Windows App Studio App customizing in VS 2013 getting started - visual-studio

So basically I just opened the app source download from the app studio app builder site and there are a ton of errors, I bet it's simple to fix.
I just don't know what the first step are in term of fixing this. These errors are not helpful.
Can someone explain what steps I should take to getting my app studio app to build through Visual Studio 2013?

I think you should fix it by these steps:
check if all the projects in your solution loaded.
check the references in your project, normal, warning? and check the version of references.
check other errors.


Xamarin - The name 'Resource' does not exist in the current context

I've googled till I'm blue in the fingers trying to find a resolution to this issue. I've tried several things but nothing helps. I've got Xamarin and Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise. I had everything working on a previous PC a few months back. Now I have a new one and am just now getting Xamarin set up. I have a few demo and self hacked solutions I was working with. Now all of them give me the above error message. I've made sure the namespace is correct in all modules. The solutions are really small. Nothing fancy at all. Basically Hello World stuff so I'm at a failure to figure out why it fails now. Case in Point: The Hello World that is failing is one HelloWorld.cs file and a few PNGs in the Resources tree along with a main.xml.
If anyone could shed some light I would be most grateful.
I just updated (through VS) Xamarin. Now the older solutions I had won't load. If I create a new solution, I've got the same Resource does not exist error. Xamarin appears to be broken. I've worked with it in the past and had no problems like these.
I resolved it. My Xamarin version was not updated. I updated it by going to
Programs & Features => Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2015, click on change/modify. Now in Visual Studio Popup under Cross Platform Mobile Developement update the C#/.NET (Xamarin v__). After updating this error gets resolved.
For me I didn't required to install Visual Studio 2017.
Also Thanks Martin for your suggestion, your answer can also workaround but it is not necessary to install 2017 just need to upgrade Xamarin version to work with VS 2015.
This bug currently arises with Visual Studio 2015. See this thread and this thread on the Xamarin Forums. Apparently the only workarounds now is to install Visual Studio 2017 or downgrade to older version of Xamarin. There is also an opened bug report for this, so it hopefully should get resolved soon.

xamarin project type incompatible

This error started showing from yesterday, I remember installing Web development packages and updates windows. Before that if was working fine.
If I reload project same error shows up.
The application which this project type is based on was not found.
Please try this link for further information:
This link redirects page , which is nothing but xamarin download page.
I tried uninstalling Xamarin packages and reinstalling.
It did not solve the issue.
Now I am doing complete uninstall of MS Visual Studio 2017
Please note that no changes have been made to csproj or solution file.
I get the "xamarin project type incompatible" frequently. (VS2015)
The solution for me:
Close down VS.
In the src project folder delete the .vs folder.
Restart VS.
Complete uninstall of Visual Studio along with C++ distributables from Control Panel > Programs and Features and then re-installing Visual Studio fixed the issue. Seems its caused by errors in installation
Microsoft should code properly and let programmers know if there were errors and 'repair' option is supposed to fix them. I don't know why these things are missed out in roll-outs.

Double-click this warning

I have just started working with Xamarin this week. I created a new "Mobile App" in Azure and downloaded from Azure a sample Xamarin Forms app. When I try opening it in Xamarin Studio, I get this message:
Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assembly. In Visual Studio, double-click this warning (or select it and press Enter) to fix the conflicts; otherwise, add the following binding redirects to the "runtime" node in the application configuration file...
There are two problems with this message. First, these warnings exist only in Xamarin Studio. The same solution opened in Visual Studio 2015 does not have this warning - and so it is not possible for me to "double-click" it in Visual Studio.
Second, the full text of this Xamarin Studio warning is virtually inaccessible because there is no way to copy it. What portion of the warning you see above, I had to transcribe. The rest of the warning is VERY long, and Xamarin Studio is acting as if it expects me to copy it somehow. But the only way to copy again to spend twenty or thirty minutes transcribing it. Certainly I must be misunderstanding how to use Xamarin Studio. Here is a screen shot:
Is there a Xamarin Studio keyboard shortcut or trick that would allow me to capture this warning? And is it normal for Xamarin Studio to request problems to be fixed through Visual Studio? Why does the warning not exist in Visual Studio?
This solution also doesn't build in Visual Studio 2015. I don't get any warnings (unfortunately?), and in fact I don't appear to have any build errors either. However, when it attempts to deploy (Windows phone emulation) it gives me a variety of errors. Most of them are of this variety:
The name 'X' does not exist in the current context.
I'm baffled by this, because the symbols it names are indeed missing. So why does it build successfully?
This is not a problem in visual studio or xamarin studio.
If the device on which you are trying to deploy the build,already has an apk file installed(not from your work station), you will get this issue.
To resolve this uninstall it from the device and also from the package manager and then try to deploy the build.
I hope it will help.

Visual Studio runs comments

For some reason VS 2013 is completely ignoring my changes to the file.
Namely, even if I comment a whole section out it would still execute it!
I tried:
Clean build
restart computer
removing and including the same file again
Note: I am developing a cross platform application using Xamarin and VS.
Would appreciate any help!
Probably you have compiled the project for Release, change that to Debug and build it again.
I doubt this question or answer would help anyone but here goes...
Solution: I had to update my SDK from the Android SDK Manager:
Open Android SDK Manager
Under Tools tick the checkbox next to the most recent Rev. ( I installed 23.0.5)
Click "Install packages..."
After having the problem I described I noticed few other really strange things. For example VS would not let me modify any of my drawables. If I tried to delete, add or rename any drawable VS would get stuck and the only way to solve this was to force stop it.
Here is the bug for this issue Visual Studio hangs when including, excluding, or saving files in Android resource folders.
Once I installed the latest SDK everything was well.
Hope this helps

What's the reason for error message? I am using VS 2010 professional edition

What's the reason for error message "The snapshot is out of date and cannot be used anymore because type tree has been updated, A new snapshow needs to be acquired"?
This error appeared right after I launched VS2010 and added username/pwd to connect to TFS repository.
I am using VS 2010 professional edition.
It happened to me with VS2012 as well after loading the project without source control binding, a local simple WinForms project. All I needed to do was Clean & Rebuild. After that the problem was solved.
This is a bug in Visual Studio. According to "We've taken a closer look at this problem and it isn't one that we'll be able to solve in the next release of Visual Studio."
They recommend waiting around until the background language parser service is done (or, in other words, don't try to be too productive there partner.) My experience is that closing all documents, cleaning the solution, rebuilding it and then closing and re-opening with a pause after does remove the error.
Until you do something silly, like edit code. Then all bets are off again as to when it reoccurs.
I had a similar issue with VS2012 and after rebuilding the solution twice, I still saw the same error message.
Following an advice from a post from this site, I closed the Designer tab, reopened it from the Solution Explorer, and the problem was resolved.
I got this error too, but after I unload project and reload project, the problem was resolved.
Simply restarting Visual Studio 2012 was a workaround for me, but it kept happening about every hour and having to restart visual studio that often was very annoying.
I also found this post which suggests that the Productivity Power Tools are the problem and to simply turn off the Automatic Brace Completion in Tools->Options->Productivity Power Tools. Since making this change I haven't seen the error message again :)
I'll note though that I am using Visual Studio 2012 and the OP is using Visual Studio 2010, but the Productivity Power Tools are available for VS 2010 too, so this may still fix the problem in VS 2010.
The same issue persists in VS2013, but no amount of Clean/Rebuild or restarting VS will help. The only way I can do a successful publish, is to disable the AutoT4MVC extension.
I got this error too. I closed Visual Studio 2012 and opened it again and the error was gone.
I got this error when I had conflicting class names / namespaces. I was referencing a UserControl from a different DLL in my XAML file which had the same name as my XAML file (class name). Maybe this helps.
I used Visual Studio 2012, and just faced this error on my Windows 8. It seems like Turning off the VM and restarting Visual Studio fixed the issue.
I just got this with VS2010.
I had a form with a user control (UCa) with a user control (UCa) from a different project on it. Made a change to the UCb then flicked to the designer for the form and boom! Snapshot error.
Resolved by a full clean and then rebuilding just the UCb project before building the rest of the project.
I'm using Visual Studio 2012, and I got this error when starting Visual Studio, letting TFS connect to the server, and THEN opening my solution. The fix was simply closing VS and launching the solution directly.
I'll throw my two cents in here as well.
I've tried every combination of Clean, Rebuild, Restart, etc. What I've found is that restarting Visual Studio usually makes the problem go away for at least one Publish. Here's the weird part, though. You can also fix the problem by doing absolutely nothing. If you just let Visual Studio sit for about a minute or two, and then publish, it will usually work just fine. There's some background voodoo going on here, and waiting for it to finish seems to do the trick.
I have a solution with two parts that need published. One is a WCF service application, and the other is the ASP.NET MVC5 website itself. Anytime I publish the services, and then try to publish the site I'll see this error. I can publish the services, restart VS, and then publish the site, OR I can publish the services, go get a drink, and then publish the site. As long as I give VS a chance to "settle" between any kind of rebuild and the publishing of the site, everything seems to work as expected.
Take a walk, come back, problem solved. OR if you don't have the time. Clean, Rebuild, Restart, Publish (lather, rinse, repeat).
