ADD A, 5
Now A and 5 both are immediate. Is it allowed in Assembly Language?
Is this intel syntax flavor? What is A?
Usually A is an address (effectively a variable). If so, it is allowed. Look for the definition of A (e.g. a DD pseudo instruction with that label)
If a is the hex number (usually written as 0Ah, %0x0a though) of course, it can't work
If A is really an immediate (defined like A EQU 7 or similar) this is not allowed in x86. Generally instructions with immediate target operands are not allowed, as the result would be discarded.
More likely you are making a wrong assumption "Now A and 5 both are immediate" in your question and sehe's explanation is right.
I have a beefy section of code that makes significant use of the constant pool. I am aware that by doing this, I must LTORG at least every 511 instructions (PC relative addressing is limited to 4k, instructions are 4 byte, and addressing is signed so absolute distance is one less than half) to ensure the constant pools are close enough to their use.
I could, of course, keep track of this myself, but this is manual and a bit of a pain (especially in the presence of macros). Are there any special features of gcc/gas (or macro tricks, etc.) that will automatically LTORG every 511 instructions for me? Ideally I'd like it to insert:
b lxxx
(Where lxxx is some unique label)
Bonus points if it only LTORGs after 510 instructions following the last instruction that uses an expression literal (that isn't in a constant pool). As an example, if there are 1024 sequential instructions that don't use expression literals, it shouldn't place an LTORG after them. But if immediately after that there is one instruction that uses an expression literal, then it will LTORG after 510 instructions (and after that the counter reset until the next instruction that uses an expression literal is reached).
Bonus bonus points if the above but it doesn't reset the counter unless the constant pool is actually used (ie. =1 doesn't use it, so it doesn't reset the counter, but =1234567689 does so an instruction using that expression literal would start/continue the countdown from 510).
edit: My initial thinking is if you wrapped every instruction in a macro that subtracts one from a global arithmetic variable (starting at 510). Once it reaches 0, an LTORG is omitted (it's unclear if you can get the assembler to give you a unique label to branch around the LTORG). You can get the "bonus points" with this solution by special casing the wrapper for LDR such that only it can restart the counter if it's negative. If there was a way of inspecting expression literals (to see if they need the constant pool), then you could special case the reset to only apply when the constant pool is used.
edit: edit: It's unclear if you can do what I've proposed generically, because label-expressions may be resolved at link time (after the assembler has run all the macros). But, I'd still be interested in a solution that works for just expressions (eg. ldr r0, =12345678).
I am trying to see the index value of for loop in DDC-I debugger and it always shows me ERROR.
With the assembly of the same, it shows the following instruction:
cmp cr7,0,r20,r23
so it's comparing r20 and r23 but both of these registers don't hold the index value. I am not sure what is cr7 ?
In short, most embedded tool chains (including the ones you pay for) are horrible about reconstructing local/automatic variables in even lightly optimized code. A lot of them simply can't reconstruct variables that never have storage because they live in registers the whole time (loop index variables like the one you can't see are typical cases). Some even have issues with interim computation holders, and arguments (since they're almost always passed as registers).
Typical strategies might be:
Temporarily turning off optimizations around the code in question
Temporarily moving the variable in question to the global scope
Becoming proficient at reading disassembly.
This isn't a terribly practical answer, but it is surprising for a lot of people that are new to the embedded world or never had the luxury of a source level debugger on their embedded platform.
On PowerPC there are eight CR fields, cr0 to cr7. If you don't specify a CR field for a compare result the default is cr0, but in this case cr7 is specified and so the flags in field cr7 will indicate the result of the compare operation. There are 4 condition code bits in each CR field: lt, gt, eq and so. Typically the compare will be followed by a conditional branch, bc.
There is some useful info in this IBM developerWorks article: Assembly language for Power Architecture, Part 3: Programming with the PowerPC branch processor.
What is the fastest way of turning some value (stored in register) into 2 to the power of that value in assembly language? I think that some bitwise operations can be used. For example:
Value: 8
Result: 256 (2<sup>8</sup>)
So, short answer: What you're looking for is a left shift.
in C and many other languages, your particular wish would be served by 1 << 8.
You could do it in x86 assembler with shl but there's really no sane reason to do so since pretty much any compiler you come across is going to compile the code into the native shift instruction.
I am referencing zilog z80 manual and i am little puzzled reading at AND instruction. It says in the 'condition bits affected' section, P/V flag is set if the operation overflows. I can understand how add or sub instruction overflows but it doesn't make sense for me that AND operation overflows. Any help is appreciated!! Thanks!
According to this page, the P/V bit serves two purposes. The result for the AND instruction is really the P function, that is, the P bit is set if there are an even number of 1 bits in the result of doing the AND.
I have a question about the EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW and EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO exceptions.
Windows will trap the #DE errors generated by the IDIV instruction and will end up generating and SEH exception with one of those 2 codes.
The question I have is how does it differentiate between the two conditions? The information about idiv in the Intel manual indicates that it will generate #DE in both the "divide by zero" and "underflow cases".
I took a quick look at the section on the #DE error in Volume 3 of the intel manual, and the best I could gather is that the OS must be decoding the DIV instruction, loading the divisor argument, and then comparing it to zero.
That seems a little crazy to me though. Why would the chip designers not use a flag of some sort to differentiate between the 2 causes of the error? I feel like I must be missing something.
Does anyone know for sure how the OS differentiates between the 2 different causes of failure?
Your assumptions appear to be correct. The only information available on #DE is CS and EIP, which gives the instruction. Since the two status codes are different, the OS must be decoding the instruction to determine which.
I'd also suggest that the chip makers don't really need two separate interrupts for this case, since anything divided by zero is infinity, which is too big to fit into your destination register.
As for "knowing for sure" how it differentiates, all of those who do know are probably not allowed to reveal it, either to prevent people exploiting it (not entirely sure how, but jumping into kernel mode is a good place to start looking to exploit) or making assumptions based on an implementation detail that may change without notice.
Edit: Having played with kd I can at least say that on the particular version of Windows XP (32-bit) I had access to (and the processor it was running on) the nt!Ki386CheckDivideByZeroTrap interrupt handler appears to decode the ModRM value of the instruction to determine whether to return STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO or STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW.
(Obviously this is original research, is not guaranteed by anyone anywhere, and also happens to match the deductions that can be made based on Intel's manuals.)
Zooba's answer summarizes the Windows parses the instruction to find out what to raise.
But you cannot rely on that the routine correctly chooses the code.
I observed the following on 64 bit Windows 7 with 64 bit DIV instructions:
If the operand (divisor) is a memory operand it always raises EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, regardless of the argument value.
If the operand is a register and the lower dword is zero it raises EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO regardless if the upper half isn't zero.
Took me a day to find this out... Hope this helps.