Internet Explorer 8 Restrictions Registry Locations - internet-explorer-8

I'm attempting to restrict IE8 to no toolbars, no anything.
I'm working with Kiosk mode, in Windows XP Home edition.
I have some XP pro computers set up properly with this already, using Group Edit and Windows Steady State.
However, I have been unable to set it up the same way on both XP pro and XP home:
On XP pro, whenever a new window is opened via link, it opens in a small window with no toolbars. In XP home, when a new window is opened via link, it opens a standard browser window, with all the toolbars still there.
I know I can disable the toolbars somehow in the registry, but I have not been able to find where; All the information online that I have seen has not sent me to any existing registry location.
Anyone Help?

As far as I am aware, you can start IE in kiosk mode from the cmd line - by running iexplore -k followed by the web address you want to open. If the registry values that you need to use to lock down the browser aren't there, you can just create them.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Create them as DWORD values - with a value of 1 enforcing the policy.
NoBrowserClose (disables closing the browser window)
NoBrowserContextMenu (disables right-click context menu)
NoFileOpen (disables use of Ctrl-O or Ctrl-L to launch an arbitrary URL)
NoOpenInNewWnd (disables opening a link in a new window via Ctrl-N or Shift-click)
These should pretty much cover all of the normal ways a user could circumvent kiosk mode.
In addition to the above, there are also:
AlwaysPromptWhenDownload - Always prompt user when downloading files.
NoBrowserBars - Disable changes to browsers bars.
NoBrowserClose - Disable the option of closing Internet Explorer.
NoBrowserContextMenu - Disable right-click context menu.
NoBrowserOptions - Disable the Tools > Internet Options menu.
NoBrowserSaveAs - Disable the ability to Save As.
NoFavorites - Disable the Favorites.
NoFileNew - Disable the File > New command.
NoFileOpen - Disable the File > Open command.
NoFindFiles - Disable the Find Files command.
NoNavButtons - Disables the Forward and Back navigation buttons
NoOpeninNewWnd - Disable Open in New Window option.
NoPrinting - Remove Print and Print Preview from the File menu.
NoSelectDownloadDir - Disable the option of selecting a download directory.
NoTheaterMode - Disable the Full Screen view option.
NoViewSource - Disable the ability to view the page source HTML.
RestGoMenu - Remove Mail and News menu item.


WMIC Product GET Name - Invalid Class

I am trying to list all of the programs currently on my Windows 8.1 machine. I believe recently installed software is preventing windows from booting up. I have access to the command line and I have been trying to use the wmic product GET Name to see what I can uninstall from the command line. I read that you have to enable the WMI support tools in Management & Monitoring Tools, but I don't have access to that. Does anyone know if I can enable that from the command line so I can figure out why I am ultimately getting a EDIT:0x000021a error on start up.
This is not a full list (wmic). This is only products installed with Windows Installer. There is no feature for everything.
However as I said in my previous post nearly everything is listed in the registry.
So to see it in a command prompt
reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall /s
Also your error code seems invalid. There is no 27a windows error or 0xc000027a NT Status code. It seems wrong for a COM containing NTSTatus 0xd000027a or COM with Windows error 0x8007027a.
Clean Booting
Each of the three steps turns of programs, services, and drivers in increasing amounts. Thus narrowing down the possible culprits.
Clean Boot
Click Start - All Programs - Accessories - Run and type
Then go to the Startup tab. Untick everything. Then go to the Services tab. Tick Hide All Microsoft Services and untick everything that's left.
Reboot. If this solves your problem reenable ½ of the services/startup items until you find which one.
Advanced Clean Boot
If the above doesn't help.
Download Autoruns from
Start the program by right clicking and choosing Run As Administrator and click Options menu - Filter Options and tick Hide Microsoft entries and clear Include Empty Locations. Untick everything left.
Reboot. If this solves your problem reenable ½ of the items until you find which one.
Safe Mode
If the above doesn't help.
Use Safe Mode with Networking if you need internet access.
Click Start - All Programs - Accessories - Run and type
Then go to the Boot tab and click Safe Boot (also tick Network if needed). Reboot. Come back here and untick Safe Boot to return to normal mode.
If your computer has a single operating system installed, repeatedly press the F8 key as your computer restarts. You need to press F8 before the Windows logo appears. If the Windows logo appears, you will need to try again. [From Start - Help and Support]
Startup Repair
If your computer has a single operating system installed, repeatedly press the F8 key as your computer restarts. You need to press F8 before the Windows logo appears. If the Windows logo appears, you will need to try again. [From Start - Help and Support].
On the Advanced Boot Options screen, use the arrow keys to highlight Repair your computer, and then press ENTER.
Select Startup Repair.
Startup repair makes a log file. See C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\Srt\SrtTrail.txt.
To access if Windows won't start, on the Advanced Boot Options screen, use the arrow keys to highlight Repair your computer, and then press ENTER.
Select Command Prompt.
type C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\Srt\SrtTrail.txt |more
Also type explorer in your command prompt and see what happens.
My Explorer fixes listsways of using windows without the graphical shell.
To See if a Fix is Available
In Control Panel (and select Classic view in the left hand pane) choose Problem Reports and Solutions (type problem in Start's search box), go to Problem History, right click your error and choose Check For Solution.
You may also right click and choose Details for more info. Post those details here. The Fault Module Name is the important information.
If the problem affects Control Panel press Winkey + R and type wercon (or type it in a command prompt).
Close Explorer and Start a Command Prompt
Close any Explorer windows
Start - All Programs - Accessories - Right click Command Prompt and choose Run As Administrator.
Click Start. Ctrl + Shift + Right click a blank spot (just above the power buttons is one place) then Exit Explorer.
Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete then Task Manager.
Check all explorer processes are closed. On the Process tab select explorer and right click and choose End Process, repeat if more than one explorer in the list.
Then to restart explorer after trying each of the following
Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete and choose Task Manager
In Task Manager click the File menu then New Task (Run) and type explorer
If You Can't Start Explorer at All
Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete and choose Task Manager
On the Process tab click Show Processes From All Users to elevate to Administrator
In Task Manager click the File menu then New Task (Run) and type cmd
Other things you can try typing
Explorer c:\
Explorer /e,c:\
If you can't start a folder window use the Browse button in the New Task dialog. Remember you need to right click and choose Open rather than double clicking.

programmatically open 'system properties'

How can I open the various windows in system properties from command line or using VBS or JS?
By this I mean windows such as User Profiles, environment variables, performance options, DEP, hardware profiles, windows update settings, remote desktop settings, etc I am using windows XP but it wont let me create a shortcut to these dialogs. Sysdm.cpl cant do it either it seems.
System properties is the window that opnes when you right click my computer and hit properties.
One way to open the edit environment variables of the windows through the command line would be to call the run.exe:
"C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe" sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables
So there must be something similar for other windows.
You can also open a specific tab of the system properties window by using the control command and the tab number:
control sysdm.cpl,,3

Control_RunDLL - Open sequential window?

I don't know if this is even possible, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
I know that you can append ,,tabnumber to the end of a
rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL
command to open a window on a specified tab, but is there a way to open a further window by programmatically selecting a button on that tab?
For example, I'm using
rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,4
to open Windows' Internet Properties window, but is there a way to programmatically to open the LAN Settings window from there, as LAN Settings doesn't seem to have its own process I can call directly.
(I plan to use this with things other than LAN Settings, if there is a solution, such as "Copy settings..." within the "Administrative" tab on the Region and Language window)
There is no general mechanism for this. You are better off doing whatever you need programmatically instead of trying to drive the UI (which changes from version to version). – Raymond Chen

How to select a theme programmatically in Vista

A software package I'm working on installs its own Windows theme and as part of the install tries to make it the current theme. We managed to get this working on Windows XP with a great many registry edits during the install (a reboot applies the changes) but Vista seems to require even more reqistry changes.
We also found that "running" the theme file will open the Themes dialog and select the theme but a user needs to click OK. A script could accomplish this, true, but finding the OK button on non-English Windows is a challenge I'd rather not have to address.
So, is there a way to programmatically change the current theme in Windows Vista?
Sorry to necro an old thread, but I still see this question around the internets.
Windows is still not very far removed from its DOS roots. You can shell this command to open the control panel and load your theme.
This works for Windows 7, but can be modified for Vista. Just shell this, or type it into a command window:
C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe C:\Windows\system32\shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL C:\Windows\system32\desk.cpl desk,#Themes /Action:OpenTheme /file: SomeDir\themename.themepack
Basically, just use rundll32 to run the control panel, and then feed it your theme. You will get a control panel dialog pop up, but the theme will install automatically.
If you want it to install a theme without a dialog popup, you are going to need to do the massive registry hack.
Here's a dirty hack:
If all else fails, you could try UI Automation Toolkit to automatically "click" on the OK button. :)

VS2008 debugging with firefox as default browser - how to make the debugger stop/close on exit?

I have Firefox as my default browser on my dev machine and when I start debugging from visual studio Firefox launches as I would expect and all the attributes of the experience are the same as IE except for one thing - when I close the browser. When using IE, when I close the browser visual studio will automatically shut down the debugger. When I close FF I do not get this behavior - does anyone know how to make this happen?
The reason for this behavior is very simple: Visual Studio attaches itself to the process to be debugged, and will drop out of run mode if it sees that process terminate. FireFox does not create a new process every time a window is launched: it reuses the existing process. IE is able to create a new one for each window (depends on option settings). If you already have FF running and you launch an app to be debugged, the app window is created in the existing process and VS attaches to that process. When you close the app window the process doesn't terminate because it is still active for the pre-existing windows. Next time it happens close all the other FF windows and you will see Visual Studio drop out of debug run mode. If there was a way to tell FireFox to create a new process for a new window then this problem would go away. I haven't found any reasonably reliable way to do that.
To add to Mark's answer, you can setup a specific "debug" profile for firefox, and then change the project's properties/Web, select there "start external program" and browse to firefox.exe, and set commandline arguments to '-no-remote -P "MyDebugProfile" '.
To manage your profiles, start (from command-line) firefox like this:
c:\> <installation path of ff>\firefox.exe -profilemanager
There, you create a new profile (lets say "debug")
To start a new process of FF with this profile (i.e. what you set for VS):
c:\> <install path to ff>\firefox.exe -no-remote -P "debug" "http://mysite"
Note, that the "-P" parameter is case sensitive.
Right click on any .aspx page and choose the option "Browse With..." there you can setup the default browser
Try attaching the debugger to the FireFox process instead!
In VS (2008) select the Menu option Debug -> Attach to Process and then select firefox.exe - if you don't see this process you may have to ensure 'Show processes in all sessions' is checked.
I ran this and verified that it does work. I also verified that closing FireFox via app debug does not work, if you Firefox is set as the default browser in VS 2008.
