Run Powerpoint in WP7 to edit a document - windows-phone-7

I am working on an app that needs to run powerpoint in windows phone 7 to let the user edit the document. The app connects to skydrive, so I have the file id, etc information for this document. How can I run powerpoint and open this document?

So i guess you would like to use the 'Office' app to do this, right?
Yet, this isn't possible, because Microsoft doesn't provide a 'Task' (like ConnectionSettingsTask e.g.) for this.


PDF Viewer for Windows 8.1 app

Im trying to implement a pdf viewer for Win 8.1 app using
I need search text feature using this. I know Reader for Windows 8 does it, but i dont know how.
Can anyone help me please!
check this great blog post with a summary of available components for WinRT.
You might check each component vendor specs as some have been enhanced since the time the article was written (ex : DevExpress PDF component for UWP supports search) BuiltIn PDF component purpose is to render documents, not manipulate. You can contact the dev team for feature requests.

windows universal app pdf viewing

I'm trying to design a Windows 10 Universal application which can download pdfs from online and open them natively in the application while retaining the functionality to fill them out (obviously only for pdfs that normally have such functionality). Is this possible as of now (using either microsoft's own or third party products) ?
Since Windows 8.1 there is a API for rendering PDF documents. You can find a SDK-Sample here -
The problem is: The API render the PDFs to an BitmapImage. You will loose all the functionality to edit forms, it´s viewing only. For Windows 10 there is no aditional way to handle pdfs.
Here is a list of third party controls, who maybe can do the trick.
This stuff is created for windows 8.1, but should work for windows universal as well.

Windows phone 7 develop app that opens mail attachment

Is it possible? I want that if the attachment is of a particular mime type my app opens it or it will be listed as one of the possible viewer choice... I googled but i found nothing so I'm asking myself if it is possible on windows phone.
this is not possible... the only way to open a file that has a known mime type is to use a web browser task and to pass a Uri.
You cannot associate MIME-types directly in your application in Windows Phone 7. Your best bet would be to have the user download the file through your application.
Simply saying, you could take a potential workaround of sideloading an application that "fakes" the GUID of an application that is associated on a system level. I wrote about that here. Your problem is, however, the fact that you won't be able to access the file system without proper permissions.

Office mobile scripting

I’d like to create a script which automatically pins an Office Mobile bookmarked location. This would require bookmarking a specific URL within the Office Mobile app, and then pinning the location as a tile.
Can anyone comment on whether or not this is possible, and if there’s dev documentation on this topic?
I don't think you can pin other applications, but perhaps you could create a secondary tile of your application using ShellTile and have it open a URL pointing at the document you want pinned.

Launching other applications in Windows phone 7 Programatically

I am downloading a file from Internet, and I am saving this in IsolatedStorage. and Now I want to Open that file, ie if it is excel we should open a file with excel if excel is installed, or otherwise prompt the user to choose the application to open that file as like in PC windows os, How can we do this.. give me some Idea..
As general rule, there is no way to do what you are describing. The exception to this is for media, for which you can integrate with the Music and Video hub. This would allow you to, for instance, download a movie and then play it in the same way as if it was part of the zune collection, even though it's in IsolatedStorage.
If you want to download office files from the internet you can simply link to them directly by opening them in a WebBrowserTask. The user would then be able to open the file in the relevant office program. So, if you did the follwoing, the file would be opened in Excel:
var wbt = new WebBrowserTask();
wbt.URL = "";
This would not allow you to store the file in IsolatedStorage and that may or may not be an issue for you.
Windows Phone applications run in isolation and with very few exceptions cannot interact with other programs. So there's not a way for you to present a program chooser to allow the user to choose another application to launch.
I am pretty sure there are system launchers for different applications. For example, the YouTube application can be launched programatically the way I showed here - basically it is similar to the way Matt showed. Ultimately, each app is launched via a UIX reference (catched here), but there is no public endpoint to open a res URL.
