JqGrid sorting & grouping dates - asp.net-mvc-3

I have the following issue: I have a large grid, that is primarily sorted by date since the load. This particular table also has the ability to group, as shown in the following image:
(Sorry for posting an image like this, but thanks to the spam filter, i cant directly insert one here)
Issue is that when i group by date (do note that this behavior is not observed in other columns other than date) this happens:
But if i order the date in to the other way, such behavior is no longer observed
I should note also that this implementation is under ASP.MVC 3. I tried to format the date differently, but without avail.
Thanks for your time

If the problem is only the order of sorting (see comments to the question) I think one could solve the problem by the usage sorttype as function. See the old answer and this one for details.


Google Sheets Query Sorted Results

I am writing a query function that I would like sorted. I have this figured out. What I cannot solve is attempting to insert 2 blank rows between the sorted results. Is this at all possible? Here is my query as it currently stands. Works perfectly as written. Just would like to have a 2 row gap between results.
Thank you.
=query('Form Responses 1'!A:CM,"Select B,C,D,I,L,AU,AX Where K = '"&Titles!B2&"' OR AW = '"&Titles!B2&"'Order by K,AW",0)
enter image description here
Since you've clarified your question to say that you want two blank rows, only to be added at a specific point in your query results, I've created another answer. But you haven't answered my question about what criteria you have for deciding where to insert these two lines, so I've made an assumption based on your data. This formula should be easily adapted if you have some other criteria for where to insert the blank lines. See my added tab HelpGK in yur sample sheet.
Try this formula, where you have your query:
={query('Data Sheet'!A:J,"Select B,C,D,E,F,H,I Where E='' and (G = 'ABC' OR J = 'ABC') Order by J,G",0);
query('Data Sheet'!A:J,"Select B,C,D,E,F,H,I Where E<>'' and (G = 'ABC' OR J = 'ABC') Order by J,G",0)}
Note that I don't believe your exact Desired Result can be obtained from your Data sheet. You are missing data rows. But this formula produces the result in the screenshot you provided.
Just realised that I created an answer for a single column of data.
Please share a sample sheet since this is not your case.
You can try this formula, but you'll need to replace this text "A4:A8" with your exact query:
=ArrayFormula(flatten(split(A4:A8 & "♥ ♥ ","♥",0,0)))
Note that the column with the "~" values in the blank cells is just to demonstrate what is happening.
If you had provided a sample sheet, with sample data, it would have been easier.
Let me know if this works for you. If not, please provide a sample sheet, with sample data, and let us know what else you need.
Be aware that the you can't put any values into the two inserted rows of blank cells, or the arrayformula will fail. But if you are planning to save the results of this as values, then pasted into place, then you could overwrite the blank cells, if desired.
Also be aware that FLATTEN is an undocumented function, and may possibly be removed from Sheets. If this is for a critical application, and alternative formula can be provided. Let us know if that is a concern.
I will delete my earlier answer, which mistakenly focused on a one column result.
This messy formula seems to handle multiple columns. If it works for you, I'll see if I can simplify it or clean it up. I can also provide details of the steps it is doing, if necessary. Replace the text "A4:C8" in this formula with the range where your query result currently exists. Once you've tested that, you can replace the text "A4:C8" with your actual query statement, to have everything done in one formula, if you want.
Please let me know if this works for you. If you have any issues, please share a sample sheet, with only sample data, and clarify what isn't working as you expect.

Interactive Grid- Automatic Row Processing (DML) : Character limitation in Code editor

I have a requirement where 300 columns had to be processed. I am trying to achieve this using IG automatic row processing (DML). When writing the code in the editor I get a error stating 'Value too long by 2015 characters'.
I suppose this is an Oracle Apex limitation. Can someone please share their views on this?
When writing the code in the editor ...
I'd say that your problem isn't related to number of columns, but a large query which can't fit into "SQL Query" item of the Page Designer.
Which Apex version do you use? I can't tell for sure (as I don't know it), but my impression is that Apex up to version 4.2 had that item limited to VARCHAR2(4000) so - if your query is larger than that, it won't fit (such as in your case - query you wrote is 2015 characters longer than the maximum size the item allows). In 5.x version, you can put a whole lot of query into the item (as if it was modified to a CLOB).
Now, as you use Interactive Grid and it appeared in 5.x version, huh ... maybe what I wrote above isn't entirely true. Unfortunately, you can't switch to a query whose source is a function that returns query (such as in Classic Reports), as you could write a (stored) function and simply call it from Apex.
As you said that you used automatic row processing, did you put too much code somewhere in there?
On the other hand, I Googled a little bit, looking for limit of column numbers in the IG - couldn't find anything official, but someone complained (here, on StackOveflow) that they tried to create an IG with over 100 columns, and it didn't work.
So, yes - maybe you hit the limit, but I can't confirm it. Hopefully, someone who knows Apex better will be able to assist. Alternatively, consider asking the same question on OTN forums, as people who designed Apex answer questions there.

SAP BODS - Getting PK violation from a Table Comparison

I want to read from a table, change a couple column values for a few lines in a query, then update those lines on the same table.
I'm using SAP BODS, and that's what I tried:
I was about to insert images but just found out I can't insert images until 10 rep.
Anyway, I created a DataFlow where I have the same table as source and target.
A query to filter (using where) and change values (using mapping). And then a Table Comparison (where I expected those lines to be set to update, in this particular case), set table name on first entry, then PK in 'input primary key' and then the two columns I want to change in 'Compare columns'. No other changes from default that I can recall.
Got no warnings on 'validate all', and on execution I receive an ORA-00001 for the PK.
So ... I thought the Table Comparison would try to update, but seems like it's trying to insert instead. I want to know what I'm doing wrong and how could I get the job to do those updates. Thanks in advance.
Ps. I did search SO before asking and didn't find anything relevant.
So, turns out I just found what's going on a few minutes after posting the question.
Wasn't sure if I should answer my own question and took a look at this Etiquette for answering your own question
and decided to come back here and answer my own question.
For some reason I got stuck thinking that it was something to do with the Table Comparison trying to insert a line with a PK that's already there, instead of doing the update I wanted.
But after going back to the job to take another look at the issue, it occurred to me that maybe the problem could be a duplicate in the incoming data set. Made a few adjustment to filter those, and voilà.

SSRS sort not working

On a number of reports I have noticed that setting sort options through the tablix properties does not work. I choose the data I'd like to sort by (date) and set the option (Z to A), but the report still shows unsorted. Has anyone else seen this issue? I have read that updating the report xml to include the sort may be what needs to be done because the report builder does not preserve the changes made. Haven't gone down that road yet as I'm looking to see if there's a fix already identified.
Date Type Lead Name State distance Consultant ZIP State 1 Level Reason url
Those are the columns from the export with data filling each column. Can't give too much info because it shows phone numbers and addresses.
One option is to sort the data in your dataset. Then you can leave it and SSRS will honor that.
As the others mentioned, make sure you check the datatype so it's not trying to sort the dates as a string.
Set the sort priorities at the group level, not on the table or dataset properties.
You should never have to edit the XML to get this to work. This is a basic built-in feature that most reports use.
Do you have groups on your tablix? if yes, did you try sorting it with the Row Groups or Column Groups at bottom instead of the sorting properties of the tablix?

Calculate Value For Dates Between

A few references:
Microsoft's documentation on DATESBETWEEN.
Somewhat similar question, though the answer and derivatives of the formula don't return the correct results.
Microsoft's documentation on TODAY
Per the above Microsoft documentation, I'm trying to get a calculation for the last three months based on today's current date in SSAS Tabular model. First, I have no idea how to use SSAS and my company doesn't provide any learning material, so I've been reading through the MSDN documentation, which may not be the place to start, so if this is wrong, I'd appreciate being told so. For instance, with C# or Ruby, I can test code in a console to see if I get the result that I want, and I don't see how I can do that in SSAS Data Tools' DAX language - this is a GUI which gives users very little power over what they can do (it took me four hours to figure out how to access a dimension's properties). I am definitely a code monkey.
I tried using the below formula (and derivatives of it) because this is what it looks like Microsoft is doing in their example:
The result, nothing. Of course, if I run similar SQL logic, I get the right results. I also used the provided SO example, though I suspect that's not exactly what I'm trying to achieve, and only obtained blanks as answers. Given that I need to calculate a formula between a certain time frame, which in SQL would be the WHERE clause, how do I translate this into DAX? In other words, what is DAX's WHERE and if CALCULATE isn't right, what's the correct approach?
When you say it isn't working, how do you mean? The formula you are using refers to your date dimension's key as the starting date for your DATESBETWEEN function - this means if you are expecting the measure to populate a value, you'll need to be using a particular date in your pivot to establish context.
If you are trying to view the measure at design time, in the editor, there is no context so the measure wont populate.
Moreover, if in a pivot you're looking at a time context that includes more than one date, that also will not work. So say you are looking at a month, or a quarter. Both of these encompass what amount to multiple DateDimension[Date]'s - so again context cannot be established.
so to recap - measures which look at date ranges like DATESBETWEEN using a starting time context that is set to your dimensions time key will only show up in a pivot when the pivots data is filtered to a single date.
You can test this using the same function, but hard set the starting date by replacing DateDimension[Date] with a static date (or possibly TODAY()). The measure should show up in design time because the formula has all the information it needs to complete the calculation.
