Joomla - create hidden test page - joomla

I'm a newbie to Joomla. Is there any way to create a test page which is not visible to all but for those which are logged in? I have installed Joomla 1.6
Thanks for any help.

You only need to switch the access permission from "public" to "registerd" in the article editing form.

You can create sample menu through 'menu manger' and assign an article to the that menu item.This menu item will not be visible to the users until you provide some link to main menu or some other visible menu managers.Now, You can access that page by using the following url "http://localhost/practise/index.php/[name of the menu]"


Joomla admin menu

I wish for you have a good day
can u help me about "admin menu manager" component?
I want to add a new menu to admin menu in back end of joomla that links to a specific module, I do it ,but when I click on it the menu that I created it
myself this error occurs:
*You are not permitted to use that link to directly access that page (#120).
if I pay for pro version of this component that error will solved?

How to create multiple sub-level menu in joomla 3.0 Administrator

I am developing custom component in Joomla 3.0. I want to add 3 level sub menu in back-end component menu item. Current Joomla shows menu as in below the screen.
And I want to add 3 level menu as shows in below screen.
Can you please help me?
I have added manual Database Entry into Menu table with appropriate parent id but still it does not show in menu list.
I think its not work with 3rd level,
The requirement is important then try to modify the mod_menu module .
You can find the module at administrator\modules\mod_menu.
I'm also tried not work with DB entry only :(

Why my top menu dissappear when in register or reset page in joomla 2.5

I have created a custom joomla template based on blank joomla template from Everything was fine until i clicked either forgot password?, forgot your username? or create account link that bring me to register or reset page in frontend but strangely the top menu was gone.
This is the screenshot :
i have no idea why this could happenned.
Please help with this. I appreciate all the help. Thanks!
The problem is because only on the pages selected option for module assignment is set. If you open a page which doesn't belong to any menu, then module won't be shown on it.
You can either check menu module to be shown on all pages, or make a new menu item for forgot password functionality, and then assign that menu for both menu module, and breadcrumbs module.
I don't know which Joomla version you're using and what you use for translation, but if you use Joomfish or Falang, language translation should be much easier.
If you don't use any of those, and you really need to leave everything as it is, then you can also detect current user language in the template, and load either one or the other menu module based on it. That way you can set module to be shown on all pages, and make sure it is displayed only for the choosen language.

Joomla 2.5 - Show Edit Profile Page

I am creating website using Joomla 2.5. For login, I am using default Joomla user management system. After I login sometimes I see the profile page where I have edit profile option. After I browse some other pages and click on Login, I only see option as "Hi User, Logout". How to bring Edit profile option when I click login?
Also in profile page, I see many details like Editor to use and many things. How to hide those details?
Edit 1
In Joomla 3.0 I can see edit profile option. (user id and password as demo)
You can add this via a menu. Either create a new menu or use an existing menu. Once inside the menu, You must create a new menu item at this point. Under Menu Item Type, click select.
Scroll down and you will find User Profile and Edit User Profile.
Go to modules/mod_login/tmpl/default.php
and right after you have code in this file
if ($type == 'logout'):
add the below code code for profile edit link right after
Edit Profile
In the Module Manager in the admin panel, there will be a module called "User Menu" which will be associated with a menu, most likely called the same name. Go to edit the "User Menu" module and in the bottom right, are some options to choose which pages the module appears on.
Else, if you would like to have the "Edit Profile" link as part of the login module, you will need to go to the following file:
And add in the necessary code there
Hope this helps

How to customize the layout of login page in joomla

Just want change the layout of the login page same as other pages, I want to remove the left sidebar bar and show the main menu, few images and text. You can see the current layout.
You can make the menu module display on all pages rather than on selected pages...then the menu will be displayed on all pages.
You have to choose display option from that module. If you want to enable some modules in that position just check the menus names from that module.
If you don't want any module in login page just unselect all modules from that page. Then only you have better look for login prompt as your wish.
Try this....
I dont know which version of joomla are you working on. But this link covers from joomla 1.5 to 1.7.
You should try to give the "extra2" or "position-29" to your log in module.
The key is just the position you are assigning.
