Couldn't register "Application" with the bootstrap server [duplicate] - debugging

I keep getting this error when launching my app on the iOS Simulator:
Couldn't register com.mycompany.MyApp with the bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code.
This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger.
I've read other reports of this error and it seems there is no obvious fix for it (restarting the iOS Simulator, restarting Xcode etc..)
At this point here's a list of things I've tried:
Restarting the Simulator
Restarting Xcode
Rebooting my machine
Deleting my app's Derived Data, and Cleaning
Deleting the iOS Simulator App Support directory
Reverting to a 2 weeks old version of the app (which was working 2 weeks ago)
Deleting the application in the Simulator (by clicking-holding on it and hitting the X button)
Upgrading Xcode form 4.1 to 4.2, and running the app both in iOS Simulator 4.3 and 5.0
Nothing worked, I still get the same bootstrap error.. Any (and at this point I really do mean ANY) suggestion would be appreciated.
Edit: Just wanted to add that the app runs fine on a device. I only get this error on the simulator...

As the GDB said:
This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger
So find out it and kill it. ;)
I restarted the mac, and it run successfully.
Tip: Well, this may be not work sometimes, so I strongly suggest that you press cmd+. to make sure that you do have stopped the simulator (or device). I find that in most cases the simulator (or device) will not stop exactly when it crashes. I rarely met this issue again with pressing the cmd+. every time it crashes or even just normal exit. Hope this will be helpful. :)

I just closed my xcode & restart my device(ipad2) and it works for me :)
You can try this :: Couldn't register with the bootstrap Server

Another solution, go to clear the memory of the iphone simulator
Simulator > recovery content and setting
then run the program again.

i just change the identifier and the app can work again.

I had to change my bundle identifier finally
No matter you reboot all devices and cleanup all , it gets stuck hard in the debugger..
don't know how to clear it..

As I experienced, device (or simulator) restart does solve the issue,
BUT it would be better not to couse it.
Also my experience is that:
You can find the place of crash by cousing it. In such time developers usually press "STOP the running scheme" this could cause zombie process stuck in device.
if you press "COUNTINUE program execution", debugger will terminate the process, it will not become a zombie.

I had this error too and I noticed that it works for me if you close the simulator and stop the program and then change your company name.
I don't know why but it works for me.

I opened Activity Monitor and searched for my app name, and found another instance of it listed. I used Activity Monitor to quit that instance, and the problem went away for me.


Xcode 8.0 Simulator broken

Something has gone wrong with my Xcode install... I was running my app and seeing odd behaviour within the app itself, for starters I wasn't able to run the build in the simulator.. it'd install and never launch, eventually putting up a dialogue box about being unable to bless the connection to the simulator. I'd had this problem a few days before but it eventually went away, googling just revealed people having issues with the beta builds or beta MacOSX.
Eventually today I rebooted my Mac and having done so, launching Xcode gave me some other error about the simulator, which I didn't properly take notice of. Since then my project no longer lists any simulators to deploy with, if i try to add new simulators the button to add the simulator does nothing and I have to cancel the dialogue box. If I try and run the simulator or watch simulator directly it just beach balls indefinitely and i have to force kill it.
I've created a new user account and within that made a new Xcode project, which also has no simulators.
I've got a zipped backup of my Xcode from before this problem occurred which I've extracted and swapped in place and it makes no difference.
I guess I could do with redownloading the app off the AppStore in hope that the installer would do something to fix this problem.
Anyone got any thoughts on other things I can try?!
What is most likely to be the case is that your XCode installation is corrupt. The best thing to do is to delete Xcode entirely and also these directories and files:
Then reboot your system and reinstall Xcode. Hopefully that should have cleared out the issue.

Xcode Project won't run on iOS Device

Xcode gives me this message every-time I try running my app on my iPhone. (Works fine on the simulator.) (And this occurs in every project I have.) (I also just downloaded Xcode again.)
This is the message I get.
App Installation Failed.
Unknown Error Occurred.
How do I fix this error?
Unplugging iOS Device and plugging it back it in fixed it for me.
Alright, it was a simple fix:
Go into Xcode Preferences -> Accounts -> More Info. Hit the refresh icon.
Clean your project. Project -> Clean.
Force quit Xcode.
Reboot Mac and Device.
If you have the same App but downloaded from AppStore, I suggest to remove the App manually from your device, then try to run the new version with XCode.
After following the suggestions in this thread (restarting iPhone, cleaning Xcode project, quitting and re-launching Xcode) and others (setting Team to None then back to my Team) and unplugging and replugging Lightning connector from my iPhone 6 I was still experiencing this problem. Xcode would even display an error that my iPhone 6 was locked, even though it was not.
I was able to fix it by unplugging the USB-A connector of the USB to Lightning cable from my MacBook Pro, then plugging it back in. I'm not sure why that made the difference, but glad that it did resolve this annoying problem.
I have this issue regularly. There are a number of techniques that help me overcome it, including the classic "turn it off and back on again."
One thing that isn't mentioned here is that the iPhone should be switched on, unlocked, connected to the mac and then the app should be run (with the iPhone unlocked). Don't lock it!
Make sure your device name doesn't have any emoji (Xcode 11.0)
if you using vpn services, then you need to turn off vpn. Works for me

XcodeServer only one simulated device may be used at a time error

I setup a bot to build the project then test on all the simulators. This has been working, but today the integration had 28 errors. Each said the same thing (but for each simulator device name):
Xcode cannot launch apps on the simulated device “Resizable iPad”, as
it is currently running an app on “iPhone 5s”. Only one simulated
device may be used at a time...
After manually running the bot I received no warnings. What could cause this? (I enjoy the success streak)
I only had one project running and had the same issue. Control Quit out of xcode and start it back up.
I had this same problem. I had multiple projects open and a different one still had
'Running appName on deviceName' displayed
Currently open projects can be accessed from the Window section on the toolbar on top. Pressing the Stop button (or the command from the Product Menu) on any projects that were still 'running' freed that particular device for other projects.
Alternatively, Rebooting Xcode works as it closes all projects.
I encountered the same error today with the simulator.
The only way i've find is to reboot Xcode. After that the error disappeared and the application launch corectely in the simulator.
I don't know how the error has been originally produce, but Xcode is not a reliability model, so...

locationManager didFailWithError null phonegap simulator

I am having following problem with the location service with IOS on the simulator:
using phonegap 2.2.0 with xcode 4.5.2,
Cordova.plist EnableLocation = YES
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(myPositionSuccess, myPositionError, {maximumAge: 300000, timeout:10000, enableHighAccuracy : true});
myPositionSuccess is never called, with following error at navigator.geolocation
locationManager::didFailWithError (null)
I just tried it on the simulator. Any Idea?
Exit the simulator & run your app again. Worked for me.
I was having the same error with XCode Version 4.3.2 & cordova/phonegap 2.1.0
The simulator was unable to get my location even when I ran Google Maps in Safari. That led me to the conclusion that it was more than just my project that was at fault.
I am still unable to figure out exactly why restarting the simulator worked, but there is one possible reason.
I usually shut down my Mac without quitting most of my running apps & the "Reopen windows when logging back in" option checked. The simulator, however, is one of the apps i definitely quit. But the last time I shut down, I did not quit it. So, like I said, possible reason.
Hope this helps you.
Another thing may be to check the location setting in your simulator, I believe the default setting is none which means the geolocation will not find anything. If you are running your simulator, go to Debug > Location > City Run or some other choice and then try to use the geolocation function again it should work fine.
I know this is a bit old but I was looking for an answer on this when I remembered the location setting so I figured I would post here for future reference in case anyone needs it.

Xcode 4 Error: Error Starting Executable

I ran into problem with testing my app on iOS and Xcode when I am uploading it to my actual devices (iphone and iPad), and I'm wondering if someone knows the issue and can help me out:
Normally when I build my app on my devices, the app is installed and launched on my devices. But as I am preparing for submitting my first app I was testing around and changing the Bundle Identifier, App ID, and Development Provisions (so the issue may have something to do with it), and now, when I try to build my app on my devices, although it's installed on my devices fine, Xcode will not launch the app anymore. Instead, I got this error message:
Error Starting Executable.
Error launching remote program: No such file
or directory.
Does anyone know what the issue is? And What is this derived data folder about?
Much thanks!
I have also faced that problem. I have closed, restarted Xcode; deleted the application from device and reinstalled it again, then the problem has gone.
Running App from a Clean Slate
For me the problem did not resolve until I did the following in this order:
Delete the app from the device (Do this before trying to debug again)
Quit XCode (Don't just close the project)
Delete the app build folder (example path: /Users/myusername/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyProject-fhkaamuyvqhubaezinqbmxbnaufd/)
Restart XCode
Finally -- Try debugging again on the iOS device
The app build folder of step 3 refers to your app's build folder that is a child of "DerivedData". To find this you can reveal your app in finder, then backtrack until you get to "DerivedData" folder and delete the folder above that like "MyApp-crazylongweirdletters". Without this step (3), I could not debug, so this is a critical step and you must quit XCode before you do this step.
For some it appears simply restarting XCode does the trick, but not for me.
I only post this answer because the earlier answers did NOT work for me. Hopefully others banging their heads will find this and get a sigh of relief. :)
The issue started happening for me when I modified the bundle id of the app.
My code signing is and was correct. My provisioning profile was the "Team Provisioning Profile" which should work for any app id (default for "iPhone Developer" automatic profile selector).
I was doing a DEBUG build (not release / distribution).
You cant debug (start from Xcode) an application signed with a distribution profile if I remember well... And then you get such messages, gdb failling to attach to process.
I finally found my error!
I was playing around with my info.plist file, and I changed the Executable Name and Bundle and Bundle Display name! As soon as I changed those back to the Defaults (EXECUTABLE_NAME, PRODUCT_NAME, PRODUCT_NAME respectively) it worked perfectly.
Delete the app from the device (tap-and-hold then delete) and try again.
For me, none of those worked. Same error, but different solution.
My problem was cause by me accidently changing the "Deployment Target" (ios version) to a version higher than what was on the phone I tried to run the code on.
The fix was simple - drop the deployment target to below or equal to the ios software version on my phone :)
I got the same error by not having my code signing correct.
Go to your project > Targets > Build Settings > Check code signing for debug state.
I stumbled upon this as a solution to another issue whch was a warning when trying to build an app on a new 4.3.5 device.
If i set the profile to distribution I do not get a warning message when building the app, but the debugger will attach to the device.
If i set the code signing to the distribution profile, i get no warnings in the build process, but the debugger will not attach. So the answer above about being signing based seems to be correct. This might also only be an issue on newer 4.3.5 devices with xcode
Product -> Clean in the menubar
This error some times happen due to incomplete "Restore" or "Sync" process of your device which keeps the .app files locked up.
What I did I had to jailbreak my device to go find the app under /User/Applications/XXXXX-XXXX-XXX/ and phisically delete the .app
For one of the apps it worked and for other one I realized it just does not run GDB automatically so the error message is totally misleading, so I set the GDB to manual and it worked and did not give me that error, but of course I have to run the app manually for the debug session to start.
It also may have required some other stuff that I did before like checking the provision profile, but this was the last step that made it work.
Before this I tried all the solutions did not work for me, and obviously simply deleting the app by holding down your finger on the screen did not work, as it removed the icon but all the files were still there. ( Since it was a development app not a downloaded App Store app )
had same problem,
quit the XCode...delete app from the program again..
i solved that of my friends had to restart the device.
I have the same problem. I solved it by changing the project's directory name and then launching the app again.
I had this problem on a recently restored device where my in-development apps had not been reinstalled—they were showing up on Springboard as "Waiting" to be downloaded from the App Store. Deleting the app from Springboard fixed the problem.
I've faced this issue since yesterday on two different devices, both iOS 4.x. Deleting the DerivedData folder, deleting the app, restarting the Xcode, and cleaning the code did NOT work. Repeating all the steps, in addition to rebooting the device fixed it for me.
Here I am posting an update to the issue. Might be helpful for someone with the same problem. I have Xcode 4.4 and launched it on a device with iOS 5.0 . If Xcode doesnt have the 5.0 simulators
