Header Manager and Recording Controller - jmeter

In my test scripts, I use a header manager that is shared at a thread group level, and then each sampler has it's own header as well for things that change (referrer, certain pragmas and cache-control) from request to request. I do this for ease of control e.g. so I can easily change the user agent for all requests.
I use the proxy and a recording controller to make the majority of my scripts, and I have set a header manager as a child of the recording controller - I have also tested this by setting a header manager inside the proxy element, but neither of these work as I want.
What it is doing is adding in a full set of headers from the browser, and not just those missing or different than what I have specified in the header manager.
Am I missing something, or is there even a way to do what I am trying to do?
I am using jmeter 2.6.

As others have pointed out, this doesn't happen yet in Jmeter. I am using 2.7 and see the same behavior.
I believe the original intent of the HTTP Request Defaults and HTTP Header Manager was to ease the task of developers creating scripts by hand. With the increased usage of the HTTP Proxy Controller, the application of the the above two elements needs to be extended to the Proxy Controller as well for recording.


Old header saved on HTTP Header Manager being used instead of updated one

I have saved the HTTP Header Manager information for an endpoint as below:
However, when i execute this test plan i see in the test results tree view, many of the hits fail. I figure from the response headers i see there that it is using the header value i had put in earlier.
Why are these history values being used? How do i get rid of it.
Check the request start time, it might be the case you're looking at "old" results and you need to scroll down to see "new" results. Alternatively you can invoke Clear all menu entry which will remove all the previous results, logs, etc.
Running tests in GUI mode should only be used for development and debugging, for your 100 threads you should switch to command-line non-GUI mode
Also when you're done with designing your test consider removing all the listeners as they don't add any value and just consume valuable resources. More information: Reducing resource requirements
I assume you have a Header Manager for the specific http request (HTTP Sampler). You need to override the values in the individual HTTP Sampler's Header Manager. JMeter follows hierarchy where you can override values at node level.

Can JMeter do automation testing like Selenium can do?

i am still new to JMeter and i was assigned to a work that I will need to use JMeter to perform automation testing. The idea is to write script using JMeter and run the script to fill in the forms in the website. I was curious that can JMeter use different data from the database to fill in the form of the website everytime it execute?(unique data for every user)
I have followed this tutorial (https://www.blazemeter.com/blog/fill-forms-and-submit-with-jmeter-made-easy/ ) and it succeed, however, when i try to change the parameter name (to some other names that do not matches the field name found in the inpect mode), it still works. So i was wondering how JMeter knows where to put in the parameter even i have change to a wrong field name?
As per JMeter Project main page:
JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it render the HTML pages as a browser does (it's possible to view the response as HTML etc., but the timings are not included in any samples, and only one sample in one thread is ever displayed at a time).
Browsers don't do any magic, they execute HTTP Requests, wait for response and render it. JMeter in its turn can execute the same HTTP requests so traffic would be the same, however it will not render the response, but rather measure the time and collect some more metrics.
If you change the names of the inputs in the form most probably the request will be successful, to wit you will get HTTP Status Code below 400 hence JMeter will mark the result as "green", however if you inspect the response using View Results Tree listener you will see that the form is not filled and/or you still at the same page.
If you want to use JMeter for checking the data returned by the application you're testing consider using JMeter Assertions to test presence of expected values, absence of errors, set response time thresholds, etc.
You can automate the form submission or order placement usin JMeter. You can JMeter for API testing as well by adding assertions. But the main purpose of the JMeter is to test the performance of the application. Its not like selenium which performs actions on the browser whereas JMeter sends the request in various protocols to relevant server and can also simulate many users at the same time.
If you want to do extensive automation testing,JMeter isnt the ideal tool for that.
You can use webdriver sampler to run the selenium with jmeter. It requires to configure sampler and browser config which are plugin and can be downloaded using plugin manager.
For more info:-https://www.blazemeter.com/blog/jmeter-webdriver-sampler/
Now, without the plugin it is working on protocol level and not on the frontend as pointed out in the above comments.
So, yes it can depend on which layer you want to work. It can work on frontend like selenium using the webdriver plugin and can submit the form with different data as a direct request to the server without using the frontend/GUI.
Hope this helps.
It depends on what you are trying to automate. If you plan to automate API invocation where there are some pre-requisites like grabbing tokens, cookies, session IDs from the browser, then JMeter can probably be used where existing JMeter capabilities can be leveraged using BeanShell scripting and other plugins.
But if you plan to have a full blown UI automation framework then JMeter might not be an ideal choice.

Manipulate post body of httpsampler before request

I'm testing an Eclipse-RAP application with JMeter.
In RAP the client (javascript-framework in the browser) communicates with the server over a json-based protocol.
A message looks like this:
{"head":{"requestCounter":3,"uiSessionId":"832834"},"operations":[["set","w1",{"bounds": [0,0,1680,893],"cursorLocation":[1262,-1]}]]}
As you see there is a session-ID stored in uiSessionId. I extracted this id using a "Regular Expression Extractor" and stored it in a variable namedUI_SESSION_ID`.
Then i edited the raw "Post Body" of the recorded HTTP-Request:
{"head":{"requestCounter":3,"uiSessionId":"${UI_SESSION_ID}"},"operations":[["set","w1",{"bounds": [0,0,1680,893],"cursorLocation":[1262,-1]}]]}
and it works.
But i have to alter each Post-Body of each HTTP-Request which can be a lot.
After some research i thought using a "BeanShell PreProcessor" would be the right thing, but:
var sampler = ctx.getCurrentSampler();
would give me a HTTPSampler and i did not find any method which allows me to retrieve the post-body, replace the session-id with the variable and set the altered post-body.
JavaDoc: http://jmeter.apache.org/api/org/apache/jmeter/protocol/http/sampler/HTTPSampler.html
Do you know any way i can replace the uiSessionId with the variable without changing every request manually?
You don't have to. The uiSessionId header has been introduced in a milestone version in preparation for multiple browser-tab support in RAP, but it has been replaced by another mechanism that does not use this header parameter anymore.
As of RAP 2.1 RC1, the client now attaches a “connection id” to every POST request in a URL parameter cid. This parameter does not affect load tests, and you don't have to remove it from your recording. Since every jmeter thread gets its own HttpSession, it's not a problem that all threads have the same cid.
One reason for this change was the ability to load test RAP applications without the kind of problems that you've been struggling with.

JMeter Embedded Resource Download property

Is it possible to set a global property to automatically retrieve all embedded resources from html files in JMeter. I know we can check/uncheck this in a Http Request in a plan, and in Http Request Defaults, but is there a similar option in a .properties file.
Also, if I do check the option on a Http Request Defaults element, how do I disable it for a individual Http Request in the plan?
It is not yet possible as of 2.8, there is an enhancement request for this:
Regarding the second question, the answer is here:
See note:
Note: radio buttons only have two states - on or off. This makes it impossible to
override settings consistently - does off mean off, or does it mean use the current
default? JMeter uses the latter (otherwise defaults would not work at all). So if
the button is off, then a later element can set it on, but if the button is on, a
later element cannot set it off.
You can add a BSF PreProcessor to the HTTP Sampler that override the default configuration, by setting as, as javascript language, the script code:
Where LOAD_ALL_PAGE_RESOURCES is a User Defined Variables
If you set this BSF PreProcessor into a Thread Group it is valid for all the Http Sampler defined in it.
As described at this link:

jmeter regarding performance and load testing

Let me describe the issue which i have been facing.
i want to do performance and load testing on our internal website. which has login and other functionalities.
the issue i am facing that when i hit 12 or any number of request using http sampler then i am getting same response from all the 12 request. But actual scenario is that webpage displays different data for different page.
I checked using firebug and everything is working fine over there using correct response from request but when i use jmeter i am using same response from every request.
Please let me know if anybody had faced same kind of issue of is there anything i am doing wrong in configuring script.
Try to add HTTP Cookie Manager to your test-plan to the root (Test Plan) node or to the Thread Group node.
As per jmeter documentation:
The last element is a HTTP Cookie Manager. A Cookie Manager should be
added to all web tests - otherwise JMeter will ignore cookies. By
adding it at the Thread Group level, we ensure that all HTTP requests
will share the same cookies.
Ensure that parameters values that are dynamic are not hard-coded (after recording jmeter scripts, for example): no hard-coded JSessionID values in your HTTP requests, e.g..
Ensure you don't miss any necessary params in your HTTP requests.
JMeter does not process Javascript or applets embedded in HTML pages.
Your problem may be caused by this feature.
As per jmeter documentation:
JMeter does not process Javascript or applets embedded in HTML pages.
JMeter can download the relevant resources (some embedded resources
are downloaded automatically if the correct options are set), but it
does not process the HTML and execute any Javascript functions.
If the page uses Javascript to build up a URL or submit a form, you
can use the Proxy Recording facility to create the necessary sampler.
If this is not possible, then manual inspection of the code may be
needed to determine what the Javascript is doing.
I would also recommend your to look first into Jmeter reference before further scripting activities - this may prevent from some faults and frustration.
At least these:
Building a Test Plan
Elements of a Test Plan
Building a Web Test Plan
Building an Advanced Web Test Plan
Hope this helps.
I would suggest - Use Jmeter's Regular Expressions. You may be able to resolve this issue with RegEx. Post using regex, use 'View Results Tree' listener to check if you are getting apt response for each of your threads.
You can also analyze your results using Blazemeter's listener that gives you more insights into your test.
