we virtualized our build server and having issues building some c++ projects.
It is a win7 (we have some vb6 projects) with visual studio 2017.
When I build a project it just errors out with "This operation may only take place in the UI thread".
Also it is completely random...sometimes it compiles, sometimes it does not.
I have no idea why and what I could try to fix it. I have also a Win10 build machine where the problem does not happen. We want to stick with the Win7 build machine though, because on the Win10 one we got issues with some vb6 projects.
If I use msbuild it works fine, I would rather not replace all devenv calls for now though.
Anyone an idea what the issue could be or how to debug it?
Seems to be an issue with Visual Studio 2017 15.6.x. works fine with 15.5.7
I need some help. I have put in dozens of hours into a VB.NET project, it has been built in release mode and distributed. Now I have to make some changes to it, and I am unable to debug it properly. My code changes result in behavior where my code is not even recognized.
Also, I installed Visual Studio 2013 recently (moving from 2010), but this project behaves the same in both environments.
I believe that my code has become 'optimized'. The error window tells me that code is being skipped over, and that my code is optimized and JIT is checked.
I have turned off JIT, and I have tried everything to make this project work again that I could think of. I am desperately wanting to know how I can get this project to be in a state where it will debug each line of code again when I make changes.
I can even purposely write bad code, and the debugger does not see it.
This project is now in debug mode, not release. I have checked and followed threads on every thing that other people have done to solve this issue, but nothing works for me.
Either my project launches and works properly as it is coded, or if I change any code only the form launches with no code being run - at all.
please help.
I finally figured it out. The applications that I was struggling with were all built in Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 10. I was trying to work with these in Visual Studio 2013 on Windows 7.
Once I tried to work with them on Windows 10 (visual Studio 2013 this time), they started working and debugging just fine.
I think it may have been DLL assembly paths? Took me more than a week, but I figured out my issue by moving from Win7x64 to Win10x64.
I have created a Cordova project in Visual Studio 2015. By using cordova --version on my project folder, I could see that I am using Cordova 4.2.0.
Next thing I wanted to do is installing Geolocation plugin. So I did this by editing `config.xml via VS UI. The problem is that, once I hit, "Add", VS hangs.
It stays in this condition forever.
Please note
I spotted other questions about people not being able to download the same plugin, but that was not VS hanging, it was VS reporting an error. The reported error should have been fixed.
FYI I installed VS2015 Enterprise (full installation).
It looks like it just takes a lot of time! I left Visual Studio in that state for 4 hours. And now I have the plug-in downloaded and everything is fine!
It is pretty strange though. My network was fine and up during all the time. However it might be some network issue concerning me. Unfortunately hard to say.
So basically the procedure is fine. If anybody else runs into this again, then i think Visual Studio is having troubles downloading these plug-ins.
So basically I just opened the app source download from the app studio app builder site and there are a ton of errors, I bet it's simple to fix.
I just don't know what the first step are in term of fixing this. These errors are not helpful.
Can someone explain what steps I should take to getting my app studio app to build through Visual Studio 2013?
I think you should fix it by these steps:
check if all the projects in your solution loaded.
check the references in your project, normal, warning? and check the version of references.
check other errors.
Everytime I try to run my code, I am having this error that "Csc.exe" exited with code -1073741819
, I cleaned my solution and restarted Visual Studio with no gain.
Can anyone help me?
I faced same problem. Delete the bin and obj folder in project(s). The try to clean and rebuild the solution. This worked for me.
Cleaning and rebuilding the solution will sometimes solve the issue and sometimes won't.
You need to repair Visual Studio. Go to Control Panel -> Programs. Then select your version of Visual Studio you are using and press "Change"(or right click it and press "Change"). When the setup appears, click "Repair".
This solved it for me and several others who have been facing this issue.
For the problem csc-exe-exited-with-code-1073741819
I repaired Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x86). This worked for me.repair Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable. I found about this problem when uninstalling and then reinstalling VS2015. After the setup is completed it says that some items are not installed correctly. And among them is Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 not installed correctly.
So after a while I repaired Visual C++ Redistributable 2015. Here is the link Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015.
classic ms solution: restart computer :D
delete bin and obj folders
open vs
it should work.
I want to share my experience here because I had this problem for several days (with VS Studio 2012) and I had MANY MANY difficulties to find the solution !
And my problem was... That I had a virus/malware problem, and the faulty module was BITGUARD !
So if someone has this problem, and goes here searching the solution, I think you must try any free Malware remover program to see if Bitguard should not be your problem !
I also had this problem, and luckily found a solution.
First off is more of a workaround, but seemed to work. Disable parallel build in Visual Studio
(Tools -> Options ->Projects and Solutions -> Build and Run. Change maximum number of parallel builds to 1).
This resolved the issue for me, but did not solve the problem.
The issue I had, as obscure as it is, was I had Razer Synapse set up to record mouse and keyboard stats on Visual Studio. Once I disabled this, everything worked perfectly.
When our company changed anti-virus software, an application that had not been touched in months suddenly started having the build error
"csc.exe" exited with code -532462766..
I used our new AV client to scan the bin folder of the application that wouldn't build. The AV client claimed it was infected with W32.Trojan.Genkd. Uninstalling that AV software allowed it to build as usual. I think a single file got quarantined, preventing the build.
Your options may be these:
disinfect the files (assuming it's an actual infection)
unquarantine the "infected" files (assuming it's actually safe)
uninstall / disable that AV client
change AV software
Lastly, you could always comment blocks of code to identify what is causing the false-positive.
I got this error when running from the devenv command. Adding /SafeMode to the command arguments solved my issue which lead me to think one of my install extension/plugins for VS2015 was to blame.
I Resolved the same issue by Restarting my PC and that's it.