I get the same error on terminal for different file - ruby

I am running a feature file on Cucumber and every-time I get the same error message. No matter what feature file tags I run.
Missing Examples section for Scenario Outline at
Please help.

Error message speaks for itself: you have scenario outline without examples table. Either include examples table, either replace Scenario Outline: with just Scenario:.


How to get the code causing an issue in SonarQube or a link to it?

Is there a way to parameter the SonarQube web service to get the line of the code causing a specific error?
For instance, if I parameter the webservice to get all the blocking issues like this:
the Json returned gives the line's number of the issues but not the line's code. How to have the code of those lines?
Otherwise, is there a possibility to get a link to the line causing the error?
Thank you in advance
Check out the WebAPI documentation embedded in your SonarQube server (linked at the footer). For your specific use-case you'll see that this is a good match: api/sources .

Openbravo: Add a field to a window

I am trying to add a field following the HowTo in the documentation with no errors in the process.
The problem comes when I think I am done, I visit Multiphase Project page and it does not load and shows this error:
Error occured: freemarker.template.TemplateModelException: get(tabView) failed on instance of org.openbravo.client.application.window.StandardWindowComponent
I have tried to repeat the HowTo but I couldn't find where I might be getting it wrong.
In the "Reports and Processes" window, where you created the process check whether "Manual.." is checked.. if not then check it.
run "ant smartbuild -Dtr=no"
Do not forget to comment whether this works or does not work...

Twitter handler (sensu and ruby) troubleshooting

I'm trying to get Sensu twitter-handler working on my environment. The issue is that I'm not getting any errors on screen or logs when I cat a .json event into the twitter-handler and, the tweets are not being shown on the linked account.
Here're are my config files:
This is the output I get:
One important note is that in sensu-api.log the request are being recieved:
So, my question is: is there a way to troubleshoot this issue? Any way to debug the handler.rb?
Finally got it working! Thing was the new 'twitter' gem (in my case v5.6) won't work with the code as it was written. I needed to follow this great answer and this thread too. Was just a matter of sintaxis (as usual).

Get SQL Plus to display more detailed errors

When installing my application, users must start SQL Plus and run an SQL script. This script contains creates many tables and many PL/SQL functions and triggers etc.
At the moment some of the functions are in the wrong order in the script and so users currently see a few "trigger created with compilation errors" type messages. I believe this is because the functions/triggers rely on other functions which means they cannot compile correctly.
What I would like to do is to find out which ones are failing and what the specific compilation error was instead of the rather vague warning I get at the moment. This way I can rearrange the functions in my install script and get no more warnings!
I would also like the specific errors to be logged into a file. At the moment I'm using the SPOOL command to log things, so it would be great if the errors could be 'spooled' too.
You can append show errors; after creation of procedures/triggers in order to see detailed error message.
You can add show err or select * from all_errors where name='<object_name>' order by sequence after each compilation command.

NSURLErrorDomain error -3001

I'm trying to download a file from the internet, but I get the error -3001 back. I've been searching through google but the error doesn't appear on any website, so i have no idea what it means.
Can anyone tell me what the error code "NSURLErrorDomain error -3001" means?
There's also a full list of all NSURL error codes here. It's very handy when you get cryptic error messages from the URL loading system.
I wrote an applescript awhile back that can search the header files for error codes. You can find the applescript here.
I ran that applescript for your error code and got this from the CFNetworkError.h file.
Error Description:
The error comes from the fact that setDestination expects a full path with a filename:
This is wrong:
[fileDl setDestination:#"/Users/ant/ebooks/" allowOverwrite:YES];
This is right:
[fileDl setDestination:#"/Users/ant/ebooks/file.epub" allowOverwrite:YES];
So the explanation is that probably you did something like I did: specify an existing folder where you intended to put the data.
PS: the dash before 3001 prevents Google from returning any results with the request: "NSURLErrorDomain error -3001", it is parsed as: "NSURLErrorDomain and error and not 3001"..
