500 internal server error while trying to use the registration form - joomla

I am using the registration form that is already available in the user manager option in my website.
But once I click on the register button I get this message:
Server error The website encountered an error while retrieving
It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly. Here are
some suggestions: Reload this webpage later. HTTP Error 500 (Internal
Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the
server was attempting to fulfill the request.

Try turing off SEF in the main joomla configuration.
refresh the page and try agian?
are you using
JRoute:_('index.php') or JRoute:_('index.php?option=com_users')
in your form action?
the link just looks wrong.
Is that the default registration form ? there shouldnt be any task in the url.


CORS request did not succeed

I have a problem when I want to create an authentication system using VueJs as the frontend (http://localhost:8080/#/login) and Laravel 5.6 as the backend. When I try to submit login form using the api login url, I get the error message:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows
reading the remote resource at
(Reason: CORS request did not succeed).
I don't know how to solve this problem.
Could anyone here help me to solve my problem?
NOTE : I have to install laravel-cors before
This is an old question, but I'll reply nonetheless.
For me this error was caused by a self-signed certificate. If you open developer tools, select the network tab, click the call that failed CORS you can see the security tab. Click it to open it. If a cert is giving you problems the text "An error occurred: SEC_ERROR_INADEQUATE_KEY_USAGE" should be visible.
To resolve this just go to the URL that gave you the CORS error, and accept the cert manually.
Cross Origin Resource Sharing is a mechanism that uses additional HTTP headers to tell a browser to allow the web application running on one origin (client) have permission to access selected resources from a server at a different origin.
Basically, your Vue app (http://localhost:8080) needs to be allowed access to your Laravel endpoint ( This is to prevent me from hitting your Laravel endpoint from my malicious website and acting like an authenticated user.
Based on the docs, you need to add 'allowedOrigins' => ['*'], but that means you're opening up your backend to all requests. That's fine if it's a public API but in this context it doesn't sound like you want that. Instead, in this case it would be 'allowedOrigins' => ['localhost:8080'], so that your Vue app can consume your Laravel server.
You have to use either localhost or for all the requests. In general in your code you should make calls to the server by just appending the URI to the current host, without re-adding the host and port in the URI string. If you load your page from a given host, for example and then try to make an AJAX request to another host, for example www.host.com, the request gets blocked to prevent XSS attacks
It sounds like you are running this in dev mode via webpack currently? If that is correct and your workflow is that you are going to build the Vue application and have it co-reside with your Laravel backend then you just need to update config/index.js to have a proxyTable entry that forwards webpack requests to the correct dev Laravel backend server.
This would look something like this.
module.exports = {
dev: {
proxyTable: {
"/": ""
There is additional information available on how this works; https://vuejs-templates.github.io/webpack/proxy.html
I was stuck with this error recently while I was trying to get one of our old websites hosted via Azure (App Services) up and running again.
Reason: CORS request did not succeed was the error showing in the browser console, however, it turned that for our case the URL mentioned in the CORS error doesn't exist anymore - its referring to the old https://******.azurewebsites.net service url we had (previous hosted in Azure - App Services).
So also check that the URL mentioned in the CORS-error is in fact working.
In my case the computer was not displaying the correct date and time. When I try to view the page I would get the "CORS request did not succeed." Once I updated to the correct time and date the page displayed normally.
I had to change the base URL of axios. I didn't notice it was https://, not http://
file: src\store\index.js
change the
axios.defaults.baseURL = ''
axios.defaults.baseURL = ''
Note: Make sure it's exactly same URL and Port. You can see that in terminal where you start the laravel application (php artisan serve).

Showing validation error

Is it possible to show the request validation error message in the error page of my ASP.NET Core app when for instance Identity Server sends a: Requested scope not allowed: {myscope} ?
As it is now, all validation errors just show the /home/error?errorId=12345 page without further information.
So basically my question is: How do I get more details of the validation error?
You are not supposed to show detailed error messages to the end user - this is a security risk.
Use the log to find out exactly what is wrong.

woocommerce checkout ajax 500 error

I have updated the woocommerce plugin in my site to version 2.6.0 recently and now I am facing a 500 error during checkout and this error message changed as per the payment method.
I have couple of payment methods as Direct Bank Transfer and Cash On Delivery.
When I use Direct Bank Transfer I am getting an error message error Internal Server Errorand in browser console I am able to see the problem is with http://example.com/checkout-2/?wc-ajax=checkout Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
On the other hand when I user Cash On Delivery as payment method I am seeing an error String could not be parsed as XML.
Anyone facing similar issues with woocommerce? not sure if this is because of plugin update or any other function.
I figured it out myself finally. The problem is I messed up with the woocommerce email templates. When I undid all the changed in email templates the order slow started working normally.
During the debug process I noticed that though I get the Internal Server Error the order is getting posted successfully and is visible in woocommerce admin so I was getting the errors all this while due to changed email templates where I failed to pass the order data properly into emails.

JMeter Internal server Error, Response Code : 500 on posting a form

JMeter Internal server Error, Response Code : 500 on posting a form.
I am trying to load test our banking application with JMeter.I have successfully logged in to the application. Now I am trying to create an accuont. Account opening form has five pages and I am getting internal server error when I post the first page of the account opening process.
I have provided all possible values which are required for posting first page (As required in the browser to make it go to next page).
I have added the Cookie manager and Header manager also.
But this fails in JMeter.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
You may need to add "Http Header Manager" user your "Http Request" which is failing.
Click on add button to add on column under "Headers stored in the Header Manager"
Add Name : Content-Type
Add value : application/json
save it and run it.
This may solve your 500 (internal server error) error problem.
The best thing is to try recording to ensure you’re not missing:
or any additional http request.

Error executing child request for

In my MVC3 application I'm getting the above mention error when I try to handle a maximum request exceeded error.
I'm handling the exception at the application level. I'm trying to redirect to an error page that's located in the Shared folder of the views.
I'm using the code below to redirect to an error page if the request size is over the limit.
This is the error im getting.
Error executing child request for /SiteName/Views/Shared/NotAuthorised.cshtml
According to the Microsoft documentation (Error Executing Child Request" Error Message When You Use Server.Transfer or Server.Execute in ASP.NET Page) you cannot use Server.Transfer after an application level error.
Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) dispatches the
Server.Transfer or the Server.Execute request to the appropriate
Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) extension
based on the extension of the requesting file. For example, a request
for an .aspx page is dispatched to the Aspnet_isapi.dll ISAPI
After the request is dispatched to appropriate ISAPI extension, the
ISAPI extension cannot call another ISAPI extension. You receive the
error message that is listed in the "Symptoms" section because the
Aspnet_isapi.dll file, which handles requests to ASP.NET pages, cannot
forward the request to the Asp.dll file, which handles requests to ASP
You can however use Response.Redirect(path) like this:
