Anyone have experience with the Visual Studio SDK and can help point me in the right direction to solving this problem odd behavior?
To summarize the screenshot, I have Visual Studio 2010 installed (no it's not a new installation) but the SDK installer seems to think I don't.
Yes I've tried more than once and yes I closed Visual Studio before trying to install the SDK.
Someone found a solution to a problem that looks like yours:
I am new to unity so I am a bit confused. I will be extremely glad if someone helps me with the problem I have. When I start to write my code in visual studio there are not any key worlds that appear when u start to write your code and also in the solution explorer there is a message: Assembly-CSharp.csproj:The application is not installed. I tried to switch to lower version of the Visual Studio Code Editor package to 1.1.3 and also I installed the nesesary Game development for Unity from the visual studio installer. I also have this problem and can not find what I miss. Please tell me if you have any idea, thank u in advance.
I'm new to Unity too. It will be simpler to use Visual Studio instead of Visual Studio Code. My suggestion is to install visual studio from Unity Hub. It will be very simple. I have added links that can help you. I hope I could help.
Installing the Unity Hub
Visual Studio & Unity: Installation and Setup
Problem picture
Windows10 Professional Visual Studio 2017 Unity 2017.4.12f1
I changed the default installation path of Visual Studio 2017 and installed it successfully.
The install path as follows:
However, in the Build setting of Unity, it still can't find my Visual Studio 2017.
How can I solve the problem? Thanks~
Go to Edit > Preferences, and select your Visual Studio to be the preferred external editor. Use Browse if Visual Studio is not listed. More info here.
You need to install windows 10 SDK
Here's a third answer. I just bumped in to this, and checked that yes VS was the preferred editor, so I went to open up VS to try uninstalling and reinstalling the GameDevWithUnity workflow, but VS popped up a dialog saying I needed to reboot my computer before installation could complete. So it seems like VS was stuck in the middle of an upgrade, which makes it reasonable that Unity couldn't find an appropriate version. I rebooted and everyone is happy.
I downloaded and installed the PowerCommands.vsix extension for Visual Studio 2010.
But then, under Tools->Options there is no entry for the extension.
Visual Studio says that it is correctly installed in the Extension Manager.
Do you know where to find the tools?
Many thanks, Juergen
I've found these links:
So it seems that this is a serious problem that may occur.
In my case only a clean reinstallation of VS2010 fixed the problem.
When I want to start VS10 Ultimate, I get this error:
Title: denenv.exe - Entry Point Not Found
Message : The procedure entry point wmemcpy_s could not be located in the dynamic link library MSVCR100.dll.
There are a couple of files with this name in my Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 folder.
Which one should I replace, and more important with what version of the file.
Will that solve my problem?
OS : Windows 7 x64
Reinstall the Visual C++ Runtime, which you can find in the MS Download Center.
Visual C++ Runtime 2010 (x64)
Visual C++ Runtime 2010 (x68)
I had the same problem, but with vs2012.
I didn't want to borrow a copy from a friend, I have no friends ;).
I tried reinstalling VC++ runtimes for 2010 and 2012, didnt work.
I went to control panel -> programs and features.
right click on Microsoft Visual Studio.
chose repair, that worked for me.
I replaced MSVCR100.dll from %WinDir%/System32 and %WinDir%/SysWOW64 with a version of the file from a friend's computer who had Vs10 installed and properly working.
I have just installed Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 and it crashes when I try to open a file - also when opening any cpp file through the 'File' menu.
Any ideas? Where is the appropriate forum to ask about this?
Visual Assist was the culprit - disabled it and now it works fine...
The official forum is here: Visual Studio 2010 & .NET Framework 4 Beta 2 Forums. You should ask there for better support, perhaps in the Visual Studio 2010 Install and Setup forum.
Try to run as administrator the visual studio 2010. Your problem will be resolved.