Update chatbot to Bot Builder SDK v4 - botframework

Is there a manual describing migration from Bot Builder SDK v3 to v4?
I have a lot of compilation errors after updating NuGet packages
It appeared to be difficult. In addition to the answer below, I found this post quite useful to get a general picture https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/martinkearn/2018/07/17/bot-framework-v4-what-i-learnt-in-4-days-in-july-2018/

You can't just update your NuGet packages from V3 to V4, without changing your code. It is a major release with a lot of breaking changes.
The roadmap
for botbuilder-dotnet describes that a migration path from V3 to V4 is still in progress. I would suggest to have a look at BotBuilder-Samples and Microsoft Docs for the moment, to get an idea about how much has changed.

There are lot of changes from V3 to V4, they have completely re-written the concepts, architecture and terminologies.
So just updating the libraries won't work, you must update the code as well.
The roll-out is still not complete so it is recommended to use v3 in production as of now.

Upgrade is almost equal to the efforts of writing the complete bot code again. In case you are comfortable with your existing bot functionality and is willing to add new features which has nothing to do with SDK version, you can do this using Bot Channel Registration. Steps to do this is mentioned in a blog here - https://chatbotslife.com/microsoft-bot-framework-sdk-3-code-on-azure-bot-service-without-migrating-to-sdk-4-14afa3300887


BaseApplicationCustomizer throws errors

So today I was updating one of our SPFX extensions to use the latest spfx framework (1.16) with node (16.13) and after finishing my updates I got the following inside my code:
I am not exactly sure why these are not coming in, I suspect the newest version of spfx moves these classes out of sp-application-base, but why? and where is the documentation for it? Because there is this link that is only 6 months old and explains to use this code for the top and bottom headers.
I was expecting this code to remain in sp-application-base, but it appears it isn't in that package.
How did you perform the upgrade? I highly recommend using the Microsoft 365 CLI to upgrade projects, as the developers of that app do thier best to cover every part of the project that needs to change. Learn more at https://pnp.github.io/cli-microsoft365/cmd/spfx/project/project-upgrade/
Here are the commands to run from the root of your project
npm install -g #pnp/cli-microsoft365
m365 spfx project upgrade --output text
This will give a list of npm commands and code update instructions to follow. See the above documentation for other options for output and use whatever works best for you.
It is still there. What version of #microsoft/sp-application-base is in your project? Should be 1.16.1 I believe. I will say that I am new to all of this as well, but I am using the latest framework and VS is not flagging any issues with these.

ITMS-90909: Deprecated API Usage with iOS in Xamarin Forms app

Can anyone suggest what to do about this message that I get when submitting my Xamarin Forms app to the iOS store?
Comment on possible duplicates
This question was asked before and not answered; I don't think an answered duplicate exists.
This is a known issue which was recently closed by the Xamarin team issue can be found here https://github.com/xamarin/Xamarin.Forms/issues/7323
And the fix is and i qoute
All the bits are in place, solution time! TL;DR: all is described in this piece of documentation here.
Make sure you are using the latest Visual Studio (for Mac) on the stable channel, that should put you on the right path. At the moment, you will need to use the Xamarin.Forms 4.5-pre1 preview release. I understand that this might not be an option for all of you, but rest assured, the stable package will be out well before the deadline. Stable 4.5 is planned mid to end of February.
Lastly, put the --optimize=experimental-xforms-product-type flag into your iOS additional mtouch arguments setting and you should get rid of the deprecation warning by Apple. If you don't have any references of your own to UIWebView of course 🙂
I would like to ask you to try this at your earliest convenience. Maybe not to release an actual new version to the store based on the Forms preview package, but at least upload a build to verify that this solution works correctly. Whenever you do, you can just update to the 4.5 stable package and release a new version with confidence.
If you do run into anything with this solution, please feel free to reach out to me directly (gerald.versluis [a with a long tail] microsoft.com) or open a new issue on the repository. Of course positive feedback is always appreciated as well 😉

What is a Parse Collection?

I'm learning Parse (the Javascript flavor) using their Todo App tutorial. I'm trying to write my first query. In the tutorial, I found this code:
var TodoList = Parse.Collection.extend({ ... });
I can't find any info about Parse.Collection in their JS Guide nor their API docs.
Can someone shed some light on what a Parse.Collection is and when I should use it?
You're not seeing anything in the docs because Parse.Collection was removed from the JavaScript SDK in v.1.6.0.
Downloads Page and JavaScript Changelog
SDK no longer contains Backbone-specific behavior. Moving forward, the core SDK will not be tied to any single framework, but we will work with the community to produce up-to-date bindings like Parse+React. The major changes are the removal of Parse.Collection, and allowing Parse.Objects to act as event channels.
In previous versions of the SDK, Parse.Collection was used almost identically to Backbone.Collection, as the Parse SDK was based on Backbone. Things are particularly confusing right now because tutorials on parse.com use pre-1.6.0 versions of the SDK.

If I upgrade Foundation V3 to V4 will V3 projects still compile

I am using Zurb Foundation V3 currently. Does anybody know if I upgrade Foundation V3 to V4 will V3 projects still compile using V3 gems/sass? Can the two versions of Foundation be used on the same computer for different projects or will I have to migrate all my existing projects to V4 if I upgrade?
Many thanks.
There is a migration guideline documented in Zurb's website. Your design will not change, at least it should not be, as things still work pretty much the same. But you will certainly have to change some markups. Take for example the classes for the grid which is, arguably, Foundation's heart.
About using different versions, yes I think it should work as long as you only use a specific version for one project, it doesn't matter if they are on a single computer.

Restkit 10.0: What's new

What`s new with the RestKit-release? Should I update? Where are the changes documented?
I can not find any information on the several news channels: website, github, twitter, google groups
This is on github.
And describes in general terms the changes.
I would suggest if you are in active development you should upgrade, if you are maintaining something and have no problems with Restkit I would leave as is until you able to fully test with the new version.
http://restkit.org/api/ This page will give you API documents.
https://github.com/RestKit/RestKit/wiki/Upgrading-from-v0.10.x-to-v0.20.0 - Upgrading from v0.10.x to v0.20.0
