Interactive Grid- Automatic Row Processing (DML) : Character limitation in Code editor - oracle

I have a requirement where 300 columns had to be processed. I am trying to achieve this using IG automatic row processing (DML). When writing the code in the editor I get a error stating 'Value too long by 2015 characters'.
I suppose this is an Oracle Apex limitation. Can someone please share their views on this?

When writing the code in the editor ...
I'd say that your problem isn't related to number of columns, but a large query which can't fit into "SQL Query" item of the Page Designer.
Which Apex version do you use? I can't tell for sure (as I don't know it), but my impression is that Apex up to version 4.2 had that item limited to VARCHAR2(4000) so - if your query is larger than that, it won't fit (such as in your case - query you wrote is 2015 characters longer than the maximum size the item allows). In 5.x version, you can put a whole lot of query into the item (as if it was modified to a CLOB).
Now, as you use Interactive Grid and it appeared in 5.x version, huh ... maybe what I wrote above isn't entirely true. Unfortunately, you can't switch to a query whose source is a function that returns query (such as in Classic Reports), as you could write a (stored) function and simply call it from Apex.
As you said that you used automatic row processing, did you put too much code somewhere in there?
On the other hand, I Googled a little bit, looking for limit of column numbers in the IG - couldn't find anything official, but someone complained (here, on StackOveflow) that they tried to create an IG with over 100 columns, and it didn't work.
So, yes - maybe you hit the limit, but I can't confirm it. Hopefully, someone who knows Apex better will be able to assist. Alternatively, consider asking the same question on OTN forums, as people who designed Apex answer questions there.


How to solve (data source adapter error: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000) in cognos?

data source adapter error: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000
I am getting this error in cognos.Basically I am working on report enhancement in cognos.I already have searched for solution on internet but provided solution is for oracle, i want solution to be in cognos as i am unable to access database or framework manager. Please let me know what should be the right approch to resolve that error.
enter image description here
I already have searched for solution on internet but provided solution is for oracle. I want the solution to be in cognos as i am unable to access database or framework manager.
Error you got is indeed raised by Oracle, but the question is whether it should be fixed in Oracle or elsewhere (Cognos?).
Generally speaking, this is what happened:
select whatever from some_table
where id in (1, 2, 3) --> this is the IN clause. In Oracle, it is limited
to 1000 elements
I guess that nobody literally types 1000+ elements into the IN list, but some dynamic piece of code might, concatenating value after value until you reach and pass the limit.
I don't know Cognos, but - if that's what really happens, a simple and effective option is to store values which are being used in IN list into a table, and then either JOIN that table to other table(s), or use it as a subquery.
For example:
select whatever from some_table
where id in (select id from a_new_table)
select whatever
from some_table a join a_new_table b on =
Presumably the filter is coming from a prompt and someone is selecting everything in the list in the prompt or close to it.
It might be a good idea to try to figure out why there are so many things being chosen. This would require investigation about the business purpose of the prompt.
It might be that our someone needs to see everything so the prompt should be set as optional, which would not generate the where predicate in the SQL.
It might be that the prompt needs to be generated on an attribute (column) which is at a higher grain of dimensional abstraction (i.e. countries rather than cities).
Simply being told fix it in Cognos is not a very helpful instruction and you need to approach the problem with a better understanding of the purpose of the report.

How can I make a dynamic form with APEX Oracle

I'm wondering how I can make a dynamic page with APEX.
By dynamic I need to make a form which will have checkboxes for each line of a table. So if the table has 10 rows I need 10 checkboxes to be selected.
I was going down the APEX_ITEM route however that is deprecated....oh well
APEX_ITEM is deprecated? Since when? It is not, as far as I can tell.
I'd suggest you to use interactive grid. It will display as many rows as you want (10 in your case), while item type can be set to "checkbox" so you'd either check it (or not).
If you want to do it dynamically, then one option is to create a stored procedure which would "draw" the page using htp.p calls. You'd, I presume, have a loop (because you have to create as many page elements as there are rows in a table - 10, you said).
Region type is then PL/SQL dynamic content.
Does it work? Yes, I've use it occasionally. Is it worth the pain (if compared to interactive grid)? Can't tell, it is up to you.

SAP BODS - Getting PK violation from a Table Comparison

I want to read from a table, change a couple column values for a few lines in a query, then update those lines on the same table.
I'm using SAP BODS, and that's what I tried:
I was about to insert images but just found out I can't insert images until 10 rep.
Anyway, I created a DataFlow where I have the same table as source and target.
A query to filter (using where) and change values (using mapping). And then a Table Comparison (where I expected those lines to be set to update, in this particular case), set table name on first entry, then PK in 'input primary key' and then the two columns I want to change in 'Compare columns'. No other changes from default that I can recall.
Got no warnings on 'validate all', and on execution I receive an ORA-00001 for the PK.
So ... I thought the Table Comparison would try to update, but seems like it's trying to insert instead. I want to know what I'm doing wrong and how could I get the job to do those updates. Thanks in advance.
Ps. I did search SO before asking and didn't find anything relevant.
So, turns out I just found what's going on a few minutes after posting the question.
Wasn't sure if I should answer my own question and took a look at this Etiquette for answering your own question
and decided to come back here and answer my own question.
For some reason I got stuck thinking that it was something to do with the Table Comparison trying to insert a line with a PK that's already there, instead of doing the update I wanted.
But after going back to the job to take another look at the issue, it occurred to me that maybe the problem could be a duplicate in the incoming data set. Made a few adjustment to filter those, and voilĂ .

how to set dynamic header using BIRT?

I am newbie to BIRT and unfortunately my first task is over complicated.
I want to create table like this
Birt Report Snap
the columns in this picture must be dynamic. the data for the column name is in database and I have to fetch it and create columns on the go. 2nd to put values against it.
kindly tell me if this thing is doable in birt. I am new to this so please don't give negative ratings
I believe what you are looking for is called a Cross Tab Table.
Here is a tutorial video on it: BIRT - Cross Tab Table
In addition to SBurris answer, which is the way you should try first, I can assure you from my experience that what you want is in fact doable with BIRT, and even in two different ways.
However, some of the minor aspects might be a bit quite tricky for beginners, e.g. the merged cells in the column header, the different background colours and border widths for the columns. So, these style aspects shouldn't matter at first, you can tackle them later.
The first, by far easiest and standard way to achieve this kind of report layout is a cross tab, as SBurris said.
The second option is - depending on the database backend - to use a "normal" Table report item in they layout and to "create the cross tab" with SQL.
This is more powerful IMHO as the BIRT Cross Tab report item, but also more complicated.
For examples, see here:
Pivot / Crosstab Query in Oracle 10g (Dynamic column number)
Pivoting rows into columns dynamically in Oracle
How to do Pivoting in Oracle 10g
(you get the idea)
To use this with BIRT, you'll have to select the column title values in addition to the cell values.
You have to decide how many columns do/should fit on your page (if you're using PDF output).
You can use the maximum aggregate function in the visibility expression of the columns to hide empty columns.
If the number of logical columns exceeds the number of columns for a single page, you can extend the idea further by dividing the cross tab into several, each with at most N columns.
However, note that this approach will need an experienced BIRT developer...

How do I grep (search) a Crystal report for all uses of a column?

I am trying to remove all references to a table from a Crystal XI report. Crystal is telling me that a column from that table is currently being used, because there is a little green check mark over the field in the field viewer. Also, if I try to remove the entire table, I get a warning. The warning is almost useless though because it doesn't tell me where the field is used. Now, back when programmers were real programmers, and mice were things cats chased, I could just grep a directory or file and find all references to a variable I was interested in. But how do I do this in Crystal? I have already tried exporting the report to a Report Definition, which helped find some instances of the troublesome field. Unfortunately, that format does not include all formulas, just some. Please tell me I don't have to buy a third party app (or write my own COM thingy) just to do this seemingly simple thing.
EDIT to add details about tangential point:
In case anyone is wondering, I am not crazy - I have duplicated the issue where a formula's definition does not show up in the exported Report Definition. I created a new blank report, created one formula named stealth that returns 1234. I then used that formula in the Section Expert for the details section, in the "suppress" formula, setting it to {#stealth} == 0. the use of the formula shows up, but not the definition. So when my unwanted column was used in the formula, I was not be able to find it! Here's what the rpt def looks like (after deleting some blank lines):
Crystal Report Professional v11.0 (32-bit) - Report Definition
1.0 File Information
Report File:
Version: 11.0
2.0 Record Sort Fields
3.0 Group Sort Fields
4.0 Formulas
4.1 Record Selection Formula
4.2 Group Selection Formula
4.3 Other Formulas
5.0 Sectional Information
5.1 Page Header Section
Visible, Keep Together
5.2 Page Footer Section
Visible, New Page After, Keep Together, Print At Bottom of Page
5.3 Report Header Section
Visible, New Page Before
5.4 Report Footer Section
Visible, New Page After
5.5 Details Section
Visible, Keep Together
Format Formulas
Visible: {#stealth}= 0
If all else fails ...
File -> Export -> Export Report, then choose the Report Definition (TXT) option.
That will give you a plain-text representation of every element of the report. You can grep or CTRL-F or (insert search tool of your choice) through that. "Find in Formulas" usually works, but I've had to go the export route a couple of times, for no apparent reason.
Edit: Of course, if I'd bothered to completely read your post, I'd see that you've already done this.
Very curious.
If you right click on the field in Field Explorer and select Find in Formulas, it should bring up a dialog listing all of the places it is being used in formulas. On the left hand side of the dialog is a tree of all the possible places it could be, including oddball places like record selector and page formatting functions. Unfortunately, it does not seem to list running total fields.
EDIT: Oops, all the places it exists is listed at the bottom of the dialog; the tree view is the entire "DOM" of the report.
I know this is an old post, but...
Not knocking the Find in Formulas, it's been saving me today, but i was having trouble finding the last instance of the field. Even after all of the formulas and the droppings on the report were taken care of, I still had one lone use hiding somewhere.
I found it hiding as a Subreport Link. Right click on the Subreport -> "Change Subreport Links..." and there was the culprit. Dropping in this post because I figured someone else might have this problem too.
Fields can also sometimes be hiding within "Record Sort Expert"
Responding to an old post, but ran into a similar issue. I had a group based on the formula I wanted to delete that had a specified order. When I changed the grouping to a different field, the specified order remained. When I removed the specified order, my formula could be deleted.
This was tested on XIr2...
You change the tables datasource through the "set datasource location" dialog. Now, when it goes into the column mapping mode, uncheck match-type and pick a new column that would cause an error in a formula. (i.e if the column you're looking for is a string replace it with a datetime column). Go to the preview and you should get an error box like "A string is required here.", close that error and up pops the offending formula!
One more suggestion. After following a lot of the suggestions here, my report was still telling me the formula was in use. I had to close the report. When I opened it again, the check mark was gone and it let me delete it. This was on Crystal v
In my case the Formula Field happened to be part of an old Running Total Field, which itself was not included in the report. Once I deleted this old Running Total Field I could delete the unused Formula Field.
Very late, but i use CR 2008 ( and just today (6/16/2015) i am trying to document only the formulae of my report. I knew about exporting the Report Definition, and Finding a Formula in all Formulae. But there are about 50 Formulae. I discovered that the exported Report Definition didn't document all of my Formulae, but I didn't bother to uncover the logic behind that; instead, i plopped all Formulae into a section, then exported the Report Definition. Voila. Of course, i still need to cull all the unnecessary definition elements. But at least i have all Formulae.
So with all the great selections.. I still had one instance hiding from me. I found out where it was by creating a clone of the data table and renaming\deleting the field.
I then used the "Set Database Location" as suggested above to point to my new table. It did error out when it could not find that field but still didn't tell me where it really was (it just said report field).
I did NOT map it and clicked continue which deleted the field from the report. I then mapped it back to the real table and I was good.
In my case, there was a Chart, and the field was being used as one of the "on Change" fields.
Although an old post, this functional gap still exists within Crystal Reports itself. We have a fully functional 14 day trial of our third party software that uses the latest API to search for plain text within a library of Crystal RPT files in one fell swoop. Also searches the data saved within reports, and text within labels ... as well as datasource behind all your reports ( stored procedures, views, and table data ) with support for SQL Server, SQL Azure, MySQL, Oracle, Amazon RDS, DB2 and Access.
More info and trial downloads at
Note, you will need to download and install the compatible SAP runtime connector for searching your RPT file library.
