WP7 Datepicker page - custom background - windows-phone-7

I want to use the WP7 toolkit datepicker and have my own custom background on the picker page. There are several examples that show the use of a custom page to replace the existing selection mechanism e.g. http://windowsphonegeek.com/articles/wp7-datepicker-and-timepicker-in-depth--api-and-customization
But I don't want to do that - I simply want the picker page to have a different background (than the themed white or black) Can I do this easily. Or do I have to download the toolkit code and include that in my solution and adjust that?

In order to do that you will have to create a copy of the DatePickerPage.xaml file from the Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit in your application, change it to meet your requirements, and then on your DatePicker control set the PickerPageUri proprety to the new DatePickerPage.xaml


Xamarin - support inserting GIF and images using Android keyboard

Has anyone gotten the android keyboard to support GIF and image insertion in an Xamarin app? Let's say I want to build a chat application, have a custom EditText view to capture user input, and want to have it behave similar to the Android built-in chat application. Currently the keyboard shows a popup . Is it possible to make this work? I prefer to not create a custom keyboard renderer, though was hoping this could be done within a custom EditText renderer. Along the lines of:
UPDATE: For anyone looking for a similar solution, I have been making progress using the https://github.com/xamarin/monodroid-samples/tree/main/android-n/CommitContentSample. Essentially set the content mime types and wrap the IOnCommitContentListener, then process OnCommitContent().

Which control is used to hold image,text and audio files like a flow document in windows phone applications

I am developing an application similar to one-note in windows phone. I wonder what control they use for storing image,text and audio files.
I tried with RichTextBox but I found that RichTextbox is readonly for windows phone
Please suggest an approch to achieve this functionality
Thanks in advance.
For those who are not aware of One-note app in windows it holds text,images and audio
files like a Flow document.
Your best bet would be to use a <Canvas>
MSDN Canvas
It can hold any other XAML object and they can quickly and easily be positioned on the canvas in both XAML and back end code
That said, you are going to have to do some custom coding to create the UI elements dynamically.
This shouldn't be to hard.
If it were me I would create an application bar and in the sub menu I would create all of the UI elements you're allowing the person to create. When they select a UIElement it adds it to the canvas and you allow it to be draggable and editable.

Windows Phone - Loading/Saving panel

I often need loading panel, which shows an indeterminate progressbar and a textblock in fullscreen mode. I do this with a Grid and just set the visibilty so visible. Instead of copy source code from page to page, I want to re-use it as a control. Is there already an existing control I can use?
Create your own usercontrol is the best way if you want to reuse the control. There are a lot of guides on Google, search for "custom user control silverlight" or something similar.

show a group of thumbnails in windows phone 7 app

I wanted to ask what is the best way to show a group of thumbnails in wp7 app? Should I use stacks or lists or should i bind them to the content panel grid directly. I wanted to show 2 columns of thumbnails.
I feel you, you should use the
embedded in listbox's itemtemplate.
Which gives the View like Picture hub in WP7.
For more information on how to create use this link
Check for Wp7 Image listing.
or use this link to how to create the same

Clickable banner image in WiX dialog

I would like to put an image banner on one of my WiX dialogs that when clicked opens a web page for our product support, in case users have trouble with the installation. I think I know how to open the web page but the problem is registering the click event. Is there a way to do this?
From my own attempts I've concluded that a "bitmap" type control won't let you detect clicks. Do I have any other options, like making a pushbutton with a picture on it and hiding the borders so it looks good? I've not been successful with this.
I'm using WiX 3.5.
I think you can't do what you want with internal MSI UI for which WiX provides interface.
You can create a button with image on it but you can't hide the borders of the button.
Starting from Windows Installer 4.5, there's ability to include custom UI elements, see Using an Embedded UI for reference. Another option is using External UI, where you develop UI as a regular application and handle notification messages from MSI.
