Clickable banner image in WiX dialog - user-interface

I would like to put an image banner on one of my WiX dialogs that when clicked opens a web page for our product support, in case users have trouble with the installation. I think I know how to open the web page but the problem is registering the click event. Is there a way to do this?
From my own attempts I've concluded that a "bitmap" type control won't let you detect clicks. Do I have any other options, like making a pushbutton with a picture on it and hiding the borders so it looks good? I've not been successful with this.
I'm using WiX 3.5.

I think you can't do what you want with internal MSI UI for which WiX provides interface.
You can create a button with image on it but you can't hide the borders of the button.
Starting from Windows Installer 4.5, there's ability to include custom UI elements, see Using an Embedded UI for reference. Another option is using External UI, where you develop UI as a regular application and handle notification messages from MSI.


Widgets change places when running from design tab

I am building a visual studio application and have designed it using visual studio windows form. I am using the siticone library for the GUI but when i lay widgets out on the designer and then run the application all the widgets move. The buttons do not but the labs on them do. Also i have added a user control page that moves aswell. Please Help.
Cheers.enter image description here
Make sure that your Winform Font style and size match with all child controls including all Siticone controls.
Verify that you have anchored your controls accordingly on your form or panel control.

Can I add a button to my add-in next to Send/Discard buttons?

I am writing an Outlook Add-In (Web version, Desktop) and so far I was able to add a link to my app in the contextual menu (see screenshot below - highlighted in yellow). This work well, but it is almost impossible to find the add-in and this is resulting in a ton of customer support calls. I was wondering if there is a way to add the button next to "Send", "Discard", or after the "Elipsis" buttons. This way the add-in would be more visible.
I was thinking about directly modifying the DOM if it is not possible, but I would prefer to not do that.
You can add a button there neither from a web based JS addin nor from a COM based addin for the desktop version of Outlook.

Replacing part of Outlook client's window with a custom form

I am developing a VSTO application for Outlook client. I am trying have my form open in the part of the Outlook client window which is highlighted in red in the following image:
I think I can't use the form regions because they replace the view for a single item.
So basically what I want to do is opening my custom form (windows or web) in the red area when I click my tool's button on the toolbar.
Any ideas how this can be done?
There are three main ways for displaying your own form there:
You can use the WebViewURL and WebViewOn properties of the Folder class for setting a web view state for the folder. Microsoft Outlook uses the rendering engine of the version Windows Internet Explorer installed on the client computer to display the web page. If Internet Explorer is not installed on the client computer, Outlook will not display the web page.
Create an adjucent Outlook window. See Creating Adjacent Windows In Outlook for more informaiton. Note, you need to have a deep understanding of Windows API to move that way, see SetWindowsHookEx.
Add-in Express provides a layout for the form out of the box. There is no need to invent a wheel in that case.
You will need to get down to the HWND level to insert your UI - see and

Windows Phone - Loading/Saving panel

I often need loading panel, which shows an indeterminate progressbar and a textblock in fullscreen mode. I do this with a Grid and just set the visibilty so visible. Instead of copy source code from page to page, I want to re-use it as a control. Is there already an existing control I can use?
Create your own usercontrol is the best way if you want to reuse the control. There are a lot of guides on Google, search for "custom user control silverlight" or something similar.

How do I enable/disable my Ribbon Buttons in Outlook

I have an Outlook Add-in created with VSTO. Using the Ribbon Designer I have created a tab with three buttons on it. (Environment: Outlook 2010, .NET 4.0, VSTO latest runtime)
When one of the buttons is pressed a modeless dialog is opened. As long as the user is working on this dialog I do not want him to be able to press the button again. So basically I want to gray out the button till the dialog is closed. How can I do this?
For whatever reason, in the button click handler, if I do this.button1.enabled = false; it is just not working. Am I missing something about the way ribbons work.
You need to re-render the control using IRibbonUI.InvalidateControl(controlID) or IRibbonUI.Invalidate(). See MDSN on how to dynamically update the Fluent UI for reference. This is done for performance reasons so that you can change all your Fluent UI settings and then re-render all control changes at once. However, if you are only changing one UI element (as you indicate) this can seem confusing and unnecessary.
