Visual Studio cannot link to Allegro? - visual-studio-2010

I'm following the basic Allegro 5 tutorial to try to make my first basic Allegro project, but despite following the instructions to the letter I cannot successfully link to the libraries.
Here were the instructions:
Under Configuration Properties->C/C++->General, enter c:\allegro\include in Additional Include Directories.
Under Configuration Properties->Linker->General, enter c:\allegro\lib in Additional Library Directories.
Under Configuration Properties->Linker->Input, append allegro-5.0.5-monolith-md-debug.lib to Additional Dependencies.
Under Configuration Properties->Debugging, enter PATH=c:\allegro\bin;%PATH% in Environment.
Click Apply.
Visual C++ can now link your project with the Allegro 5 library.
You should now select the "Release" configuration (upper left corner) and repeat the steps with one minor change: use the non-debug library allegro-5.0.5-monolith-md.lib.
But then it gives me the following error nevertheless:
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'allegro-5.0.5-monolith-md-debug.lib'

I didn't realize this was getting a bunch of views; I would have put up the answer eons ago. Hopefully people have been seeing my comment containing the answer--
Wow, answered my own question. You have to update the Linker Input file path thing. The current version is 5.0.6 -- just change that and it works.
Basically their installation instructions aren't updated to reflect the current version. Make sure you change things accordingly when changing project linker settings to include Allegro.


Code::Blocks & WxWidgets Matching Release configuration

I am attempting to start a new project in Code:: Blocks (v17.12) using WxWidgets (v3.1.3) on Windows (10).
(For context, I am new to compiling- I'm a script coder trying to branch out. So... don't be afraid to talk to me like I'm an idiot. I'm prepared to accept that possibility.)
I downloaded the official 3.1.3 source, expanded it to "D:\code\wxw"
I successfully compiled it using mingw32-make that came with Code::Blocks-- there is a directory "D:\code\wxw\build\msw\gcc_mswudll" and "D:\code\wxw\lib\gcc_dll", the latter containing .dll files.
So I go into code blocks, and I:
Create New Project -> wxWidgets Project
Select wxWidgets 3.1.x
Project Title "HelloWorld", under D:\code\C++\tinker-- everything else autofilled.
Project details-- my info.
Preferred GUI Builder - None. Application Type - Dialog.
wxWidgets' location: D:\code\wxw
Compiler: GNU GCC
Selected "Create Release Configuration" because that's how it was compiled.
It provides an Output dir of "bin\Release\" and an Objects output dir of "obj\Release\", which I do not change.
Selected use DLL, built as monolithic, and enable Unicode-- the latter matching my compile settings.
When I click next, it tells me "A Matching Release configuration cannot be found in the wxWidgets directory you specified. This means that the Release target of your project will not build."
I've found multiple hits searching on this error message, but they all devolve into discussions of monolithic vs polylithic compiling and critique of other compiler settings and not actually addressing the problem.
Based on
I used the following settings for compiling. I set them in config.gcc
BUILD=release SHARED=1 MONOLITHIC=1 UNICODE=1 CXXFLAGS=-fno-keep-inline-dllexport
The most important page of the wizard is the 8th page. Based on the settings you gave above, it should look exactly like this:
Also, instead of giving the path on the 6th page, I would define a global variable named wx in codeblocks like this:
Then on the 6th page, you would enter $(#wx) instead of the actual path. This will make using your projects much easier if you ever upgrade the wxWidgets library. You'll only need to change the location in the global variable settings.

Build problems with SQLite3 on VS2010

I try to build SQLite v3 from source using VS2010 and run into problems which I do not know how to tackle.
This is what I have:
VS2010 pro.
Microsoft article: SQLite databases
This is what I did:
Created a C++ 'Win32 Console application'.
Disabled procompiled headers.
Added preprocessor definitions: (dont do this, this is the problem!)
(as specified by 'SQLite databases' section 3.)
Created config.h (which is empty for the moment.)
Included the source files from in the project.
I get a number of compiler errors
1> sqlite3.c
1>e:\andre\ontwikkeling\sqlite\sqlite-amalgamation-3160100\sqlite3.c(38515): error C2065: 'MapViewOfFileFromApp' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\andre\ontwikkeling\sqlite\sqlite-amalgamation-3160100\sqlite3.c(38515): error C2099: initializer is not a constant
1>e:\andre\ontwikkeling\sqlite\sqlite-amalgamation-3160100\sqlite3.c(38524): error C2065: 'CreateFile2' : undeclared identifier
... which I try to solve.
The first one leads me to the following code snipped:
{ "MapViewOfFileFromApp", (SYSCALL)MapViewOfFileFromApp, 0 },
{ "MapViewOfFileFromApp", (SYSCALL)0, 0 },
Now 'MapViewOfFileFromApp' leads to MapViewOfFileFromApp function, 'Maps a view of a file mapping into the address space of a calling Windows Store app.', a valid microsoft call for which my project setup is missing the correct configuration.
I could get a workaround for this one, but other errors are depending only on SQLITE_OS_WINRT and as such not possible to work around it.
It looks like that I'm missing some configuration options but I do not know which ones. I read all of the documented compile time options but can't find out what it is that I do wrong.
I tried to find a working exaple of a VS2010 solution but came up with nothing. And of cause I checked here for similar questions! (If there is one covering this then I missed it, sorry.)
Does anybody have a suggestion on what I'm missing? I'm running out of idea's.
* edit 6 jan 2017 *
On advice of MaxFurry I followed the steps of the blog by David Cravey which does exact the same steps as I did but without declaring SQLITE_OS_WINRT;SQLITE_API=__declspec(dllexport);. Leaving these two defines out solved the problem.
Aparently I misinterpreted the advice in the Microsoft article.
Compile time problems solved.
Kind regards.
Do you have your sqlite3.dll file already built? If so just create a folder in your visual studio folder. When u want to use sqlite3 just copy the dll file to the folder of the project in visual studio u want to use it also copy the following files there sqlit3.c, sqlite3.h. When this is done open the project in your visual studio IDE. Right click on the project name, add, add existing then click on the sqlite3.h and sqlite3.c. Let me know how it goes.

Cannot build EmulationStation (VS2015) from CMake solution file

I'm having difficulties trying to compile an opensource framework (EmulationStation) in VS2015 on Windows. I've never used any of the tools before, apart from Visual Studio - so please forgive me if these are some obvious mistakes.
The guide says i need to do like this:
Boost (you'll need to compile yourself or get the pre-compiled binaries)
Eigen3 (header-only library)
FreeType2 (you'll need to compile)
cURL (you'll need to compile or get the pre-compiled DLL version)
(Remember to copy necessary .DLLs into the same folder as the executable: probably FreeImage.dll, freetype6.dll, SDL2.dll, libcurl.dll, and zlib1.dll. Exact list depends on if you built your libraries in "static" mode or not.)
CMake (this is used for generating the Visual Studio project)
(If you don't know how to use CMake, here are some hints: run cmake-gui and point it at your EmulationStation folder. Point the "build" directory somewhere - I use EmulationStation/build. Click configure, choose "Visual Studio [year] Project", fill in red fields as they appear and keep clicking Configure (you may need to check "Advanced"), then click Generate.)
This is how my CMake looks like (it says generating done)
I get alot of compilation errors in visual studio when trying to build though:
1) Cannot open include file: 'curl/curl.h': No such file or directory (compiling source file C:\Users\retropie\Documents\GitHub\EmulationStation\es-app\src\guis\GuiMetaDataEd.cpp) emulationstation C:\Users\retropie\Documents\GitHub\EmulationStation\es-core\src\HttpReq.h
Where do I get this header file from?
2) 'round': redefinition; different exception specifications (compiling source file C:\Users\retropie\Documents\GitHub\EmulationStation\es-app\src\guis\GuiMenu.cpp) emulationstation C:\Users\retropie\Documents\GitHub\EmulationStation\es-core\src\Util.h 18
I have a lot of these errors with round. Am I missing a reference to a library?
Another screendump of some of the errors from VS2015:
Hope someone can point me in the right direction.
I am currently in de same boat as you, trying to get ES building under MSVS2015.
I am also very green, so hopefully others chime in as well.
Regarding the 'round' errors, apparently the MS compiler has no knowledge of these. For this issue, and some others, the newer ES fork by Herdinger has fixed this.
As this is currently the most active ES branch out there, and has the explicit goal of consolidating at least some of the backlog of PRs from the original Aloshi git, I would suggest you use this one.
In issue #4, there is some more information on building in recent VS versions. There is also a link for the precompiled cURL libs, including the header.
Having gone that far, I am sad to say that I still do not have a succesfull build as of yet. Compiling is no problem, however linking gives me a LNK2005 error.
Hope this helps a bit. Let me know how you fare.

DSFML building error (VisualD)

And at first, sorry for my bad English. It is my first project in D. And my first project with SFML (DSFML of course).
I use dub for making Visual Studio project (I use VS2010). Then
open it and set up project settings:
Autocomplete works correctly:
When I try build project, here is error:
Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D5dsfml8graphics12__ModuleInfoZ
How I can resolve it?
This particular error is saying that it can't find the actual D code for the library. It could mean that dub isn't grabbing/linking the source somewhere, but I've never used dub with an IDE so I can't be sure.
My suggestion to help you figure out what is going wrong and to fix this issue is to bug the maintainer (who is me, actually) on github by opening an issue about a lack of tutorials for the IDE's that are available to D right now.
If you want to get started with DSFML right now, however, you can sort of follow along with the command line tutorial and use that as a basis of figuring out what libraries need to be linked in, set up import search paths, etc.
Create project by dub init dsfml_test (where dsfml_test is our project name)
Add libs dependencies to dub.json
Generate Visual Studio project
Open project in Visual Studio
Open project properties
Enter path to directory where is placed dsfml lib files
Thats all. Now can add import, dsfml.window, dsfml.system; ...etc and build project.

I have installed WxWidgets, but PgAdmin cannot see it

There was a similar question (here or on some related SE site), but I didn't find so I ask a new question (if you find it, send a link and vote to close this question if they are too similar).
I have finished installing WxWidgets (configure; make; make install), but while installing PgAdmin III 1.16 the make console doesn't recognize WxWidgets as installed. I found that absence of Unicode might be a problem in this case, but I have enabled the Unicode. What else should I do?
I have 32bit Windows XP and WxWidgets 2.9.4. Including PostgreSQL 9.1.3 went OK.
EDIT: I tried another way - through Visual Studio and Visual C++. I don't know if my problem is the same or just similar, but Visual Studio reports this error:
error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'wx/wxprec.h': No such file or directory
followed by 100 of other errors which seem to be conclusion of this one (mostly undefined types/functions with names beginning with "wx"). I added semicolons to the header (as was suggested here - fourth entry after "all replies"), but it didn't help. I also tried to add "include" and "lib" directories in WxWidgets to include path for every project, but no joy here.
Do anybody know how to solve it?
You need to point pgAdmin to wxWidgets installation under Windows. Its build instruction should explain how to do it but you must set up the include path (-I compiler option) and the libraries path (-L linker option) for it to compile and link properly.
Notice that for the include paths you must put the directory containing the wx/setup.h file generated during the build by configure first and the directory with all the rest of wx headers later.
Also, it probably goes without saying, but you must use the same compiler to build both wxWidgets and pgAdmin, so if you built wx using configure+make you can't use MSVC for pgAdmin.
