Visual Studio 2010 doesn't start - MSVCR100.dll related problem - visual-studio

When I want to start VS10 Ultimate, I get this error:
Title: denenv.exe - Entry Point Not Found
Message : The procedure entry point wmemcpy_s could not be located in the dynamic link library MSVCR100.dll.
There are a couple of files with this name in my Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 folder.
Which one should I replace, and more important with what version of the file.
Will that solve my problem?
OS : Windows 7 x64

Reinstall the Visual C++ Runtime, which you can find in the MS Download Center.
Visual C++ Runtime 2010 (x64)
Visual C++ Runtime 2010 (x68)

I had the same problem, but with vs2012.
I didn't want to borrow a copy from a friend, I have no friends ;).
I tried reinstalling VC++ runtimes for 2010 and 2012, didnt work.
I went to control panel -> programs and features.
right click on Microsoft Visual Studio.
chose repair, that worked for me.

I replaced MSVCR100.dll from %WinDir%/System32 and %WinDir%/SysWOW64 with a version of the file from a friend's computer who had Vs10 installed and properly working.


Visual Studio 2017 cannot find some files

I have Visual Studio 2017, Community edition; whenever I start my computer, I recieve from it four warning messages of missing files: extension.vsxmanifest, Nvda.UnifiedDebugger.Package.pkgdef, Nvda.Vsip.Debugger.Device.dll.pkgdef and Nvda.Vsip.Net.dll.pkgdef.
I get that there is some problem with some NVIDIA packages (I recently installed the CUDA Toolkit), but how can I solve it?
Try to open the visual studio with administrator privillage (Run As Administrator) for one time after CUDA toolkit installation (this worked for me).

VS 2013 Express for Desktop wont open vcxproj project files

I am trying to open the Direct3D Tutorial Win32 Samples with VS 2013 Express for Windows Desktop. To my surprise it claims that the individuals projects in the solution each cannot be opened because their project types (.vcxproj) are not supported by this version of the application.
Does anyone know why the vcxproj files cannot be opened, or how I could diagnose and repair the root cause of the problem?
Edit: I can also not open the vcxproj files in Mike Farnsworth's Rayito project.
It means that the projects were created in another version of Visual Studio.
Try to upgrade the current Visual Studio tools by selecting the Project menu or right-click the solution, and then selecting Upgrade Solution.
Alternatively you could use Visual Studio 2012 Express Edition to see if that resolves the problem.
Windows Dev Center indicates that Visual Studio 2012 is required.
Hope this helps
Neither of the other answers seemed to help.
I uninstalled visual studio. I uninstalled SQL server. I reinstalled visual studio. Now it loads C++ projects correctly.
I understand a previous install of visual studio can cause the problem I was having. Apparently so can installing SQL server Express prior to installing Visual Studio 2013 Express.

Differences between Visual Studio 2010 editions - source saved in different versions

Is there a way to open a project that was saved in one edition of VS2010 in another edition of VS2010?
For example. I am working on a C# XNA application that was originally created with VS 2010 Premium. At home I have VS 2010 Ultimate. It gives me the error
The project type is not supported by this installation.
Is there any way around this, or do I have to install Premium?
If you are trying to go from a reduced version (Premium) to an expanded version (Ultimate) it will work. Everything in Premium is in Ultimate, it's just a matter if you've installed that portion of the expanded version or not. In this case, you probably did not install the C# component of Ultimate. Try "re-installing" Ultimate. (That is, start the installer and select C#)
I think that only problematic thing is some project type that you don't have installed at your Ultimate installation, which btw supports more than premium. So, maybe I guess it can be VB project type and you don't have VB component installed on Ultimate or something ?
Do you have XNA installed correctly, that could also be a problem ?
Try to find a workaround here:

WP7 Installed and Templates Not Available in Visual Studio 2010

I have Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate installed. I installed all tools listed here.
When I create a new project in Visual Studio, I don't see anything about Windows Phone or XNA anywhere. I've tried reinstalling the tools. I've tried doing devene.exe /InstallVSTemplates following this.
Am I missing something here?
Update: I did have VS2010 SP1 installed before I installed the WP7 developer tools.
I was able to fix this by doing the following:
Uninstall everything related to Visual Studio 2010
Install Visual Studio 2010
Install the WP7 developer tools
Install VS2010 SP1
What I found was, when installing the WP7 developer tools, if VS2010 SP1 is installed, the tools installer doesn't find VS2010 and the plugins/templates don't get installed.
If there is a way to fix this without doing a reinstall, I'd love to know.
I did in this way:
goto the folder Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ProjectTemplates\CSharp\Silverlight for Windows Phone\
change the name folder 1033 to 2052
ran devenv.exe /InstallVSTemplates
start visual studio 2010, I found those templates are available but I got errors when try to create project form them .
So I changed the folder name back to 1033 and ran devenv.exe /InstallVSTemplates again.
Hi All,
I solve this problem as follows:
I'm creating a new project (silverlight for windows phone, for example) in Visual Studio Express.
Closing Express edition.
Open created project in my Ultimate edition! :)

can i install and use, visual studio 2008 and visual studio 2010 on the same windows xp/vista

can i install and use, visual studio 2008 and visual studio 2010 on the same windows xp/vista
have visual studio 2008 installed and working
wnat to install visual studio 2010 and use with 2008,
some solutions on 08 and some on 10..
any problems possible?
Yes, you can!
Can't add anything else, honestly! :)
Well, I personally have 2005, 2008 and 2010 installed on the same workstation, for various needs and projects. Works without any problem!
No problems at all running both Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 side-by-side. My development box is currently set up this way.
Solutions will automatically open in the version of Visual Studio that they were created in. You can manually choose to open them in a newer version, but you will need to update them. A wizard will automatically appear that guides you through the process.
Opening a solution saved with a newer version of VS in an older version is not a supported scenario.
But there is a workaround: simply open the *.sln file in a text editor (like Notepad) and decrement the version number by 1. You'll have to do the same thing for each of the project files.
I had the same problem with converting a Visual Studio 2008 project to 2010, which made the program could not compile at all with every measure i took.. then I installed Visual Studio 2008 again and it turns out they can be installed in the same computer and work, but you need to open visual basic 2008 manually if you want to develop a project there..
You shouldn't have any problems unless you try to develop for Windows Phone 7, which you can't currently, and may never be able to, do in Windows XP.
