Oracle Apex Onscreen Keyboard - oracle

I want to developed restaurant management system on Oracle Apex front-end like below screenshots taken from desktop applications which was developed on .net. I just want to show my developed numeric keyboard on screen and to prevent device keyboard to be opened throughout application. I'm using oracle apex 18c. You will get my point clearly after looking into below screenshot.

You need to create the layout manually. In this case default components are not going to help you a lot, If I were you, I will try to create my own html and css and implemented into static region.

Yes, it is possible to create this layout in APEX, There is more than one approach to develop this layout.
One of the easiest approach is:
Create a static region with text fields and buttons which executes
dynamic actions on click.
If you want to display the clicked Button text, store the value in an
APEX Item and return it so that it will be displayed in the page.

Easy pease, just remember that APEX apps are responsive and things may look different in certain screens.
You can create Static Regions with button or page items and have them occupy a spefici number of columns (Column Span property). that should work for your grids.
For the inputs, instead of the template being "Floating" or "Optional Above", just change it to "Optional", which will make the labels stay on the left side. Btw, when you change it to optional it will enable a "Label Column Span" which you can use to define the size of the label.


Ajax-like appearing/disappearing elements in Access 2010 web database project

I'm trying to have a feature to allow users choose two different methods of cost calculation: either they can enter a yearly cost breakdown on a datasheet (2010: $10,000, 2011: $12,000, etc) or they can enter a flat yearly cost multiplied by the number of years they select.
If I were developing another kind of web application, I'd have radio buttons to select two different options. One option would display the datasheet, and the other option would display two text fields to enter values into. However, I understand that you can't have radio buttons in Access 2010 web databases. Also, is it possible to make elements appear and disappear based on a combo box selection?
If not, perhaps I could have two different combo box options: "enter yearly cost breakdown"
or "enter flat yearly cost," which open the correct respective forms as pop-ups.
So, 1) can I have Ajax-like appearing and disappearing elements as triggered by a combo box (or ideally, radio buttons), and 2) if not, can anyone think of another clever way of doing it?
Sure, you get a nice effect by using a tab control. You can place controls and even a sub form on that tab control.
So, you build a screen like this:
Then, simple set the visible property of the second tab = No. This will hide the tab (don't change this until you built the page since it will hide it! (use property sheet to hide/un-hide during development).
Now, add some code to the after update event of the list box. Like this:
In the above, I have named the tabs PYear and PFlat.
The result is this (this is a animated gif I inserted):
Of course, you really probably could just dump the whole "list box" selection, and use a screen like this with the tabs (tabs are good UI, and users tend to grasp them quick):
So, you can hide a "set" of controls, and it really far less work and hassle then writing a bunch of JaveScript anyway. As noted, the "set" of controls you drop into each of the tabs can be sub forms, and also that of continues forms. So, the "hiding" as a set does work well in this case. I did have some format issues and found that I had to "start out" with the 2nd tab dispaled first (the first one being hidden). As noted, the listbox selecting is nice, but one could likly just go with using tabs in the first place.

How to Put image or image based text on Navigation tab (bar) in Oracle APEX 4?

Got this basic issue..
I have two tab navigation bar in Oracle APEX 4.0. The parent tab and the standard tab.
The standard tab which is below parent tab starting from left, I would like to put a text or image made of text on the right side which describes the overall application.
The Text or Image of made of text will be "BASIC PROGRAM" in a Green color with big font size.
Can anybody guide me how to proceed..
I was thinking using substitution strings such as #tab_cells# may work, but not sure where to put and how to do it?
appreciate your help..
Tabs are long due an overhaul, the customisation you can do on them is extremely limited. Short of completely overhauling your menu system, i'd alter this one tab through javascript/jquery.
Please take care with selectors for tabs. I have no idea which theme you are using, i did this for theme 21 with 2 level tabs, selecting a 2nd level tab. Inspect your HTML and adapt this to your requirement.
$("ul#tabs li").each(function(){
{"background":'url()', "background-color":"green", "text-shadow":"none"}
I wouldn't change the template per se. There is not much you can do there to the tab generation, since you can not use plsql code. Rather, you could put the tab label in an attribute on a higher level than the a-tag, to have an easier jquery selector. Or you can put the javascript code in to run on-load. Or have a dynamic action on page zero to run on-load, and this will affect every tab in each page.

Why won't my windows form Data repeater Resize?

After searching for a few days, i thought maby someone can help me.
I'm making a Windows form Application. And on one of my views i have a repeater with a label in there. This label is dynamicly sized. But My DataRepeater item won't adjust to the size of my label.
Has anyone a idea how to fix this?
The datarepeater i use is from the visual basic powerpacks.
If any more Infromation is needed to help me, please let me know.
Regards Stephan
It looks like DataRepeater is very limited with regards to resizing. I found this website that it looks like they got it working, but all of the items resize to the same size.
This solution is a little bit more complex, but VERY flexible:
You can use a FlowLayoutPanel:
You create an User Control for the item on the list and add a Select Property to the User Control.
You add a list of the User Controls to the FlowLayoutPanel.
When the User Control change size, it automatically adjust everything in the FlowLayoutPanel. (Disable WrapContents to prevent Horizontal Scrolling)
You can use the following in the UserControl to enable Click on the User Control to select it:
Click event for .Net (Windows Forms) user control
In the form that use the FlowLayoutPanel, you add the Click event, and then apply the Select to only that one User Control.
You can use the SetBoundsControl inside the User Control to set the size of the item.

Create multiple page form in Cocoa

I want to create a form with iOS like transitions (in a Cocoa desktop application) between the form input. For instance, the user would input information to the form and click next to continue to input the remainder of the information. On the last form, the user would click submit. Upon clicking next, the form would have an animated transition, like on the iPhone before displaying the next set of forms. Sort of like how Turbo Tax ask a ton of questions before allowing you to submit that grouped information.
What would be the best approach to achieve this goal?
This is commonly referred to as a wizard.
You basically have two options:
Use a tabless tab view, following Apple's sample code in AnimatingTabView from
Manually swap the views in and out yourself.
There are pros and cons to both approaches. Which you choose will probably depend on your requirements. One issue with Core Animation on the desktop is lack of subpixel rendering for layer-backed views. This is mostly an issue with text display but some people find it not to be an issue.
I've needed this functionality a few times. I used this tutorial to get started.

What are ways to reduce the number of columns in a table/grid?

I have a datagrid with many columns. This makes it pretty wide. Now we want to add more information to the table. Aside from removing or shortening existing columns what are some ways we might be able to add additional information without adding new columnes.
The data we want to add would be one of several values. For example:
For other cases when the value was an off/on or true/false we would change the color of the row. In this case that doesn't seem to be a good option.
Another thing we considered is using an icon to indicate the information.
Any other ways this could be done?
A solution i've seen implemented with grid components is to have a column chooser - some sort of popup dialog that lists the columns and you can select which ones you would like to see in the grid. You should be able to invoke this popup by triggering it from the grid, e.g. it might appear as an option when the user right clicks and causes the context menu to appear.
Can you group related information into tabs?
an overflow area? ie a number of fields underneath the table that populate based on the selected row.
or just only show the minimum needed info and the have full details in a popup when doble clicked or something..
1) Popup on row hover
2) Drop open inline in the grid with extra info on row click
One technique I've used in the past was to create a "container" type of class that has its own labels and textboxes, and you can arrange them however you want, then insert this class into a single grid column. You still have to do some tricks on binding multiple controls that are not native "grid column" controls, but should help you along. Then, you can actually have each row a single container control in a single grid column...
You can't add completely new data to a grid without reserving a column to display it. The best solution I've seen is to provide only the essential information in the grid displaying all records, and then create a drilldown view that shows all of the data for one row. The drilldown can either be a new view in the same form, a popup for an additional window, or perhaps a mouseover popup.
I've worked on systems that use all sorts of shortcuts to display every last bit of information on a single page, and I found that it just made everything more confusing and harder to use. "Oh, that little icon there means that <insert something totally unrelated to the icon picture>."
