yii - form/modal based on mongodb - model-view-controller

I am using mongo db in my yii project.
I am newbie in yii and mvc. I need to show some fields from database to user. And also allow them to edit those fields when they click edit. From what I know so far, I need a modal to create form. Modal should extend CActiveRecord (because I am allowing edit).
But I have no clue how this is going to work with mongodb ? Its very differnt from mysql (structure and fields are not definite in mongodb). Some users have field (column) abc while some do user do not have it.
I am looked into the mongodbsuite for yii. But its very hard for me to understand that at this level.
I am willing to write my own custom code, if someone can give me a direction. (or I'll have to write my own code destroying the feel of yii/mvc. Fetching everything and inserting into textboxes and then allow users to edit those)

I think this extension will help you. Pls check - YIIMongoDBSuite

What i suggest instead of writing your own code and doing testing to make it work, it is always better to shift to mysql,oracle or anything that Yii supports. it would save life
Yii Supports
SQL Server

It might be worth asking this question on the yiiframework forum
where there seem to be people actively using yii and mongodb.


Application to display information from database

I understand that this is a very broad question and could get flagged but I need inputs from experienced programmers and will ask it anyway. If there is another forum where I can post this question, please let me know.
Currently we manage all our application information in an Excel spreadsheet. At a high level it contains an app id, the server names that it is hosted on and the name of the environment. The Excel spreadsheet has become too large and I am looking to build a simple application for it.
Ideally, I would like to write this app on Windows as everyone uses Windows but dont know how to go about it in Windows. I then thought of using MySQL and PHP or Perl (CGI) to build this but thought of exploring something new. I read about Joomla and a few other CMS products which make it very easy to build websites but am not sure whether these allows me to pull information from a database.
I am seeking inputs on what would be a good way to way to build this application.
Use Joomla! CMS is a good choice and to pull data from database you may use webservice calls. So, you will able to create a CMS website using joomla and will able to pull data easily from database with the help of webservice.
You can get webservice support in joomla by installing component redCORE in joomla.
Component: https://github.com/redCOMPONENT-COM/redCORE
Wiki: http://redcomponent-com.github.io/redCORE/?chapters/webservices/overview.md
Other videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzJkC7f9fJE
Joomla dev group discussion https://groups.google.com/d/msg/joomla-dev-cms/3OctbkIZlQw/5d_1MLrzbgYJ
You can also post questions in Joomla forum http://forum.joomla.org/
I think Joomla is a great option to handle big loads of information. If you already know PHP and don't need to reinvent the wheel, it's cool. The way of handling data in Joomla is using Components.
If you want to try, it would be as easy as installing a local copy of Joomla, building the field structure on component-creator.com installing it and importing the data inside the component using phpmyadmin.

Laravel localisation - database content

I'm looking at frameworks and CMSs for a project we are starting, a website that needs to support localised content.
Laravel looks good and certainly allows you to localise UI content, but it doesn't seem to natively support the localisation of content stored in a database. This seems surprising, I'm wondering if I'm overlooking something? (CakePHP, for example, has a TranslateBehavior for this purpose).
Edit To be clear, I'm asking if there's anything baked into Laravel to handle this, I'm aware I could code equivalent functionality but think that that would be a fair amount of extra work.
Modifying your data as it enters or leaves the database is fairly easy.
If you store the translation key in the database, you can translate when you pull the data out. Use getter and setter methods in the model. You may also want to look at Model Events.

Which framework to design this web interface?

I would like to create a web page, which documents manually-inputted data about user permissions, that looks like below, which is really pulling data out of a MySQL table.
The way it should act is that whenever someone updates the table to overwrite a value, the old values are stored in a log as a "past revision" -- Which I have no problem on the database side, but I want those past revisions to show up behind the current data on the website, as seen below.
Someone needs to be able to see the current data at a glance, but also the past revisions that expand somehow when clicked. I want this done without having the page refreshed, so maybe jQuery or some active scripting?
That's the heart of the question here, is what technology can easily accomplish the needs of this interface? What do you guys recommend? Examples would be very beneficial. Thanks in advance.
You may try out SVG (along with some jquery for some rich interface):

Creating simple CRUD frontend component in joomla1.5

I am trying to convert a php application to joomla1.5 app. I have read some docs on how to create components in joomla1.5 but however i am lost at the best approach to create a simple CRUD frontend Component.
Here are my few questions
1) Should i perform my CRUD operations using JTable or simply use models and write my insert,update,select and delete scripts in the methods?
2) Where should this table class be placed if JTable
Ok, first thing before you get too far is to upgrade to 2.5. There is no point in developing anything for software that is reaching end of life in about 60 days.
Next, anything dealing with the database should be put in the model. In Joomla it should be pretty straight forward, have you ready the MVC tutorial? Start with that, it should clear things up.
Yeah, forget Joomla 1.5 and then use this scaffolding tool

Can Oracle UCM Web Form store/retrieve data directly into/from database

I have found several articles mentioning that using "UCM Web Forms" you can easily provide and interface for contributor to enter data in a specific format(split into specific fields).
In my case the data for some of the fields(e.g. drop-downs) have to be taken out from a database. And when the form is submitted it will be nice if the data is stored in the DB too, so is this possible with these web forms.
Also it will be great if someone can provide a link to a demo/tutorial/working example of using UCM Web Forms.
Gives an explanation and example.
Hopefully this helps whoever stumbles on this question.
Oracle UCM provides a mechanism to check in documents but no to manipulate directly database entries. You have to write your own code to manipulate the form/data or use a Java framework for this.
