Can I Install Liferay 6.1 EE in clustered Glassfish 2.1.1? - cluster-computing

I have a simple question about installation Liferay 6.1 EE into clustered environment in Glassfish 2.1.1 web application server, the question is can I do that , if yes what I need of configuration if not why , whats the problem ?
I have already a stable production server clustered and running Liferay 5.2 EE with Glassfish 2.1.1 and I want just upgrade Liferay with current clustered environment .
I want the answer quickly.
Thanks in advance

OK, I made a PoC , and seems working, I installed Liferay 6.1 CE on glassfish 2.1.1 (with JDK 7 32-bit) as a standalone and clustered and seems working.
About performance and stability, I didn't make any test, but just a run and startup for portal yes working well without exceptions, I tried that on Glassfish 2.1.1 installed on windows with JDK 1.7 (32-bit), but for 64-bit failed in cluster mode because a bug in Glassfish 2.1.1 side with 64-bit Windows OS (known as ClassNotFoundException, but as a standalone working well in 64-bit too.


Apache TomEE vs JBoss EAP vs WildFly? OTMM

Im looking to install OpenText Media Management 16.2 on a Windows server. For the Application Server what is the most recommended Technology for a Windows 7 PC?
jBoss EAP 6.4
Wildfly 9.0.2 Final
Apache TomEE Plus 7.0.2
OTMM 16.2 is not supported for Windows 7. It is supported for windows 2012, Red hat linux and centos
Once said OTMM is not supoprted by Windows SO desktops, only for servers Versions
I've worked with Jboss and TomEE, and of course Jboss is faster than TomEE at start app server.
Instead for developments deploy is more easy in TomEE.
About Installation I think it doesn't matter because in windows you have an installer

STS 3.7.2 oracle enterprise pack java prompt

I just installed STS 3.7.2. Since my application uses weblogic 10.3.6, i tried installed the oracle enterprise pack (oracle weblogic tools). I finally got around to installing it and now everytime STS starts up, it says "Eclipse is running on JDK 1.7..Oracle enterprise pack requies java 8 and above..". The following screens prompt me to pick jdk 1.8. Once i pick the folder location, STS shuts down. upon starting it up again, i go through the same prompt of picking java 8 installation location. Not sure why STS does not remember.
Try modify java home at eclipse.ini

Will lastest websphere liberty full platform run oracle java 8?

I am looking at the latest websphere liberty full platform ( and I wonder if it can run oracle java 8? I see on the download page that ibms java 8 only supports the web profile but I don't care if i run a jdk from oracle or ibm as long as it is version 8.
Historically websphere has demanded ibms jdk on linux and solaris.
I have search ibms site but not found any answer.
Yes we support running Liberty on non-IBM JVMs, including those from Oracle. As for the downloads from IBM that come bundled with Java 8 you can use that with more than the web profile (you can use the installUtility to download and install the full Java EE 7 platform onto the web profile install).

What Sun equivalent JRE does websphere 7 has

We are upgrading our application and if we use Sun JDK on local it works and its failing on DEV box. we have IBM jdk on our DEV box. What is the SUN equivalent JDK that Websphere 7 has?
WebSphere 7 supports Java6 and JEE5.
However, it requires Java versions shipped with WebSphere itself. (Most are IBM's own Java SDKs, although I think the Solaris version of WebSphere might ship with Oracle's Java.)

Using Servlets 3 in IBM RAD 8?

I've been asked to get a web application running in WebSphere using RAD 8.0.1, which isn't my usual app.server or development environment.
I'm starting off simple, using the default Ajax Test Server, but from what I can see, the default for a Dynamic Web Application is Servlets 2.5. Is there something buried in the twisty little maze of config dialogs to set it to Servlets 3.0, or must I handle that manually?
IBM Websphere Application Server 8.0 supports Servlet 3.0
IBM Websphere Application Server versions 7.0 and 6.1 do not support it.
So you need to use version 8.0. If you are using Websphere Portal, then you have a problem.
IBM Websphere Portal runs on same version Application Server (though you can for instance run Portal 6.1 on WAS 7 - I ran into some problems with AJAX though). So you might be able to get Portal 7 to run on WAS 8. It's the only way in the short term.
What is the run-time environment that you use?
WebSphere 7.x does not support Servlets 3.0 and it would be supported only by WebSphere 8.0.
WebSphere 8.0 is still in beta.
Interestingly, wikipedia is a good site for the list of supported APIs by WAS.
I don't have a RAD 8 handy with me to assist but i would check and ensure that the run-time associated with the project does support Java EE 6 (and Servlets 3.0)
Websphere Application Server 7 can support servlets 3.0 if you installed Fix Pack or later.
That shall upgrade JDK from 1.5.x to 1.6.x. Also you need to install WebSphere Application Server V7 Feature Pack for Web 2.0 and Mobile V1.1
