Magento: neither front-end not admin opening up - magento

I am using Magento CE v1.7
In both cases, this is what I see:
There has been an error processing your request
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.
Error log record number: 376160589307

Go to your root magento installation folder and locate var/report folder and look for the file with name 376160589307. Please open it to view the exact error.
If you want to display it in browser itself,
Go to your root magento installation folder and locate /errors folder. There you’ll find a
local.sample.xml or sample.local.xml and rename it to local.xml in same location


Unable to login into magento admin

I am not able to Open admin page and I am not even able to see any sort of errors on then page.
"Service Temporarily Unavailable
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime
or capacity problems. Please try again later."
if i give any url of my magento site I am getting the above output. How do I resolve this? Please Help
You probably have a file named maintenance.flag at the root folder of your Magento. This file is there to provide people to access a given magento when you are doing maintenance on it.
Try removing this file from your magento root folder.

Magento: Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons

i get this error in one category on my webshop.
I see that this site: "has a solution" for the problem. However, i dont have any local.xml.sample or local.xml file.
Here is one of the error logs:
Seems like the error record number change for every refresh.
Anyone that can help?
Go to your
magento root/errors/
folder and rename/copy from vanilla installation
local.xml.sample to local.xml
This will show you exceptions on the frontend ( not recommended in production ).
Alternatively view your
If its enabled in under
/admin/system_config/edit/section/dev/ -> Log Settings
to see all your exceptions and system notices.
Note that apache uncaught Magento errors will be stored in your apache log folder specified in httpd.conf

Joomla backend not shown correctly

I'm using Joomla 2.5 and the backend is not shown correctly. It seems that the template is not loaded correctly.
This is my page:
The page as such is shown correctly but as you see, the backend isn't...
Try doing this:
Rename the admin templates folder on the host server (for a backup)
FTP transfer of an admin template folder from another Joomla site and then copy it from the FTP location using a file manager into the admin templates folder.
You could have a corrupt file or just missing some files from installation. This has happened to people before and by doing these two steps it seemed to solve their issue.
Hope this works out for you.
You probably have a fatal error. Go to configuration.php and change error reporting to development. This will render the error to the browser (alternatively check your apache error log). I predict you probably have a plugin problem -- perhaps your host updated PHP version for example. Whatever it is, deal with that problem.

Joomla 2.5.6 - 403 forbidden

I have installed joomla 2.5.6 and created my own template. I was unable to upload it as zip so I used FTP and than installed from folder. I'm still getting error 403 Forbidden when trying to upload something or click save button anywhere in admin panel.
Thanks for any help.
Be sure to check files/folders permissions at your server. This is the most often case for 403 error.
Sorry for getting too short at the start.
Go to admin control panel -> Site -> System Information -> Directory Permissions and check that every directory is writable. Give specific attenstion to 2 strings at the bottom: Log directory and Temp directory
I'd suggest that you insure all* your template files are in place, and that there are appropriate database entries in the extensions table. The 403 error isn't necessarily from the webserver, Joomla often uses them when it doesn't find something.

Custom 404 error page

I am trying to create a custom 404 error page. The instructions that I found say to create a .htaccess empty text document when I do that Windows tells me to put a file name on it. Can someone tell what I need to do or point me to a tutorial for making custom 404 error pages?
It seems like you're just trying to make the page itself (according to the commentary on the question). To create the page just make a file of any name .html or whatever format you wish to use (.php for php for example) and write it up using your language of choice. Once you create the 404 page you need to specify it's location, assuming you're uploading this to a site of yours. This should be editable in a control panel like CPanel for example. If not, you'll need to edit your apache config to specify it's location or make and upload an .htaccess file to specify it's location.
The problem is that Windows Explorer doesn't let you create file with name .htaccess. Instead of creating the file with Windows Explorer, open a Notepad and save the file with name .htaccess. Don't forget to change "Save as type" to "All Files (*.*)", otherwise it will add .txt extension to it.
Assuming you are using Apache and .htaccess is not activated you use
# this is in .htaccess in the root directory of the webspace
ErrorDocument 404 /url/to/error/page.html
