encrypting video essence using ffmpeg files - ffmpeg

I want to create a encrypted mxf file using ffmpeg.
can any one tell me how to encrypt an avi/mpeg file using ffmpeg and save it to mxf format.

What is your use case?
I don't know if ffmpeg can do what you need but there are some MXF tools that can help, here are some links that might help you:
Have a look at mxfcrypt from mxflib project at http://sourceforge.net/projects/mxflib/
Or if your use case is DCP related http://www.cinecert.com/asdcplib/


convert .avi video file to .mha

For a research project I collected videos of the microcirculation in patients. For automatic analysis of these videos I need to convert the .avi files to a .mha file format.
I am not sure if this is even possible. But if anyone could help?
Thank you in advance.
I am not at home with these kinds of files. What I tried so far: Converting the .avi file to .png files and then using 3DSlicer software to convert the .png file to .mha. However would potentially create hundreds of separate .mha files for one .avi file.

What is the recommended extension for HLS chunks / segments? Are there recognised alternatives?

I'm using ffmpeg to create HLS chunks AKA segments. I'm trying to find recognised extensions for HLS chunks.
All the documentation I've seen only ever uses a .ts extension when using ffmpeg ... something like this:
-hls_segment_filename "${outPath}/v%v/chunk%d.ts"
Is there an alternative recognised extension, since I'm working within a TypeScript project and TypeScript files also use a .ts extension and this is causing a conflict with various tools.
I don't want to use a non-standard extension for HLS chunks if I can help it. Are there any other known extensions for HLS chunks? TIA
Any pointers to documentation would be most welcome.
As #Gyan said in the comments there are 2 extensions available for HLS namely .ts or .m4s
This is confirmed here by Apple
Apple explain that .ts files are MPEG transport stream video files and .m4s files are Fragmented MP4 video or audio files.
You can't just change the extension willy nilly though. You need to generate the files using certain ffmpeg flags.
To generate .ts files use this flag (along with your other ffmpeg hls options):
-hls_segment_filename "${outPath}/v%v/chunk%d.ts"
To generate .m4s files use these flags:
-hls_segment_type fmp4
-hls_segment_filename "${outPath}/v%v/chunk%d.m4s"
Nice post on Fragmented Video here
In performance testing I found .m4s to perform worse than .ts (in terms of seek speeds)

adtfdat how to record data with this file format

I am playing with ADTF 3 assist to learn how to create plugins. I have read all tutorials from digitalwerk and I have now a good background on how to manage cmake, VS2017 C++, configuration editor, services and so on. I have also compiled some of the conan repository applications and plugins. Now I am in need to record an adtfdat file format to gather CAN and Video data and play it in Configuration Editor. How can I do it?
Thanks in advance
You need for gathering CAN and Video Data the additional Device-Toolbox. This toolbox provides the specific stream type.
They also provide additional examples for gathering video samples and handling CAN, CAN FD and FlexRay streams.

Attach the extracted metadata to original file

I have some files from which i removed the metadata and extracted it in YML file using exiftool. Now i want to attach those files again to same files. I tried EXIV2 but its not working. Is there any tool or specific command to make it work. Thanks in advance.
I've seen a few YML to JSON converters online. If it's only a few files, then you could convert the YML files to JSON, and then then import the data with
ExifTool -Json=/path/to/JSON_File /path/to/target/file
Though I now see that you have a video tag on this and ExifTool only has limited support for video files.

ffmpeg - creating manifest file for smooth streaming

I'm new to ffmpeg (and video encoding), and i'm trying to understand how do i create a manifest file for IIS
i've tried creating the .ismv filem but it did not create the manifest file, i've saw the ismindex tool under the ffmpeg tools folder, but didn't quite understand how to use it.
