your template exists with $tpl->templateExists('default_layout'. $config['tplEx']);
My guess is either the requested file doesn't exist, or the template contains syntax errors, or some function called within the template did not execute properly. But without the error message, I can't tell.
