How to refresh jquery mobile multipage document after deploying new software - caching

I have a jqm multipage document (index.html) that includes several pages and other assets (js, css, etc.). I have my server configured to use etags for the html, css, and js files. The request/response headers are set appropriately and it works as expected.
During use of my application there are no requests (with the exception of signing off) to index.html, so there is never really a chance for the browser to see if there is a new file out there, let alone all of it's css and js files (unless the user signs off, requests the page again or does a refresh). If I deploy new software, how might I notify the user that new sw is available and/or somehow force a refresh of the index.html file?
My initial thoughts were to store the version # on the client and periodically make ajax requests to the server to check the version #. If new sw is available, display a link to notify the user informing them of the new sw and to click on the link to get it (reload index.html).
I'm curious how others have done this? Thoughts? Recommendations?

If you link to multipage document, you must use a data-ajax="false"
attribute on the link to cause a full page refresh due to the
limitation above where we only load the first page node in an Ajax
request due to potential hash collisions. There is currently a subpage
plugin that makes it possible to load in multi-page documents.
Please also look at this:
Cases when Ajax navigation will not be used
Under certain conditions,
normal http requests will be used instead of Ajax requests. One case
where this is true is when linking to pages on external websites. You
can also specify that a normal http request be made through the
following link attributes:
target (with any value, such as "_blank")
If the pages is loaded as http request instead of Ajax, the problem would be solved.


What are full page reloads and Why did we need to do full page reloads without ajax?

I was reading up on ajax and how it empowers us to exchange data with a server behind the scenes and consequently avoid full page reloads. My confusion lies here, I don't really understand what full-page reloads mean. I think it's probably cause I've been working with ajax/react since the start I guess and have not really seen any webpage of mine fully reload when I access stuff from a database or an api.
It'd be great if someone could explain what they are and why did we need them before ajax?
A full page load is where the entire page is downloaded from the server. A page typically consists of several sections: header, footer, navigation, and content. In a classic web application without AJAX, a user clicks on a link to another page, and has to download the full page, even though only the main content is changing. The header, footer, and navigation all get downloaded again even though they don't change.
With AJAX there is the opportunity to only change the parts of the page that will change. When a user clicks on the link, JavaScript loads just the content for that link and inserts it into the current page. The header, footer, and navigation don't need to reload.
This introduces other problems that need attention.
When AJAX inserts new content into the page, the URL doesn't change. That makes it difficult for users to bookmark or link to specific content. Well written AJAX applications use history.pushState() to update the URL when loading content via AJAX.
There are then two paths to get to every piece of content. Users can either load the URL containing that content directly, or load the content into some other page by following a link. Web developers need to test and ensure both work.
Search engines have trouble crawling AJAX powered sites. For best compatibility, you need to employ server side rendering (SSR) or pre-rendering to serve initial content on a page load that doesn't require JavaScript.
Even for Googlebot (which executes JavaScript) care must be taken to make an AJAX powered site crawlable. Googlebot doesn't simulate user actions like clicking, scrolling, hovering, or moving the mouse.
Content needs to appear on page load without any user interaction
You must use <a href=...> links for navigation so that Googlebot can find other pages by scanning the document object model (DOM). For users, JavaScript can intercept clicks on those links and prevent a full page load by using return false from the onclick handler or event.preventDefault() in the click handler.

jQuery mobile - after browser refresh page totally messed up

I'm developping a jqm application with spring mobile in the back-end.
Whenever I hit the browser refresh button on my mobile phone the page is completely devastated afterwards. Browsers back-button works properly.
The data are still available due prg pattern (flashAttributes in Spring) after refresh. Only the view is malformed.
Any ideas how to solve this problem?
From jQuery Mobile docs :
The simplest approach when building a jQuery Mobile site is to reference the same set of stylesheets and scripts in the head of every page. If you need to load in specific scripts or styles for a particular page, we recommend binding logic to the pageinit event (details below) to run necessary code when a specific page is created (which can be determined by its id attribute, or a number of other ways). Following this approach will ensure that the code executes if the page is loaded directly or is pulled in and shown via Ajax
So what happens is - in jQuery Mobile, the scripts and styles defined in the head are loaded only once. So, in normal conditions, it works fine, as all the pages will use the scripts loaded from the first page.
But. When you refresh a page in-between, it triggers a page-reload instead of the ajax navigation model thatjqm uses. So all the scripts and styles loaded from the first page will not be included from here on out.
What you need to do is "reference the same set of stylesheets and scripts in the head of every page", so that even if you hit refresh in the middle, the scripts and styles that had been loaded from the head of the first page are loaded again.
I recommend you read the docs from the above link fully to gain a better understanding.

Custom title and image for Facebook share button on AJAX result

This question exists in different flavors, but not for AJAX pages.
I use AJAX to pull a single video into my page and I want a custom FB share button for it. Everything I've read so far says that FB pulls the required title and image from meta-tags in the page's < head> section (og:image and og:title).
I've tried to change the meta properties when the AJAX call returns, before rendering the share button. This hasn't worked. It uses the values that were present upon initial page load. I have yet to encounter a single answer to this question.
Are there data attributes I can add to the 'fb-like' div to specify a custom title and image (similar to data-href)?
You need an individual URL for each individual piece of content that you want to share. Open Graph objects (and simple shared links “become” such, automatically) are identified by their URL (og:url).
Now if your whole page is built on AJAX, you still need to create such individual URLs somehow – the Facebook scraper tool does not “speak” JavaScript, and relies solely on the OG meta information that the server delivers for any URL it requests.
Since the hash part of an URL is only of relevance client-side (and does not even get send to the server), “typical” AJAX URLs that rely on those to tell the client which piece of content to load in the background are no good here.
So if you want to share two pieces of content (videos) as and, then you have to make sure that your server delivers the meta data for each video under its respective URL.

Why does firefox always load the next page in the menu as well as the page I have requested?

I am working on a new website. While testing some of the functionality I had a number of debug statements and was watching the logs. It seems that Firefox (at least) loads the "next" page in the menu as well as the page I have clicked on. If I have menu items A B C D E and click on B then I see a request for and then a request for in the logs, and so on.
Is this some kind of look-ahead performance thing? Is there any way to avoid it (setting an attribute on the link maybe?) The problem is that the second page in my menu is somewhat heavier as it loads a whole lot of data from a web service. I'm happy for people to do that if they want to use the functionality, but would rather not that every visitor to the front page loads it unneccessarily. Is this behvaiour consistent across browser?
Yes, Firefox will prefetch links to improve the perceived performance to the user. You can read more about the functionality in Firefox here
It isn't possible to disable this in the client's browser, however the request should include the header X-moz: prefetch which you can use to determine if it is in fact a prefetch request or not, and potentially return a blank page for prefetch requests. You can then use Cache-control: must-revalidate to make sure the page loads appropriately when actually requested by the user.
If you happen to be using Worpdress for your site, you can disable the tags with the prefetch information by using:
Wordpress 3.0+
//remove auto loading rel=next post link in header
remove_action('wp_head', 'adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head');
Older versions:
//remove auto loading rel=next post link in header
remove_action('wp_head', 'adjacent_posts_rel_link');
Yes, it's called prefetch. It can be turned off in the client, see the FAQ:
I'm not aware of a way to turn it off via the server

Iframe vs normal / ajax get request

I have a page that gathers environment status from a couple of IBM WebSphere servers using iframes similar to this:
<iframe src="http://server:9060/ibm/console/status?text=true&type=server&node=NODE&name=ServerName_server_NODE"></iframe>
and it happily prints out "Started" or "Unavailable" etc. But if I load the same url in a normal browser sometimes it works, sometimes it does not? Some of them are showing a login page, while others are simply return HTTP code 500.
So whats the difference between loading the page through an iframe vs through a browser?
I can tell you that the iframe solution works no matter which machine I am doing it on, so I do not belive it has anything to do with the user whos opening the page. And before you ask, why not keep the solution that works, well its because it takes a long time to open the page with the iframes vs a page where everything is requested through ajax.
Update: Using jQuery to perform the ajax call returns "error" and "undefined" for the servers that I can't see in a normal browser.
One difference is an iframe has to render the view while XHR would not.
An iframe is essentially the same as opening with the browser. In both cases the browsers credentials are used, so there will be no difference between the two.
Secondly, loading something in an iframe should take the same amount of time as requesting it through XHR, since in both cases the browser makes an HTTP request and waits for the response. Although I should add that an iframe will take time to render the content onto the page. However if you plan on displaying it with ajax anyways, an iframe/xhr solution will be more or less the same.
In case of ajax request same origin policy (which restricts cross domain call) comes into picture. So you can't make cross domain call using xhr. Alternative for same is embed flex swf file in your page as activex control and make flex call through javascript and then flex is responsible to make cross domain call (flex can if targeted domain allows cross domain using crossdomain.xml) and renders result using javascript again.
