Why won't my windows form Data repeater Resize? - windows

After searching for a few days, i thought maby someone can help me.
I'm making a Windows form Application. And on one of my views i have a repeater with a label in there. This label is dynamicly sized. But My DataRepeater item won't adjust to the size of my label.
Has anyone a idea how to fix this?
The datarepeater i use is from the visual basic powerpacks.
If any more Infromation is needed to help me, please let me know.
Regards Stephan

It looks like DataRepeater is very limited with regards to resizing. I found this website that it looks like they got it working, but all of the items resize to the same size.
This solution is a little bit more complex, but VERY flexible:
You can use a FlowLayoutPanel:
You create an User Control for the item on the list and add a Select Property to the User Control.
You add a list of the User Controls to the FlowLayoutPanel.
When the User Control change size, it automatically adjust everything in the FlowLayoutPanel. (Disable WrapContents to prevent Horizontal Scrolling)
You can use the following in the UserControl to enable Click on the User Control to select it:
Click event for .Net (Windows Forms) user control
In the form that use the FlowLayoutPanel, you add the Click event, and then apply the Select to only that one User Control.
You can use the SetBoundsControl inside the User Control to set the size of the item.


Oracle Apex Onscreen Keyboard

I want to developed restaurant management system on Oracle Apex front-end like below screenshots taken from desktop applications which was developed on .net. I just want to show my developed numeric keyboard on screen and to prevent device keyboard to be opened throughout application. I'm using oracle apex 18c. You will get my point clearly after looking into below screenshot.
You need to create the layout manually. In this case default components are not going to help you a lot, If I were you, I will try to create my own html and css and implemented into static region.
Yes, it is possible to create this layout in APEX, There is more than one approach to develop this layout.
One of the easiest approach is:
Create a static region with text fields and buttons which executes
dynamic actions on click.
If you want to display the clicked Button text, store the value in an
APEX Item and return it so that it will be displayed in the page.
Easy pease, just remember that APEX apps are responsive and things may look different in certain screens.
You can create Static Regions with button or page items and have them occupy a spefici number of columns (Column Span property). that should work for your grids.
For the inputs, instead of the template being "Floating" or "Optional Above", just change it to "Optional", which will make the labels stay on the left side. Btw, when you change it to optional it will enable a "Label Column Span" which you can use to define the size of the label.

How to change the size of the components list in Nsis?

I have developed an installer with Nsis with a components page in which the user can select the components to install. I would like to change the size of the component list window and make it greater in order to make visible the entire text of each component without scroll bars.
Does anybody know how I can do it? I'm using simple MUI.nsh, not MUI2.nsh.
Any help will be pleasant. Thanks in advance.
Define MUI_COMPONENTSPAGE_SMALLDESC or MUI_COMPONENTSPAGE_NODESC, if that is not enough you will need to use a custom dialog (ChangeUI)

Prevent manual control of pivot control movement

I've got a pivot control with a number of pages in it. Each page has some controls in it, for example a textbox.
I've read around and I KNOW that it's bad practice to put controls like this in a pivot but I'd really like to do it.
The application switches between pivot pages automatically but the user is able to move the pivot control manually and I don't want this. I tried to prevent user gestures by changing the pivot control's IsHitTestVisible property to false and although it stops the user changing the pivot page, it also prevents the use of the textbox inside.
Does anybody know how to prevent the user changing the pivot page, but still allow use of the controls inside?
Thanks for any help you can provide!
Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit has a control for this (LockablePivot).

Visual C# Express 2008 Form Designer AutoScroll

This may not be the kind of question one should ask on StackOverflow, but here's a frustration that I've been trying to find a work-around for.
When using the form designer, suppose the entire form does not fit in the space allotted to the form designer, and I have a control say, down near the bottom of the form.
If I try to re-size that control, or move it using the mouse, the work area will auto-scroll to the top of the work area. This essentially pulls my control to the top of the screen. It isn't possible to scroll with the scroll wheel while "holding" a control, and even ScrollLock does nothing for me.
Is there any way to just turn the auto-scrolling off? That way I can at least work on my form without guessing numbers to type into the properties window.
Can't you just turn off autoscroll for the form?
I think it's off by default.
Form.AutoScroll = False

How to design a linear GUI program

I'm making a simple Qt application. It has 4 screens/pages:
Start import
Select folder to import images to
Accept or reject each image in folder, and when no images left:
"No images left" and an OK button.
I can't figure out the best way to implement this. I started off with a QWidget, but this quickly got unmanageable.
Is a QWizard too constrained?
EDIT: Part of the problem with QWizard is it seems to always have "Back" and "Next" buttons. I don't want those as options in this program, so this leads me to believe that a wizard isn't exactly what I'm after.
I'm going to disagree slightly on using a QWizard here. It would be fairly easy to do, but in this case I think it might be easier to just use a QStackedWidget and swap the widget shown based on what you want the user to be able to do. This is likely what is done inside QWizard anyway, without some of the complication for running the buttons and moving back and forth. You also might want to take a look at the state machine stuff they're looking at adding soon, since you're application could so easily be split into states.
I think a QWizardPage is your best bet.
You can disable the 'back' on a QWizardPage by using setCommitPage(True) on it.
You'll also have to override nextId for the 'variable' amount of QWizardPages you want in between step 2 and 4.
here (basic) and here are examples of QWizards.
You can make QWizardPages for your screens and add them to a QWizard. With registerField() you can register fields to communicate between pages.
I didn't test this, but i guess you can control the button layout of QWizard with
Create a dialog with a "Start Import" button on top. When the user clicks this:
Populate a QFormLayout :
The layout should have a checkbox and the label is the name of the picture to import. I'm not sure of your requirements, but you could also display a thumbnail of the image.
The user just checks the images he wants.
Then at the bottom have a "Save..." button. When the user clicks this, a Save As dialog appears. You save all the checked images, discard the others.
If there are no images, change the "Save..." button text to "OK", and display a QLabel with the "No images left" string. You can switch between the QLabel and QFormLayout using a QStackedWidget.
Checkout this article on QFormLayout: http://doc.trolltech.com/qq/qq25-formlayout.html
Option: Get rid of the "Start Import" button. Have the app automatically populate the QFormLayout on startup (possibly in constructor if its fast enough).
