How does AND operation in Z80 cpu overflow? - cpu

I am referencing zilog z80 manual and i am little puzzled reading at AND instruction. It says in the 'condition bits affected' section, P/V flag is set if the operation overflows. I can understand how add or sub instruction overflows but it doesn't make sense for me that AND operation overflows. Any help is appreciated!! Thanks!

According to this page, the P/V bit serves two purposes. The result for the AND instruction is really the P function, that is, the P bit is set if there are an even number of 1 bits in the result of doing the AND.


What is the purpose of the 40h REX opcode in ASM x64?

I've been trying to understand the purpose of the 0x40 REX opcode for ASM x64 instructions. Like for instance, in this function prologue from Kernel32.dll:
As you see they use push rbx as:
40 53 push rbx
But using just the 53h opcode (without the prefix) also produces the same result:
According to this site, the layout for the REX prefix is as follows:
So 40h opcode seems to be not doing anything. Can someone explain its purpose?
the 04xh bytes (i.e. 040h, 041h... 04fh) are indeed REX bytes. Each bit in the lower nibble has a meaning, as you listed in your question. The value 040h means that REX.W, REX.R, REX.X and REX.B are all 0. That means that adding this byte doesn't do anything to this instruction, because you're not overriding any default REX bits, and it's not an 8-bit instruction with AH/BH/CH/DH as an operand.
Moreover, the X, R and B bits all correspond to some operands. If your instruction doesn't consume these operands, then the corresponding REX bit is ignored.
I call this a dummy REX prefix, because it does nothing before a push or pop. I wondered whether it is allowed and your experience show that it is.
It is there because the people at Microsoft apparently generated the above code. I'd speculate that for the extra registers it is needed, so they generate it always and didn't bother to remove it when it is not needed. Another possibility is that the lengthening of the instruction has a subtle effect on scheduling and or aligning and can make the code faster. This of course requires detailed knowledge of the particular processor.
I'm working at an optimiser that looks at machine code. Dummy prefixes are helpful because they make the code more uniform; there are less cases to consider. Then as a last step superfluous prefixes can be removed among other things.

Adding bytes and determining flag values

I am trying to add two hex numbers for example $E2 + $3C which I can do just fine; however, I do not know how to determine the V, N, Z and C flag values?
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. I have been scratching my head for much too long.
The flags are bits in the status register. They are set or cleared by some instructions, (such as ADD or ADC), but not all.
You can look at the status register, SREG, directly, but in assembly, there are branch instructions that operate according to these bits. There is a summary of the branch instructions on p. 9 of the instruction set manual.
Whether or not the flags are set is described in detail in the entries for each instruction, such as for ADD on p. 17.

Turn value into 2<sup>value</sup>

What is the fastest way of turning some value (stored in register) into 2 to the power of that value in assembly language? I think that some bitwise operations can be used. For example:
Value: 8
Result: 256 (2<sup>8</sup>)
So, short answer: What you're looking for is a left shift.
in C and many other languages, your particular wish would be served by 1 << 8.
You could do it in x86 assembler with shl but there's really no sane reason to do so since pretty much any compiler you come across is going to compile the code into the native shift instruction.


I have a question about the EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW and EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO exceptions.
Windows will trap the #DE errors generated by the IDIV instruction and will end up generating and SEH exception with one of those 2 codes.
The question I have is how does it differentiate between the two conditions? The information about idiv in the Intel manual indicates that it will generate #DE in both the "divide by zero" and "underflow cases".
I took a quick look at the section on the #DE error in Volume 3 of the intel manual, and the best I could gather is that the OS must be decoding the DIV instruction, loading the divisor argument, and then comparing it to zero.
That seems a little crazy to me though. Why would the chip designers not use a flag of some sort to differentiate between the 2 causes of the error? I feel like I must be missing something.
Does anyone know for sure how the OS differentiates between the 2 different causes of failure?
Your assumptions appear to be correct. The only information available on #DE is CS and EIP, which gives the instruction. Since the two status codes are different, the OS must be decoding the instruction to determine which.
I'd also suggest that the chip makers don't really need two separate interrupts for this case, since anything divided by zero is infinity, which is too big to fit into your destination register.
As for "knowing for sure" how it differentiates, all of those who do know are probably not allowed to reveal it, either to prevent people exploiting it (not entirely sure how, but jumping into kernel mode is a good place to start looking to exploit) or making assumptions based on an implementation detail that may change without notice.
Edit: Having played with kd I can at least say that on the particular version of Windows XP (32-bit) I had access to (and the processor it was running on) the nt!Ki386CheckDivideByZeroTrap interrupt handler appears to decode the ModRM value of the instruction to determine whether to return STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO or STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW.
(Obviously this is original research, is not guaranteed by anyone anywhere, and also happens to match the deductions that can be made based on Intel's manuals.)
Zooba's answer summarizes the Windows parses the instruction to find out what to raise.
But you cannot rely on that the routine correctly chooses the code.
I observed the following on 64 bit Windows 7 with 64 bit DIV instructions:
If the operand (divisor) is a memory operand it always raises EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO, regardless of the argument value.
If the operand is a register and the lower dword is zero it raises EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO regardless if the upper half isn't zero.
Took me a day to find this out... Hope this helps.

Why differ(!=,<>) is faster than equal(=,==)?

I've seen comments on SO saying "<> is faster than =" or "!= faster than ==" in an if() statement.
I'd like to know why is that so. Could you show an example in asm?
Thanks! :)
Here is what he did.
function Check(var MemoryData:Array of byte;MemorySignature:Array of byte;Position:integer):boolean;
var i:byte;
Result := True; //moved at top. Your function always returned 'True'. This is what you wanted?
for i := 0 to Length(MemorySignature) - 1 do //are you sure??? Perhaps you want High(MemorySignature) here...
{!} if MemorySignature[i] <> $FF then //speedup - '<>' evaluates faster than '='
Result:=memorydata[i + position] <> MemorySignature[i]; //speedup.
if not Result then
Break; //added this! - speedup. We already know the result. So, no need to scan till end.
I'd claim that this is flat out wrong except perhaps in very special circumstances. Compilers can refactor one into the other effortlessly (by just switching the if and else cases).
It could have something to do with branch prediction on the CPU. Static branch prediction would predict that a branch simply wouldn't be taken and fetch the next instruction. However, hardly anybody uses that anymore. Other than that, I'd say it's bull because the comparisons should be identical.
I think there's some confusion in your previous question about what the algorithm was that you were trying to implement, and therefore in what the claimed "speedup" purports to do.
Here's some disassembly from Delphi 2007. optimization on. (Note, optimization off changed the code a little, but not in a relevant way.
Unit70.pas.31: for I := 0 to 100 do
004552B5 33C0 xor eax,eax
Unit70.pas.33: if i = j then
004552B7 3B02 cmp eax,[edx]
004552B9 7506 jnz $004552c1
Unit70.pas.34: k := k+1;
004552BB FF05D0DC4500 inc dword ptr [$0045dcd0]
Unit70.pas.35: if i <> j then
004552C1 3B02 cmp eax,[edx]
004552C3 7406 jz $004552cb
Unit70.pas.36: l := l + 1;
004552C5 FF05D4DC4500 inc dword ptr [$0045dcd4]
Unit70.pas.37: end;
004552CB 40 inc eax
Unit70.pas.31: for I := 0 to 100 do
004552CC 83F865 cmp eax,$65
004552CF 75E6 jnz $004552b7
Unit70.pas.38: end;
004552D1 C3 ret
As you can see, the only difference between the two cases is a jz vs. a jnz instruction. These WILL run at the same speed. what's likely to affect things much more is how often the branch is taken, and if the entire loop fits into cache.
For .Net languages
If you look at the IL from the string.op_Equality and string.op_Inequality methods, you will see that both internall call string.Equals.
But the op_Inequality inverts the result. This is two IL-statements more.
I would say they the performance is the same, with maybe a small (very small, very very small) better performance for the == statement. But I believe that the optimizer & JIT compiler will remove this.
Spontaneous though; most other things in your code will affect performance more than the choice between == and != (or = and <> depending on language).
When I ran a test in C# over 1000000 iterations of comparing strings (containing the alphabet, a-z, with the last two letters reversed in one of them), the difference was between 0 an 1 milliseconds.
It has been said before: write code for readability; change into more performant code when it has been established that it will make a difference.
Edit: repeated the same test with byte arrays; same thing; the performance difference is neglectible.
It could also be a result of misinterpretation of an experiment.
Most compilers/optimizers assume a branch is taken by default. If you invert the operator and the if-then-else order, and the branch that is now taken is the ELSE clause, that might cause an additional speed effect in highly calculating code (*)
(*) obviously you need to do a lot of operations for that. But it can matter for the tightest loops in e.g. codecs or image analysis/machine vision where you have 50MByte/s of data to trawl through.
.... and then I even only stoop to this level for the really heavily reusable code. For ordinary business code it is not worth it.
I'd claim this was flat out wrong full stop. The test for equality is always the same as the test for inequality. With string (or complex structure testing), you're always going to break at exactly the same point. Until that break point is reached, then the answer for equality is unknown.
I strongly doubt there is any speed difference. For integral types for example you are getting a CMP instruction and either JZ (Jump if zero) or JNZ (Jump if not zero), depending on whether you used = or ≠. There is no speed difference here and I'd expect that to hold true at higher levels too.
If you can provide a small example that clearly shows a difference, then I'm sure the Stack Overflow community could explain why. However, I think you might have difficulty constructing a clear example. I don't think there will be any performance difference noticeable at any reasonable scale.
Well it could be or it couldn't be, that is the question :-)
The thing is this is highly depending on the programming language you are using.
Since all your statements will eventually end up as instructions to the CPU, the one that uses the least amount of instruction to achieve the result will be the fastest.
For example if you say bits x is equal to bits y, you could use the instruction that does an XOR using both bits as an input, if the result is anything but 0 it is not the same. So how would you know that the result is anything but 0? By using the instruction that returns true if you say input a is bigger than 0.
So this is already 2 instructions you use to do it, but since most CPU's have an instruction that does compare in a single cycle it is a bad example.
The point I am making is still the same, you can't make this generally statements without providing the programming language and the CPU architecture.
This list (assuming it's on x86) of ASM instructions might help:
Jump if greater
Jump on equality
Comparison between two registers
(Disclaimer, I have nothing more than very basic experience with writing assembler so I could be off the mark)
However it obviously depends purely on what assembly instructions the Delphi compiler is producing. Without seeing that output then it's guesswork. I'm going to keep my Donald Knuth quote in as caring about this kind of thing for all but a niche set of applications (games, mobile devices, high performance server apps, safety critical software, missile launchers etc.) is the thing you worry about last in my view.
"We should forget about small
efficiencies, say about 97% of the
time: premature optimization is the
root of all evil."
If you're writing one of those or similar then obviously you do care, but you didn't specify it.
Just guessing, but given you want to preserve the logic, you cannot just replace
if A = B then
if A <> B then
To conserve the logic, the original code must have been something like
if not (A = B) then
if A <> B then
and that may truely be a little bit slower than the test on inequality.
