Creating simple CRUD frontend component in joomla1.5 - joomla

I am trying to convert a php application to joomla1.5 app. I have read some docs on how to create components in joomla1.5 but however i am lost at the best approach to create a simple CRUD frontend Component.
Here are my few questions
1) Should i perform my CRUD operations using JTable or simply use models and write my insert,update,select and delete scripts in the methods?
2) Where should this table class be placed if JTable

Ok, first thing before you get too far is to upgrade to 2.5. There is no point in developing anything for software that is reaching end of life in about 60 days.
Next, anything dealing with the database should be put in the model. In Joomla it should be pretty straight forward, have you ready the MVC tutorial? Start with that, it should clear things up.!2.5

Yeah, forget Joomla 1.5 and then use this scaffolding tool


MVC 5 Scaffolding

I am using the mvc5 database first approach on a project.
The project is huge, 170 tables or so in the database.
I was wondering, is there a way to automate the scaffolding of the "MVC 5 Controller with views, using entity Framework" per model?
I am pointing to my own Templates (Create.cs.t4, Delete.cs.t4, Details.cs.t4, Edit.cs.t4) and will be changing them quite often
Obviously going through each item to create the "new scaffolding" will take me hours so i was wondering if there is a way to automate this process?
Is there a command i can call to create all the controller and view scaffolding for all the models i have?
As of right now, there is no out-of-the-box solution to automating the scaffolding like you can create a data model for the whole db at once. This would be a good enhancement request to put in, though. Roll up your sleeves or hire a couple of interns.

What is the correct approach to learn Codeigniter?

In the last 3 months, i have learnt html, css, js and php and now i'm trying to learn Framework Codeigniter. My teacher gave me a rough idea abt MVC and asked me to download a project made on codeigniter from internet and edit it.
I downloaded a login form project and tried to read it. But i'm still kind of confused how everything works. i hv 2 questions:
What is the correct approach to learn codeigniter?
In how many days one can learn codeigniter? (i practice around 6-7 hrs a day)
The best way to learn codeigniter is to read the manual of codeigniter
Because, codeigniter framework is so much popular for their well formatted and clean documentation.
Or you can check this for beginner level tutorial
Or if you want to learn codeigniter by doing practical projects then you can follow this link
I learned CI over a weekend using this technique.
Start with simply setting up a 2 page site.
Home and About Us.
Pass simple string variables from the controllers to the views.
Next, bring a model into it.
Make a method in your model that returns some plain text, to the controller and finally to the model.
Next, make the model actually make a request to your database and return the result to the constructor then view.
After that try these:
write a helper function
Try making a basic route
Log a debugging message
upload a file from a form using the upload library
That's a good grounding in CI
Keep in mind Codeigniter is no longer in development also.
If your keen on sticking with PHP, you might want to check out the similar active project called "Laravel" after getting the hang of CIs very simple MVC structure.
Good luck!
the common way is read their manual and follow the guide, the another approach is search youtube for codeigniter turial, there are many good tutorial out there and easy to follow for example here is my result in the first place for keyword "codeigniter tutorial"

Zend Framework 2 - Rich Components - GUI - editable datagrid, datatable, lists, forms, dialogs, tree-views, autocomplete field

Zend Framework 2 has implemented a lot of stuff for all the layers, but like nothing for GUI.
I am missings things like datagrids, dialogs, tree-views, autocomplete fields and all the stuff one has in JSF and Richfaces.
I thougt maybe extJS could be an alternative, but theres no production ready integration yet.
Why use ZF2 when I have to write code for hours and weeks for such simple things that should already be integrated in an enterprise ready framework ?
I spent very much time now for digging into ZF2 and I learned a lot.
But because of the missing View stuff in ZF2 I'm thinking of changing to another Framework now, after weeks of hard work.
Does someone have a better solution ?
Have a look at this module, you may find what you need :
Also, I suggest you to have a look at the modules page :
I don't like to answer my own questions, but I want to close this old one and maybe it helps someone else.
At the moment I am very happy with ZfcDatagrid by ThaDafinser.
It didn't exist when I asked the question. And as you can see in this great module, it is a lot of work to create such a component for ZF2 and as you can see, it's not just a javascript being served. There's much much more logic behind with pagination, filtering, datasources, output formatting and much more.
You don't want to do this in your controller code, because you want to reuse the grid logic and every grid instance. And you don't want all that logic on client side, because of the same reason.

magento manage CRUD operations on custom tables on backend

I added 2 tables, for now, maybe will need more and I'm looking on how to add an administration page on the backend side. I found this SO question Magento: Custom Module: How to Manage with Multiple tables that is extactly whay I need. The answer given is just, in my own words, that's too dificult to achieve and too long to explain in SO.
So, anyone willing to share some link, tutorial or DIY step by step explanation? I've already my models working and configured, thanks to #AlanStorm tutorials. I'm doing CRUD operations from within my code but I need to do it from backend on a window for administration purposes.
I thought this Magento Custom CRUD Application Tutorial would help me but it involves using magento ModuleCreator plugin and is not working for me on magento Also I already have my own module fully configured so lot of what module creator adds is not needed.
Found this sample/tutorial/code but I'm having hard time following it, lot of obscure points and not sure what I'm doing, even if it is correct.
You could definitely benefit from some adminhtml grids, there are no shortage of tutorials if you look for them. I wrote my own which I now shamelessly plug here.

customizing componnet in joomla

i have created a component using this component creator how can i add a simple registration form in that and also make its backend looks like the other component
The name of that utility is a little misleading since it only creates the structure of a component. If you want to add functionality to the structure created you will need to actually put in the code that does what ever you need it to do. Think of this as the foundation and framework of a house. You actually have to put the walls up and furnish it.
It would probably be helpful to understand the files that have been created for you so you know what needs to be added. I would recommend learning how to build a component from scratch first. Joomla has pretty good documentation on that here -
i have develop the Lots of component from this site .
1) First Create the components and give the name and crrate the require field fo the registration from .and save the components then after the download this components.
2) Install the components in your joomla site.
3) Go to the Fornt-end view components folder. and create a form in the default.php page and save and update operation query is written in the model .
Your Registration page is ready.
This tutorial is the best I have come across so far. It will hopefully guide you to understand the MVC structure that the component generating site delivers to you.
I am actually the developer of the Component Creator you have used. It only creates the MVC files and structures needed to quickly create a component. You still need quite good PHP skills to develop a fully working component.
The component creator helps developers with the tedious tasks of building the framework.
