Restkit 10.0: What's new - restkit

What`s new with the RestKit-release? Should I update? Where are the changes documented?
I can not find any information on the several news channels: website, github, twitter, google groups

This is on github.
And describes in general terms the changes.
I would suggest if you are in active development you should upgrade, if you are maintaining something and have no problems with Restkit I would leave as is until you able to fully test with the new version. This page will give you API documents. - Upgrading from v0.10.x to v0.20.0


ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage PROCESSING ERROR - Previously Working

Upon uploading a binary to App Store Connect, I receive this email from Apple:
ITMS-90338: Non-public API usage - The app references non-public selectors in [PROJECT NAME HERE]: callWithArguments:, estimatedProgress, frameInfo, getVersion, initWithFrame:configuration:, isMainFrame, navigationDelegate, navigationType, setNavigationDelegate:, setProcessPool:, targetFrame, toDouble, toString, userContentController. If method names in your source code match the private Apple APIs listed above, altering your method names will help prevent this app from being flagged in future submissions. In addition, note that one or more of the above APIs may be located in a static library that was included with your app. If so, they must be removed. For further information, visit the Technical Support Information at
However, other than the build number increasing from 1.2 to 1.2.1, this is the exact same Binary that has been previously uploaded (and is live).
I've checked other questions on StackOverflow, such as this and this, however are typically in reference to third party SDKs.
I am completely baffled as I don't use these method names at all, anywhere in the project...
Is this an issue with iOS 16 having been just released?
Thank you.
This issue has been resolved on the app validation backend. Resubmitting should work.
Original Answer
I'm also experiencing this issue this morning. A simple search of my project reveals many usages of these WKWebView APIs that are clearly public.
I suspect the issue is due to an issue with App Store builds linking against the freshly announced iOS16/Mac updates this morning. Unless those APIs have been outright banned today with no warning (unlikely), I'd put money on it being an Apple issue which they will resolve ASAP.
I tried many ways online but finally found one way out. Refer to this comment on the gihub issue. Hope you find this helpful!

Nativescript force latest store version

I am trying to figure out how to force the user to use the app only if he has the last update of it( So the app should check if the local and store version are the same). I've seen this feature in some apps. Found this plugin : It works great on iOS but it does not work at all on Android, so I am clueless right now on how to do this. Any help would be much appreaciated. Thanks
While not sure about forcing to update the store version, you can use the newly introduced AppSync functionality to create mandatory updates for your codebase. See this blog post for details or just search for nativescript-app-sync

Update chatbot to Bot Builder SDK v4

Is there a manual describing migration from Bot Builder SDK v3 to v4?
I have a lot of compilation errors after updating NuGet packages
It appeared to be difficult. In addition to the answer below, I found this post quite useful to get a general picture
You can't just update your NuGet packages from V3 to V4, without changing your code. It is a major release with a lot of breaking changes.
The roadmap
for botbuilder-dotnet describes that a migration path from V3 to V4 is still in progress. I would suggest to have a look at BotBuilder-Samples and Microsoft Docs for the moment, to get an idea about how much has changed.
There are lot of changes from V3 to V4, they have completely re-written the concepts, architecture and terminologies.
So just updating the libraries won't work, you must update the code as well.
The roll-out is still not complete so it is recommended to use v3 in production as of now.
Upgrade is almost equal to the efforts of writing the complete bot code again. In case you are comfortable with your existing bot functionality and is willing to add new features which has nothing to do with SDK version, you can do this using Bot Channel Registration. Steps to do this is mentioned in a blog here -

nobody can get cocoadocs page for swift framework

Trying to post to CocoaPods, but when the project goes through it doesn’t generate docs (site + docs button, instead of expand). Alternatively, when I specify a docs url the docs button doesn’t work either. According to the guides, it seems like jazzy isn’t parsing, but when I run:
jazzy —podspec MagicCloud.podspec
…it throws no errors and generates 100% documentation (which is hosted here). At the 404 page, If I select the Alternatively, click… or Potential error info buttons no luck. I’ve tried with and without a .yaml file generated here. When I try to use the following… // x = 5,6,7,8,etc… // x = 5,6,7,8,etc…
…safari can’t find the server. I’ve posted so many versions at this point, any help would be much appreciated. The project is here, along with it's podspec file. Thanks in advance.
So after contacting Orta (the developer) directly, I eventually found out that he had handed the project off to Buddy Build. With their acquisition by Apple, they're holding off on new clients and are no longer offering support to Cocoapods.
As far as I can tell, no new Cocoapods have been able to compile their docs (at least through jazzy / swift), since the announcement January 2018. If anyone knows different, or if things change, please post here. Thanks.

Need help with CodeIgniter v2.0.2

I'm new to CI. Anyone could help to the latest version of CI. most of the Tutorial is for last version and it didn't work for the latest version. please help.
You can still get started using what's availabe for 1.7, if you pay attention to how file structure changed between the two versions (ie the System and Application directories are now separate). To that, many of the tuts you'll find are applicable - bearing in mind that the paths may differ, and you'll want to verify that the functions are still supported in 2.0 by use of the User's Guide).
If you walked through the tut in your link, using the Models, Views, Controllers directories inside Application, you'd get a "Hello World" page.
The User's Guide is a great tool, as are the Community Forums.
Best of luck to you.
I recently migrated a site using CodeIgniter from 1.7 to 2.0. - I found the following link to be very useful:
