Joomla admin menu - joomla

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can u help me about "admin menu manager" component?
I want to add a new menu to admin menu in back end of joomla that links to a specific module, I do it ,but when I click on it the menu that I created it
myself this error occurs:
*You are not permitted to use that link to directly access that page (#120).
if I pay for pro version of this component that error will solved?


show my joomla component to homepage

i have default home menu item in main menu which point to a default article.
I want to show my component (i.e com_mywelcomecomponent) into home page of my website.
If try to change the link of menu item to "external link" which point to my component, joomla show me an error
Save failed with the following error: The home menu item must be a
how can i do this?
There is absolutely no issue why you cannot make your component as the home component. Login to administrator and then click on main menu. You will find a default menu item which is starred.
Click on that menu and when you go to that menu details just select your component as the default component.
When you open your site next time you will find your component on frontpage.
In Joomla, Home Menu cannot be an External Link.
You can still have your component linked to Home page, by selecting the Menu Type which will have your component listed in there and select the appropriate view and Save the Menu.
One easy option would be the Components Anywhere extension:

How in Joomla create article and open it from the browser by alias?

I have created a material assigned him his alias.
Try to open this page at and 404 error occurs.
Generaly, To access Joomla Contents as :, you should check below things for your Joomla site:
You need to Enable "Search Engine Friendly URLs" from "Global Configuration" section of Joomla Site Administrator.
If it still doesn't work, you should create a "Menu Item" in any "Menu" from Joomla Menu Manager from Joomla Site Administrator. But, you must assign this menu item alias same that you want in you
I am sure this will work...

Joomla 2.5 - Show Edit Profile Page

I am creating website using Joomla 2.5. For login, I am using default Joomla user management system. After I login sometimes I see the profile page where I have edit profile option. After I browse some other pages and click on Login, I only see option as "Hi User, Logout". How to bring Edit profile option when I click login?
Also in profile page, I see many details like Editor to use and many things. How to hide those details?
Edit 1
In Joomla 3.0 I can see edit profile option. (user id and password as demo)
You can add this via a menu. Either create a new menu or use an existing menu. Once inside the menu, You must create a new menu item at this point. Under Menu Item Type, click select.
Scroll down and you will find User Profile and Edit User Profile.
Go to modules/mod_login/tmpl/default.php
and right after you have code in this file
if ($type == 'logout'):
add the below code code for profile edit link right after
Edit Profile
In the Module Manager in the admin panel, there will be a module called "User Menu" which will be associated with a menu, most likely called the same name. Go to edit the "User Menu" module and in the bottom right, are some options to choose which pages the module appears on.
Else, if you would like to have the "Edit Profile" link as part of the login module, you will need to go to the following file:
And add in the necessary code there
Hope this helps

Joomla - create hidden test page

I'm a newbie to Joomla. Is there any way to create a test page which is not visible to all but for those which are logged in? I have installed Joomla 1.6
Thanks for any help.
You only need to switch the access permission from "public" to "registerd" in the article editing form.
You can create sample menu through 'menu manger' and assign an article to the that menu item.This menu item will not be visible to the users until you provide some link to main menu or some other visible menu managers.Now, You can access that page by using the following url "http://localhost/practise/index.php/[name of the menu]"

joomla Administrator Site Off-Line

I want to access the configuration.php file from a custom front-end module. I want to set var $offline to o or 1 from the module(through radio) and then refresh page. I also want the module to show when the site is off line.
as i understand, if you want to set some message on the front end when the site is offline then simply follow the steps:
login on admin pannel.
hover the mouse on the site menu on the top of the admin pannel.
click on the global configuration menu.
in the site tab, you will find the site settings and the radio button with yes, and no and the offline message the you want to display when the site is offline.
if you want to show the offline message the simple click on the yes radio button and save it..
thats it..
