Cannot build EmulationStation (VS2015) from CMake solution file - c++11

I'm having difficulties trying to compile an opensource framework (EmulationStation) in VS2015 on Windows. I've never used any of the tools before, apart from Visual Studio - so please forgive me if these are some obvious mistakes.
The guide says i need to do like this:
Boost (you'll need to compile yourself or get the pre-compiled binaries)
Eigen3 (header-only library)
FreeType2 (you'll need to compile)
cURL (you'll need to compile or get the pre-compiled DLL version)
(Remember to copy necessary .DLLs into the same folder as the executable: probably FreeImage.dll, freetype6.dll, SDL2.dll, libcurl.dll, and zlib1.dll. Exact list depends on if you built your libraries in "static" mode or not.)
CMake (this is used for generating the Visual Studio project)
(If you don't know how to use CMake, here are some hints: run cmake-gui and point it at your EmulationStation folder. Point the "build" directory somewhere - I use EmulationStation/build. Click configure, choose "Visual Studio [year] Project", fill in red fields as they appear and keep clicking Configure (you may need to check "Advanced"), then click Generate.)
This is how my CMake looks like (it says generating done)
I get alot of compilation errors in visual studio when trying to build though:
1) Cannot open include file: 'curl/curl.h': No such file or directory (compiling source file C:\Users\retropie\Documents\GitHub\EmulationStation\es-app\src\guis\GuiMetaDataEd.cpp) emulationstation C:\Users\retropie\Documents\GitHub\EmulationStation\es-core\src\HttpReq.h
Where do I get this header file from?
2) 'round': redefinition; different exception specifications (compiling source file C:\Users\retropie\Documents\GitHub\EmulationStation\es-app\src\guis\GuiMenu.cpp) emulationstation C:\Users\retropie\Documents\GitHub\EmulationStation\es-core\src\Util.h 18
I have a lot of these errors with round. Am I missing a reference to a library?
Another screendump of some of the errors from VS2015:
Hope someone can point me in the right direction.

I am currently in de same boat as you, trying to get ES building under MSVS2015.
I am also very green, so hopefully others chime in as well.
Regarding the 'round' errors, apparently the MS compiler has no knowledge of these. For this issue, and some others, the newer ES fork by Herdinger has fixed this.
As this is currently the most active ES branch out there, and has the explicit goal of consolidating at least some of the backlog of PRs from the original Aloshi git, I would suggest you use this one.
In issue #4, there is some more information on building in recent VS versions. There is also a link for the precompiled cURL libs, including the header.
Having gone that far, I am sad to say that I still do not have a succesfull build as of yet. Compiling is no problem, however linking gives me a LNK2005 error.
Hope this helps a bit. Let me know how you fare.


How can I build a solution with vc142 and not vc141

Am trying to build wxsqlite3 using visual studio 2019 which off course uses platform tool set vc142. My wxWidgets version is 3.1.2 and I already built it using vc142 successfully.
unfortunately I keep getting the error
D:\cpp\wxWidgets-3.1.2\include\msvc\wx\setup.h(125,10): error C1083:
Cannot open include file:
'../../../lib/vc141_x64_dll/mswud/wx/setup.h': No such file or
How do I build this wxsqlite3 with v142 so that I can stop getting this kind of an error?
At the time wxWidgets 3.1.2 was released, wxWidgets had not yet support for the automatic library/DLL loading mechanism of VS2019 and erroneously referenced the VS2017 include path. This has been fixed in the wxWidgets git repository. In file include/msvc/wx/setup.h line 68 was modified and lines 70 and 71 were added. You would have to adjust your wxWidgets installation accordingly.
However, since wxWidgets does not provide prebuilt binaries for VS2019, I assume you built the wxWidgets library yourself. And probably you did not make use of the compiler specific prefix. That is, in your installation the library path ../../../lib/vc142_x64_dll most likely doesn't exist at all; instead you have the wxWidgets link libraries in ../../../lib/vc_x64_dll.
If this is the case, you have to adjust the properties file wx_setup.props in folder build of the wxSQLite3 distribution. Look for the properties wxCompilerPrefix and wxMsvcVersionAuto and adjust them as follows:
I tested the VS2019 build files of the latest wxSQLite3 version and had no issues. That is, in principle the wxSQLite3 build files should work right out of the box. However, modifications to wx_setup.props may be necessary to match your installation.
Thereafter the VS2019 build should work for you.
But next time it may be good if you ask the question in one place which is on wxSqlite3's Issue tracker.
This is a hack, but as MSVS 2017 and 2019 are ABI-compatible (which is why they use toolset versions 141 and 142, and not 15 and 16), you can get away with just creating a link from vc141_x64_dll to vc142_x64_dll using e.g. junction tool.
Of course, rebuilding everything using the same compiler and options is better and safer, but if you can't do this, for whatever reason, the above would work too.

Visual Studio Not Finding 'vulkan-1.lib'

I read this tutorial to try to set up Vulkan in Visual Studio. I got to the very end, compiled, and got this:
A few more screenshots:
I'm using version while the tutorial is using, which may be at the root of the issue. However, I have not been able to find another tutorial showing how to set Vulkan up like this. How do I get Vulkan to work in Visual Studio?
I believe you must have missed a step in the tutorial. Specifically, look for the text
Next, open the editor for library directories under Linker -> General
in the linked tutorial page.
In the linker Input tab, either use a complete path to the Vulkan library (for example C:\VulkanSDK\\Lib\vulkan-1.lib) or in the General tab, add the location of the library (for example C:\VulkanSDK\\Lib to the Additional Library Directories entry).
If you can express the values in terms of an environment variable, then you'd want to use either VULKAN_SDK or VK_SDK_PATH, which in the above examples would resolve to C:\VulkanSDK\ That way when you update your Vulkan SDK you don't need to update your project files, and they'll work on other machines that might have different versions installed.
In the long run I'd recommend switching to CMake for project generation, rather than maintaining Visual Studio project files directly. With CMake, adding a Vulkan dependency to your application is as easy as doing this:
find_package(Vulkan REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(MyApp Vulkan::Vulkan)
You can find existing CMake-based Vulkan examples here or here.

Error Linking Boost Libraries With Quantlib

I am trying to build Quantlib using Boost Libraries.
I followed the instructions here: and also on the Quantlib website.
I downloaded and unzipped boost_1_57_0 into C:\program files
I then used the Visual Studio 2013 x64 Native prompt to go to the boost directory and ran
and then
b2 --toolset=msvc --build-type=complete architecture=x86 address-model=64 stage
Then I opened Quantlib_vc12.sln in Visual Studio 2013.
Picked "Release" and "x64", opened "Quantlib" in Property Manager and set the VC++ Directories.
In the include directories I added C:\Programm Files\boost_1_57_0
In the Library Directories I added C:\Program Files\boost_1_57_0\stage\lib
Then I went to the Solution Explorer and right clicked and chose build.
I got one LNK1104 error.
LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_unit_test_framework-vc120-mt-1_57.lib
Please see attached screenshot:
I have no idea how to fix this and I would really appreciate some help. I had successfully installed this at work using an admin account but was not able to access Quantlib using my user account. I have since deleted and attempted installations atleast 15 times but it's not working. I am worried that all these attempts at installing may have messed something else up, like some registry (I have no idea how that works but I only know to be afraid). Please help! Thanks.
UPDATE: Still get the same error after adding BOOST_AUTO_LINK_NOMANGLE define to project.
UPDATE2: I am getting these messages on the screen while running b2 to build boost. Is this an error I need to fix?
This is exactly what I warned you about in another related question/answer. What's happening here is that the boost headers you are including in this quantlib are (through macros) detecting that you're using MSVC, detecting the version, then automatically linking the required DLL files to build quantlib using #pragma comment(lib....). So even though under Project Settings -> C/C++ -> Linker there are no external DLL's or Lib's specified, they're still being linked by these pragma statements.
So when these macros are detecting your compiler and so on, they're dynamically building a string name of what they think the required libraries would be named on your system. Remember when you built boost, you specified the -layout option. This the naming layout of your boost libraries. Well by default, that layout is something like this:
Which in practice looks like this:
This is boost "mangling" the name of your library to be as descriptive as possible about how the libraries were build so that, just by glancing at the file name, you know. What we do with -layout=system is tell the boost build system NOT to mangle the names, but to name them according to what option we gave to "layout". Since we chose layout=system, boost is going to name our libraries like this:
Which in practice will produce:
So when we start using boost after doing this (with MSVC only does this happen), these dynamically generated linker statements don't give a rip about or know about what -layout option you built boost with. They will attempt to link in required libraries using the fully mangled naming format, which is why you get the error:
cannot open file 'libboost_unit_test_framework-vc120-mt-1_57.lib
.. because you don't have a file named that! That's the mangled name! You have a file named libboost_unit_test_framework.lib. See the difference! So, you need to tell these stupid macros to stop mangling the library names when auto-linking required libraries. You do that by adding the following preprocessor definition to your Quantlib project:
You add that in Project Settings -> C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor definitions.
If you'd rather avoid this headache and don't care about the long and (imo ugly) mangling that boost does to library names, you can build boost omitting the -layout option and it will default to this mangled naming convention, where you shouldn't get stuck on this error at all anymore. I personally put out the effort to keep nice short/clean library names but it's all about preference.
Since you have the same error after fixing the NO_MANGLE problem, then the only possible reason that you're getting this particular link error is that you do not have whatever file the linker is complaining about missing stored in any of the directories supplied to the linker.
Verify the folders/paths you provide to the linker and verify that the file the linker is looking for is in one of the directories that you're providing to the linker. You have to provide directories to the linker because you're telling the linker "you can look in all of these places for the libraries my project needs". If you specify none, it's got nowhere to look. :(

How to compile opencv 245 with visual studio 2010 and openCL support?

I have much trouble compiling OpenCV 245 with GPU support. With some effort I managed to have cuda support up and running, but now I am stuck on opencl, here is the problem:
At some point during the compilation, the file kernels.cpp is generated, containing all kernel functions as strings. For what I understand, they are converted automatically from the .cl files with the cl2cpp.cmake script.
What I don't understand is that one file is excluded from the build: (which is on my disk, alongside all other .cl files) is not included, either in the visual studio project, or in the kernels.cpp that is automatically generated. This leads to an undefined error at link time.
I have tried manually adding the to the visual studio project. This does not change anything. In the CMakeLists.txt for ocl module, all the cl files seem to be automatically added with the line:
file(GLOB CL_FILES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/kernels/*.cl")
I have tried manually adding nonfree_surf to CL_FILES, with no effect.
I have very little knowledge of CMake, hence I don't understand well what is going on. Can somebody give me a clue how I could find the reason of this behavior, namely:
Why are all .cl files added to my VS project, except ?
How can I correct this ?
Maybe I can execute cl2cpp.cmake script manually ? If so, how ?
Managed it by manually running the script:
cmake -DOUTPUT_PATH=c:/opencv/kernels2.cpp -DCL_DIR:PATH=c:/opencv/modules/ocl/src/kernels -P "c:\opencv\modules\ocl\cl2cpp.cmake"
For some reason (probably the same that makes nonfree_surf not be processed), not every necessary function are processed this way, so I juste copy-pasted the nonfree_surf string into kernels.cpp, and proceeded with the build.
If anyone needs the binaries, since they are a pain to compile, here they are:
Opencv 2.4.5 binaries compiled with VS2010 x86 (WIN32) including ocl and gpu library.

I have installed WxWidgets, but PgAdmin cannot see it

There was a similar question (here or on some related SE site), but I didn't find so I ask a new question (if you find it, send a link and vote to close this question if they are too similar).
I have finished installing WxWidgets (configure; make; make install), but while installing PgAdmin III 1.16 the make console doesn't recognize WxWidgets as installed. I found that absence of Unicode might be a problem in this case, but I have enabled the Unicode. What else should I do?
I have 32bit Windows XP and WxWidgets 2.9.4. Including PostgreSQL 9.1.3 went OK.
EDIT: I tried another way - through Visual Studio and Visual C++. I don't know if my problem is the same or just similar, but Visual Studio reports this error:
error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'wx/wxprec.h': No such file or directory
followed by 100 of other errors which seem to be conclusion of this one (mostly undefined types/functions with names beginning with "wx"). I added semicolons to the header (as was suggested here - fourth entry after "all replies"), but it didn't help. I also tried to add "include" and "lib" directories in WxWidgets to include path for every project, but no joy here.
Do anybody know how to solve it?
You need to point pgAdmin to wxWidgets installation under Windows. Its build instruction should explain how to do it but you must set up the include path (-I compiler option) and the libraries path (-L linker option) for it to compile and link properly.
Notice that for the include paths you must put the directory containing the wx/setup.h file generated during the build by configure first and the directory with all the rest of wx headers later.
Also, it probably goes without saying, but you must use the same compiler to build both wxWidgets and pgAdmin, so if you built wx using configure+make you can't use MSVC for pgAdmin.
